диссертация (Трансформация культурной идентичности иранской женщины), страница 8

PDF-файл диссертация (Трансформация культурной идентичности иранской женщины), страница 8 Культурология (56578): Диссертация - Аспирантура и докторантурадиссертация (Трансформация культурной идентичности иранской женщины) - PDF, страница 8 (56578) - СтудИзба2020-03-27СтудИзба

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Handbook of Language & Ethnic Identity. New York, N.Y: Oxford University Press,2010. p. 20.110Fong M., Chuang R. Communicating Ethnic and Cultural Identity. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2004. p. 11.111Tavani C. Collective Rights and the Cultural Identity of the Roma. A Case Study of Italy. Martinus NijhoffPublishers, 2012. p.10.112Edwards J. Language and Identity: An Introduction. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. p.21.113Evans D.

Language and Identity: Discourse in the world. UK: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014. p. 4.114Ashmore R. Social Identity, Intergroup Conflict, and Conflict Reduction. New York: Oxford University Press,2001.p.74-75.33communication"115. The belief on essentiality of the concept of national identity isquestioned. Wodak believes that "national identity is discursively constructed andinternalized to influence our social practices"116. The dominant influentialdiscourses, such as news and medial can play significant role in shaping people'snational identity or even invoking patriotism.

Patriotism "refers to the positiveemotion of love for one's own people and homeland"117.According to Stuart Hall, there are two views of cultural identity. The firstattitude defines cultural identity "in terms of one shared culture… one true selfhiding inside the many other, more superficial or artificially imposed selves, whichpeople with shared history and ancestor hold in common". This view of culturalidentity considers common essence of oneness or being one people in historicallyshared cultural codes.

In the second perspective, cultural "identities are the nameswe give to the different ways we are positioned by, and position ourselves withinthe narrative of the past"118. This kind of identity that comes from outside isunstable and subject to change through the history. Therefore, for Hall, culturalidentity is "a matter of becoming as well as being"119.The challenge between the views toward identity as a matter of being orbecoming is also manifested in other fields of science of humanity.

Theessentialists accepted a pre-given essence for everything. However, post modernswith anti-essentialist roots shattered the ideas of fixed meanings and hence, stableidentity, believing in indeterminacy and discursive constructions.Hall classifies three conceptions of identity including "Enlightenmentsubject", "sociological subject", and postmodern subject120.115Anderson B. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Verso; Revisededition 2016. 256p.116Wodak R. The Discursive Construction of National Identity.

Edinburgh University Press, 2009. p. 161.117Ashmore R. Social Identity, Intergroup conflict, and Conflict Reduction. New York: Oxford University Press,2001. p. 74.118Rutherford J. Identity: Community, Culture and Difference. Lawrence & Wishart Ltd, 2003. 239 p.119Ibid., p. 236.120Hall S., Held D., Hubert D., Thompson K. Modernity: An Introduction to Modern Societies. Polity Press, 1995.p.597.34The first group conceptualized the individual as a rational being with aninner core inherited to him that will be unfolded through life while remainingunchanged.121.The notion of sociological subject questioned the autonomous nature of thisinner core, arguing the significance of social interactions that formed and modifiedthe inner core through cultural world of outside.

Symbolic interactionist elaboratedthis concept of identity. "From this analytical stance, self and society are two sidesof the same coin"122. Structural symbolic interactionism, developed in 20th centurymainly by Herbert Blumer, shares the basic ideas with traditional symbolicinteractionism developed by Mead in 19th century. "Symbolic interaction involvesinterpretation or ascertaining the meanings of the actions or remarks of otherpersons, or conveying indications to another person as to how he is to act"123.People subjectively impose meanings to the objects of the world and based on theirinterpretations of the symbols such as language or action they interact. Symbolicinteractionism emphasizes that the individual's identity is constructed in herinteractions with others.

People in their interactions, invoke a set of their identitiesand then they "seek to have their identities verified by others by assessing others’reactions to their behavioral outputs to see if these outputs are consistentwith an identity and are acceptable to others"124. Considering the meaningsattributed to one's interactions, as well as the verifications or rejections theindividual shapes her identity. Therefore, identities are always subject to change."Social actors continually participate in a process of becoming.

