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Общеупотребительная бизнес-терминология в современном аутентичном англоязычном дискурсе, страница 4

PDF-файл Общеупотребительная бизнес-терминология в современном аутентичном англоязычном дискурсе, страница 4 Филология (31617): Диссертация - Аспирантура и докторантураОбщеупотребительная бизнес-терминология в современном аутентичном англоязычном дискурсе: Филология - PDF, страница 4 (31617) - СтудИзба2019-03-13СтудИзба

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development, ultimately, measure,approximately, increase, с одной стороны, и start, new, larger, to give, to see, many, с другойстороны),насыщенностьтекстаобщеупотребительнойбизнес-терминологией(industry,commodity, manufacture) и отраслевой лексикой (sulfuric acid, synthetic dyers, chemistry).4. PHARMACEUTICALSФармацевтика, или фармацевтическая промышленность, образует целый сектор врамках химической промышленности и занимается производством биологической имедицинскойпродукции,переработкойлечебногорастительногосырья,выпускоммедикаментов для наружного и внутреннего применения и т.д.The pharmaceutical industry in its modern form emerged at the turn of the 19th century, when mainlyGerman and Swiss chemical manufacturers began to gain an understanding of the medicinal properties ofsynthesized chemicals.A good example is the case of aspirin, “discovered” by Bayer of Germany in 1899.

At the time, Bayerwas principally a dye maker, but it had set up a pharmacological institute to examine the potential of usingchemicals as medicines. It had started with diacetylmorphine which, because it made recipients feel heroic,had been given the name heroin. Once the addictive qualities of that particular drug became manifest, Bayerturned its attention to acetylsalicylic acid, better known as aspirin.Acetylsalicylic acid is found naturally in myrtle leaves and willow bark, and its qualities had beenrecognized by the ancient Egyptians who used it for back pains. Bayer’s unique contribution to the moderndrug industry was to isolate the active ingredient and synthesize it.

Aspirin also became the first massmarketed drug and one of the first to be compressed into convenient doses – tablets.In the first half of the 20th century, the industry was dominated by Europeans, with companies suchas Schering of Germany and Hoffmann La Roche of Switzerland among the leaders. The shift to the UnitedStates, the industry’s current center of gravity, began partly as a result of World Wars I and II: aspirin wasexpropriated by the United States in the treaty of Versailles.

Merck, then a tiny U.S. subsidiary of adistinguished German pharmaceuticals manufacturer, was also ceded. Today, Merck of Germany is a bitplayer, while Merck of the United States, though no longer the biggest company in the sector, is a $200billion giant, still considered by many to be at the forefront of the industry.The shift to the United States and, to a lesser extent, the United Kingdom, has been accompanied bybig technological developments as pure chemistry has given ground to biology.

Largely as a result of thepioneering work in Cambridge, England, of Francis Crick and James Watson in discovering the helicalstructure of DNA, knowledge of biology exploded.The biotechnology industry, now an integral part of pharmaceutical research, was founded inCalifornia in the late 1960s. By 2001 it accounted for around a quarter of the pharmaceutical industry’sspending on basic research. In late 2001, Amgen, one of the oldest biotechnology companies, was planningto take over Immunex to create a group bigger than many traditional pharmaceutical companies.

Incorporate terms, this was seen by many as biotechnology’s coming of age. The prescription drugs industry in2001 is worth some $250 billion, and even more if hospital and generic drugs (those that have lost theirpatents) are counted. In spite of pressure to control government spending on healthcare, especiallypharmaceuticals, the industry has been one of the most profitable and best performing during severaldecades. The top 20 pharmaceutical companies, which mostly have operating margins above 30%, aspire toannual sales and profit growth of at least 10%.

Most achieve that comfortably. Pharmaceutical companieswere among the least affected by the 2001 stock market fallout precipitated by the bursting of the Internetbubble and compounded by the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States.13During the 20th century, the industry became the most regulated in the world, with the U.S. Food andDrug Administration (FDA) the principal arbiter in the delicate balancing of risk and reward. Regulators insiston increasingly comprehensive trials to prove a drug’s safety and efficacy, a process that normally lasts atleast five years.

