Учебник Англ 2 курс (Учебник 2020 год для 2 курсов(3 семестр)), страница 11


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cannot bear

- приказ или разрешение

to order 

to allow

to permit

to let*

to get

to force

to cause

to make*

*После этих глаголов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to

- чувственное восприятие**

to hear **

to see**

to watch**

to feel**

to observe**

to notice**

**После этих глаголов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to

**После этих глаголов также можно употребить ING форму для того, чтобы продемонстрировать процесс протекания действия

12 Fill in the gaps with the suitable verbs. Notice: one verb is extra!

allow/ don’t like/ expect/ have/ see/ would like

  1. A third of Brits _______ robots to do their household chores soon.

  2. Humans ________ robots to be too life-like.

  3. Not many people will _______ robots to look after their children.

  4. In the video you can _________ the new robot walking over difficult terrain.

  5. We can ______robots do hazardous jobs for us.

13 Choose the correct option.

1a The audience watched the robot overcoming obstacles.

b The audience watched the robot was overcoming obstacles.

2a The public doesn’t want robots being too smart.

b The public doesn’t want robots to be too smart.

3a What jobs will you let a robot do in your home?

b What jobs will you let a robot to do in your home?

4a We expect them not to look exactly like us.

b We expect they not to look exactly like us.

5a Industrial robots allow that humans and robots to work together.

b Industrial robots allow humans and robots to work together.

6a Would you like that a robot look after you when you are sick?

b Would you like a robot to look after you when you are sick?

7a We prefer robots to do monotonous repetitive work.

b We prefer that robots to do monotonous repetitive work.

8a Industrial robots will force that workers will lose their skills.

b Industrial robots will force workers to lose their skills.

9a Humans should not be made to perform dirty and dangerous jobs.

b. Humans should not be made perform dirty and dangerous jobs.

14 Watch the video about the Atlas robot and tick the actions that you saw the robot do.

  • attack the human

  • d ance

  • fall down

  • jump up and down

  • keep pace with the human

  • lift heavy boxes

  • put boxes in place

  • straighten itself

  • swim

  • walk on snow-covered ground

15 *Describe in writing what you saw Atlas and its developers do in the video.

  • We could see Atlas open the door.

  • We watched the robot walking over difficult terrain.

  • We observed a human push the robot.

16 Fill in the gaps in a survey by the British Science Association using Complex Object.

60% expect the use of robots __ lead to fewer jobs within ten years.

36% ________the development of AI to be a threat to humanity.

46% don’t ______ robots ___ have personality.

W hat job will you NOT have let a robot do?

53% will not _____ __ _______ perform surgery.

49% will ____ ____ __ ______ drive public buses.

62% ____ ____ ____ __ ____ ______ commercial aircraft.

W hat job will you want a robot to do?

49% will ____ a robot to perform domestic tasks for the elderly or the disabled

48% will _____ _ _____ __ fly unmanned search and rescue missions

45% ____ _____ _ _____ __ fly unmanned military aircraft

70% ____ _____ _ _____ __ monitor crops

M odule 9 Lesson 2 ROBOTS AT WORK

17 Decide if the words in pairs are close in meaning and mark them with ≈ or ≠

robotic ≈ automatic

hazardous dangerous

chore problem

assist help

embody use

implication application

define find

serve work

conundrum mystery

implication effect

perform exist

obstacle barrier

18 Answer the questions in pairs.

  1. What is the origin of the word ‘robot’?

  2. What is a robotic arm?

  3. What kind of work and what kind of tasks are robotic arms designed to perform?

  4. Is there any similarity between a human arm and a robotic arm? What is it?

  5. What industries do robotic arms commonly work in?

19 Read the text and check your answers to Ex. 18.

The Robotic Arm

design v 1) разрабатывать, предназначать;

2) проектировать, конструировать

handle v справляться, обращаться с

joint n сочленение

link n звено

increment n шаг, приращение

precisely adv точно

sensor n датчик

rather than conj а не

end effector n рабочий орган

grasp v / grip v– захватывать

drill v сверлить

tighten v затягивать

no matter – вне зависимости от

  1. The term robot comes from the Czech word robota, generally translated as "forced labor". Indeed, most robots in the world are designed for heavy, repetitive manufacturing work. They handle tasks that are difficult, dangerous or boring to human beings.

