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Теоретическая фонетика английского языка (Теоретическая фонетика английского языка М.А. Соколова, И.С.Тихонова, Р.М.Тихонова, Е.Л.Фрейдина. - Дубна; Феникс+, 2010. - 192 с.), страница 41

PDF-файл Теоретическая фонетика английского языка (Теоретическая фонетика английского языка М.А. Соколова, И.С.Тихонова, Р.М.Тихонова, Е.Л.Фрейдина. - Дубна; Феникс+, 2010. - 192 с.), страница 41 Теоретическая фонетика (58390): Книга - 1 семестрТеоретическая фонетика английского языка (Теоретическая фонетика английского языка М.А. Соколова, И.С.Тихонова, Р.М.Тихонова, Е.Л.Фрейдина. - Дубна;2020-05-10СтудИзба

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[I] is realized as a vowel when it precedes a consonant and follows avowel, or when it is syllabic: milk [mlvk], table [teIbv]; when the preced­A. Southern English Accentsing vowel is [J:], [I] may disappear completely;isWe now turn to an examination of regional non-RP accents of Englandand we shall first give a brief outline of the group of Southern accents.As it was stated above, educated Southern speech is very much near-RPaccent whereas non-standard accents are similar to Cockney. So we are go­ing to give a detailed description of this London accent.It has been long established that Cockney is a social accent typical ofthe speech of working class areas of Greater London.

Here are some pro­nunciation features of Cockney.Vowels­1. [A] is realized as [<£1]: blood [blAd] - [bl<£id];2. [ee] is realized as [E] or lEI]: bag [b<£g] - [bEg], [bElg];3. [I] in word-final position sounds as Ii:]: city ('Sib](,Slti:];4. when [J:] is non-final, its realization is much closer, it sounds like [0:];pause [pJ:z] - [po:z]; when it is final, it is pronounced as [J:d]: paw- [PJ:d];5.

the diphthong['Ialdi:] ; is realized as [eel] or [al]: lady ['Ieldl] 7. [U] is replaced by [n] in word-final position: dancing ('du:nsm] or it maybe pronounced as [IUk] in something, anything, nothing: ['nAfIuk];8. [p, t, k] are heavily aspirated, more so than in RP;9. rtl is affricated, [s] is heard before the vowel: top [tsnp].B.

Northern and Midland AccentsMidland accents, Yorkshire, for example, \\est Midland and North­West accents have very much in common with Northern ones. Thereforethey are combined in this book into one group; peculiar realization of vow­els and consonants will be marked, of course, when each subgroup is de­scribed separately.The countries ofnorthern England are not far from the Scottish border,so the influence of Scotch accent is noticeable, though there are of coursemany features of pronunciation characteristic only of northern English re­gions.

The most typical representative of the speech of this area is Newcas­tle accent. It differs from RP in the following:VowelsI. RP rA1 is realized aslove [IAV] ­]76Chapter VI. Social and Territorial Varieties of English2. RP final [I] sounds like [i:]: city ['sIb]4. [eI] , [3U] are either monophthongs, or much narrower diphthongs that theones in the south of England, or they may even sound as opening diph­thongs [Ie], [uoJ: bay [be:], [bleJ, plate [ple:t), [plJet], boat [bo:t],5.

words that have "al" in spelling - talk, call, all, are pronounced with[a:]: [ta:k], [ka:l], [a:IJ;6. RP words with [3:] are pronounced with [J:] in a broad Tyneside accent:first [hst], shirt [fJ:tJ; sofirst,jorced; shirt, short are homonyms;7.

raIl is [81]: rightmay have1776.3.5. Welsh English[,slti:];3. words like dance, chance which in RP have [a:] are pronounced withlee]: [deens], [tJeens];8. words which in RP have6.3. English-based Pronunciation Standards ofWales is a bilingual area. This speech situation in linguistics is knownas exoglossic. In Wales English dominates ovel' Welsh in urban areas, inthe west and north-west of the country the balance being in favour ofWelsh, where English is learnt at schools as a secolid language.

At the mo­ment nationalistic feelings are rather strong in Wales and we are witness­ing a movement in favour of the revival of the Welsh language and itsspread in all areas of Wales.However, Welsh English at the level of educated speech and writing isnot much different from that of English English. Most differences arefound at the level of more localized dialects.this chapter we shall give a brief outline of Welsh English pronun­ciation standard.e. g. about [';;1bu:t].The principal phonological differences between WE and RP are thefollowing:Consonants1.

[IJ is clear in all environments;Vowels2. [hJ is usually present in all positions;1. The distribution of [ee] and [a:] is as in the north of England. Last,3. -ing is [m]: shilling4. [p, t, k] between vowels are accompanied by glottal stop[,Plt?i:] ;dance, chance, etc. tend to have [ee] rather than [a:J;pity5. in parts of Northumberland and Durham [r] may be uvular (in its pro­duction the tongue and the uvula, not the tongue and the alveolar ridgetake part).Yorkshire accentsYorkshire and Bradford accents are identical with northern vowel fea­tures in points 1, 3, 4 (only many speakers pronounce words which have"ow", "ou" in spelling with [3UJ: know [3U]; with northern consonant fea­tures in point 3.Now having accomplished the description of regional non- RP accentsof England we would like to say that we didn't attempt to give a detailed ac­count of all the regional differences in accents of remote rural areas.

