Technical_English_3_-_WB (Technical_English_3 WB тетрадь)

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•ec nlCaEnglisWorkbookPearson Education llmitedlUustrated by HL StudiosEdinburgh GateHarlowEsse.x CM20 2JEEnglandThe publisher would like to thank the following for theirkind permission to reproduce their photographs:(Key: b·bottom; c·centre; I·left; r·right; Hop)and Associated Companies throughout the world.\Vww.pearso nlongrnan. com{'} Pearson Education Limited 2011The right of Christopher Jacques to be identified as author ofthis Work has been asserted b him in accordance with theCopyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.All rights reserved' no part of this publication may bereproduced, stored in a retrie 'al system, or transmittedin any form or by any means electronic, mechanical,photocopying recording or otherwise without the priorwritten permission of the Publishersrust published 2008ISB.

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e to dedicate this book to the memory ofDa\id Riley whose tireless professionalism contributed somuch to its creation and uccess.All other images © Pearson Educationn...Picture Research by: Kevin Brownpublishers aIkIauthor ,"vould like to thank thefoIJm\ing for their im'aluable feedbac k, comments andoraD"hich played an important part in thedevelopment of the course: Eleanor Kenny (College of the. 'orth Atlantic, Qatar) Julian Collinson, Daniel Zeytounlillie and Terry utdiffe (all from the Higher Colleges ofTechnology.

f\E) Dr Saleh Al-Busaidi (Sultan Qaboos'ni\"ersil)" Oman) Francis . Ie. eice, (IFOROp, France),Michaela. lfiller (Gennany) lalgorzata Ossowska·'eumann (~nia" Iaritime Diversity, Poland), GordonKite (British CounciL Italy) Wolfgang Ridder (VHS dertadt Bielefeld, Germany).

tella Jehanno (Centre d 'Etudedes LanguCentre de Formation Superieure d'Apprentis,Chambre de Commerce et d'lndustrie de I'lndre, France)and ick Jones (German;).suggestioEvery effort has been made to trace the copyright holdersand we apologise in advance for any unintentionalomissions. We would be pleased to insert the appropriateacknowledgement in any subsequent edition of thispublication.Designed by HL Studios, Long HanboroughCover design by Designers Collective.~.1"Unit 1 SystemsUnit 5 Safety424 5.1 WarningsControl and waming systemsConversations between customer and helplineDiscussion markers25 5.2 InstructionsDescription of drum brakes and handbrakeAdvisory checklist for motoristsActive and passive modals26 5.3 RulesAir traffic incidentGiving instructionsPresent participle and unless561.1 RescueSafety equipmentIncident reportPast simpleCohesion1.2 TransmissionDescribing a flight data recorderSpecification chartRelative pronouns1.3 OperationDescribing the evacuation of aircraftDescribing how a life raft worksImperativesInstruction verbsUnit 2 Processes~..,.'I'2.1 Future shapesPlastics applicationsDiscussing the future of space explorationwill for predictions92.2 Solid shapesProcess description of injection mouldingProcess description of rotational mouldingPresent simple passive10 2.3 Hollow shapesProcess description of vacuum mouldingProcess verbsPhrases to refer to a visualPresent simple active and passiveUnit 6 Planning28 6.1 SchedulesClimate change and energy sourcesQuestioning about environmental changeAgreeing and disagreeingFuture rnodaJs29 6.2 CausesCause and effectdue to.

oWlll9 to. as a resu - 0'ouns express ng aCausal suffixes: SOl30 6.3 SystemsPresentation about geothermal eoefQYSection markers in a tal32 Review Unit C12 Review Unit AUnit 7 ReportsUnit 3 Events34 7.1 StatementsSecurityReporting verbsReporting statements35 7.2lncidentsProduct review of a metal detectorReporting incidentsNoun combinationsPast continuous36 7.3 ProgressDescribing the process of iris scanningPhrasal verbs14 3.1 ConditionsDiscussing news featuresDiscussing space explorationExplaining procedures for take-off and ejectionFirst conditionalSecond conditional15 3.2 Sequence (1)Discussing the mechanics of the LASDescribing the sequence for the space shuttlelaunch and re-entryLinkersTime clauses16 3.3 Sequence (2)Describing process of ejection from aircraftSemi-technical lexis (verbs)Unit 4 Careers18 4.1 EngineerBlogs and CVsTerms used in CVsPresent continuous for present and futuregoing to19 4.2 InventorProduct description of a line-throwerSpecificationComparatives20 4.3 InterviewJob interviewQuestioning about a CVTerms used in a CVTime adverbials + for/since22 Review Unit BUnit 8 Projects38 8.1 SparDescribing a marine terminalDiscussing progress and past eventsPresent perfect and past simple passive39 8.2 PlatformDescribing a construction projectProviding statisticsMethod and purpose: by (means of).

