Диссертация (Использование технологий корпусной лингвистики для развития лексических навыков студентов-регионоведов в профессионально-ориентированном общении на английском языке), страница 48

PDF-файл Диссертация (Использование технологий корпусной лингвистики для развития лексических навыков студентов-регионоведов в профессионально-ориентированном общении на английском языке), страница 48 Педагогика (29995): Диссертация - Аспирантура и докторантураДиссертация (Использование технологий корпусной лингвистики для развития лексических навыков студентов-регионоведов в профессионально-ориентированном 2019-03-13СтудИзба

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Montreal’s 1976 Olympics leftthe city with $2.7 billion of debt that it finally paid off in 2005.A city looking for an economic boost, would be wise to not host the Olympics.The Barcelona Organizing Committee in 1992 broke even, but the public debtincurred rose to $6.1 billion. Similarly, the Atlanta Organizing Committee in 1996broke even, but the bottom line there is not encouraging. An econometric study using monthly data found that there was insignificant change in retail sales, hotel occupancy and airport traffic during the games. The only variable that increased washotel rates — and most of this money went to headquarters of chain hotels locatedin other cities.When Athens won the right to host the 2004 games in 1997, its budget was $1.6billion.

The final public cost is estimated to be around $16 billion — 10 times the276original budget! Meanwhile, most of the Athens’ Olympics facilities are reportedlyunderutilized. Maintenance costs on the facilities in 2005 came in around $124 million and, reportedly, there is little use of the two Olympic soccer stadiums.Vocabulary if a business makes a loss it spends more than it earns if a business makes a profit it earns more than it spends the level of business activity at which a company is making neither a profitnor a loss(the) break even point / level The firm should reach breakeven point after one year. The Barcelona Organizing Committee in 1992 broke even, but the publicdebt incurred rose to $6.1 billion.PREPARATIONS FOR THE SOCHI WINTER OLYMPICSPresident Vladimir Putin, angry at hitches in preparations for the Sochi WinterOlympics, has sacked a top official over a two-year delay in completing the ski jump.The Kremlin leader has spent much of the week checking progress on the 2014Olympic site, which is considered his pet project.

With exactly a year to go before theGames begin, the reinvention of the Black Sea summer resort has become Russia’sNo 1 priority.Sochi Olympics ‘far from a flop’Opinion:It is traditional for there to be prophecies that the Olympics will be flops — andit rarely turns out that way. Sir, I was not surprised to read Roger Boyes’s lugubriousprophecies that the Sochi Winter Olympics risk becoming “a flop” .

Indeed, we consider it a mark of honour that Sochi has become part of the pre-Olympic tradition ofdoom-mongering. No successful Olympics can be organised without it, apparently.Vancouver 2010 was going to be the Winter Olympics without snow. Beijing 2008was going to be clouded out by pollution. London 2012? Take your pick from rocketing costs, transport meltdown, security staffing chaos, to name but three. Yet all ofthese events became the pride of their nation.

According to government estimates277published at the weekend, the 2014 event will be the most expensive Olympics todate. At £32 billion, they will cost 25 times as much as the Vancouver Gamesin 2010.Write down the expressions that include the words in the column B.A.B.C.to be prophecies that(The) Olympicswill be flopsturns outpropheciesriskpre-Olympic traditionto be cloudedcostsmeltdownstaffingestimatestimesMatch columns to make expressions connected with IMPORTANCEFirst / topprecedence overBe at the top of theDay/discovery/thingBe urgentNeed concern considerationTakeImportanceOverridingMatter/ needthe most importantagendaParamountpriority278Fill in the gaps:32. This was possibly the most important scientific discovery of the 20th century.33.

Safety has always been our number one priority.34. The President promised to give priority to reducing unemployment.35. An international effort is required to cope with the urgent needs of the earthquake victims.36. This is a matter of great urgency.37. The government were reluctant to put equal pay for women anywhere nearthe top of the agenda.38. Don’t keep Mr Rawlings waiting, he takes precedence over any other client.39.

Once again, the leader’s wishes have taken precedence over the students’demands.40. The overriding need here is to end the civil war.41. Public safety and security are matters of paramount importance.Write an essay on the following topic Some people believe it is good for a country to host a major sports competition.

