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Computational Thinking - Учебное пособие, страница 20

PDF-файл Computational Thinking - Учебное пособие, страница 20 Английский язык (63007): Книга - 9 семестр (1 семестр магистратуры)Computational Thinking - Учебное пособие: Английский язык - PDF, страница 20 (63007) - СтудИзба2020-08-17СтудИзба

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Combining them correctly, students canexpress necessary scientific or mathematical ideas properly.There are a few of them:1. General characteristics of the article. E.g.:The paper (article) under discussion…The objective of the article is to describe (explain, examine,survey)…The purpose of the research is to prove (find, develop…)…The article gives a detailed (valuable) analysis of theinformation on…The article is of great help to…The paper is of great interest to…The paper is devoted to (concerned with)..., etc.2. The problems posed by the author.

E.g.:The author outlines (points out, reviews, analyses)…112The authors refer to...The authors give a review of…The authors come to the conclusion…, etc.3. The evaluation of the results of research. E.g.:The obtained results show (lead to, confirm)…It should be noted …The presented results well agree with…It is likely (unlikely, certain, sure)…, etc.While writing a paper in English students should pay attentionto:Typical set phrases consisting of verbs + nouns.

E.g.:To perform (undertake) a study ofTo make (calculation, estimation, evaluation) of…To carry out an investigation…To perform the analysis of (on)…To give a description of…The frequent use of passive constructions. E.g.:The paper is concerned with...It is known that...It is stressed that...The research is carried out...It was shown that ...It was concluded that ...It was inferred from ...The new theory (technique) is developed (worked out,proposed, suggested, advanced) to...The new method (technique) is discussed (tested, described)....This method (theory) is based on ...This method is now generally accepted ...Special attention is paid (given) to ...The factors are taken ...The following conclusions are taken into consideration ..., etc.Combinations: in detail, in range of…, within the range of…,it follows that...113Connective words: where, if, when, whenever, such that,although, unless, provided, therefore, hence, thus, then,furthermore, however, nevertheless, i.e.Here are some notes about general principles of the use of thearticles in scientific papers:1.

Article a is placed before the term:- if the term is introduced for the first time2. Article the is used before the term:- If the term is repeated- If the term is uniquely determined by the context- Before the words the author(s), the paper, etc.3 . The article is not used- If the theory or the used reference is provided with anumber,- Before the names of general theories and sciences.There are a few examples of the typical errors:In expressions “Seitz’s hypothesis”, “Whipple's model” thereis no article, but inthe Hall Effect, the Boltzmann factor, the Schmidt camera,the Gauze theory the is used.While writing in English pay attention to the difference in theRussian and English punctuation:1. There is no comma before such that, that in Englishsubordinate clauses (compare with the Russian language) withthe exception when they give addition to the main idea orexplainthemainsentence.2.

A comma is placed before and, showing the end of theenumeration, and sometimes before as, but, for, or, if acomplexsentenceistoolong.3. A comma is put after therefore, however, by the way, forinstance, yes, in fact.Some hints on the oral presentation of scientific dataThere is a distinct difference between writing a paper and114presenting it orally for the audience. It is not a trivial task togive a good presentation.

The experts suggest the followingplan for this:•Before getting started greet the audience and call forattention•State the purpose of the talk, giving a shortintroduction•Present the structure of the talkIn the body of the presentation it is advisable to separate thecentral, relevant issues from merely supportive peripheralinformation.Try not to read but to speak using accurate well-phraseddescriptions of the scientific information. The manner of thepresentation and the contact with the listeners are veryimportant.

You should speak distinctly and slowly to theaudience in front of you, and not to the laptop or to thescreen on the wall.It is also advisable to use some visual aids (charts, graphs andtables) but not too many.In conclusion of the presentation it is necessary to thank thelisteners and ask for the questions.There are some advantages of oral presentation, whichprovide a speaker with an opportunity to receive instant verbalfeedback. Such feedback can be useful in providing guidancewhen preparing a student’s presentation as a summary or anessay in a peer-reviewed journal.115References:1.

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Hemandez E. and Arkun Y., "Neural Network Modelingand an Extended DMC Algorithm to Control NonlinearSystems," Pmc. 1990 American Control Conference, 1990.6. Kari L., Rosenberg G. The many Facets of NaturalComputing. Cjmmunications of the ACM, Vol.51, No.10,October, 2008.7. Moshe Y. Vardi. Artificial Intelligence: Past and Future.Communications of the ACM, Vol.55, No.1, January, 2012.8. NSF (9/3/2008).

NSF Funds New Center to BringTogether Biologists, Mathematicians. Power of mathematicsand modeling to be applied to large-scale questions inbiology. Retrieved 8/30/2013 fromhttp://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?9.9. NSF (1/14/09). CISE Pathways to RevitalizedUndergraduate Computing Education (CPATH) Retrieved8/30/2013 fromhttp://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2009/nsf09528/nsf09528.html?govDel=USNSF_25.10. Prensky M. (February/March 2009). H. Sapiens Digital:From Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives to DigitalWisdom.

Innovate: Journal of Online Education. Retrieved8/30/2013 from .http://www.innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=705&action=article11. Russell, Stuart J., Norvig Peter. Artificial Intelligence: A116Modern Approach (2nd ed.), 200312. Tempesti G., Biological Inspiration in the Design ofComputer Systems. Proceedings of IEEE, vol. 95, No.

3,March, 2007.13. Yonghong Tian, Jaideep Srivastava, Tiejun Huang, NoshirContractor. Social Multimedia Computing. Computer,vol.43,No.8, AugustEliezer Yudkowsky. Artificial Intelligence as aPositive and Negative Factor in Global Risk. GlobalCatastrophic Risks, New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.14.

Wing, Jeannette M. (March, 2006). Computationalthinking. Communications of the Association for ComputingMachinery. Retrieved 8/30/2013 fromhttp://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/usr/wing/www/publications/Wing06.pdf.15. Wikipedia. Org.wiki. Green Computing.16. Wikipedia. Org. wiki. Cloud Computing.17. Green Computing.Communications of the ACM, October2008, No.10.18. Амзин Александр.

Человек пока еще сильнее. газета"В мире науки"(РосНОУ), ноябрь 2008г.19. Курейчик В.М., Родзин С.И. Эволюционныеалгоритмы: генетическое программирование. Обзор //Известия РАН. ТиСУ. 200220. Кузнецов Сергей. Социальные сети: новые радости игорести. Обзор августовского, 2010 г. номера журналаComputer (IEEE Computer Society, Vol. 43, No. 8, August,2010).21.

Лаштуп Екатерина. Экологические чистыевычисления. Comnews. Ежедневная интернет-газета,12.02.201422. Medportal.ru. Наночастицы оказались опасны длялегких. 28 января 2014 года117Contents1. Computational Thinking...................................................42. Model Predictive Control Using Neural Networks...........193. Biologically Inspired Computing......................................324. Challenges of Artificial Intelligence.................................485. Nanoscience: Facts vs.

Fiction..........................................606. Green Computing..............................................................707. Cloud Computing..............................................................838. Social Multimedia Computing..........................................969. Appendix.........................................................................11010. References.....................................................................116118.

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