диссертация (Трансформация культурной идентичности иранской женщины), страница 2

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In Search of a Lost Identity: Iranian Women and their identity issues. Journal of InternationalWomen's studies, 16(2), 2015, pp. 128-140.15Khaki G.N., Mir, G. (2015) Globalization and Post-Islamic Revolution: a Changing Iranian Woman. Journal ofGlobalization Studies. No. 1, Vol. 6, pp. 74-90.106A research, reflecting on Iranian women's identity in two phases oftraditional and modern society, represents an Iranian women's individual, scientificand socio-cultural aspects of identity, attempting to resolve the challenges ofopposing views and refers to the features of women illustrated in the works ofcontemporary female poets.16A.

Najmabadi, an Iranian professor of history and gender studies, hasreviewed Iranian modern history through the perspective of gender studies anddemonstrated that Iranian modern culture and political system are shaped with thefocus on gender centrality. The author also considers Iranian feminism in thecountry's contemporary culture.17 The same author edits and contributes a bookcomposed of four essays examining the reasons for insubstantial sum ofautobiographical works by women writers. One of the earliest modernautobiographical works of a woman is also discussed and the poems of aprominent female poet are considered and analyzed as her autobiography.

18F. Milani, a professor of Persian literature and women's studies at VirginiaUniversity, concentrates on the way Iranian female writers were silenced throughthe ages. The author peruses the history of Iranian female writers in their socialand cultural context, describes the lives of some female writers, especially thosereflecting on veiling and unveiling, and depicts how many of these pioneer womenwriters, through being labeled as immoral, paid for their courage.19 In anotherbook, F. Milani complains how Iranian women were like prisoners in the house,deprived of leaving their rooms, and had a strong faith in such a submission‫ بررسی ویژگی ها و مسائل هویتی زنان معاصر در جهت شناسایی علل حضور یا عدم حضور آنان در عرصه عمومی جامعه‬،‫ ایمانی الناز‬16.2931 ‫ اسفندماه‬8-7 ،‫معماری و شهر‬،‫ متشر شده از مقاالت کنفرانس زن‬،‫معاصر‬Imani E.

Study of features and Problems of Contemporary Iranian Women's Identity Identifying the Reasons oftheir Involvement or Noninvolvment in Social Arenas. Conference of Woman, Architecture and City. February 2627, 2014. [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access: http://isia.ir/%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%B1%D8%B3%DB%8C%D9%88%DB%8C%DA%98%DA%AF%DB%8C-%D9%87%D8%A7-%D9%88%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%84-%D9%87%D9%88%DB%8C%D8%AA%DB%8C%D8%B2%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%86-%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%A7%D8%B5%D8%B1/'17Najmabadi A. Women with Mustaches and Men without Beards: Gender and sexual anxieties of Iranianmodernity. Berkley: University of California Press, 2005. 377p.18Najmabadi A. Women's Autobiography in Contemporary Iran.

USA: Harvard Middle Eastern Monographs,1991.78 p19Milani F. Veils and Words: The Emerging Voices of Iranian Women Writers. Syracuse University Press, 1992. 295p.7regarding it as chastity, safety and even beauty. The author shows how finally,with the help of writers, this spell broke down during the last 160 years.20Janet Afary, an Iranian scholar and feminist activist in America, draws onher involvement with Iranian women and Iranian life. She establishes an overviewof Iranian's ideas about sex and female gender. She depicts the changing ideasregarding gender relations since 19th century21.Camron Michael Amin, a professor of history at the University of Chicago,worked on history and culture of the Middle East22.H. Hoodfar, a Canadian-Iranian sociocultural anthropologist and professor,worked on Western perception of Muslim women's veiling23.

H. Sedghi, an Iranianscholar at Harvard, addresses the issue of Iranian women's veiling, unveiling andre-veiling since 1900. Demonstrating the challenges of secular and religious forcesin constrction of women's sexuality, she presents the country's gender policies24.P.Paidar25 was an Iranian sociologist and feminist writer and scholar indispora. She underlined the possiblity of combination of Islam and Feminism.

Shehas analyzed the role of women in the political evolution of Iran. Depicting thepolitical changes in the country, she considers the major changes in ideas aboutwomen and thereby the emergence of new discourses on women.Although the above-mentioned works testify to the growing interest in therole of Iranian women in society, the dialectic interaction of women and the socialstructure in contemporary Iranian society remains beyond the scope of modernresearchers.20Milani F. Words and not Swords: Iranian Women Writers and the Freedom of Movement. Syracuse UniversityPress, 2011.345 p.21Afary J. The Iranian Constitutional Revolution 1906 – 1911.

