диссертация (Трансформация культурной идентичности иранской женщины), страница 7

PDF-файл диссертация (Трансформация культурной идентичности иранской женщины), страница 7 Культурология (56578): Диссертация - Аспирантура и докторантурадиссертация (Трансформация культурной идентичности иранской женщины) - PDF, страница 7 (56578) - СтудИзба2020-03-27СтудИзба

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Файл "диссертация" внутри архива находится в папке "Трансформация культурной идентичности иранской женщины". PDF-файл из архива "Трансформация культурной идентичности иранской женщины", который расположен в категории "". Всё это находится в предмете "культурология" из Аспирантура и докторантура, которые можно найти в файловом архиве МГИМО. Не смотря на прямую связь этого архива с МГИМО, его также можно найти и в других разделах. , а ещё этот архив представляет собой докторскую диссертацию, поэтому ещё представлен в разделе всех диссертаций на соискание учёной степени доктора культурологии.

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Since an identity is biased towards positivecultural attributes, the negative images produce identity crisis. To overcome tothese identity crisis one shapes new identity91.Formation of new cultural identity proves the flexibility of cultural identity.Cultural identity includes different intertwined categories of religion, nationality,ethnicity, gender, language, race, etc., each of which might be subject to change.Following, some of the categories of cultural identity are explained briefly.Religious IdentityThe name of one's religion implies her religious identity. When anindividual identifies himself, for instance with Jewish, Christianity, Islam,Buddhism, he or she is identified with Jews, Christians, Muslims or Buda.

Thisidentity differentiates him from other religious groups. Religious identity concerns91Ozdemir H. Globalization and Identity Crisis: A Theoretical Explanation and the Turkish Example. Ankara:Frank Cass, 2004. pp 34-47.29"the question of what kinds of persons and practices can and cannot be included"in that special religion92.Any religion as an ideology provides members of the religious group withspecial norms, basic life principles, values, and lifestyle that are shared by themembers.

K. Yaprintseva stresses that it is largely religious norms that keepsmodern society within the framework of a cultural model93. The cultural identityinduced by religion, sometimes can be visible in their behavior and lifestyle,including for instance their eating manner, dressing style, or greeting manner.Those who are identified by the same religious category have differentcommitment to the group depending on their religiousness.

Religious commitmentand religious involvement are two factors concerning one's affiliation to religiousidentity. "Involvement in religious activities such as group worship develops socialbonding and feelings of belonging to the group. Religious commitment refers toone's commitment to group beliefs, rather than the group members themselves" 94.Though the members are identified under a same religious category, they havevarying level of religious involvement and commitment. Religious identityinfluences one's individual and collective life. The individual dimension concerns"whether the person organizes his or her life along a set of regulations, values,beliefs, and practices".

Collective dimension of religious identity entails a feelingof belonging to a religious group to differentiate oneself from others95.From a poststructuralist perspective, religion can be regarded as kind ofknowledge produced by discourse. Since the domineering discourses areinfluential on one's perception of his or her religion, the identity that religion givesits members cannot be exempt from discourse. Depending on the influential92Abeysekara A.

Colors of the Robe: Religion, Identity, and Difference Studies in comparative religion. Universityof South Carolina Press, 2002. p. 23.93Япринцева К. Л. Феномен культурной идентичности в пространстве культуры: Дис. ... канд.культурологических наук: 24.00.01. Челябинск, 2006. URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/fenomenkulturnoi-identichnosti-v-prostranstve-kultury94Wright J.D Young J.R. Implications of Religious Identity, Salience, Religious Involvement, and ReligiousCommitment on Aggression. An International Journal of Theory and Research. Vol.

17, 2017, pp. 55-68.95Hirsch S., Ganetti D., Eiran E. Radicalizing Religion?. Religious Identity and Settlers' Behavior. Journal ofStudies in Conflict and Terrorism, Vol. 39, 2016, pp. 500-518.30discourses, one's religious identity might be significantly preeminent or it might beeclipsed by other aspects of identity.Racial IdentityRacial identity "refers to the racial category or categories that an individualuses to name him- or herself based on factors including racial ancestry, ethnicity,physical appearance and" etc96. Central factors that are known to classify anindividual under an especial racial identity include, "physical appearance and theculture and history of one's racial groups"97. Generally, there are two types ofviews on race: essentialism and constructivism or anti-essentialism. The first groupbelieves in fixed and inherited nature of race.

It maintains that human biologicalspices naturally sort themselves into different groups named as races such as red,black, white, and yellow. However, for anti-essentialists, racial classifications arenot more than intellectual products, produced by a special cultural time and setting.Race is not an inherited essence, but a social imposition98. For Hall, racial identityis "produced within specific historical and institutional sites, within specificdiscursive formations and practices and by specific enunciative strategies"99.

