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02 Инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты (Т.Н. Михельсон, Н.В. Успенская - Практический курс грамматики английского языка), страница 7


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Файл "02 Инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты " внутри архива находится в папке "Т.Н. Михельсон, Н.В. Успенская - Практический курс грамматики английского языка". Документ из архива "Т.Н. Михельсон, Н.В. Успенская - Практический курс грамматики английского языка", который расположен в категории "". Всё это находится в предмете "английский язык" из 1 семестр, которые можно найти в файловом архиве МГУ им. Ломоносова. Не смотря на прямую связь этого архива с МГУ им. Ломоносова, его также можно найти и в других разделах. .

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Текст 7 страницы из документа "02 Инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты "

в сложном дополнешш и в составном глагольном сказуемом


Переведите следующие предложения и укажите заключающийся в них инфинитивный оборот:

  1. Dr. Innes expected CdS to fluoresce.

  2. Dr. Innes was expected to report his new discoveries.

  3. ZnS is known to fluoresce.

  4. ZnS was expected by Dr. J. E. Parkins to fluoresce.

  5. The atomic weight of oxygen has been assumed to be


6. Scientists assume the atomic weight of carbon to be


7. The nucleus has been shown by recent research to be

an exceedingly complex structure.

  1. Recent research has shown the nucleus to be an
    exceedingly complex structure.

  2. Uranium X proves to be isotopic with, and chemically
    inseparable from, thorium.

10. Joule and other scientists proved heat to be a form

of energy.

  1. According to the light-quantum hypothesis, one might
    expect the kinetic energy of the emitted electron to be
    dependent upon the size of quantum of energy received, and
    this, in turn, upon the frequency of the incident radiation.

  2. The alpha-particle has atomic mass, so that its passage
    through matter might be expected to cause disruptive effects.

26. Инфинитив после причастия II и слов likely, sure, certain

Инфинитив после причастия II, образованного от глаголов типа assume — считать, believe, think — пола­гать, find — оказываться, know — знать и др., перево­дится глаголом в личной форме в функции сказуемого придаточного определительного предложения с относи­тельным местоимением который. Причастие передается вводным неопределенно-личным предложением с сою­зом как, вводным словом или оборотом:

The changes assumed to take place on adding salts are illustrated in Fig. 1.

Изменения, которые, как считают, имеют место при добавлении солей, представлены на рис. 1.

Примечание. Тот же перевод требуется, если инфинитив стоит после причастия I от глагола appear или после слов likely, sure, certain:

Не used a substance appearing to induce X-rays.

Он использовал вещество, которое, видимо, испускало рентгенов­ские лучи.

Here is the apparatus likely to give the results required.

Вот аппарат, который, вероятно, даст (может дать) требуемые результаты.


Упражнение Переведите следующие предложения:

  1. A substance known to possess these properties is called
    an acid.

  2. The only known sulphur compounds reported to have
    been found in oils fall into the following classes.

  3. Account should be taken of the worst conditions of
    air temperature and humidity likely to arise.

  4. A total of 2100 pictures were taken of which only a
    small fraction showed tracks appearing to stop in the bottom

  5. The findings appearing to belong to the same period
    are of considerable interest.

6. These characteristic features may be due to a
mechanism, analogous to the one found to exist for soft
X-ray emission.

7. An effect reported to be due to the space charge in a
retarding field was found and investigated by Marx and Meyer.

27. Сопоставление инфинитива после причастия II с инфинитивом в составном глагольном сказуемом


Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на ин­финитив в составном глагольном сказуемом:

  1. Many substances are known to dissolve in hot water.

  2. A substance which is known to dissolve in acids may
    not dissolve in water.

  3. The substance reported to dissolve in hot water was
    thoroughly tested.

  4. This substance is reported to possess the property of

  5. Substances thought to possess the property in question
    were thoroughly investigated.

  6. The eclipse of the sun was predicted to occur in 1460.

  7. The eclipse of the sun predicted to occur in 1460 took
    place at the exact moment foretold.

  8. This was the cubic equation which was believed in
    ancient Egypt to be insoluble.

  9. The question is how closely these data represent the
    results likely to be obtained in practice.

3 Зак. 105 65

10. The following particulars have been selected as those
most likely to be useful in judging and criticizing the work.

  1. The postulates of the theory are of fundamental
    importance, and are likely to form the nucleus of future
    theories of the structure of molecules.

  2. In 1886, the Allis Lake Laboratory, a privately
    supported institution and said to be the first fresh-water
    biological station in this country, was established in Wisconsin.

28. Повторение инфинитивов и инфинитивных оборотов


Переведите следующие предложения, определяя инфинитивные обороты и функции инфинитивов:


  1. The radius of our orbit is believed to be increasing
    very slowly.

  2. The copper to be refined is cast into large plates.

  3. This property allows the alpha particle to be detected.

  4. The source is so weak as to add comparatively few
    additional counts above the background.

  5. There appear to be two distinct effects in this case.

  6. Electrons can be made to travel at very high speeds.

  7. The idea of nuclear charge and atomic number is now
    realized to be most important.

  8. The cooling is effected by methods to be discussed in
    the next chapter.

  9. A certain period of time must be allowed for the oil
    drops to be removed by the electric field or by precipitation.

