market_leader_3e_-_intermediate_-_course_book (David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent-Учебник Market Leader 3e издание), страница 11

PDF-файл market_leader_3e_-_intermediate_-_course_book (David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent-Учебник Market Leader 3e издание), страница 11 Английский язык (112288): Книга - 3 семестрmarket_leader_3e_-_intermediate_-_course_book (David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent-Учебник Market Leader 3e издание) - PDF, страница 11 (112288) - 2021-10-01СтудИзба

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its dinner10 party programme. to a live skydivingjum pinwhich1 9 stuntmcnspelt oul the carmaker's brandname. Described as the first liveadvertisement in modem times, the15 campaign is the latest attempt byadvertisers and broadcasters to findalternatives to the 30-second spot.The development of digital videorecorders such as Sky+ and Tivo,20 which allow ads to be skipped, hasforced advertising agencies andchannels' sales teams to collaborateonmoreinnovativeattemptsto keep the viewer's attention .25'We wanted to create somethingunmissable.' said Andy Barnes.IIIthe broadcaster's Sales Director.'This concept breaks the boundariesof TV advcl1ising: he added.30 highlighting a Channel 4 campaigncalled'innovatingthebreak ' .The campaign fol lows initiativessuch as LG's 'Scarlet' campaign, inwhich the television manufacturer35 ran advertisements appearing to trailoW4550a glamorous new television show.which turned out to be a promotionfor the design features of its 'hot Ilewseries' of screens.Thursday night's live advertisemcnt.while designed to demonstrate thepower of television advertising, wasbacked up by a complex multimediaand public-relat ions campaign.The campaign's developcrsincluding Channel4'sin-housecreative teaIn.

Wieden + Kcnncdy.Starcom. Collective and HicklinSlade & Partners - spent morethan a month pushing the Hondaslog<ll1 of 'dirficult is worth doing'before Thursday night's slot.A poster campaign, a series oftelevision 'teaser' advertisements and a55 website have been backed up by digitaladvertising and press coverage. AJI arebuilding up to a traditional 3D-secondadvertisingon60Junecampaign,said3staningArmstrong,'The 3D-second a d is alive andwell.' Mr Barnes said. pointing todata released this week which showedthatcommercialtelevisionhad65 enjoyed its best April in five years.For Honda. however. the elementssurroundingthecore3D-secondcampaign are designed to generate theintangible buzz of word-of-mouth70 advert ising, Mr Barnes added.Thursday night'sskydivewouldalmost cenainly go on YouTube, MrAmlslrong predicted.

'Commercially,that's a fantastic result. as it means our75 marketing investment becomes moreefficient because consumers are doingour marketing for us.'Read the article again and answer the questions.1IanMarketing Manager of Honda U K .Why did Honda need a new publicity stunt with skydivers?2 Why was the Honda advert unique?Why are Sky+ and Tivo a problem for advertisers?4 What happened in the Honda advert?5What happened in LG's 'Scarlet' campaign?6What did the Honda campaign's developers do?7 What different types of advertiSing did Honda use?46I.UNIT 5 •• ADVERTISINGIIFind all the word pairs in the text using the words advertisement oradvertising.mMatch the words in bold in the word pairs (1-5) to their meaning (a-e) .D1pUblicity stunta) newspapers and magazines2design featuresb) a short phrase that is easy to remember3Honda sloganc) a series of actions intended to get a particular resull4 poster campaignd) an important, interesting or typical part of something5 press coveragee) something done to get people's attentionComplete the text with some of the word pairs from Exercises C and D.PUBLICITY STUNT TIPSNothing will get your product noticed faster than a well·thought·out and well·performed .

. . . . . . . . . . .'. First, you need to plan an . . . . . . . . . . . .' . You could start with some. . .' on radio or TV and design some large adverts for a . . . . . . . . . . . .'. You need tohighlight all the key . . . . . . . . . .

. .' . Alert the local media and get good. . . . . '. Tip offthe local radio or TV station that something is going to happen. When it comes to theactual publicity stunt, ensure that all . . . . . . . . . . . .' or logos are visible. And if you havethe money, why not try a . .

. . . . . . . . .' on TV? Finally, try to get some free . . . . . . . . . . . .' andhopefully end up on You Tube.LISTEN I N GHowadvertisingworksDIn groups, brainstorm some ideas for some live advertisements orpUblicity stunts.m�)>> (01.31 Wpp is a world leader in marketing communications. MindShareis part of the group and Marco Rimini is its Head of CommunicationsPlanning.