  2. The most common manufacturing robot is the robotic arm. It consists of a number of joints and links. A robotic joint (also called axis) provides relative motion between two links of the robot. The computer controls the robot by rotating individual step (or stepper) motors connected to each joint. Unlike ordinary motors, step motors move in exact increments. This allows the computer to move the arm very precisely, repeating exactly the same movement over and over again. The robot uses motion sensors to make sure it moves just the right amount.

  3. A n industrial robot closely resembles a human arm - it has the equivalent of a shoulder, an elbow and a wrist. Typically, the shoulder is mounted to a stationary base structure rather than to a movable body.

  4. Your arm's job is to move your hand from place to place. Similarly, the robotic arm's job is to move an end effector from place to place. You can outfit robotic arms with all sorts of end effectors, which are suited to a particular application. One common end effector is a simplified version of the hand, which can grasp and carry different objects. Robotic hands often have built-in pressure sensors that tell the computer how hard the robot is gripping a particular object. This keeps the robot from dropping or breaking whatever it's carrying.

  5. Most industrial robots work in auto assembly lines, putting cars together. Robots can do a lot of this work more efficiently than human beings because they are extremely precise. They always drill in the exactly the same place, and they always tighten bolts with the same amount of force, no matter how many hours they've been working. Manufacturing robots are also very important in the computer industry. It takes an incredibly precise hand to put together a tiny microchip.

20 Decide if the following statements are true or false.

  1. A robot can have several links and joints.

  2. Motors are connected to links.

  3. The main feature of a step motor is that it is controlled by a computer.

  4. The type of the end effector used depends on the application.

  5. A pressure sensor is used to detect objects.

  6. Robots are used in car plants because they can tighten bolts with greater force than humans.

21 Fill in the gaps with the suitable words from Ex. 19.

1. Robots use _______ to collect information from the environment.

2. A ________ is a mechanism that enables relative motion between parts of a robotic arm.

3. Step motors move in fixed ________.

4 An ___ ______ is the device at the end of a robotic arm, designed to interact with the environment.

22 *Find the English equivalents for the following:

Mеханический манипулятор; рабочий орган; сборочный конвейер; датчик давления; датчик движения; шаговый двигатель; относительное движение; неподвижное основание.

23 Watch the video about Unimate, the first industrial robot, and choose the correct option.

  1. George Devol believed robots to be preferable to people in jobs that

a. involve repetitive actions

b. require good mechanical skills

c. require high accuracy

  1. The original purpose of the robot arm by George Devol was …

a. to improve the workers’ life

b. to make production cheaper

c. to improve production quality

  1. While Devol was working on the invention, Engelberger focused on

a. finding investors

b. finding potential applications

c. finding similar patents

  1. It was difficult for the robots to be introduced into the US industry because …

a. the industry was not ready

b. the public considered them to be dangerous

c. the industry could not afford them

  1. Industrial robots became popular in Japan because

a. the Japanese public found them cute

b. they improved the companies’ image

c. they increased productivity

24 *Match the characteristic to the personality.

George Devol

had poor business skills

Joe Engelberger

had a university degree

immediately recognized the commercial potential of the invention

tried to find the market for the new invention

was a nerd

was a self-taught engineer

was a serial inventor

was a sharp businessman

was the father of the first industrial robot

25 Match the end effector to its name.





suction cap/ vacuum




26 *Watch the video and answer the questions.

    1. What items can you see on the conveyor belt?

    2. What is the purpose of the assembly line?

    3. What kinds of end effectors are used?

    4. How many robots are working?

    5. What is their productivity?

    6. What extra features do they have?

27 Agree or disagree

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Маленький отзыв о большом помощнике!
Студизба спасает в те моменты, когда сроки горят, а работ накопилось достаточно. Довольно удобный сайт с простой навигацией и огромным количеством материалов.
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Отличная платформа для распространения работ, востребованных студентами. Хорошо налаженная и качественная работа сайта, огромная база заданий и аудитория.
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