Nine out of ten drugs entering clinical trials fail. It costs around $500 million to bring eachnew drug to market, including the costs of those that fell by the wayside. By 2001, the low number of newdrug approvals led to frustrated calls by the industry that the burden of regulation had become too heavy.Business: The Ultimate Resource, р. 1870.В приведенном отрывке сосуществуют слова общего языка (modern, when, to become,good, example, once, to turn, name, also, result и др.) и официально-деловая лексика (toexpropriate, to cede, to precipitate, to recognize, to aspire, efficacy), общеупотребительныебизнес-термины (industry, company, operating margins, risk, regulation) и отраслеваятерминология (synthesized chemicals, drugs, active ingredient, generic drugs).5.

INSURANCEСтрахование – сложнейшая третичная отрасль, которая предполагает покупку защитыот риска у страховой компании. Имеется в виду «система финансовой компенсации в случаенаступления определенных обстоятельств в обмен на регулярную уплату страховой компанииопределенных сумм (премий), из которых образуется компенсационный фонд, вкладываемыйв приносящие доход активы».5Risk is the business of insurance and reinsurance companies.

Not all risk is insurable: an insurablerisk must be measurable in financial terms and exist in large homogeneous groups. Moreover, the probabilityof loss must be calculable, the loss must be accidental and beyond the control of the insured, and thetransfer of a risk must be achievable at a reasonable rate for the individual. War risk, for instance, is a riskthat cannot be insured by private companies: either the rates for war insurance would be too high forpolicyholders, or the financial risk would be too great for the insurance company.Insurance has three broad categories: life insurance, property and casualty insurance, andreinsurance, which is insurance for the insurers. Many insurers operate in two or even all three areas, thoughthere are strong believers in “pure play”.

Swiss Re, for instance, only writes reinsurance policies. U.S.International Group writes all three types of insurance.The first “modern” insurance contracts were struck in the most perilous trades in the Middle Ages:the sea trade, mining, and carpentry. An early form of marine insurance was launched in Pisa in 1318. Marineinsurance became highly developed in the 15th century. It was known in Spain, Portugal, the Hanseatic cities,the Baltic countries, Holland, and England. In the 16th century the stock exchanges in Bruges, Antwerp, andAmsterdam even speculated with marine insurance.London established itself early as the center of world insurance market. Marine insurance companiesset up shop in London at the end of the 17th century, and the great fire of London in 1666 prompted theformation of fire insurance companies.Lloyd’s of London, the insurance market, had its beginning in a coffeehouse owned by Edward Lloyd,where underwriters, speculators, merchants, and ship owners congregated in the 1680s.

The term“underwriter” dates back to these days, as each risk-taker of the Lloyd’s group wrote his name on a piece of5Б.Г. Федоров. Новый англо-русский банковский и экономический словарь. – Санкт-Петербург: Лимбус Пресс,2000. – С. 368. «... в экономическом смысле страхование позволяет переносить риски с индивидуальныхкомпаний или людей на специализированные компании» (там же).14paper under the proportion of risk that he was prepared to guarantee. With the growth of Britain’s seapower, Lloyd’s became the world’s leading insurer for marine risk during the 18th and 19th centuries.In the past century domination of global insurance shifted to the United States, though it lost some ofits pre-eminent position from the 1970s. In the 1970 the United States still accounted for some 70% of totalglobal insurance premiums; today U.S.

insurers control about 35% of total premiums.London continues to be an important hub for insurers, and Lloyd’s exists to this day, although in amuch reduced form after near-bankruptcy in the 1990s. Lloyd’s was just about to recover in 2001 after somefundamental reforms when the terrorist attacks in September 2001 dealt the market another huge blow.Business: The Ultimate Resource, р. 1858.Нельзя не заметить, что эта разновидность вводного текста перегружена отраслевымитерминами и терминологическими сочетаниями. Причем слово общего языка risk (All outdooractivities carry an element of risk.

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