Диссертация (Лингводидактическая система формирования коммуникативной компетенции у космонавтов (английский язык)), страница 27

PDF-файл Диссертация (Лингводидактическая система формирования коммуникативной компетенции у космонавтов (английский язык)), страница 27 Педагогика (52424): Диссертация - Аспирантура и докторантураДиссертация (Лингводидактическая система формирования коммуникативной компетенции у космонавтов (английский язык)) - PDF, страница 27 (52424) - СтудИз2019-09-14СтудИзба

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COMMUNICATION IN SPACE5. В ЦЕНТРЕ ВНИМАНИЯ СМИ:ПРЕДСТАРТОВАЯ ПРЕСС-КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯЭКИПАЖА5. IN THE FOCUS OF MASS MEDIAATTENTION: CREW PRELAUNCH PRESSCONFERENCEУрок II: Режим труда и отдыха на борту МКСLesson II: Work-Rest Routine on board the ISSУрокI: Задачи выхода в открытый космосLesson I: Objectives of SpaceWalkУрок II: Подготовка оборудования к «выходу»Lesson II: ISS Crew Gears Up for SpaceWalkУрокIII: Выход в открытый космосLesson III: SpaceWalk BeginsУрок I: Мирное общение на борту МКСLesson I: The Language of Peace on board the ISSУрок II: Связь «Космос-Земля»Lesson II: Space-to-Ground CommunicationsУрок I: Публичные выступленияLesson I: Speaking in PublicУрок II: Пресс-конференция с космонавтомLesson II: Press Conference with a Cosmonaut174ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 3PART 3. UNIT 3.

SPACEWALKLesson I: OBJECTIVES OF SPACEWALKActivity 1: Warm-upTask 1. Make as many words as possible using letters from the two terms:EXTRAVEHICULAR ACTIVITY and SPACEWALK.Task 2. Listen to the interviews of U.S. Spacewalkers: “Challenges ofSpacewalking”:And say what can you do if:1.

A protective blanket on the spacecraft has ripped and must be repaired:a) Staple and pin it together.b) Sew the blanket together.c) Tape it together with duct tape.d) Put an iron-on patch over it.2. Your spacewalk is almost complete. You do a routine glove check and seedamage:a) Take your gloves off and put them in your bag and completespacewalk.b) Return to airlock and put on replacement glove.c) Tell your IVA even if it means cutting the spacewalk short.d) Continue with spacewalk until problem worsens.3.

A pistol grip tool becomes stuck between the bolt and a bent connectorcausing possible damage to the connector:a) Leave it there so you don’t make things worse.b) Drill back in the opposite direction to try and loosen the pistol griptool.c) Pull out the bent connector and try to loosen the pistol grip tool.d) Hit it hard with your hand.Task 3. Look at the following table 1 “EVA SUMMARY TIMELINE” and discusshow much time is required for each of the operations. Fill in the table with theappropriate time as in the example. Briefly explain why.175Table 1. EVA SUMMARY TIMELINETaskTaskEVAEV1EV2TimeTime0:00-0:05 Post Depress0:05 Post Depress0:05Airlock EgressAirlock EgressTranslation AdaptationTranslation AdaptationEquipment/Tool SetupEquipment/Tool CheckoutRemove Failed Pump UnitInstall Spare Pump UnitReplace Light on External TV CameraWork Area CleanupRemove Antenna 5Jettison Antenna 5Cargo Boom TransferCargo Boom TransferMLM Power Cable InstallReplace Failed Voltage RegulatorRetrieve EXPOSE-R ExperimentStow EXPOSE-R ExperimentInstall New Docking AdapterInstall New Docking AdapterAcquisition of Samples from Window 2Work Area CleanupEquipment/Tool StowageEquipment/Tool StowageAirlock IngressAirlock IngressPre-RepressPre-RepressTask 4.

What can you say about activities performed on board the ISS: What are the most important activities performed during a space mission onboard the ISS? Do you perform any activities in spacesuits during the ISS mission?How often? What do astronauts usually do prior to spacewalk? What are the most common operations performed during a spacewalk? What do astronauts usually do after completion of a spacewalk? Introduce examples of recently performed spacewalks.Activity 2: Grammar FocusMODAL VERBS...Task 1. Review GRAMMAR-THEORY section – MODAL VERBS.Task 2.

Complete Task 1and Task 2in GRAMMAR IN USE section.Activity 3: ReadingTask 1.a. Now you're going to read about the operations performed by Expedition 32Russian crewmembers during their spacewalk.176b. Then, compare their tasks with your own EVA program. In pairs, discuss thefollowing questions: Is your EVA program similar to Expedition 32 spacewalk tasks? Which activities from your spacewalk program are identical to Expedition32 EVA tasks? Are there any activities that differ a lot? What are they?EXPEDITION 32 COMPLETES A SPACEWALKTwo Russian cosmonauts, both members of Expedition 32 on theInternational Space Station, carried out a spacewalk, which began on Monday20th, at 13:37 GMT.

