Диссертация 2 (Методика внутривузовского контроля сформированности межкультурных Методика внутривузовского контроля сформированности межкультурных), страница 11

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Would anyone like to ask any questions?C) I’d be really interested in hearing your questions and comments.D) Thank you for listening. If you have any questions I’d be happy to answerthem.•What information would you mention while introducing yourself beforegiving an academic presentation?67A) Your nameB) Your name and surnameC) Your name and surname, scholarly position and departmentD) Your name and surname, age, place of living, scholarly position anddepartment.•Have a look at the following components of the academic presentationstructure, which were singled out according to the international requirements ofNTELT.

Put them in the correct order, filling in the table below.A) DiscussionB) Implications and suggestions for future researchC) The Literature ReviewD) The FindingsE) The Study (Methodology)2. Work in pairs. Each pair needs to watch one of four educational videosthat contain some information about several strategies for effective academicpresentation preparation and its delivery using the following links:https://www.adelaide.edu.au/english-for-uni/oral-presentation/https://www.academic-englishuk.com/presentationshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-WD4X4IKEshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyE1Kz0e--0As you watch these videos, try to discuss the answers to the followingquestions in pairs:ØWhat aspects of effective academic presentation preparation and deliverydo the authors of these videos concentrate on?ØDo you find the information from these videos really useful and importantfor you as a future academic presenter of your research results in internationalsettings? Prove your point, please.68ØDo you agree with everything what is reflected in these videos? Note downwhat you agree and disagree with and why?ØIs it possible to consider the information provided in these 4 videosreliable? Share your thoughts with other pairs.3.

Have a look at the following diagram suggested below and try to answerthe following questions:ØWhat is the main idea behind this diagram?ØWhat of the mentioned aspects is the most important in Russian culture?What about English-speaking, European and Western countries?Kuleshov's diagramBody language 55%How to say - 38%What to say - 7%4. Read the passage below taken from the handbook “Succeeding with yourMaster’s Dissertation” by John Biggam.

As you read it try to summarize theinformation about common mistakes that can be made while giving an academicpresentation and some ways to avoid them in the form of a table or a chart.Presenting your work: common mistakesWe will now go through the common mistakes made by students who have to stand up andtalk about their dissertation, including advice on how to avoid these mistakes. Student unfamiliaritywith presentation equipment, resulting in embarrassing fumbling and awkward silences, is anelementary mishap that is avoidable. If you are using a traditional projector, with overheadtransparencies, then try them out beforehand, so that you know how to do the simple things liketurn on the projector, position the slides properly, and manipulate the size of the image on thewall/board. Similarly, floundering with a data projector, laptop or USB pen will not impress youraudience. Whatever equipment you are using to support your presentation, carry out a dry runbeforehand to ensure a confident, smooth start.

In other words, do not get caught fiddling while yourpresentation burns!The next type of mistake is a simple one. Students sometimes forget to introduce themselvesand thank their audience for attending. They assume that because the examiner, who may also betheir tutor, is attending, that there is no need to introduce themselves. It is a matter of politeness tointroduce yourself. An introduction also allows you to take control of proceedings: ‘Good morning.Thank you for coming. My name is John Brown, a postgraduate student on the MSc E-Business69programme, and the title of my dissertation is “E-security in the Digital Age”, which I will now presentto you, beginning with .

. .’Rushing the presentation is another problem. This tends to be the result of a lack ofconfidence in dwelling over your own work. Take your time. Try and breathe! Explain, in simpleterms, an identifiable section of your dissertation, then move on to the next meaningful section, andso on, each time setting out your work carefully and deliberately, explaining any issues. Eschew theother extreme, whereby you spend too much time discussing the early stages of your work and runout of time to present, for instance, your research findings. This is perceived as a lack of preparationon your part and will be penalized. Students new to presenting their work really ought to rehearsetheir ‘talk’ beforehand, just to make sure that they can stick to their allotted time. Experiencedspeakers, e.g.

your tutors, can estimate with reasonable accuracy the number of (PowerPoint) slidesthat they will need to meet a certain time-slot. Despite meticulous preparation, though, even thebest of talks can exceed the allocated time limit, but try and avoid over-stepping the mark to such anextent that your examiners ask you to wind up your talk.Unstructured presentations give a bad impression. This is easily solved. Have a slide, or two,devoted to what you consider to be the main stages of your work, with the first slide giving yourname and title of your dissertation and other identifying details as you see fit.