… attach [ing]multiple meanings to themselves and to others, using identity labels"125.Postmodernists shatter the individual's transcend centrality and his fixedand essential identity. For postmodernists, the subject is a fragmented being who121Schmidt J. What Is Enlightenment?: Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century Questions. Universityof California Press, 1996.

p. 113.122Fields J., Copp M., Kleinman S. Symbolic Interactionism, Inequality, and Emotions. [Handbook of the Sociologyof Emotions.] Boston: Springer, 2006. p.156.123Blumer H. Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method. University of California Press, 1986. p.66.124Turner J.H. Contemporary Sociological Theory. SAGE Publications, 2012. p.354.125Stets J.E., Turne J.H. Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions. Springer Science & Business Media, 2007. p.

164.35has no essential core of identity, and is to be regarded as a process in a continualstate of dissolution rather than a fixed identity or self that endures unchanged overtime".126 This open-ended decentered subject is "historically, not biologicallydefined. The subject assumes different identities at different times"127.Michael Foucault, one of prominent postmodernists, believes that moderninstitutions such as hospitals, schools or prisons are authorities that keep theindividual under a gaze of surveillance and the individual having internalized thenorms of the discourse, are objectified and determined by power. "For Foucault, itis the discourse of truth and knowledge from which are derived our models ofnormal and abnormal behavior"128. In his essay, 'The Subject and Power', heattributes two meanings to the word subject: "subject to someone else by controland dependence; and tied to his own identity by a conscience or self-knowledge.Both meanings suggest a form of power which subjugates and makes subjectto"129.

With emphasize on the history of knowledge, Foucault believes that Subjectis a not the center of knowledge, it is a form that is historically conditioned. Herejects the modern philosophical tradition based on which "the individual subject isa constant, ahistorical ground and source of human knowledge, meaning andvalue"130.

The individuals are constantly regulating and monitoring their behaviorto be identified acceptable.Foucault's concept of "self-surveillance" is close to what Anthony Giddensstates as "self-reflexivity". Reflexivity refers to "monitoring of behavior and itscontext"131. Giddens believing in fluid and changing identities in post traditionalsocieties maintains that we are constantly responding and adjusting to the changingenvironment around us. As individuals we evolve with and within the longer126Sim S. The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism. Routledge, 2012. p.299.Hall. S., Held.

D., Hubert. D., Thompson. K. Modernity: An Introduction to Modern Societies. Polity Press, 1995.p.598.128Mansfield. N. Theories of the Self from Freud to Haraway. NYU Press, 2000. p. 52.129Foucault M. The Subject and Powe. Critical Inquiry, The University of Chicago Press, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1982, pp.777-795.130O'Leary T. Foucault and the Art of Ethics. Continuum, 2006. p.109131Giddens A. Consequences of Modernity.

Stanford University Press, 1991. p. 37.12736context in which we live"132. While in pre-modern social structures fixed identitiesare inherited through traditions, in modern societies the individuals face unlimitedchoices. "What to do? How to act? Who to be? These are focal questions foreveryone living in circumstances of late modernity"133. In a fragmented modernworld, where traditions are dissolving, we constantly need to react and adjustourselves to the changing environment.Gender IdentityGender identity refers to an individual's personal sense of identity asmasculine or feminine or some combination"134. It is "a person's sense ofidentification with either the male or female sex, as manifested in appearance,behavior, and other aspects of a person's life"135.

Gender identity directs the waywe feel an internal sense of femininity or masculinity or none, and the way othersjudge us. To be identified as a female or male, we follow heteronormative genderbehaviors and desires that reveal our gender identity.Gender Identity from different Feminist PerspectivesFemale gender identity, gender inequality and marginalization of womenhave been controversial issues both in academic level and among common people.The concept of female gender has been treated from many different feministperspectives, each attempting to reach especial goals in order to emancipatewomen from the marginalized position.

Although it is impossible to categorizefeminist perspectives into tidy schools of thought, here some ostensibly prominentapproaches, including liberal, radical, socialist, psychoanalyst, and poststructuralistfeminism will be discussed.Exploration of Liberal Feminism132Giddens A. Sociology. Polity Press, 2006. p.68.Giddens A.

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