Диссертация (Использование технологий корпусной лингвистики для развития лексических навыков студентов-регионоведов в профессионально-ориентированном общении на английском языке), страница 52

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Match the verbs(nouns) in one column and the suffixes in another and thenuse them in sentences.definerelate-mentargue-tioncomprehend-shipresemble-ingconcept-ancenegotiate-iontransact50. The reason definitions matter in this way is because ‘international relations’: donot have any kind of essential existence in the real world of the sort that coulddefine an academic discipline.51. The latter is, of course, shaped by the former, but this is not simply a one-wayrelationship.52.

These conceptions obviously bear some family resemblances, but nevertheless,each has quite distinct features.53. Others see international relations as being aboutCROSS-BORDERtransactions ofall kinds, political, economic and social.54. IR is as likely to study trade negotiations or the operation of non-state institutions55. The arguments are often not easy to grasp, but the student who understands whatthe problem is here will have gone a long way towards comprehending how the309social sciences function and why IR theory is such a complex and difficult, butultimately rewarding, subject for study.B. Produce the corresponding verb.Verb noun1.exam2.disadvantage3.inequalities4.margin5.reliability6.influence (on)7.requirement8.presumption9.assumption10.allegianceC.

Fill in the gaps.fact *2 matter*3 TRUE CASE contrast virtuallyrelied expect doubt root idea featurelatter mean accept noted needless point make sense56. It is generally true of the social sciences that their subject-matter is notself-defining in the way that it is often the case in the natural sciences .57. There is a scientific consensus on the matter.58. In contrast, there are virtually no areas of the social sciences where thisuniversal consensus can be relied upon to define a field.59. This latter point illustrates a general feature of definitional problems in thesocial sciences- they are not politically innocent.31060. There are no politically neutral ways of describing ‘politics’ or ‘economics’— though this does not mean we cannot agree among ourselves to use aparticular definition for the sake of convenience.61.

First, we have to accept that if we can find a definition it will be a matterof convention62. It should be noted that this is not to endorse the poststructuralist positionthat there is ‘nothing beyond the text’; needless to say, there is indeed a realworld, with real people acting in it — the point is that which actions wetake to be the subject matter of International Relations is not somethingthat is self-evident, but rather requires a contribution from the analyst.63. Second, while it may make sense for us to start with the conventional,traditional definition of the subject, we should be aware that this definitionis sure to embody a particular account of the field..64.

Instead, what we can expect is a definition of the field which, while purporting to be objective — simply reflecting ‘the way things are’ — is actually going to be, perhaps unconsciously, partisan and contentious.65. There can be little doubt that the conventional definition of the field is thatgiven first in the opening paragraph of this chapter, namely that IR is thestudy of the relations of states.66. The term ‘interstate’ would be more accurate than “interternational’ were itnot for the fact that this is the term used in the United States to describe relations between, say, California and Arizona.67. The distinguishing feature of the state is sovereignty.68.

This is a difficult term, but at its root is the idea of legal autonomy.69. To put the matter differently, the conventional account of international relations stresses the fact that the relationship between statesis one of anarchy.D. Make up word partnerships.1. REFUGEE3.

DETERRENT2. RULE OUT4. GRAPHIC3115. IMPLICATION7. PRESUMPTIONS9. REPERCUSSIONS6. INTERVENTION8. HUMANITARIAN10. EVIDENCEE. Make up sentences with the words / expressions.sectarian war____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________vicious circle____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________on the verge of____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________humanitarian____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________humanity____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________take for granted____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________bear resemblance____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________F.

Fill in the gaps with the most likely word for a chunkresearch18) most issuepoliticalintegritytaxcontroversial31219) to make concessions20) territorial_________of the country21) widespread___________ evasion22) carry out___________ into what can trigger international conflictG. Translate the chunk into Russian…it takes a bit of getting used to when you’re just making a meal for yourself…Mind you, hitting the fast-moving ball takes a bit of getting used to …This is a slight awkward combination which takes a bit of getting used to ……central locking with a built-in alarm system; one which takes a bit of getting used to,in factH.

Summarise the text. Use key words in the picture bellow to help you.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________313Button gaffe embarrasses ClintonRussian media have been poking fun at the US secretary of state over a translation error on a gift she presented to her Russian counterpart.Mr Lavrov was not taken with the state department’s Russian language skills.Hillary Clinton gave Sergei Lavrov a mock "reset" button, symbolising US hopesto mend frayed ties with Moscow.

But he said the word the Americans chose,“peregruzka”, meant “overloaded” or “overcharged”, rather than “reset”. Dailynewspaper Kommersant declared on its front page: “Sergei Lavrov and HillaryClinton push the wrong button.”Relations between Washington and Moscow have cooled in recent years overRussia’s role in the war in Georgia, US support for the entry of Georgia andUkraine to Nato, and the planned US missile shield based in central Europe.‘Was it right?’Efforts to heal the rift got off to an awkward start on Friday as the two sidesmet in Geneva, when Mrs Clinton presented Foreign Minister Lavrov with a greenbox tied in green ribbon.As reporters watched, the US secretary of state assured her Russian oppositenumber her staff had “worked hard” to ensure it was accurate.“Was it right?” she inquired with a smile.

“You got it wrong,” Mr Lavrov responded, also smiling, before pointing out the mistake.Despite the embarrassment, the two made light of the moment in front of thecameras and pushed the button together to signify a shared hope for better relations. [make light of something- to joke about something or treat it as not beingvery serious, especially when it is important]At a joint news conference after two hours of talks, both joked about the error. “We reached an agreement on how ‘reset’ is spelled in both Russian and English — we have no differences between us any more,” Mr Lavrov said through an314interpreter. Mrs Clinton put it this way: “The minister corrected our word choice.But in a way, the word that was on the button turns out to be also true.“We are resetting, and because we are resetting, the minister and I have an‘overload’ of work.”The gift was a light-hearted reference to US Vice-President Joe Biden’s recent remark that the new US administration wanted to reset ties with Russia afteryears of friction.But beyond getting lost in translation, one wonders whether it was wise forthe representative of one nuclear power to present her counterpart from anothernuclear power with any button at all.23)gaffe — an embarrassing mistake made in a social situation or in publicSYN faux pas :24)be taken with/by something- to be attracted by a particular idea, plan, orperson25)rift — a situation in which two people or groups have had a serious dis-agreement and begun to dislike and not trust each other ᅳ synonym splitразрыв (между друзьями); трещина (в отношениях); раскол (в партии ит.

п.); конфликт (между странами)26)somebody’s opposite number — someone who has the same job in anoth-er similar organization27)friction — disagreement, angry feelings, or unfriendliness between peo-ple ᅳ synonym tension315Анкета 1. Диагностика потребностей обучаемыхHere is a list of what students say are their common difficulties in English whenthey are speaking English.70.

I ‘m afraid of making mistakes and so I often end up saying nothing.71. When I speak English I can make myself understood but I know that I’ mmaking a lot of grammar mistakes all the times.72. My English accent is terrible . People in my class understand me but they’restudents too. I’m sure English people would never understand me.73. I often get half way through a sentence and find that I’m lost because thegrammar has become too complicated.74.

I have a lot of difficulty speaking because I don’t know the words. I getstuck all the time because of vocabulary.31675. Add your own__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Areas that need improving :______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Questions to help you:LEARNING VOCABULARY76.

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