Диссертация (Особенности просодического оформления речи современных женщин с высоким профессиональным статусом (на материале британских интервью)), страница 27

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Even a couple of years before it came upI hadn’t expected to apply. I think serendipity has played a massive role in my careerand what I’ve done. I was quite early taught to…I think it…I express it anyway as holdmy nose and jump in the hope that I can swim and I always have managed to.J: Give me some examples of chances you took.SD: Well, the first one if you look at my career it was I became a consultant.And then I was run up one day and I was specializing in sickle cell disease in theCommunity Hospital Essential District General out in Brent and I was run up and whatI said to the Research Committee, I said: “I know I do some research but why me whenyou’ve got all these famous professors?”.

And the response was: “Well, you’re said tobe very thoughtful and good.” And then they did it. They needed someone from acommunity hospital, someone who understood pathology laboratories and it would benice to tick a woman’s … and I thought about being … and I thought no if I don’t giveit a try. And the story goes and it’s true that I sat there silently watching the game,163learning it and then I started to ask questions and then I started to give opinions in thethird year and then I was appointed as Chair after that.J: … tell me a bit about your background and your childhood and how youcame to medicine?SD: So I’m the first medic in the family partly because my family was veryacademic I wanted to do something very different partly because I did Biology well atschool, went off to Manchester and did fine but actually was much more interested instudent politics and having a good time than in shining and so after I had worked for acouple of years as a doctor I found that stage in the early seventies quite brutalizing.Alison Cooper (Генеральный директор группы компаний BritishImperial Tobacco)Improving operational effectivenessA: Well, we’re very much focused on generating growth but strategically I thinkit’s important that that’s quality growth.

We are looking for sustainable growth for thebusiness. So that’s very much our focus with our assets and how we maximize theassets in Imperial. We just reported off for year results coz we are September year endand that came through strongly with the brands and how we’re focusing on the growthof the brands. And those brands were up 7 per cent in volume terms. A third of ourportfolio growing at a great rate for us. So that’s really got to be the quality we’relooking for and sustainability that we are looking for. But within that I think the keyasset worth focusing on in this environment is really our people and what our peopledo, their values, how they work in this environment, investing in that I think isabsolutely essential given the issues that we have to deal with… business.Threats to growthA: The two key threats for us around are a combination of economicenvironment with regulation, the increasing regulation of the product.

And theproblems with regulation we’re seeing now is that extremes of regulation don’t do164anything to impact consumption and what they do or tend to do is drive consumersmore into the illicit market. And that’s the key, the key threat we have to manage bothproactively with governments but also with our portfolio and providing consumerswith a broad range of products, hopefully keep them within the legal market.Frances O’Grady (Генеральный Секретарь Британского Конгрессапрофсоюзов )J: Frances, when we talk to women on the Power List we often find thatthey’ve had someone, another woman who has championed them… was theresomeone who inspired you early on?FOG: There were lots of women who inspired me and lots of men whoencouraged me too.

But when I worked at the Transport and General, I think MargaretProso now Baroness…. She was a real source of inspiration as a woman who camefrom an ordinary background and did amazing things.J: What was the best advice you ever got in climbing the ladder of tradeunions?F: I think that my mom always told me that you know better than anybody elseyou know worse than anybody else. So I think that sense of entitlement on the basis ofwhat you do and what you achieve but not on some kind of false sense of superiority.J: A lot of discussion around women in the work place achieving high levelsfocuses on work-life balance. It’s sort of assumed that you have to give up a lot tomake it to the top.

Have you made compromises on family or personal life?F: I think like a lot of women sometimes there was a bit of a struggle just to getthrough the week. I think anybody bringing up children or caring for elderly relativeswill find it hard to combine that with holding down a job. But I always been lucky I’veloved the work that I do/ for me trade unionism isn’t a career, it’s a cause…it’s about165ordinary working people sticking together, standing up for values of matter likeequality and justice including fairness for women at work.J: I gather that you’re a single parent. I mean that must have been difficultwhen you were starting out?F: It could be. There was a lot of hopping on and off buses in between thenursery and school and catching up on work in the evening.

