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Теоретическая фонетика английского языка (Теоретическая фонетика английского языка М.А. Соколова, И.С.Тихонова, Р.М.Тихонова, Е.Л.Фрейдина. - Дубна; Феникс+, 2010. - 192 с.), страница 40

PDF-файл Теоретическая фонетика английского языка (Теоретическая фонетика английского языка М.А. Соколова, И.С.Тихонова, Р.М.Тихонова, Е.Л.Фрейдина. - Дубна; Феникс+, 2010. - 192 с.), страница 40 Теоретическая фонетика (58390): Книга - 1 семестрТеоретическая фонетика английского языка (Теоретическая фонетика английского языка М.А. Соколова, И.С.Тихонова, Р.М.Тихонова, Е.Л.Фрейдина. - Дубна;2020-05-10СтудИзба

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It is evident, of course, that theloss of fh 1in stressed syllables sounds wrong.3. Initial "hw". Some conservative RP speakers pronounce words likewhy, when, which with an initial weak breath-like sound [h] [M]. The gen­eral tendency is, however, to pronounce [w].4. Loss of final [!J]. The pronunciation of [m] for the termination h!J]has been restrained as an archaic form of the RP: sittin', lookin'.These occasional usages are not likely to become general.5.

Spread of "dark" [.l]. This tendency is evidently influenced by theAmerican pronunciation and some advanced RP speakers are often heardsaying [i] instead of [I] as in believe, for example. There is no threat inspreading it widely yet but it is quite common for pop singers now. It shouldalso be mentioned that sometimes final [.l J tends to be vocalized as in people.But it is not likely to become a norm.6. Glottal stop. In RP the glottal stop ['l] can appear only in the f'ol­lowing two environments: a) as a realization of syllable-final [t] before afollowing consonant as in batman ['bi€tman] - ['bi€'lmn] or not quite- ['nn'] 'kwalt]; b) in certain consonant clusters as in box, simply[bn'lks], ['sr'lmplJ], where it is known as "glottal reinforcements".

The useof glottal stop by advanced RP speakers produces a "clipped" effect on aforeigner.7. Palatalized final [k'] is often heard in words week, quick, etc.:[kwlk'].8. Linking and intrusive [r]. It has been estimated that all English ac­cents are divided into "rhotic" or "r-full" and "non-rhotic" or "r-less".Rhotic accents are those which actually pronounce [r] corresponding to6.3. English-based Pronunciation Standards of English171orthographic "r". RP is a non-rhotic accent but most speakers ofit do pro­nounce orthographic "r" word-finally before a vowel: It is a facaway count­ry.

It is known as linking "r". Failure by students to pronounce it does notusually affect comprehension but may result in their sounding foreign.As a further development and by analogy with linking "r", "r" is in­serted before a following vowel even though there is no "r" in spelling.This "r" is known as intrusive "r". The actual situation is that younger RPspeakers do have it after [s] as in idea of, China and.It is said that nowadays in colloquial fluent speech there is a strongtendency towards elision, reduction and assimilation.

This tendency isreflected in the pronunciation ofthe young generation: tutor ('t[u:ta],second year ['sekand3Ia], perhaps you [pa'hi€p[u:], gives you ['9rv3u:1, asyou know [a3ju: 'n3u]; in the transcribed texts of British textbooks: him[1m], he (i:], her [3'], his [IZ], can [kn],from (frm], than [on], them [am],some [sm], suppose [Sp3UZ], have to ['hafta], usually ['jU:3walIJ, last time, and there was no one [an oar wz 'nsu WAn]; even in the tra­ditional spelling: C'm on, baby, Sorry 'bout that.

Oh, le'mme see. Oh,I dunno. Must've put'em all together. Why d'you ask? What dja think?Alright!9. Combinative changes. Sound combinations [tj, dj, sj] are pronouncedas [tf, d3,J] respectively, e. g. actual ['i€ktjual] - ['i€kt[ual], graduate['gri€djuaJt] ['gri€d3uelt], issue ['Isju:] ['rSu:].In the clusters oftwo stops, where the loss ofplosion is usually observed,each sound is pronounced with audible release, e.

g. active ['i€~tIv] - ['i€k­bV], sit down ['sltdaun] - [,Sit 'daun].[j] is lost following [1, s, z]: suit [su:t] and after I n I: newsNon-systematic wiations in RP PhonemesSome free phonemes have appeared under the influence of the writtenimage ofwords, their spelling.Unstressed prefixes ex- and con- have gained orthographical pronun­ciation: excuse [Iks'kju: z] - [eks'kju:z], exam [Ig'zi€m] - [eg'zi€m], continue[kan'tmju:] - [knn'tmju:J, consent [kan'sent] [knn'sent].The days of the week: Sunday ['SAndI] - ['SAndel], Monday ['mAndl] ­['mAndel],Note also free variants in often: ['nfan] ­Other cases: economics [,Ika'nnmlks] - [,eka'nnmlks].172Chapter VI. Social and Territorial Varieties of EnglishSome Changes in Intonation1736.3. English-busI'd 111111111110 11111111 rll,1I1uurds of English------------------------------We can al~() 111111' III", IIhlllV northern speakers while they do not havehave [u:J mlllt'l 111,111 H ill words such as hook, book, look.

