Учебник Англ 2 курс (Учебник 2020 год для 2 курсов(3 семестр)), страница 12


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Текст 12 страницы из документа "Учебник Англ 2 курс"

  • P eople seem to be more than ever dependent on robots.

  • Robots are likely to rule the world if we do not stop them now.

  • Industrial robots were said to have no practical use.

  • Robotics is supposed to change the concept of work.

Во всех предложениях выше используется конструкция

Сложное подлежащее (Complex subject)

подлежащее сказуемое инфинитив

People seem to be

Robots are likely to rule

Robots were said to have

Robotics is supposed to change

Истинным сказуемым здесь является инфинитивная конструкция, а формальное сказуемое переводится на русский язык при помощи вводной конструкции и может находиться в начале или середине предложения:

Кажется, что люди как никогда раньше зависят … // Люди, по-видимому, … зависят

Вероятно, роботы станут править миром// Роботы вероятно станут править миром

Говорили, что роботы не имеют практической пользы// Роботы, как говорили, не имеют ….

Предполагается, что робототехника изменит …// ! Робототехника должна изменить

КОНСТРУКЦИЯ «СЛОЖНОЕ ПОДЛЕЖАЩЕЕ» употребляется после глаголов в страдательном залоге, обозначающих

1 чувственное восприятие

to be heard

to be seen

to be watched

to be felt

to be observed

to be noticed

to be perceived и др.

2 умственную деятельность:

to be known

to be thought

to be considered

to be believed

to be supposed

to be expected

to be imagined

to be found

to be assumed и др.

3 сообщение:

to be said

to be reported

to be stated и др.

4 После глаголов в действительном залоге и фраз, выражающих степень уверенности

to seem

to appear

to prove

to turn out

to happen

to be likely

to be unlikely

to be sure

to be certain

28 Choose the correct option.

  1. В этом видео было видно, как ATLAS передвигается по пересеченной местности. In the video, ATLAS was seen/ saw to walk over difficult terrain.

  2. Ожидается, что роботы будут выполнять всю работу по дому в ближайшем будущем. Robots are expected/ Expected robots to do all our household chores in the near future.

  3. Говорят, что большинство людей доверяют роботам. Most people are said/ Said, most people to trust robots.

  4. Большинство людей, как говорят, не доверяют роботам. Most people are said/ said to mistrust robots.

  5. По-видимому, обычные люди не доверяют роботам. The general public seems/ is seemed to mistrust robots.

  6. Роботы вероятно заменят людей в опасных условиях. Robots are sure/ likely to replace people in hazardous jobs.

  7. Создается впечатление, что инвестиции в роботов себя не оправдывают. Investments in robotics happen/ appear not to pay off.

29 Transform the given sentences using the prompts in brackets.

  1. People saw George Devol as an impractical inventor.

George Devol was seen to be an impractical inventor.

  1. It was supposed that workers would perform monotonous tasks without losing concentration. (Workers were …)

  2. It was expected that the robotic arm should be able to grasp and lift objects.

(The robotic arm was …)

  1. The inventor found that pressure sensors were useful for the robotic arm.

(Pressure sensors were …. to be ….)

  1. It happened so that Devol and Engelberger met by accident. (Devol and Engelberger …)

  2. The American public perceived robots to be scary and dangerous. (Robots were …)

  3. It seemed that the situation was hopeless. ( The situation …)

  4. The industry in Japan considered robots to have a huge potential. (Robots were … in Japan).

  5. It was reported that the Japanese automotive industry experienced a boom.

(The Japanese automotive industry was …)

  1. It is believed that Devol and Engelberger had started the industrial robotics.

(Devol and Engelberger are …)

30 *Look at list of the jobs below. Which of them are likely to be taken over by robots? Brainstorm in small groups and check here if you were right

Robot worker image via shutterstock.com

R obots are likely to take postal service workers’ jobs soon.

Human postal service workers are sure to be replaced by robots.

Robots are certain to replace human postal service worker.

Postal service worker, bus driver, university professor, programmer, accountant, cashier, aerospace engineer, mechanical engineer, restaurant cook, fashion model, electronic drafter.