  1. There appears to be direct evidence of the existence
    of negative electrons in matter.

  2. The distance d was calculated from equation 1—25
    and found to be 2.814 Angstroms.

  3. The best agreement is to be found in the case of
    carbonic acid.

  4. In our discussion the nucleus will be taken to be
    at rest.

  5. We may suppose the alpha-particles within the nucleus
    to be in motion.

  6. Ordinary objects are not likely to move with a velocity
    approaching the velocity of light.


16. The lithium nucleus is too small for so many collisions
to occur.

17. Secondary radiation may be expected to rise when
the primary radiations are observed.

  1. Light is to be considered as some kind of wave motion
    of electromagnetic origin.

  2. There is no reason for the conversion of mechanical
    into rediated energy to be continuous.


  1. Alpha-rays were shown to be identical, no matter
    from what radioactive element they are emitted.

  2. There is no definite molecular weight to be ascribed
    to water when in a liquid state.

22. Pitchblende was shown by X-ray and emission
examination to have been a mixed salt.

  1. It will be necessary for the observer to remain in the
    dark at least ten or fifteen minutes to accustom his eyes to
    the darkness.

  2. In liquids and solids the movement of molecules must
    be supposed to be more restricted.

  3. One may consider the charge-exchange reaction to
    have been established under these conditions.

  4. Radium appeared to be an element, whose salts were
    found to be isomorphous with the corresponding salts of barium.

  5. The proportion of colouring matter to be mixed with
    a body depends chiefly on the effect to be produced.

  6. The nucleus of every atom is assumed to contain
    enough protons to account for the nuclear charge.

  7. At first the alpha-rays were thought to be undeviated
    by the magnetic fields.

  8. As information accumulated, it became possible to plan
    experiments that were likely to yield the material sought for.

  9. During the Dark Ages people believed the Earth to
    be flat.

  10. All circumstances likely to affect the accuracy of the
    measurements should be carefuly observed.

33. Samples of two ores from a region known to be
geologically very old have ages close to 2000 million years.

34. When a current is said to be flowing from the positive

3* 67

pole of a battery towards the negative pole, actually electrons are running in the opposite direction.


  1. To test for a soluble iodide one adds to a test tube
    containing the solution to be tested, one cubic centimeter of
    carbon disulphate, and a few cubic centimeters of chlorine
    water and shakes the mixture vigorously.

  2. To maintain a constant temperature in a small or
    large container was for years and still is a very important
    technical problem because most precise physical and chemical
    experiments require the temperature of the object to be
    constant at the moment when the readings or any other kind
    of observation are made.

  3. The speed of the particles (about ten thousand miles
    per second) is a bit too swift for us to study in detail.

  4. Any metal will displace another metal, occupying a
    lower position in the activity series, from a solution of any
    of the salts of the second metal, provided that the metal to
    be displaced is not very far above hydrogen,

39. The equilibrium methods of measuring relative
activities allow the substance whose relative activities are to
be measured to come to equilibrium and to determine the
conditions of the equilibrium.

i 40. We consider the hotness or coldness of any body to depend on the quantity of heat possessed by the body.

  1. Ions have been found by numerous experiments to
    move as easily through a jell as through the liquid solution.

  2. One of the main objects of experiments on mesons
    has been to determine whether the properties of the particles
    found in cosmic rays fit the predictions of the meson theory
    started by Yukawa.

  3. Galacturonic acid was shown by Hagglund and his
    colaborators to be present in the sulphite liquors from pine

  4. A body with total kinetic energy reduced to zero
    would not be able to transfer heat to any other body and
    might then be said to be at the absolute zero temperature.

  5. With an increased production of uranium in recent
    years interest in uranium steel is reviving again and its


outstanding properties make it seem likely to earn for itself a favourable position among special alloy steels.

  1. For the growth to continue steps must be formed
    gradually at ordinary temperature.

  2. We must discuss the actual values of — x for contacts
    between metals and insulators, and see whether they are
    likely to be small enough for any current to pass.

  3. To begin with a simple example, let us in the first
    place, without troubling about velocity, consider the question
    of the number of molecules which on the average are to be
    found in a definite volume of element W.

  4. The streams of ionized particles assumed to be emitted
    at the time of flares and to excape sometimes from the solar
    atmosphere and reach the Earth, giving rise to sudden
    magnetic storms, also have velocities of the right order.

  5. The condition for the rays SA and SB to reinforce
    each other on reuniting at P is that their light paths differ
    by an integral number of wave lengths.

  1. It is quite common to use the so-called probable
    error, or the error for which there seems to be an even
    chance of existing in the case of anyone observation.

  2. In astronomical subjects it is customary to print to
    a high contrast in order to render visible details likely (or
    even certain) to be otherwise missed.

  1. The theorists were not sure whether what the observers
    considered to be the brightest stars in a galaxy were actually

  2. In the present discussion observations of declination
    have been accepted as likely to provide the best representation
    of the sun's liongitude.

  3. The discussion of too many details and special cases
    does not seem to be desirable, since it is likely to obscure
    the fundamentally important points.

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