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which also tapersupwards from the ground floor, which is in the shape of a square.4This building is likely to remain the tallest building in the ,\urId for manyyears. The Y-shaped base gives the structure great stability. The lower part ofthe building provides 160 floors for human occupation.. 1lle top -l6 le\"E~ls ofthe thin, pointed spire are for maintenance and services only.&·tiIPicture AThis was called Burj Dubai - 'Dubai' because of its location here inDubai in the United Arab Emirates - but they changed the name when itopened to Burj Khalifa. It's the tallest building in the world. atmetres,with effec tively 206 fl oors, but the lOp 46 are only for maintenance. Thefoundations have to be deep - they go down to 50 metres. TIle Door areaextends to 464,000 square metres.You probably noticed the shape of the building as you came in.

If quitedistinctive and elegant. In fact, it's V-shaped, which gn'es the buildinggreater structural stability.It's a building for mixed use: there's a large hotel, and there are apartmentsand restaurants and an outdoor observation deck. Do you bave anyquestions? ...I can give you some more details, if you like.

For a start, there are 25.000windows to clean.Picture BDo you see that very tall building in the distance? lbat building is the taDestbuilding in the city ofTaipei and in the whole of Tai\,an. Irs called Taipei 101.For a time, it was the highesl building in the world but it isn' t the highest anymore. It's 509 metres high, and the foundations go da\m 80 metres under theground. That's because it's built in an earthquake zone.

So it has to be \-erystable, both to withstand the earthquakes and also the very high "inds thatyou get in this area.It has 10 I storeys, plus 5 storeys under ground. And the Door area CO\-er5412 ,000 square metres.Audio"cripl67\ 00 can see it has a H!I)' recognisable shape: there are ei.g ht taperedsections of eight floors each. They rest on a tapered base, which is square.Fmallr, Taipei 10 I is a mixed-use building, consisting mainly of offices andconference centres, with some retail shops and restaurants.I:Pidnre CI:On '"OUr right is the Shanghai World Financial Centre.

Althought it isn't thehighest buiJding in the world, it' s the highest in Shanghai and the highestin China - -194 metres high, and the foundations go down 79 metres underground_ The original design vvas for a tow er of 94 storeys, but the planswere changed and this has 101 storeys, with a floor area of 381 ,600 squaremetres. It has an interesting shape, rather like a bottle-opener. It's squareat the base. but tapers to a rectangular top. The hole at the top has a veryprncticaJ purpose and reduces the wind pressure caused by high winds.

It'sa mixed-use building. There's a hotel near the top of the skyscraper, andthere are offices. conference centres and shopping malls on the groundfloors. Above the opening at the top is a public observation deck, on theI DOth Door. which is the highest in the world.E:E:I:E:I:E:I:E:WiD&"&1. 'ouns (buildings)aluminiumarchitectbeautycoocreteeIe\-ationfimctionalityinnm-ationAdjectives (shapes)circularcurvedcurvilineardiagonaldiagriddoughnut-shapedellipticalinclinedovalperpendicularpointedsemi-circulartaperedzigzagstoreyI:E:I:E:I:E:I:E:I:E:I:nit 10 Disasters&2WII =I:EoI:E:Inteni ewer: E = Employee J._ so it looks as if the crash involved a broken raiL After the derailmentin ScoIIand in 1998, which also involved a broken rail, was the rest of~railnet\~;orkin theinspected?llle system of routine checking and maintenance was continued.But \\-as a new schedule of checking the whole network for gaugecomer cracking put in place?E.:I:E.:I:E.:I:E.:I:E.:I:E.:tE.:.

.ot as far as I knOw.Does that mean 'no'?Yes. it does.I also understand that, after the crash, speed restrictions should havebeen ordered while the whole neJvvork was checked for cracked rails.W hy w-asn't this done?Speed restrictions would have resulted in delays, and the companydidn't ,,-ant to be responsible for delayed trains.So \\-as punctuality given a greater priori ty over safety?I guess you could say thalAno ther matter, now. Records show that your company identified therail for repair 21 months before the crash.)es.