Columbia University Press, 1996.22Amin C.M. The Making of the Modern Iranian Woman: Gender, State Policy, and Popular Culture, 1865-1946.University Press of Florida, 200223Hoodfar H. The Veil in Their Minds and on Our Heads: Veiling Practices and Muslim Women. In: Castelli E.A.(eds) Women, Gender, Religion: A Reader. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2001.24Sedghi H. Women and Politics in Iran: Veiling, Unveiling, and Reveiling. Cambridge University Press, 2007.25P.

Woman and the Political Process in Twentieth Century Iran. Cambridge University Press, 19978The analysis of the transition period from traditional to contemporarysociety allows identifying a number of contradictions between:between the traditional culture opposing the penetration of new ideas andlimiting the role of women to home and the new social tendencies in the Iraniansociety, which makes it possible for women to participate in social life;between perceiving the Iranian woman through the prism of western culture,defining her role within the framework of discriminating gender norms and theopposing idea believing that the Iranian woman, with her own ideals andidentity, plays an independent social role;the attitude to obligatory veiling: some researchers consider it to be aphenomenon which limits the manifestation of women’s identity while otherssee it a manifestation of modesty, purity, chastity and even freedom.between signification of female sex in traditional discourse as veiled,secluded, nurturer and property of husband and female sex signification inmodern discourse that refers to socially active, physically attractive body infashion hijab.These contradictions have defined the research problem: what are theinfluential factors on the change of Iranian women's identity? In its turn, theproblem has led to formulating the research topic – “Manifestation of traditionaland modern cultural identity of Iranian women”.The research area corresponds to the following paragraphs of the specialtypassport (24.00.01 – Theory and history of culture): 1.

Historical studies, Culturalstudies: 1.3. Historical aspects of the theory of culture, philosophical and mentalaspects of the theory of culture; 1.4. History of cultural views and concepts,understanding the essence of culture; 1.6. Culture and civilization in theirhistorical development; 1.7. Culture and religion; 1.8. Genesis of culture andevolution of culture forms; 1.9. Historical continuity in preserving and translatingcultural values and meanings; 1.13. Factors of development of culture; 1.18.Culture and society; 1.21. Traditional, mass and elite culture; 1.28. Cultural9contacts and interaction of the cultures of the world; 2. Philosophical science:2.25.

Structuralist and post-structuralist philosophy of culture; 3. Social sciences:3.20. Social aspects of interaction of culture and social reforms; 3.24. The impactof new social values on the phenomenon of spiritual culture of society(entrepreneurship, informal movements, innovative technologies, etc.).The research object is the position and role of the Iranian woman in society.The subject of the research is the traditional and modern identity of the Iranianwoman and its role in building modern society.The aim of the research is to explore and give scientific grounding to thefactors influencing the change of Iranian women's identity in the period oftransition from tradition to modernity.Research hypothesis.

Since constitutionalism Iranian women under theinfluence of Western modernized culture, have transformed the reiteration oftraditional norms and exercised new performances. The new performances subvertthe traditional norms, and contribute to the construction of new cultural identity.Various aspects of globalization have led to changes in Iranian women’s culturalidentity and have resulted in their gaining a new interpretation of gender roles,transformation of lifestyle and perceptions, and foundation of new publicinstitutions.

In their attempt to transform the surroundings, women, considering therules of the traditional and modern society and invoking their own capabilities andavailable resources, apply this new perception to their future interactions, whichleads to structural changes in society. The modernized cultural identity of Iranianwomen, however, is not beyond the heteronormative female gender identity.In order to address the research aim and prove the hypothesis, the followingresearch objectives have been set:to clarify the concept “Iranian women’s cultural identity” as aninterdisciplinary trend in humanitarian studies;to explore the specifics of Iranian traditional society as well as the place androle of Iranian women in the conventional context of Iranian traditional society;10to identify the factors influencing the changes in traditional Iranian societyand women's cultural identity and the aspects where the transformations occur;to reflect on Iranian women's modern cultural identity and to evaluate theposition of women in modern Iranian society.Theoretically and methodologically the research is based on the followingtheories and scientific ideas: Anthony Giddens’ structuration theory, JudithButler’s gender performativity theory, the concept of ‘soft power’ suggested byJoseph Nye.

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