Thereare also similar classification of approaches toward understanding the concept ofrace: objective view of the race and ideological construction of race. According toobjectivists, human beings are naturally divided to races based on their biologicaland physical differences. For the other group, race is an illusionary concept created"to meet an ideological need". Against the insistence of contemporary racialtheories on constructed nature of race as a socio-historical product, in practice raceseems to be an objective fact.

"One simply is one's race"100.Ethnic Identity96Wijeyesinghe Ch., Jackson B. New Perspectives on Racial Identity Development: Integrating EmergingFrameworks. New York University Press, 2012. p. 82.97Ibid. p. 218.98Morning A. The Nature of Race: how societies Think and Teach about Human difference. Berkley and LosAngles: California University Press. 2011. p. 17.99Hall S., Gay P. Questions of Cultural Identity. Los Angles, London: SAGE, 1996. p. 4.100Crichlow W. Race, Identity and Representation in Education.

London and New York: Routledge, 2013. pp. 4-631Ethnic identity, though overlapping with racial identity, is different from itin some aspects. While racial identity divides people based on biological andphysical inherited characteristics, ethnic identity refers to shared culturaltraditions. These cultural traits include language, religion, common history,customs or a belief in shared ancestry.

"Ethnicity is a self-perceived community ofpeople with a shared heritage. Shared heritage involves aspects such as religiouspractices, language use, traditions, orientation to the past, ancestry values,economics and aesthetics"101. Ethnic identity, involving some form of kinship orfamily "is associated with genealogy. Therefore, all people are members of anethnic group"102. Ethnic identity, though seems to be given at birth as a stableidentity, proves to be fluid and subject to change depending to one's contextualstructure.

The "significance of a given ethnic attribute can change and as such, onecan be said to have some choice in the matter since one can choose thesociological and psychological significance of the given trait"103. Ethnic identityoccasionally coincides with national identity, yet it is not necessarily restricted toone's native nation. "An ethnic group only exists where members considerthemselves to belong to such a group; a conscious sense of belonging is critical" 104.The primary ethnic group that serves as a carrier of ethnic and culturaltraditions is the family which is a cultural phenomenon as it is105.

It is the familythat forms ethnic identity and translates to the following generations cultural andsocial norms, behavioral patterns typical of a certain culture106, lays the basics ofethnic identity and allows the woman to identify herself as part of a larger – ethnic101Fong M., Chuang R. Communicating Ethnic and Cultural Identity.

USA: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004. p. 219.Fishman J.A., Garc a . Handbook of Language & Ethnic Identity. New York: N.Y. Oxford University Press,2010. p. 18.103Glazer N., Moynihan D.P., Schelling C.S. Ethnicity: Theory and Experience. Harvard University Press, 1975. p.307.104Ibid. p. 309.105Хасанали Ш. М. Традиции обучения и воспитания в контексте современных проблем иранской семьи:Дисс. ... канд. пед. наук. Душанбе, 2010.106Русецкая В.

И. Трансформация процесса идентичности в современном социокультурном пространстве //Социологический альманах. 2011. С. 279-284. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/transformatsiya-protsessaidentichnosti-v-sovremennom-sotsiokulturnom-prostranstve10232group107. I. Leskova finds the ethnic aspect of cultural identity more influential andsignificant than individual manifestations of culture108.It has been claimed that, "ethnic identity is connected with language"109.Language is not only a means of communication, but also it is a maker andindicator of the user's ethnic identity110. It is demonstrated that societies ofcommon language share some common cultural features111.

"The accent, dialect,and language variations reveal speakers' membership in particular speechcommunicates, social class, ethnic and national groups"112. At the same timelanguage does not always constrain boundaries of identity, it can liberate identityfrom barriers through offering new opportunities113.Therefore, the identity that alanguage gives cannot be fixed.National IdentityNational identity refers to "feelings of closeness to and pride in one'scountry and its symbols". It implies the country where one is born. Meanwhile it isa socially constructed identity that "entails learning about a group's definingcustoms, expectations and values and making them one's own" 114.

According toAnderson, nations are imagined communities, "because the members of even thesmallest nation will never know most of their fellow members, or meet them oreven hear of them, yet in the mind of each lives the image of their107Матузкова Е. П. Культурная идентичность: к определению понятия // Вестник Балтийского федеральногоуниверситета им. И. Канта. Серия: Филология, педагогика, психология. 2014. № 2.

С. 62-68. URL:https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kulturnaya-identichnost-k-opredeleniyu-ponyatiya108Лескова И. В. Проблема культурной идентичности в ситуации кризиса ценностей // Вестник РГГУ. Серия«Философия.Социология.Искусствоведение».2009.№2.С.175-182.URL:https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/problema-kulturnoy-identichnosti-v-situatsii-krizisa-tsennostey-1109Fishman J.A., Garc a .

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