Others think it does more harm thangood. Discuss both points of view and give your opinion.Slot filling game to be (…)high/top on/of the (…)agenda_______be_______the_____agendaРаздаточный материал для 5 пар студентов составляется на основе корпусногоконкорданса.279ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 12Упражнение на сортировку с глаголом suggestSort the concordance lines according to a pattern a, b or c.Verb patterns divide sentences into 3 patternssuggest that smb should do smthsuggest that smb do (subjunctive)suggest that smb does letters protesting at his view about Sunday trading, as expressed in theHouse, suggest that the matter should be reconsidered by the Government,especially as the approach appears past 24 hours, will feel able in the light of his further explorations to sug-gest to the Security Council that a peace-keeping force should be sent.

TheForeign Ministers Can I suggest that we talk about the four thousand pound job as a sort ofpractice profile Yeah well he comes to work from nine till five I suggest you turn the tape re-corder off. and that’s it. and I’m gon na suggest that you take that along with you and you say, look,this is if that’s the case then can I suggest that we define within our quality systems,that project engineers will be M S rom happy with the plan print room and suggest that the businesses ought tobe concerned about the way that their records are stored o at Swindon to see how it’s done.

Well. I would suggest that we use this as alead in to say, Isn’t it time “We hope”, “We will advise”, or “We will suggest” that private operatorsshould take account of consumer interest. The Scottish Consumer Council that his failure to do so brings his integrity into severe question? May I sug-gest that he apologises in a broadcast from No. 10 Downing street, which Iunderstand it might be a good thing if there were a public inquiry. I humbly suggest thatthe two counties should get together. If they can not agree, thereStudy examples.

Think of a possible rule for using the with nationalities?Examples:280 bate nothing of our just demands; not one jot or title do we recede. Czechs,Poles, Norwegians, Dutch, Belgians have joined their causes to our own. Allthese shall be restored. What General The traditional art and culture of the Dutch encompasses various formsof traditional music, dances, architectural styles and clothing, some of which areglobally recognizable or incursions against Russia (the Mongol- Tartars, the Poles and Swedes, theFrench in 1812 and Germans in 1941) have overshadowed Russia’s own territorial expansion.

Today it is not unusual even greater: since many immigrants have been naturalized and are now sta-tistically counted as Germans, around 40 percent of the population has a migration background per year by falling birth rates and rising death rates and the out-migration ofJews and ethnic Germans to the West was compensated by large-scale immigrations of ethnic Russians and other p surprised by the UK, which has stood for so long on the sidelines of the Eu-ropean project. Many Germans are outraged by British Prime Minister David Cameron’s move. Alexander Graf Lambsdorff that the employment does not result in adverse consequences for the labormarket and that Germans and equally entitled EU citizens are not availablefor the type of employment concerne and Japanese usually tried to put this politely, although their meaning wasclear enough; the Germans, Swedes and Swiss were more blunt.

But some ofthe contradictions seemed inherently The + nationalityWe can use the with nationalities that end in -ch -shthe English the Frenc, which are plural in meaningwe cannot say a French, an Englishwe have to say a Frenchman an EnglishwomanWe can use the + nationality that ends in -ese : the Chinese / the Sudanese.These words can also be singular: a Chinese, a Japanese. With other nationalities, the plural noun ends in –s: a Russian — Russians.We do not normally use the to talk about the people in general: Russian peopledrink a lot of vodka. (Russian people in general). The Russian people I knowdon’t drink a lot of vodka.281ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 13Конкордансы БНК на кластеры something of a и mixed blessingSOMETHING OF AW_newsp_other_socialadvert . And since thecelebrity in fishing circles,commercial appeared, something of abeing asked to presentNorman has becomeS_brdcast_discussn, Bill .

I think that thischallenge to us . It ‘s asomething of aparticular man is ermsymbolic embarrassment toW_fict_prosefrom as far back as I canremember . I wassomething of achild prodigy . I gave myfirst concert at theW_commercecommonplace .forms a recurrent theme inthe literature, and has something of a Comparative industrialbecomerelations is not an ‘W_biographyof the weirdest graveyardshe had seen -- and he wassomething of aconnoisseur . The graveshad to be searched for inW_biographywin, even though I was aGerman, which wassomething of acontradiction . A cousin ofmy granny ‘s lived onlyMIXED BLESSINGto give themselves a boost !as far as living things are conmixed blessingUltraviolet light is acerned . For the most partbecause of pupils switching beprovision for further educationmixed blessing.

Whilst this may be atween schools, and differentby those who like to use the updatupdating of the microfilm sysmixed blessingtem is considered aing process to familiariseskylarks Rotational set-asidefor birds such as skylarks, lapwingsmixed blessingpolicies have proved aand partridges that nest inintegrated, although thisfor his clients .

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