Summary (Вероятностный метод для адаптивного времени вычислений в нейронных сетях), страница 4

PDF-файл Summary (Вероятностный метод для адаптивного времени вычислений в нейронных сетях), страница 4 Технические науки (40640): Диссертация - Аспирантура и докторантураSummary (Вероятностный метод для адаптивного времени вычислений в нейронных сетях) - PDF, страница 4 (40640) - СтудИзба2019-05-20СтудИзба

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Файл "Summary" внутри архива находится в папке "Вероятностный метод для адаптивного времени вычислений в нейронных сетях". PDF-файл из архива "Вероятностный метод для адаптивного времени вычислений в нейронных сетях", который расположен в категории "". Всё это находится в предмете "технические науки" из Аспирантура и докторантура, которые можно найти в файловом архиве НИУ ВШЭ. Не смотря на прямую связь этого архива с НИУ ВШЭ, его также можно найти и в других разделах. , а ещё этот архив представляет собой кандидатскую диссертацию, поэтому ещё представлен в разделе всех диссертаций на соискание учёной степени кандидата технических наук.

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The iterations can be, for example,layers of a neural network. It is assumed that the outputs of iterations of ablock have the same dimensions. Depending on the specific type of the latent variables, the block can be discrete, thresholded or relaxed. The blocks ofdifferent types are compatible, meaning that the parameters of a model trainedwith one block type can be evaluated with another. After each iteration the halting probability, a number in [0, 1] range, is computed and used as parameterfor a latent variable. In discrete block a Bernoulli random variable is generatedafter each iteration. This variable is called a halting indicator. If it is equalto one, the computation is stopped.

In the thresholded block the computationis terminated when the halting probability exceeds 0.5. The relaxed block isobtained from the discrete one by replacing Bernoulli distribution with relaxedGumbel-Softmax distribution, fig. 5. In this case, the halting indicator takesvalues from the [0, 1] range. An output of the relaxed block is weighted average of the iterations outputs, where the weights are obtained by a stick-breakingprocess over the halting indicators. The model with the relaxed block can betrained using stochastic gradient descent by applying the reparameterizationtrick.Assume that a neural network contains several adaptive computationblocks with a latent variable encoding the number of iterations per block.

Foreach latent variable the prior distribution is chosen to be truncated Geometric distribution (the truncation is performed by the maximum number of iterations). Then, stochastic MAP inference is performed for the number of iterations, where the auxiliary distribution is defined by the halting indicators. Thefinal objective has two terms: log-likelihood of the correct answer averaged15over the auxiliary distribution and a linear penalty for the expected number ofiterations. This objective is analogous to the one obtained in the ACT model,but with the heuristic ponder cost replaced by the expected number of iterations.At the end of the section several examples of applying the proposedmethod to neural network architectures are described.

For residual networksa spatially adaptive version is introduced. Each spatial position of a residual network’s block is assigned an adaptive computation block. The adaptivecomputation iterations correspond to residual units. The obtained method is aprobabilistic counterpart of SACT. For the recurrent networks case, the construction is similar to the ACT method [24]: an adaptive computation block isused on every timestep to choose the number of network updates.The experimental validation of the methods is performed on ResNet32 and ResNet-110 models for CIFAR-10 classification problem. First, it isdemonstrated that the parameters of the relaxed model (the model using relaxed adaptive computation blocks) are compatible with discrete and thresholded models. To this end, during training of the relaxed model its parametersare tested in discrete and thresholded models.

The loss function, accuracy andthe number of operations stay close across models. Then, training of the relaxed model is compared to training of the discrete model using REINFORCEmethod. The number of latent variables is varied by combining the spatial positions into groups and assigning a single latent variable to each group.

It isshown that both training methods perform comparably for the number of latentvariables under one hundred. However, when the number of latent variables isincreased, REINFORCE does not allow to successfully train the model due toa high variance of gradients. Training with relaxation allows using up to 1344latent variables. The relaxed model and SACT method have a similar speedquality trade-off. An advantage of the probabilistic approach is that testing canbe performed in a thresholded mode that has an extremely simple implementation without a loss of quality.The main results of the work are presented in the conclusion:1.

A new method of convolutional neural network acceleration is developed. It is based on perforated convolutional layer that allows to spatially vary the amount of computation. It is demonstrated that the perforated convolutional layer can be efficiently implemented on bothCPU and GPU.

Several types of input-independent perforation masksare proposed and experimentally compared. The developed methodallows to make AlexNet and VGG-16 convolutional networks several16times faster. Reducing the spatial redundancy of convolutional neuralnetwork’s intermediate representations allows to improve the speedquality trade-off.2.

Adaptive computation time method which has previously been usedfor recurrent neural networks is applied to residual networks. The obtained method allows to vary the number of layers in residual networksdepending on the input object. Spatially adaptive computation timemethod is developed that allows to choose the number of layers perspatial position. It is proved that this method generalizes the previousone. Perforated convolutional layer with an input-dependent perforation mask is used for an efficient implementation of the method.The spatially-adaptive version is empirically shown to improve thespeed-quality trade-off of residual networks. The best results are obtained when processing high-resolution images. It is also shown thatthe computation time map can be used as a human saliency model.3.

Probabilistic model of adaptive computation time is proposed. Thismodel allows to adapt the number of layers in deep learning modelssuch as convolutional neural networks. A training method for thismodel is developed. It uses stochastic variational optimization andGumbel-Softmax discrete random variable relaxation. The originaladaptive computation time method is a heuristic relaxation of the proposed model. It is shown that the the proposed method achieves similar results to the adaptive computation time method, but has a simplerimplementation.

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