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English Grammar Reference and Practice. Drozdova, страница 97

PDF-файл English Grammar Reference and Practice. Drozdova, страница 97 Английский язык (62841): Книга - 9 семестр (1 семестр магистратуры)English Grammar Reference and Practice. Drozdova: Английский язык - PDF, страница 97 (62841) - СтудИзба2020-08-17СтудИзба

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......... .v•® < rto fall off a ladder/a treeупасть с лестницы/с дереваThe ball rolled off the bench.Мячик скатился со скамейки.Не got off the train.Он сошёл с поезда.□□The knife fell off the table.Cut a bit off the rope, it’s too long.Moving in Spaceacrossчерез/поперек/по(поверхности)□overчерез (что-то высокое)□Не jumped over the wall.Он перепрыгнул через стену.throughчерез (сквозь, насквозь)□The road went through a forest.Дорога проходила через лес.The cat came through the window.Кот проник через окно.□□alongпо/вдоль□□1live across the road/river.Я живу через дорогу /за рекой.They went across the field/the ice.Они шли через поле/по льду.We went along the street/the grass.Мы шли по улице/траве.There are trees all along the road.Вдоль дороги растут деревья.356JPREPOSITIONSfup/dow nвверх/вниз(a)round, a bo u tпо, вокруг(без определенного^ направления)OFDIRECTION□The elevator was moving noisily up and down.Лифт с шумом двигался вверх и вниз.□We were walking around/about the town.Мы гуляли по городу.He’s travelled about/around the world.Он путешествовал по свету.□^6.3(A, B) Fill in the gaps with the prepositionsfrom the box.across along (2) from (2) intoo ff (2) on out o f (2) overpast through to (3) up1.Be careful! Don’t fa ll.................the stairs.Please, take your fe e t.................the chair.3.

Why are you lo o kin g ................ the window?4. He earned m oney going ................... town................ town.5. I was w a lkin g .................the road with my dog.6 . The dog s w a m ................ the river.7. The old road g o e s .................the village.8 . A man cam e...............

house and g o t.................the car.9. They w a lke d ................ me without speaking.10. A lot of English words c a m e ................ Latin.11. We walked .................the hill ................... thehouse.12. G o ................ this road....................the cinema,.................. the bridge, and the hospital is.................your left.We w a lk e d .................the corner and saw thelost cat.7.

She was sitting with the back tu rn e d ................the window.8. Three men pulled the c a r t.................the ditch(канава).9. You can’t talk to Mr. Green today. He is ...............town this week.10. I enjoy looking................the window and watchthe people in the street.11. The cat g o t................

the h ouse..................thewindow.В) Put in a preposition of direction.A book f e ll................. the shelf.A woman g o t ......... ......the car.The Moon tra ve ls.................the Earth.Fish can’t liv e ........ ....... water.How far is it ........ ........ here .................airport?(B) Translate the words in brackets.1. He took his handkerchief (из) ................ hispocket.

2. He threw the letter ( в ) ................. thefire. 3. I have to return the book ( в ) ................. thelibrary tom orrow. 4. At 6 o ’clock the taxi stopped( y ) ................. the door, we got ( и з ) ................... itand went (н а ).................the station. 5 . 1looked (в).................the window and saw a little boy running( n o ) .................

the street. 6. He has just returned( и з ) .................his flight (н а ).................. the North.7. He jumped ( в ) ................the river and swamabout. 8. On my way home I walk (м и м о )................your office every day. 9. He opened the door andwent out (н а ).................the street. 10. Italy has toimport coal and oil ( и з ) .................other countries.11.

I’ve received a letter (о т ) .................my friend,he writes that he’ll soon return (н а )................. theSouth.357THEPREPOSITION11(В) Somebody asks you the way to a place. You say which way to go. Look at the picture andwrite sentences.I ZL (В, C) Translate the sentences fromRussian into English.1. Когда вы уезжаете в Испанию? 2. Я потерялключ, но мне удалось попасть в дом через окно.3. Марсель только что вернулся во Францию пос­ле двух лет, проведённых в Англии. 4. Мы едемв машине уже три часа, я бы с радостью вышел измашины и немного прошёлся пешком.

