Диссертация (Лингводидактическая система формирования коммуникативной компетенции у космонавтов (английский язык)), страница 28

PDF-файл Диссертация (Лингводидактическая система формирования коммуникативной компетенции у космонавтов (английский язык)), страница 28 Педагогика (52424): Диссертация - Аспирантура и докторантураДиссертация (Лингводидактическая система формирования коммуникативной компетенции у космонавтов (английский язык)) - PDF, страница 28 (52424) - СтудИз2019-09-14СтудИзба

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Файл "Диссертация" внутри архива находится в папке "Лингводидактическая система формирования коммуникативной компетенции у космонавтов (английский язык)". PDF-файл из архива "Лингводидактическая система формирования коммуникативной компетенции у космонавтов (английский язык)", который расположен в категории "". Всё это находится в предмете "педагогика" из Аспирантура и докторантура, которые можно найти в файловом архиве РУДН. Не смотря на прямую связь этого архива с РУДН, его также можно найти и в других разделах. , а ещё этот архив представляет собой кандидатскую диссертацию, поэтому ещё представлен в разделе всех диссертаций на соискание учёной степени кандидата педагогических наук.

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What gear and equipment will Luca use duringa spacewalk? Briefly describe the purpose of mentioned items. Fill out thefollowing table basing on the information you’ve heard.Spacewalk equipmentGear/EquipmentPurpose1. _________________________1. _______________________________2. _________________________2.

_______________________________3. _________________________3. _______________________________4. _________________________4. _______________________________5. _________________________5. _______________________________180Task 3. Choose the correct answer below and expand the following abbreviations.1.2.3.a) PLSSb) EMUc) HUT4.a) LTAb) LCVGc) MAGa) LTAb) PLSSc) HUT5.a) LCVGb) LTAc) MAG7.6.a) ORLANb) LTAc) EMU8.a) LTAb) HUTc) LCVGa) PLSSb) EMUc) ORLAN9.a) EMUb) EVVAc) CCA (Snoopy cap)a) CCAb) HUTc) EVVA181Activity 2: Grammar FocusMODAL VERBS...Task 1.

Review GRAMMAR-THEORY section – MODAL VERBS.Task 2. Complete Task 3 in GRAMMAR IN USE section.Activity 3: ReadingTask 1.a. Read the following dialogue between Spacewalker 1 (cosmonaut Sergey) andSpacewalker 2 (astronaut Daniel).b. Find the differences between two types of EVA suits that are mentioned in thedialogue. In pairs, discuss: will these differences be considered when choosing anEVA suit for your spacewalk program?CHOOSING A SPACESUITSpacewalker 1 (Sergey): Daniel! Can you consult me on the upcomingspacewalk?Spacewalker 2 (Daniel): Certainly, Sergey. What are you concerned about?Sergey: Which type of EVA suit should we don?Daniel: In my opinion, we should use Orlan suit for the spacewalk this timebecause it takes less than 5 minutes to don it.

In addition, it is designed so thatit doesn't require much assistance while putting it on.Sergey: I don't think so. There are lots of tasks scheduled for the current EVA.It might be a long spacewalk. Orlan suit in-service time is less than 6.5 hours,whereas EMU suit can remain operative within more than 7 hours.Daniel: I agree, but don't forget that we're going to have a very tight schedulein the EVA day.

All EVA preparations are planned to be accomplished by onlytwo of us, because the rest of crewmembers will be busy with urgentexperiments. It's hard to put on all EMU suit components within a short periodof time and without any help, whereas Orlan is equipped with a rear dooropening system.Sergey: You're absolutely right, Dan. That might be a strong reason for usingthe Orlan suit during the upcoming spacewalk.182Task 2. a. Put the following phrases in the order, in which they occur in thedialogue:A - asking about spacesuit type;B - expressing one's opinion;C - asking for consultation;D - asking about one's concern;E - disagree with one's opinion;F – agree with one's opinion;b.

Pick out from the dialogue what Dan or Sergey says for each function in‘a’ task.Task 3. Work in pairs to discuss and fill out the following Table 2 “EVA suitsspecifications” using information from the dialogue and you backgroundknowledge.Table 2. EVA suits specificationsFEATUREPressureBreathing gasTime to ingressDonningThermal controlAnthropometricrangeLongevityIn-service timeLife supportsystemWeightWaste handlingSafetyORLAN suitEMU suit183Task 4.

Answer the following questions: What spacesuits can be used for EVA? Can you name the main similarities and differences between the types ofEVA spacesuits?Task 5. Work in pairs. Compare the EMU and the Orlan suits answering thefollowing questions: Which aspects are quite similar and which are very different in thesespacesuits’ donning procedures? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using EMU/Orlan suit for theEVA?Use Table 1(“EVA suits specifications”) and the following expressions:- It has positive/negative features over the…- It is designed so that…- whereas- while- in both cases- in terms of- similarity/difference- advantage/disadvantageTask 6.