They there­fore distinguish plIII-, III., ";I,d, nnd buck, which in the South sound [buk]and [bAk], in till' NIlIIII d', 11'11 II. I and [buk]:[A]a) Spread of rising tones in final intonation groups, especially in de­scriptive monologues:about my,self I was '"*bom in ,London. MyI'd "'like to'"*parents were divorced....•,,"111Northp.nll[bu:k]I""d[buk]b) frequent use of Low Falling tone in tags (disjunctive questions):'"*LoveIyd. "?\ ay, \lsnt It.c) Common use of rising tones in special questions, expressing interestand personal involvement on the part of the speaker.'"* Where were you ,born?Now byway ofconclusion we would like to state that some ofthe changesare quite stable, others tend to disappear. It is only natural since the languageis a living body and its development is particularly marked in pronunciation.It is important to be aware of the recent developments in pronunciation,which in the opinion of many prominent phoneticians may lead to radicalchanges in the whole inventory ofvowel and consonant phonemes.distinguishes northern and southern1,·'1....111 II~-----------~----------------~pathIt 111111danceIdllonebutI South Ih,·d II [ba:d] ~ 11111SouthbloodIII'One more major 11111111 Mouth differentiating feature involves the final[i:] like in words city, /llIIIIr'I" etc.

In the north of England they havethe south of England 1111 ',,' words are pronounced withVowelsOne of the main differences between these groups of accents is in thephoneme inventory - the presence or absence of particular phonemes.Typically, the vowel fAl does not occur in the accents of the north:North~----------~~~------------~Note: Speakers will! 111111(\ strongly regional southern substandard ac­cents may not have ilH' I 11111 htNt or, at most, have a contrast that is variable.In the South, hown! I, 11'1 is often pronounced as [a:J:6.3.4. Regional non-RP accents of EngiandAs was stated above, we grouped regional accents of England into south­ern and northern ones.

This division is very approximate ofcourse, becausethere are western and eastern accents but their main accent variations cor­respond either with southern or northern accentual characteristics. Thus wewould like to point out here the main differences between southern andnorthern accents.e,Before the vok'l·!t-·.·.II II ,IIIWI{ II, s1 and certain consonant clusters con­taining initial [n 1111 I111I I' I i'l pl'Onounced in the North instead ofhNorthcity1',,11['SIb]moneyI'IIIA ni:]['mum]ConsonantsIt has been mentiolll'll ilhove that some English accents are, "rhotic" or"r-full" and others are "ll!1ll"rhotic" or "r-less". Rhotic accents are thosewhich actually pronoulh',' 11'1, corresponding to orthographic "r" in words174Chapter VI. Social and Territorial Varieties of English6.3.

English-based Pronunciation Standards of English175like bar andfarm. This [f] sound is post-vocalic and is most often heard in6. RP [30] sounds as [eeo]: soaked [s30kt] - [s<£okt];Scotland, Ireland and in the southwest of England.may be [<£d]: now [nao] ­7. RPIn most regional accents the glottal stop is more widely used than in RP.In some areas, especially the north-east of England, East AngJia and North­Consonantsern Ireland, the glottal stop may also be pronounced simultaneously withthe voiceless [p, t, k], most strikingly between vowels: pity ['pJt?i:].1. [h] in unstressed position is almost invariably absent;Many non-RP speakers use In] in the suffIX "-tng" instead of [u]; sitting2.

[1] is widely spread in Cockney speech: paper ['p<£11pd], butterfly['sltm]. In the western area of central England which includes Birmingham,['bA1tdflal] ;Manchester and Liverpool they pronounce lUg]: singer ['SIUgd], wing[wIUg]·3. the contrast between [0] and [f] is completely lost: thin [frn], boothNow about [j]-dropping.

In most accents [j] is dropped after It, s]: stu­4. the contrast between [0] and [v] is occasionally lost: weather ['wevd]dent ['stu:ddnt], suit [so:t]. In parts of the north the change has progressed agood deal further, it is lost after [0]: enthusiasm [en'0u:zldzm].5. when [0] occurs initially it is either dropped or replaced by [d]: this [diS],In large areas of eastern England [j]lost after every consonant. Inthem [(d)dm];London [j] is lost after [n, t, d]: news [nu:z], tune [tu:n].6.

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