For example, if yourname was Pat Houston, a student at Barra University, and your dissertation was entitled ‘Barriers toe-Learning’ – created using PowerPoint – then your first slide could be as shown in Figure 9.1.Figure 9.1 Example introductory presentation slideYour next slide should outline the structure of your talk, so that your audience have an idea ofwhat to expect (Figure 9.2).Figure 9.2 Example presentation structureIn that way your presentation will have a clear, logical structure and will be easy to follow forboth you and your audience. The number of slides you use is personal choice, but try and refrainfrom slide overload.Typical of student presentations is the tendency to fill each slide with copious amounts oftext.

Once again, this tends to occur because of a lack of confidence: students panic that they mightnot remember what they want to say, and so err on the side of caution by cramming their slides withtext. This is a mistake, from two perspectives. In the first instance you will find yourself laboriouslyreading your slides, word for word – in which case you will be talking to the wall, not your audience.Second, a screen full of text is aesthetically unappealing.

Your audience will either be bored veryquickly or be forced to work hard and read the text in order to fathom your research.70The trick to avoid text overload, is to have simple headings, followed by a reasonable numberof bullet points. That way, your screen becomes uncluttered, focused and easy on the eye. Also,inserting diagrams and/or pictures is a good way to make your presentation more interesting,although do not be too clever with the technology, e.g.

spinning shapes and strange noises – that canbe irritating and hide what you are trying to say. Figure 9.3 illustrates a bad PowerPoint presentation,whereas Figure 9.4 shows the same information, but in a simpler, more appealing way, making use ofindented bullet points and minimal text, resulting in a clearer, accessible slide.Figure 9.3 Example of a cluttered slideFigure 9.4 Improved slideReading from your notes in your hand, verbatim, is equally depressing to witness. You loseeye contact with your audience and all they will see is the top of your head and hear an inaudiblemumble as you try and make head or tail of your own notes.

There is nothing wrong with havingnotes, but use them sparingly. What you can do is use Post-it notes, which can be stuck to the side ofyour transparencies, or if you are using a data projector and PowerPoint, create little reminders onthe slides, which you can keep hidden from the audience, but which you can see (PowerPoint has thisfacility).

That way you can face the audience and, if you are having difficulty recalling a point, thenyou can look down at your hidden reminder. For example, you can have notes that say ‘at this pointtalk about such-and-such a case study’ or have pertinent facts and figures written down. Also, try andavoid looking down all the time at your slides, whether they are on a traditional projector or appearon a data projector. It is much better to face your audience, and refer your audience to aspects ofyour slides as they appear on the screen on the wall. You should be alternating between looking atyour audience and looking at your presentation as it is reflected on a screen, talking to your audienceand indicating key points on the projected screen.

You should not be constantly staring down at acomputer screen/transparency or reading long passages from notes in your hand: it looks shabby and71is bad form. And avoid standing in front of the projector – it is a particularly stupid thing to do, yet itis easily done. All you are doing is blocking your carefully prepared slides from view.

Get in the habitof standing to the side of your projector.Be confident. Look upon the presentation as an opportunity to accumulate extra marks, andthe best way to do that is to prepare yourself, and to practice your presentation. An occasional jokegoes down well. It displays a certain level of confidence on your part, offers some light relief, andcreates a nice atmosphere. If you want to, you can power dress, thus adding to your professionaldemeanour and showing your audience that you are taking this presentation, and their presence,seriously.The following books provide useful information on presentational skills:Bradbury, A. (2006). Successful Presentational Skills, London: Kogan Page.Ehrenborg, J. (2004).

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