Again I think it what a lotof women do. Maybe we should talk more about because I think all kind of jobs couldbe made easier for women to do and progress in if we had a little bit of imaginationand a little bit more trust in the way that people work.J: One of the big association people have rightly or wrongly about tradeunions is that they’ve traditionally been very male, very male-dominated. Is thatfair? Has it changed?F: Well, one of the great things about this list is that it gives me the opportunityto say many more women union leaders should be on it three in ten of our unionleaders are now women. We’ve got fifty-fifty membership men and women. The tradeunion movement is looking much more like people we aim to represent.

And that’s gotto be a good thing. We need to share power in society more.Stella McCartney (Дизайнер одежды)J: So, Stella there is a lot of talk now about ethical fashion, about beingfriendly to the environment, about being serious. But you have been responsibleright through your fashion line. Tell us about the beginnings.S: Well, I guess for me it came very naturally for me. I was brought up on anorganic farm in the countryside with erm you know…We are all vegetarian so it wassort of..it came without thinking, I guess. But then when it came to me having a careerand starting a job and starting a brand in fashion I guess it wouldn’t have ever satcomfortably with me to have been hypocritical.

So I guess that was the starting point.166The seeds were already sown in my personal life and then they came into my businesslife.J: Can you define for us exactly what you do and what you don’t do. Youknow, people say Stella doesn’t do fur. We know Stella doesn’t do leather. Tell uswhat you do do, the positive side.S: Well, I don’t do leather and I don’t do fur and it’s not just because I don’t eatanimals or that I don’t think that half a billion animals a year shouldn’t be killed forthe sake of fashion but it’s because I also believe very much in the connection betweenfur and leather and the environment, you know. There’s a huge connection now andmore and more I think people will start to take notice of that.

The use of water fortanneries you know, the sort of the chemicals they use and there’s a huge impact that ithas environmentally but not only on that…I try and just think responsibly in the waythat I approach business. so we have stores, for instance, around the world and themajority of them are powered by wind power. Out business headquarters are poweredby wind and you know we have bags that are recycled paper, we have biodegradablecorn bags. We are just very conscious.

We just think like that and it’s just sort of…part of everyday life now for me and for the people that work with me.J: We know, of course, that people in the West are those who have done somuch to hurt the environment. Can we now, that people from the West, really cometo a country like India and say: “Hey, we did it wrong but you’ve got to do it rightnow.”S: Well, you know I mean I think more and more we have to think globally. Wehave to address the world as a big round thing spinning in the universe. It can’t just beso and of course we can’t sit and point the finger at other countries and tell them tolearn from our mistakes but at the same time we have to be responsible and theconsumer also has to ask questions and has to act accordingly. I mean India is one ofthe largest leather producers in the world and you know it’s not necessarily their faultbut they are and that has huge impacts on the pollution in the rivers.

India lives off therivers more than most countries. And I think we have to be responsible when we work167with India. We have to ask of them the correct things and we have to give them thetools to change in a positive way.JK Rowling Interview (Писательница)J: Do you know what the next book for publishers will be?JR: I think it will be a different novel for children which is also quite nearcompletion. It’s just because I don’t know why. I just think it will be that one but Iwouldn’t want anyone to hold me to that because I like to be able to be free to changemy mind.

I spent a long time committed to the next thing I was gonna write so it justfeels great now that I can choose it.J: And if you could be compared to any author in your fantasy literary reviewwhere they would draw an analogy between you, which would be the author youwould most be loved to be likened to?JR: Oh my God! Well, I’ve written such different things. So on the children’sside a writer I always loved as a child and I love her still was …… and on the adults’side I don’t really know… I think that “The Casual Vacancy” is quite “Trollope”..it’squite a nice adjective in a way. So if anyone wanted to say that it was like one of thosenineteenth-century quite … novel a Trollope …..

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