to40 8.3 DrillingDescribing the drilling procedureDescribing stages of a horizontal drill ing projectProcess verbs42 Review Unit D45 9.2 BuildingsDescribing shapesFact sheetsModifying superla es p a genera. a J469.3 SitesDescribing the appearance of buildingsDescribing floor plans. shapes and detajsComplex not;n phrasesUnit 10 Disasters48 10.1 Specu lationSpeculating about causesPresent perfect modals: usf fr'ay I ca:lemight have49 10.2 InvestigationInvestigation interviewThIrd condTbonrushould have50 10.3 ReportsSections in a lire investigation reportmust should e oer'ec:"':-~ e52 Review Unit EUnit 11 Materials54 11.1 EquipmentSpeciiying the ma:Erials of ~a sa:es proposal a cient::4a-ge:;"'~ _~:: e _ :ss-;: ::r:::c€-es5556Unit 12 Opportunities58 12. 1 ThreatsPredictions of CO_a otSSOS a;:Ochange<Future per;ec: a~ :.ass _- a:59 12.2 InnovationDescription of a saiboc.rdExplanation of aerodynami:sDescribing si arities and rE".."....,.,,,,,bettt-eeovehidesRange of forms 'or e.c' _ ~; s~ a-jand d"erence60 12.3 PrioritiesDiscussing marXetDJ !*IDs for a reN ~Discussing autOfTlOtive sysremsSupe a ,\les=62 Review Unit F64 Audioscript70 Answer keyUnit 9 Design44 9.1 InventionsTalking about automotive designComparing car specificationsModifying comparatives In a genera, orspecific way3==1 Rescue1Match the words and phrases 1-8 with the definitions a-h.a) a series of radio waves that are sent in an emergency1 ~ flares2 _emergencybeacon3 _inflatec) to lift someone or something with a wire and a liftingmachine4 _satellited) the organisation that helps boats in danger5 _emergencysignale) a machine that is sent into space and orbits the earth6 _winch (v)7 _coastguard8 _life raft2b) a small rubber boat used by people from a sinking ship0a device tha t sends a signal in an emergencyg) to fill something flexible with air so that it becomeslargerh) e mergency devices that produce a bright flameUse the words and phrases 1-8 in 1 to complete this news story.Emergency beacon aids rescue from sinking boat 23.12.09[1)Three men were rescued from a sin king f ishing boat in t he Gulf of Mexico today.

The32-foot-long boat was equipped with an (1)emergency beaconthat helpedrescuers locate the vessel in the ea rly-morn ing da rkn ess, a Mexican Coastguard•spokesperson said. The fishermen said t hey w ere asleep on the boat when a w ave hit ;"their vessel. They could not send a radio message or make a cell phone call.•[2)The (2)station in Veracruz w as notified that the groundfrom t he boat's EPIRBstation had received an (3)(emergency position indi cating radio beacon; this sends a sig nal that is picked up by a(4)and is transmitted to the groun d station).[3)A helicopter was despatched to the area.

As it approached, one of the f ishermen setoff one of the red (5)which were kept on board, and thehelicopter crew saw it.[4)The f ishermen were about to (6)th eir(7)w hen th e helicopter reached them . The heli copter crewmanaged to (8)t he t hree men to safety, and then flewthem to the coastguard station, where t hey w ere given hot dri nks and dry clothes .3 Explain what the w ords in bold in 2 refer to.12345678Systemsthat (para 1)the vessel (para 1)their (para 1)that (para 2)it (para 3)which (para 3)them (para 4)where (para 4)an emergency beacon2 Transmission1"·W Listen to this lecture about an FOR (flightdata recorder) .

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