31 Study the visual and answer the questions.

1. What type of diagram is this: a table, a pie chart, a bar chart or a graph?

2. What information does it show? Over what period?

3. How did the size of Amazon workforce change?

4. How did the number of robots in Amazon workforce change?

5. What trend does it indicate?

  • The number of... increased/went up/grew by n.

  • The number of... decreased/went down n times.

  • The number of…. doubled/ tripled.

  • The number of... did not change/remained stable


32 Match the verbs to the nouns (more than one variant is possible)
















33 Look at the list of jobs. Which of them can already be done by robots?

Robots already can

Only humans can

Robots will be able to

  • sort mail

  • grade school essays.

  • assess credit risks.

  • diagnose illnesses.

  • invent new things.

  • conduct financial audit.

  • read standard contracts.

  • develop business strategies.

  • create marketing campaigns.

Watch a TED Talk on machine learning and check your ideas.

34 *Watch the video again and fill in the gaps in the summary.

In 2013, scientists from ________ University estimated that almost ____% of all jobs had a high risk of being automated by machines. This is explained by the advances in machine ________. This technology allows machines to learn from _______ and mimic some of the things that humans can do. In frequent, high-volume tasks machines can ________ humans. However, machines cannot compete with us when it comes to dealing with _______ situations.

35 Work in small groups and decide if the following statement are true or false.

1. Artificial intelligence is used only in robotics.

2. All robots are artificially intelligent.

3. AI algorithms allow robots to understand human language.

4. AI is used to make robots safer for humans.

36 Read the text and check answers to your questions.

Venn diagram диаграмма Венна (из пересекающихся окружностей)

branch v раздел, отрасль

otherwise adv иначе, в ином случае

tackle v браться за, справляться

reasoning n рассуждения

input n данные на входе

output n данные на выходе

Are Robotics and Artificial Intelligence the Same Thing?

b y Alex Owen-Hill on Jul 19, 2017

The first thing to clarify is that robotics and artificial intelligence are not the same thing at all. In fact, the two fields are almost entirely separate. A Venn diagram of the two would look like this:

To understand how these three terms relate to each other, let's look at each of them individually.

What Is Robotics?

Robotics is a branch of technology which deals with robots. Robots are programmable machines which are usually able to carry out a series of actions autonomously, or semi-autonomously.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science. It involves developing computer programs to complete tasks which would otherwise require human intelligence. AI algorithms can tackle learning, perception, problem-solving, language-understanding and/or logical reasoning.

AI is used in many ways within the modern world. For example, AI algorithms are used in Google searches, Amazon's recommendation engine and SatNav route finders. Most AI programs are not used to control robots. Even when AI is used to control robots, the AI algorithms are only part of the larger robotic system, which also includes sensors, actuators and non-AI programming. Often — but not always — AI involves some level of machine learning, where an algorithm is "trained" to respond to a particular input in a certain way by using known inputs and outputs.

The key aspect that differentiates AI from more conventional programming is the word "intelligence." Non-AI programs simply carry out a defined sequence of instructions. AI programs mimic some level of human intelligence.

What Are Artificially Intelligent Robots?

Artificially intelligent robots are the bridge between robotics and AI. These are robots which are controlled by AI programs. Many robots are not artificially intelligent. Up until quite recently, all industrial robots could only be programmed to carry out a repetitive series of movements. Non-intelligent robots are quite limited in their functionality. AI algorithms are often necessary to allow the robot to perform more complex tasks.

37 Study prefixes that can have multiple meanings. Match the examples to each category.

OUT can mean 1) to improve, to make or do something bigger, better, longer etc. OUTPERFORM

2) outside or away from. OUTPUT

Outclass, outdoor, outdo, outflow, outshine, outbuilding, out-box

IN can mean 1) not; negative INFREQUENT

2) inside, into, towards INPUT

Inland, income, inexpensive, indefinite, infiltrate; inorganic,


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Отличная платформа для распространения работ, востребованных студентами. Хорошо налаженная и качественная работа сайта, огромная база заданий и аудитория.
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