5. Мяч упалс балкона и выкатился на дорогу. 6. Ворота былизакрыты, нам пришлось перелезть (climb) черезвысокую стену и спрыгнуть с неё во двор. 7. Нако­нец вдали мы увидели озеро и побежали к нему.8. Холм был высоким, у меня не было сил (energy)въехать на него на велосипеде, и я повёл (push)его в гору.I О (В, С) Use the prepositions from the boxto complete the senteces.by from in (3) in front o fon out o f past roundTWO LEGS IN ONE BOOTIt was late in the afternoon. Inspector Mayhew hadan hour to go before he finished work for the day.He s a t(1)................his police car watching the trafficg o (2)..................

Suddenly, he sat up! A woman in ablue car drove slow ly(3)................ and the inspectorclearly saw a pair of man’s legs sticking(4)................the boot! Inspector Mayhew immediately gave chase.358SOMEPREPOSITIONSCONFUSEDThe woman drove (5)................. the town. The bluela m p (6)................

top of the police car was flashingbut the woman paid no attention to it. The inspectorfinally got (7)................. her and made her stop.“What’s the matter?” the woman asked. “You’ve gota body (8)................. the boot!” the inspector said.There was a loud laugh (9).................the boot. “ ButI’m alive,” the voice said. “ I’m a car mechanic andI’m trying to find the cause of a strange noise<10>.................the back of this car.”4.

S om e P repositions C o n fu s e dBetween and am ongBetween (между) is used for two people or things, among (среди) - for more than two.Between is also used when the speaker sees the surrounding objects separately, there are not very many ofthem and each one is clearly distinct from the other:□ Switzerland lies between France, Italy, Austria and Germany.Words like divide and share are followed by between when we use several singular nouns and to showa division between people, things or times:□He shared his property between his wife, his daughter and his sister.□I divide my time between teaching, writing and gardening.□Divide this between you both.(A, B) Choose the proper preposition.1.

The fleeing animal was soon lost between/among the trees. 2. The three hikers couldn’t divide theirscanty (скудный) meal between/among them. 3. “ May misunderstanding never come between/among us,”said the bride to her husband. 4. Between/among the Indians on the one hand and starvation on the other,the early settlers had the bad time of it. 5. Between/among all the days of the days of the week, I likeSaturday best. 6. Don’t smoke between/among the courses. 7. Divide it equally between/among the two ofyou.359THEPREPOSITIONBeside, besides and e xce p tBeside means “alongside of, at the side o f” .Besides means “in addition to ” or plus (+).Except means “excluding” or minus (-).Besides can also be an adverb and act in the sentence as a parenthesis which is separated by commas:□ I haven't the time, and besides, I am not interested.□ We sat beside the water.□ I haven’t any other living relations besides this cousin of mine.□ They are ail relatives of mine except Olivia.Except and besides«за исключением» except□He doesn’t know any foreign language, except German.«сверх, в дополнение» besides□ He knows two foreign languages besides German.(A, B) Choose the proper preposition.1.

The dog sat besides/beside his master. 2. Theyfound nobody in the house besides/beside thecaretaker. 3. Besides/beside the lake grew beautifulwild daffodils. 4. How many people except/besidesyou are going to the game? 5 .1like all colours except/besides grey. 6. Divide this among/between you both.7. Germany lies among/between the four countries.8 . 1saw you among/between the crowd. 9. He getsup very early besides/except Sunday. 10. Nobodywas late besides/except me. 11. Five others werelate besides/except me.16(В, C) Fill in the blanks.

Use beside orbesides.1. W ho’s the pretty blonde sitting .......................Keith? 2....................... languages, we have to studyliterature and history. 3. Who was at the theatre....................... Anne and John? 4. I don’t like thisdress;..................... , it’s too expensive. 5. “ Perhapsyou’ll be lucky this time,” he said as he settled himself....................... her in the car. 6. It’s too late to goout, a n d ..................... , you haven’t done your work.7 .......................... the apple-tree w e’ve got a fewvery tall pear-trees in our garden. 8 .

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