Реферат (Реферат (учебное пособие)), страница 5


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Proposal one


Proposal two


Key considerations


End / Discussion

The Introduction Content:

  1. Greet the audience.

  2. Introduce yourself.

  3. Give the title of your talk.

  4. Describe the structure of your talk.

  5. Explain the policy on questions/discussion.

  6. Say about the length of the talk.

  7. Say that you will use the visual aids.

    1. Language Checklist


Good morning / afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

(Ladies and) Gentlemen …


I plan to say a few words about …/ I’m going to talk about …./ The subject of my talk is …/ The theme of my presentation is …/ I’d like to give you an overview of


I’ve divided my talk into (three) parts./ My talk will be in (three) parts./ First …/ Second …/ Third …/ In the first part …/ Then in the second part …/ Finally …

Note: Use will, going to and the contracted form I’ll to describe structure.


My talk will take about ten minutes./ The presentation will take about …

Policy on questions / discussion

Please interrupt if you have any questions.

After my talk there’ll be time for a discussion and any questions.

    1. The example of an introduction

Good afternoon everyone.

My name’s Anton Krylov.

I’m a student of Informatics and Control Systems Department of MBSTU.

I’m going to talk about Android applications. I’ve divided my talk into four parts. First, the Android Execution Environment. Then I’ll report on components of an Android Application. The third part explains Android Activity Lifecycle, and finally I’ll talk about Android Service Lifecycle.

My Talk will take about ten minutes.

After my talk you can ask me any questions.

Task 1. Prepare a one minute introduction to a talk on any topic you like. If you can’t think of a topic, choose from the list below:

  • - any company you know well - eating out

  • - a company and its products/services - vacations

  • - your job - your hobbies

  • - your hometown - your favorite sport


2.1. Structure (II). The main body

The main body contains the details of what was introduced in the introduction. In many presentations the main body can be usefully divided into different parts which often will themselves be divided into sections of information.

Introduction --- Main body of information


First part Second part Third part

-a -a -a

-b -b -b

-c -c


2.2. Holding the audience’s attention

You are lost if you lose your audience.” This statement suggests that you are not in control of your presentation if the audience is not listening or cannot follow you.

How many speakers really hold an audience’s attention? What is the secret for those who do?

Key principles that can help to hold the audience’s attention:

1. Find out about the audience and what they need to know.

2. Plan what you are going to say.

3. Say it clearly and concisely.

4. Use listing techniques.

5. Link different parts.

6. Use sequencing language.

7. Use repetition of key information.

8. Don’t give too much information or too many facts.

2.3.Language Checklist

Signaling different parts in a presentation

So that concludes the introduction./ That’s all for the introduction.

Now let’s move to the first part of my talk, which is about … .

So, first … . To begin with … .

Note: In both The Introduction and The Main Body of a presentation, the speaker uses/gives lists to signal what he/she is going to say. This guides the audience.

Listing information

There are three things to consider. First … ./ Second … . / Third … .

There are two kinds of … . The first is … . The second is … .

We can see four advantages and two disadvantages. First, advantages. One is … . Another is … . A third advantage is … . Finally … .

On the other hand, the two disadvantages. First … . Second … .

Linking ideas

That completes / concludes … ./ That ‘s all (I want to say for now) on … .

Let’s move to (the next part which is ) … ./ So now we come to … ./ Now I want to describe … .


There are (seven) different stages to the process./ First / then / next / after that …/ There are two steps involved./ The first step is … . The second step is … ./ There are four stages to the project./ At the beginning, later, then, finally … ./ I’ll describe the development of the idea.

First the background, then the present situation, and then the prospects for the future.

2.4.A model part of the main body of a presentation

…climatic changes in the Northern hemisphere may have been the result of three types of effect on the environment: first, volcanic activity, second industrial pollution, and thirdly transport. Let’s look at these in more detail. First, volcanic eruptions. The 1991 eruption may have contributed to ozone damage causing the unusually high world temperatures in 1992. The second key area is industrial contamination. Industry puts important quantities of noxious gases and chemicals into atmosphere. … Finally, the third source of damage to the environment is transport. Car and plane engines are a problem because they release the so-called ‘greenhouse’ gases such as CO2.

Task 1. Prepare part of an informal presentation on a topic of your own choice. It doesn’t have to concern your work or studies but should be a topic which interest you. Use listing, linking and sequencing where necessary.


3.1. Structure (III). The end

What does the end of a presentation contain?

  • recommendations

  • summary

  • conclusion

  • questions

  • discussions

  • thanks

Do presentations always end with these items?

