nolan (Christopher Nolan biography and filmography), страница 3

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Based on the scientific theories of renowned theoretical physicist Kip Thorne, the film depicted "a heroic interstellar voyage tothe farthest borders of our scientificunderstanding". Interstellar starredInterstellar (2014)Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Bill Irwin,Michael Caine and Ellen Burstyn, and was notably Nolan’s first collaborationwith cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema. According to composer Hans Zimmer, they wanted to move in a new direction with the score: "We had this sort ofconversation about — you know nine years we spent in our Batman world.

Thetextures, the music, and the sounds, and the thing we sort of created has sortof seeped into other people’s movies a bit, so it’s time to reinvent." ParamountPictures and Warner Bros. co-financed and co-distributed the project, released10on 5 November 2014 to positive reviews and strong box office results, grossingover $670 million worldwide. Interstellar was particularly praised for its scientificaccuracy, which led to the publication of two scientific papers and the AmericanJournal of Physics calling for it to be shown in school science lessons. Interstellar was named one of the best films of the year by The American Film Institute(AFI). At the 87th Academy Awards, the film won the Best Visual Effects andreceived four other nominations — Best Original Score, Best Sound Mixing, BestSound Editing and Best Production Design.

Nolan curated the short film Emic:A Time Capsule From the People of Earth (2015). It was specifically inspiredby the themes of Interstellar, and "attempts to capture and celebrate the humanexperience on Earth".In 2015, Nolan’s production company Syncopy formed a joint venture withZeitgeist Films, to release Blu-ray editions of Zeitgeist’s prestige titles. Their firstproject was Elena (2011) from director Andrey Zvyagintsev.

As part of a Blu-rayrelease of the Quay Brothers animated work, Nolan directed the documentaryshort Quay (2015). He also initiated a theatrical tour, showcasing the Quay’s InAbsentia, The Comb and Street of Crocodiles. The program and Nolan’s shortreceived critical acclaim, with Indiewire writing in their review that the brothers"will undoubtedly have hundreds, if not thousands more fans because of Nolan,and for that The Quay Brothers in 35mm will always be one of latter’s most important contributions to cinema".

In 2015, Nolan also joined The Film Foundation’sboard of directors, a non-profit organization dedicated to film preservation. On7 May, it was announced that Nolan and Martin Scorsese had been appointed bythe Library of Congress to serve on the National Film Preservation Board (NFPB)as DGA representatives.2.4InfluencesNolan has cited Stanley Kubrick, Terrence Malick, Orson Welles, Fritz Lang,Nicolas Roeg, Sidney Lumet, David Lean, Ridley Scott, Terry Gilliam, and JohnFrankenheimer as influences. Nolan’s personal favorite films include Blade Runner(1982), Star Wars (1977), The Man Who Would Be King (1975), Lawrence ofArabia (1962), Chinatown (1974), and 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). In 2013,Criterion Collection released a list of Nolan’s ten favorite films from its catalog,which included The Hit (1984), 12 Angry Men (1957), The Thin Red Line (1998),The Testament of Dr.

Mabuse (1933), Bad Timing (1980), Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence (1983), For All Mankind (1989), Koyaanisqatsi (1982), Mr. Arkadin(1955), and Erich von Stroheim’s Greed (1924) (unavailable on Criterion).Nolan’s habit for employing non-linear storylines was particularly influencedby the Graham Swift novel Waterland, which he felt "did incredible things with11parallel timelines, and told a story in different dimensions that was extremelycoherent".

He was also influenced by the visual language of the film Pink Floyd– The Wall (1982) and the structure of Pulp Fiction (1994), stating that he was"fascinated with what Tarantino had done". For Interstellar he mentioned a number of literary influences, including Flatland by Edwin Abbott Abbott, The WaspFactory by Iain Banks, and Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time. Other influences Nolan has cited include figurative painter Francis Bacon, architect LudwigMies van der Rohe, graphic artist M. C. Escher and authors Raymond Chandler,James Ellroy, Jim Thompson, Jorge Luis Borges, and Charles Dickens (A Tale ofTwo Cities was a major influence on The Dark Knight Rises).Chapter 3Awards and Future workNolan screened Following at the 1999 Slamdance Film Festival, and won theBlack & White Award.

At the 2001 Sundance Film Festival, Nolan and his brotherJonathan won the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award for Memento, and in 2003,Nolan received the Sonny Bono Visionary Award from the Palm Springs International Film Festival. He was named an Honorary Fellow of UCL in 2006. In2009, the director received the Board of the Governors Award from the AmericanSociety of Cinematographers. In 2011, Nolan received the Britannia Award forArtistic Excellence in Directing and the ACE Golden Eddie Filmmaker of theYear Award. In July 2012 he became the youngest director to be honored with ahand-and-footprint ceremony at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles. In2014, he received the first-ever Founder’s Award from the Festival.

The Art Directors Guild (ADG) selected Nolan as the recipient of its Cinematic Imagery Awardin 2015. He was selected as the 2015 Class Day speaker at Princeton University.Nolan was awarded the Empire Inspiration Award at the 20th Empire Awards.Nolan and Thomas are executive producers on the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), the sequel to Man of Steel and the secondinstallment of the DC Extended Universe.

According to producer Charles Roven,Nolan is involved with the production in an "advisory capacity". On September8, 2015, Variety announced that Nolan would direct another film for Warner be released on July 21, 2017; no other details about the film have been revealed.12.

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