Weconcentrated on urban accents which are more likely to be encountered byforeign tourists.2. unstressed orthographic "a" tends to be [ee] rather than [;;1], e. g. : sofa['so:f ee] ;3. there is no contrast between [A] and [;;1]: rubber ['r;;1b;;1];4. [I] at the end is a long vowel: city [,slti:];5. in words like tune, few, used we find [iu] rather than [ju:]: tune[tiun];6. reJl, [3U] may becomc monophthongs: bake [bc:.:k], boat [bo:tJ;7. the vowel [a:llIs in girl is produced with rounded lips approaching [0:];8, the vowels [101, Ith)1 do not occur in many variants of Welsh English:fear is ['fi:jal, poor Is I'PU:W;;1].Consonants1.

Welsh English is nOIH'hotic, [r] is a tap, or it is also called a flapped. Intrusive und linking [r] do occur.178Chapter VI. Social and Territorial Varieties of English2. Consonants in intervocalic position, particularly when the precedingvowel is short are doubled: city ['sltti:].3. Voiceless plosives tend to be strongly aspirated: in word final positionthey are generally released and without glottalization, e. g. pit[phlth] .4. fll is clear in all positions.Intonation in Welsh English is very much influenced by the Welsh lan­guage.6.3.6.

Scottish Englishwe must first make clear that the status ofScottish English is still debated.Some linguists say that it is a national variant. Others say that it is a dialect.English has been spoken in Scotland for as long as it has been spoken inEngland. In the Highlands and Islands of northern and western Scotland,however, Gaelic is still the native language of thousands of speakers fromthese regions.

A standardized form of this language, known as Scots, wasused at the court and in literature until the Reformation. Then it was gradu­ally replaced by English. Incidentally a number of writers and poets of thelikes of R. Burns retained their native language.Nowadays educated Scottish people speak a form of Scottish StandardEnglish which grammatically and lexically is not different from Englishused elsewhere, although with an obvious Scottish accent. We must admit,however, that non-standard dialects of Scotland still resemble Scots and inmany respects are radically different from most other varieties of English. Itis very difficult to understand them for students who learn RP.At the moment there is currently a strong movement in Scotland for therevival of Scots. Nevertheless Scottish Standard English is still more presti­geous and in this book we concentrate on Scottish English as used and spo­ken by educated urban Scots.As for the status of Scottish English, in this book it will be treated as adialect though it is fair to say that there is much in favour of calling it a na­tional variant of English.Vowels­1.

Since Scottish English is rhotic, i. e. it preserves post-vocalic [r], vowelssuch as RP [Ia], [3:], [lOa], loa] do not occur:1796.3. English-based Pronunciation Standards of Englishbeer birdhurtbardmoorRPScottish English [b3:d] [h3:t][ba:d][moa][hArt] [ba:rd] [mm] 2.

Length is not a distinctive feature of Scottish vowels. So pairs likepool - pull, cot - caught are not distinguished. It should be noted,however, that vowels are longer in final stressed open syllables thanelsewhere.3. Monophthongs are pure, there is no trace of diphthongization with theexceptions of [a I] [81], lao] - [80] and4. The RP[~]- [a:(a)] distinction doesn't exist: hat [hat], dance5.

[I], [0] may be centraL6. In non-standard Scottsih English accent [u:] often occurs when RP haslao]: house [haos] [hu:s].7. It is interesting to mention that [u] andmay be not contrasted. not ______________ [not]note socks[soksl soaks8. In very many regional accents do, to are pronounced as [da1, [ta J.9. In some accents words such as ann, after, grass may have [8] rather [a:]: after Consonants1. Scottish English consistently preserves a distinction between fMl and[w 1: which [Mltf] witch2. Initial [p, t, k] are usually non-aspirated.3.

[r] is most usually a flap.4. Non-initial [t] is often realized as glottal stop [1].5. f11 is dark in all positions.6. The velar fricative [xl occursa number of words: loch [lux].180Chapter VI. Social and Territorial Varieties of English7. -ingis [Ill].8. [h] is present.9. A specific Scottish feature is the pronunciation of [er] as [Ir]: through[Jru:].1816.3. English-based Pronunciation Standards of EnglishRepublic, Donegal, for instance, speak Northern Ireland English, whilesome ofthe no.rthern provinces speak Southern Ireland English.In this chapter we shall deal with Northern Ireland English pronuncia­tion.Vowels'Non-systematic DifferenceSome words have pronunciation distinctively different from RP:RPlengthraspberryrealizethoughtortoiseto that of Scottish accents, post-vocalic ret­The vowel system isused as in Scotland.roflex frictionless sonol'ant 11'1Scottish Englishe][leU['ru:zbn][e]:[!O]:[03U][a]:['b:tas][u]:[0]:6.3.7.

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