They almost certainly do not – but in what circumstances and how are the choices made? In business, thanks are fairly standard at the end of a presentation, as are questions.

3.2 Summarizing and concluding

What is the difference between a summary and a conclusion?

Summaries restate what has already been said. Remember the maxim: “In a presentation, say what you are going to say, say it, then tell them you’ve said it.”

A conclusion is different: it often contains a message which grows out of the information described in the main body of the talk.

It may contain recommendations, next steps.

3.3. Questions and discussions

The speaker ends his talk with the words: “Any questions?” The silence is disaster. How can you avoid it?

Four ways to avoid the problem:

  1. If the audience is interested, someone will have something to say. So, make a good presentation.

  2. End the presentation with an instruction to the audience. Here are two examples: “Now we need to know more about the way you work. Tell me about your situation and what may interest you … ” or “Now tell me what are your impressions and what else do you need to know now?”

  3. Single out an individual who is most likely to have a question to ask you or a comment to make.

  4. Have a question prepared.

Handling questions is thought by many speakers to be the most difficult part of a presentation. Why do you think this is? How do you think difficulties can be minimized?

There are some recommendations:

- Be polite.

- Listen very carefully.

- Ask for repetition or clarification.

- Keep calm.

- Tell the truth (most of the time!).

- Don’t say anything you’ll regret later.

- Check understanding if necessary by paraphrasing.

- Agree partially before giving own opinion: “Yes, but …”

3.4. Language Checklist. The end of the presentation

Ending the main body

Okay, that ends my talk./ That’s all I want to say for now.

Beginning the summary/conclusion

I’d like to end by emphasizing the main point(s)./ I’d like to end with …a summary of the main points / some observations based on what I’ve said./ some conclusions / recommendations / a brief conclusion.


There are two conclusions / recommendations. / What we need is …/ I think we have to …/ I think we have seen that we should …

Handling questions

That’s a difficult question to answer in a few words./ It could be …/ In my experience …/ I would say …/ I don’t think I’m the right person to answer that. Perhaps (Mr. …) can help …/ I don’t have much experience in that field …

I ‘m afraid that’s outside the scope of my talk. If I were you I’d discuss that with …

I’ll have to come to that later, perhaps during the break since we’re running out of time.

Sorry, I’m not sure I’ve understood. Could you repeat?/ Are you asking if … ?/ Do you mean … ?/ I didn’t catch your question./ If I have understood you correctly, you mean …? Is that right?

Does that answer your question?/ Is that okay?

3.5. The example of ending of the presentation

That concludes the main part of my talk. Now I’d like to summarize the main points. The Automatic Control Telelab provides a sophisticated but easy to use mechanism to control a remote process through the Internet.

And finally, special attention has been devoted to simplify the procedures for adding new on-line experiments..

Now, turning to my conclusion, I want to make two key recommendations. Number one, …. . Number two, …. And that completes my talk….

I’d like to invite you to tell me about the needs you have… and at the same time, if there is anything you are not clear about, please ask… if anything needs clarification.

Task 1. Give the end of a presentation on a topic of your choice. Include either a summary or a conclusion and move to questions and/or discussion.

Task 2. Use the information above to give a presentation within seven –ten minutes.


  1. ГОСТ 7.9-95. Реферат и аннотация. Общие требования. (ИСО 214-76)

  2. Вейзе А.А. Чтение, реферирование и аннотирование иностранного текста. М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1985

  3. Ильичева Н.В., Горелова А.В. Аннотирование и реферирование. Учеб. пособие / Сам. Гос. ун-т, 2003

  4. Simon Sweeny. Communicating in Business. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2004

  5. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. Second Edition. Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2007


http://www.stsc.hill/af/mil/crosstalk/2003/06/caldwell.pdf,June 2003

http://www.aimglobal.org/technologies/rfid/what is rfid.htm (2003)





1.1. Recommendations for making up a summary 4

1.2. Определение 4

1.3. Структура реферата 4

1.4. Объем текста 5

1.5. Суть реферирования. Требования к изложению текста реферата 5

2.2. Common summary patterns 7


2.1. Определение 8

2.2. Структура аннотации 8

2.3. Common abstract patterns 9

2.4. Word combinations to be used in an abstract 10



4.1. A dialogue pattern 15

4.2. Common speech patterns for making up dialogues 15


Text 1.The Android Execution Environment 16

Text 2. Universal Serial Bus (USB) 17

Text 3. Adaptive Algorithms for Finite Impulse Response Filters…………..19

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