We noted the problem.So the faulty rail w-as discovered 21 months before the crash. Butnothing ,,-as done?Xot exactly W hy \\-asn't the job completed?There \\-as a backlog of essentiaJ maintenance work, which was waitingto be done. Also, this job should have been carried out by anothercontractor.had agreed to do the work.

But they didn't do it.\ \as lITI)'fhing done?)es. they dem'ered a replacement rail and left it alongside the trackadjacent to the faulty rail.And bow long "-as the replacement rail lying there?I belie\-e it ,,-as there for SLX months.Six rnoruhs! So if the company that was responsible for themaintenance hadn't delayed for so long, the accident wouldn't havehappened?l11at' righl The faulty rail caused the train crash. It should have beenrepaired.

but it wasn'l'''00tE.:I:E.:tE:fL"" . _, h~Let's tur.n now to gauge""'" >he P""" 1mdealing with this in the pst?In the past, the policy has been to replace the whole rail wherenecessary.Are you aware of the prev~ntative mainten ce known as preventativegrinding at regular intervals?Yes, I know about this syst'. m. The se it in the USA and in Sweden.But you haven't considered usmg it?No, the grinding m achines are very expensive.Is it more expensive to replace defective rails or to carry outpreventative measures like grinding?I don't know.

I don't have the fi gures.However, I understand that since the crash, a decision has been madeto invest in three grinding machines, costing a total of£6 million.Yes, I've read that, too, though I wasn 't part of the decision-makingprocess ...Another matter, now. Records show that your company identified therail for repair 21 months before the crash.Yes, we noted the problem.So the faulty rail was discovered 21 months before the crash.

Butnothing was done?ot exactly Why wasn't the job completed?There was a backlog of essential maintenance work, which was waitingto be done. Also, this job should have been carried out by anothercontractor, who had agreed to do the work. But they didn't do it.Was anything done?Yes, they delivered a replacement rail and left it alongside the trackadjacent to the faulty raiLAnd how long was the replacement rail lying there?I believe it was there for SLX months.Six months! So if the company that was responsible for themaintenance hadn't delayed for so long, the accident wouldn't havehappenedThat's righl The faulty rail caused the train crash.

It should have beenrepaired, but it wasn'lWi2J:jcatastrophiccompressiveexcessivefaultyinadequatenon-destructivesignificanttemporarytensileundersizedUnit II MaterialsaDA:B:A:B:A:Our sales of skis have been very successful in the past year. As we havesome cash reserves now, I would suggest that we turn our attention tothe manufacture of snowboards. However, before we do anything else,we could carry out some specific market research into local, national andinternational JTlal'kets.We don't have a product range yet, not even a prototype. Why don't westart an R&D programme that could run concurrently? Then we should. end up with a product specification and a marketing plan at aboutthe same time. What about hiring an R&D specialist with expertise inmanufacturing snowboards?That's possible. In fact, that's a very good suggestion.

Let's try findingsomeone \\~th the right kind of expertise. Would you like to take chargeof that, to start with?OK, I'U get onto that straight away.And let's meet again in a w eek's time to check on progress.MIS)I've been doing some research into the manufacture of snowboards andthis is what I've found out. A snowboard is a laminated board, that is aboard made up of several layers. The top of the board is a layer of acrylic,with the manufacturer 's logo and arJvvork, which are very important.

Thencome several layers of fibreglass, above and below the hardwood core. Thatgoes onto the base.The core of the board is hardwood because hardwood has lots of goodproperties. It has long fibres. That means reduced vibration, so the boardshakes less as it goes over the snow. Secondly, hardwood is strong. And it'salso rigid in torsion. So torsional rigidity, OK?Above and below the wooden core you put layers of laminated fibreglass.Two layers above and two layers below, making four in total. That's kind ofstandard.

The fibreglass is light, stiff and it's strong in torsion.Some manufacturers add extra layers, for example, carbon fibre, Kevlar~, orhoneycomb aluminium. Kevl~' s popular and I think that's wha t we shouldgo for. It provides elasticity and strength.The base is made of polyethylene plastic. That's the same for all kinds ofboards. Now, there are two kinds of base; one is extruded and the otheris sintered, but I recommend extruded. Basically, it's a cheaper, lowm aintenance board. It's sm oother than the sintered board, but it's slower,and it doesn 't soak up wax.

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