This marked the first spacewalk of the Expedition. During thefive hour, 51-minute extravehicular activity (EVA) Commander Gennady Padalkaand Flight Engineer Yuri Malenchenko completed a long list of tasks outside thestation and enjoyed the view of this unique environment.The main task of the spacewalk was to relocate the Strela 2 crane from the Pirsdocking compartment to the Zarya control module. The relocation of the crane wasan important step in preparing Pirs for the docking of the new Russianmultipurpose orbital laboratory module, which will be soon delivered to thestation.

They also installed new debris shields on the Zvezda servicemodule. Spacewalkers translated over to the station’s right side truss to retrieve acouple of NASA experiments known as Materials on International Space StationExperiment (MISSE), which tested the effects of direct sunlight, radiation and theother harmful elements in the vacuum of space. NASA will use the results fromthis experiment as they look for the best materials to create new spacecraft as theysteer toward deep space flights by astronauts during the 2020’s.

At the end of theEVA, Padalka tossed a 9 kilogram (20 pound) spherical satellite into orbit to177conduct Russian space tracking experiments. It is expected that the small satellitestays in orbit for approximately three months before reentry and will provide dataon how space debris reenter the Earth’s atmosphere.Task 2. Complete the following chart about Expedition 32 activities usinginformation from the text:a) Read the text again and find activities that spacewalkers do to repair orresupply the ISS.b) Read the text and find out what spacewalkers do for scientific purposes?Write the answers in a chart:Repair/resupply activitiesActivities for scientific purposes1.

________________________1. _________________________2. ________________________2. _________________________3. ________________________3. _________________________4. ________________________4. ________________________________Task 3. Answer the following analytical questions: What benefit do spacewalks bring to space exploration? In your opinion, what are the most significant tasks that have been recentlycompleted during spacewalks. Discuss the importance of these activities.Task 4.TALKING ABOUT OBLIGATIONS AND GIVING ADVICE IN PAIRS.Imagine that you are CapCom in the MCC. Now talk to the crewmate on board theISS and give him necessary instructions or advice, then tell him what is required tobe done during a spacewalk.

Use the Table 1 “EVA SUMMARY TIMELINE” fromActivity 1 – Warm up – Task 4 and the following structures:- You/we should (shouldn't) …- You/we must (mustn't)…- You/we have to (don't have to)…***• In formal conversation, giving advice is often suggested through modals:ought to/should /could. In informal conversations people tend to use wordssuch as I think that/I feel that/in my opinion.178• Must expresses obligation, when the speaker thinks something is necessary.Must is replaced by have to if someone else thinks that something isnecessary.Activity 4:Project WorkTask 1. Write the Number of your Expedition and 5 most important activities fromyour own EVA program.EVA program of Expedition …1.

_______________________________________________________________________2. _______________________________________________________________________3. _______________________________________________________________________4. _______________________________________________________________________5. _______________________________________________________________________Task 2. In pairs, take turns playing Spacewalker and Ground EVA instructor whogives instructions and advice on completing various activities from your own EVATIMELINE.Example:AUDIO CONFERENCE WITH GROUND TEAMASTRONAUT DAN (S1): Houston-Station, Space-to-Ground-1, how doyou read me?MCC-HOUSTON CAPCOM (S2): I hear you loud and clear. Are you readyfor finalizing the spacewalk procedures?S1: Affirmative.S2: Ok, Dan, have you already studied the preliminary EVA timeline?S1: Yes, and I have a couple of questions for you.S2: Ok, we’ll try to clarify them right away.179S1: Ok, I’ll start then. So, the third task on my checklist is the acquisition ofsamples from the ISS windows.

What are the exact numbers of thesewindows?S2: Copy that. This time, Dan, you should collect samples from Window 2and Window 3.S1: Copy that. My second question concerns the operation that we’re goingto perform together with the Russian EVA operator. When should weexactly start working in unison?S2: Ok. At first, you have to set up the new location for the failed coolingpump while your crewmate retrieves the robotic arm power unit from furtheralong the station’s truss.

Then, you will have to install the arm power unit,stopping at times to refasten your partner’s tether in order to let him movearound safely. At last, both of you must fix the pump to its final restingplace and then you should work in unison on the robotic arm.S1: Copy that. Thank you.Lesson II: ISS CREW GEARS UP FOR SPACEWALKActivity 1: Warm-upTask 1.Answer the question: What do you need to perform a Spacewalk?Task 2. Listen to the European astronaut (Luca Parmitano) talking about the gearand equipment necessary for EVA.

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