Talk to your crewmate and tell him about possibilities pertaining to EVAsuits possibilities. Use information from the Table 2 “EVA suits specifications”and the following structures:- Can I …?- It can (can't) be…- It/that might be…***• Could you…? is slightly more polite than Can you…?• Certainly is a friendly expression to mean OK, I’ll do all I can to help you.184Activity 4:Project WorkIn pairs, take turns playing Russian Spacewalker and AmericanSpacewalker. Act out a dialogue discussing, what type of EVA suit you willuse during your spacewalk and why; what equipment is required forcompleting the EVA program.Learn and use the following phrases:Making suggestions- What/How about (using) … ?- Can we (use) … ?- I think (in my opinion) we should (use) …Accepting & Refusing- I agree / don't agree with …- I don't think so …- That might be a strong reason(against/for) …- You’re absolutely right-You’re not right***• Should we…? is used to ask for an opinion.

We do not say Will instead.• How about… is used to make a tentative suggestion. This phrase presents analternative. The speaker is introducing an idea and doesn’t want to sound toostrong.Lesson III: SPACEWALK BEGINSActivity 1: Warm-upTask 1. Name facilities that are used during a spacewalk:EVAFACILITIES185Task 2.a. Match the verbs (1-11) to the definitions (a-k).1 adjust2 retrieve3 handle4 translate5 mount6 remove7 replace8 don9 tether10 hook11 egressa be tied to a post so that you cannot move very farb change an old or damaged partc take smth away from its current locationd set up carefully by making small changese fasten or hang smth on smth elsef get smth back from a place where it should not beg the act of leaving a place/a way to get out of a placeh deal with or control a tooli install smth into position so that it can be usedj transfer from one place to anotherk to put clothes, etc.

onb. Use the correct verb out of this list with the introduced EVA facilities.Activity 2: Grammar FocusMODAL VERBS...Task 1. Review GRAMMAR-THEORY section – MODAL VERBS.Task 2. Complete Task 4 in GRAMMAR IN USE section.Activity 3: ReadingTask 1.a. Read the text “Extravehicular activity” about the routine sequence of performinga spacewalk.b. In pairs, agree on the sequence of activities performed during a spacewalk byanswering the following questions: (Use information from the text and phrasesfrom Activity 1). What do astronauts usually do prior to spacewalk? What are the most common operations performed during a spacewalk?EXTRAVEHICULAR ACTIVITYAstronauts spend most of the day completing preparations for their longduration excursion outside the station.

They must complete medical examinations;study the Onboard Documentation; crew procedures, including photo/videomaterials and the EVA timeline; adjust their spacesuit sizes; lay required portable186equipment and tools in the equipment lock. They may look through the ISSwindows to review the worksites and study the translation paths. Oncespacewalkers are done with all preparations, they can join up with other astronautsfor an audio conference with EVA ground experts in order to finalize proceduresfor the upcoming spacewalk.Before exiting the station’s airlock at a certain time, the astronauts mustbreathe pure oxygen for more than two hours to remove nitrogen from their bodiesin order to prevent an occurrence of the bends.

After prebreathe, spacewalkersbegin donning their EVA suits: at first crewmembers put on the MAG, next comesthe LCVG. After that, several simple tasks are performed: anti-fog compound isrubbed on the inside of EMU helmet, a wrist mirror and a small spiral bound 27page check list are put on the left arm of the upper torso, food bar and a waterfilled in-suit drink bag are inserted inside the front of the HUT. Next, CCA isconnected to the EMU electrical harness and left floating above the HUT. Then,LTA is pulled on and a crewmember ‘’dives’’ into the upper torso. A crewmemberthen locks the two body-seal closure rings together with the assistance of anothercrewmember.

The last EMU gear to be donned includes eyeglasses, comfortgloves, CCA, helmet with lights, and EVA gloves. Then, manual leak-check of suitis made and emus are sealed off from the airlock atmosphere. A smalldepressurization valve in the airlock hatch is opened to outside space. The outerairlock hatch is then opened and the suited astronauts pull themselves out into thepayload bay and the EVA begins.On spacewalks astronauts usually transfer various pieces of equipment,replace failed units, mount instruments for solar studies, install and remove testsamples to evaluate the effect of space on materials, photograph the exterior of thestation, retrieve experiment equipment installed by the previous crew, performroutine repair, servicing and maintenance jobs.Task 2. Use the text to find synonyms for the following words: put ondesaturation/denitrogenation/______________transitional compartment/_____________decompression sickness/caisson disease/_____________task list/___________________Task 3.

Complete the following sentences:1. Orlan suit ________________ is less than 6.5 hours whereas____________ can remain operative within more than 7 hours.2. We should use ___________ for our spacewalk and not ____________because it takes less than 5 minutes to ________ it.3. EMUsuitisequippedwith__________________and_________________for safety, but _________________ isn’t.1874. Orlan space suit has a solid _____________ and ____________ but___________________.Task 4.a.

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