Listen to the first part of the interview and complete the gapswith a maximum of three words.I always go back to the beginning and . . . . . . . . . . . ' , what is the person who's paying forthe campaign . . . . . . . . . . . .' ? What is that person's . . . . . . . . . . .

' , what is it that that person. . . . . . .' as a result of . . . . . . . . . . . .' on this advertising campaign?Marco RiminiIII�)>> (01.31 Listen again. What reasons are there for advertising, apart fromII�)>> CD1.32 Listen to the second part. What are the four stages of a typicalm�)>> (01.33 Listen to the final part and answer the questions.selling a product?advertising campaign?1 What are viral campaigns?2Watch theinterview onthe DVD·ROM.DRegarding the Ronaldinho viral, what did people argue about?In groups, tell each other about a viral campaign or advertisement thatyou have discussed with your friends.47UNIT 5••ADVERTISING1!J@iBdJ;!ijiW�Articlesa/an• We use a or an before singular countable nouns.a pUblicity stunt•We use a o r an to introduce new information.They are building up to a traditional 30·second advertising campaign• We often use a or an to refer to people's jobs.She's an accountant•We use a before consonants and an before vowel soundsa commercial, an advertthe• We use the when we think our listener will know what we are talking about.the Internet•We use the when it is clear from the context what particular person,thing or place is meant because it has been mentioned before.The campaign is the latest attempt to ...'zero article' We d o not use an article before:• uncountable nouns used in general statements.Information is power.• the names of most countries, companies and people.Poland, Honda, Ian Armstrong• A few countries require the:the Philippines, the United Kingdom, the United States�B3publicity stuntteam of skydiversentire 3 minute 20 second break4 live skydiving jumpIn the first two paragraphs of the article, which specific examples of thefollowing are referred to?12II148look back at the article on page 46.

In paragraphs 1 and 2, why are a or onused instead of the before these words?12IIIGrammar reference page34a problema broadcasterSa brand namea live advertisementa campaignTick the correct sentences. Add the where necessary in the other sentences.You may need to add the more than once.1Knowledge of advertising code of practice is vital to those wishing to work inadvertising industry.2 We want to film a TV commercial in Russia.3The 'Think small' Volkswagen Beetle advert was one of most successful advertisingcampaigns of 20th century.4 Four major brands AOL, Yahoo!, Freeserve and BT - all achieve awareness of over-40% amongst U K adult population.SiiiNext year, I am going to work for an advertising agency in USA.This text is about a television advertisement.

Some of the articles aremissing. Write in the missing articles 0, on or the where appropriate.Ahnost as soon as the 'gorilla'television commercial for DairyMilk chocolate was first shownon 3 1 August, people stanedposting it all YouTube. Peoplealso started asking did it feature real gorillaplaying drums?48-Sowhmrole did thetake-up of gorillaad on Inlcmcl play ill DairyMilk's success?And was success of theadven a lucky break? For likeUnilcvcr and Diageo, Cadburyhas benefited from lhe free 'viral'extraordimu),-distribution of il� adveltising onIntcmet as consllmcrs c-mail,post and create spoof versions ofgorilla campaign.Gorilla commercial is mostviewed advertisemcnt so far thisyear on YouTube, the content­sharing website.UNIT 5 •• ADVERTISINGSKILLSStarting andstructuringpresentationsmWhat factors do you need to consider when preparing a business presentation?Il�)>> CD1.34 listen to two different openings of a presentation.

What is thesame/different about them? Which do you prefer? Why?IiHow many sections is the content of the presentation organised into? lookat the Useful language box below and divide the phrases into two groups,F (formal) or I (informal). Compare your answers.IIIChoose one of these presentation situations. Write and practise the openingof the presentation.1 Your company is launching a new product. (Audience: a group of potential customers)2 You are presenting your place of work o r study.

(Audience: a group of potentialcustomers or students)3 Your company/organisation is introducing a new way of working. (Audience: a groupof colleagues)D�� CD1.35 An important part of structuring a presentation is letting theaudience know what is going to happen next, or signalling. listen to anextract from later in the presentation in Exercise B and fill in the gaps.1.. where this is very important.

lust to give you a specific example:. . . . the nextslide, . . . . . . . . . . . . the chart that the key age group is 18 to 25, but that this will becomeless, not more, important as the product matures in the market..2 As I say, this is reflected across all the markets. Right.. .. the target markets.. . . . . . . . . . . . the final part, and the media we plan to use.

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