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И.Ю. Коваленко - Тематические тексты для развития навыков устной речи (Уровень А1-А2), страница 4

PDF-файл И.Ю. Коваленко - Тематические тексты для развития навыков устной речи (Уровень А1-А2), страница 4 Английский язык (36497): Книга - 2 семестрИ.Ю. Коваленко - Тематические тексты для развития навыков устной речи (Уровень А1-А2): Английский язык - PDF, страница 4 (36497) - СтудИзба2019-04-28СтудИзба

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Paul‟sCathedral, which was built by sir Christopher Wren in the 17th century, is situatedin the City. It was destroyed during World War II and then restored.Trafalgar Square is in the centre of London. It is the finest place in the city.It is the place of meetings and demonstrations. Nelson‟s column is in the centre ofthe Square. This column was built in memory of Admiral Nelson.

He destroyed theFrench fleet in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and became a national English hero.The West End is the richest part of the capital. Large museums and artgalleries, most theatres and cinemas are to be found here. The famous Hyde Park isalso situated in the West End. Here one can see Westminster Abbey where allBritish kings and queens are crowned. Many great Englishmen, Newton, Darwin,Dickens and others, are buried there.To the west of Westminster Abbey there is Buckingham Palace, theresidence of the English Queen. Some guardians stand on guard in front of thePalace.

It is very interesting to see the Changing of the Guard. It is a tradition.Not far from the Abbey you can also see the Houses of Parliament with thefamous Big Ben and a huge clock. Everybody knows the British Museum with itsfinest collection of books from all over the world.The Tower of London is on the Thames. Since the 11 th century it was a royalpalace and a fortress. It has played an important role in the English history.

Formany years English kings and queens lived there. Then it became a prison. Now itis a museum. The famous collection of jewels is kept here. Every night at 9.53 pmthe chief warder locks up the Tower. This is known as the Ceremony of the Keysand it has been taking place almost without any break for 700 years. A number ofravens have their home at the tower. They are on guard here.On Sundays most Londoners do not work. Some people spend their weekendat home, some go to Hyde Park, where they can lie on the grass, ride on horsebackor listen to speakers at the Speakers‟ Corner.The East End used to be the poorest part of London.

Now it is home to smallindustries, blocks of flats and many houses. It has become a desirable place forbusiness.There is so much to see in London that even Londoners can always find newsights. They like to say, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”.1) Where is London situated?152)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)What are the main parts of London?What is the financial and business center of the country?What places of interest can be found in the West End?Where is the residence of the English Queen?What are the Houses of Parliament famous for?What is the role of the Tower of London in the English history?Where do most Londoners prefer to spend their weekend?What is the East End?ТЕМА 8.

HOLIDAYЗадание 1. Прочитайте тексты и ответьте на вопросы.Paul’s ideal place for a holidayLast year, we booked a holiday on the island of Tioman, in Malaysia.Tioman is quite a small island (it‟s only 6 miles wide), just off the east coast ofMalaysia. It has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, and it is a greatplace for relaxing and getting away from it all.Tioman is also a paradise for divers.

The water is clear to a depth of over 30metres and it is filled with all kinds of beautiful fish, coral, and other marine life.The colours are amazing. Apart from swimming and lazing around on the beach,there are lots of other things to see and do. We went hiking in the mountains, andwe saw monkeys, flying foxes, and even a big snake.Our accommodation wasn‟t very expensive, and you can stay in a hotel foras little as $30 a night. For me the best thing on the holiday was sitting outside ourbeach hut in the evening, looking up at the stars. It really was an unforgettableexperience.1)2)3)4)5)6)Where did Paul book a holiday?Why is a small island a good place for a holiday?Why is Tioman a paradise for divers?What can one do there apart from swimming and lazing around on the beach?What kind of accommodation did Paul have?What was the best thing for him on the holiday?Elein’s holidaysI‟ve had all sorts of holidays in the last few years.

My favourite was last yearwhen we went camping in Yosemite Nation Park in California. The campsite wasnear a river, and we did a lot of hiking to see the beautiful waterfalls.Two years ago, I went to New York with my parents. We stayed in a reallygood hotel, and enjoyed all the restaurants and nightlife.

We did a lot ofsightseeing – we went to the Empire State Building, Ellis Island, and visited someinteresting museums. The best part was seeing a Broadway musical!16This summer, I‟m having a working holiday in a mountain resort. The resort isright next to a lake. I‟ll be working in one of the restaurants in the evenings, and inmy time off I‟ll be able to go hiking and try some watersports.After I finish college, I would like to go back-packing around South-East Asia,and probably Australia and New Zealand as well. My brother did that four yearsago and had a really good time.1)2)3)4)5)Where did Elein go camping?Where did she spend her holidays two years ago?What did she enjoy in New York?What kind of holiday is she having this summer?Where would she like to go after she finishes studies?Задание 2.

Расскажите, как вы любите проводить свои каникулы.Ответьте на следующие вопросы.1) How do you usually arrange a holiday? 2) What can you do on a holiday? 3)What countries have you been to? 4) What was the best/worst holiday in yourlife? 5) What is an ideal place for a holiday for you?ТЕМА 9. TRAVELЗадание 1. Прочитайте тесты и скажите, какой вид транспорта высчитаете наиболее удобным и почему.Different ways of travelling from one place to anotherThe bus passengerI always take the bus to work.

There‟s a stop right outside my house, and thebuses are very frequent in the rush hour. Usually there‟s one every 5 minutes. Mostdays I can get a seat and read a book or newspaper. Sometimes I see someone Iknow on the bus, and we have a chat. One thing I don‟t like is all the litter. Somepeople just leave their food all over the floor or on the seats. Another thing ispeople listening to personal stereos. The noise they make can be really annoyingwhen they have it on very loud.The cyclistI use my bike because it‟s the quickest way to get from A to B in the rushhour. All the cars are stuck in traffic jams, and you can go straight past them. Myjourney to work usually takes about 20 minutes door-to door.

It‟s a good way ofgetting your daily exercise. The thing I don‟t like about cycling is all the pollution.I don‟t like breathing in exhaust fumes from cars and buses. It can also be ratherdangerous, and you need to watch out for people opening car doors or coming outof junctions without looking.17The car driverI normally go to work by car. I‟d say my average journey time is about 50minutes. When I‟m in my car it‟s very comfortable, like being in my own livingroom. I can turn on the stereo system and listen to my favourite CDs or listen to thecar radio. There are some things though I don‟t like about driving. The traffickeeps getting worse, and other drivers sometimes behave very badly.

I know Ishould use my car less because it is bad for the environment, but it is much moreconvenient than public transport.The train passengerI generally take the train to work. It‟s quick and convenient, and I can be inmy office in about 35 minutes. In winter the service can be rather erratic, and Isometimes find myself waiting on the platform at the station in freezing coldweather, wishing I was in a nice warm car. The other thing I don‟t like is people inmy carriage with mobile phones, who talk loudly and say thing like “I‟m on thetrain”. The good thing about taking the train is that someone else does all thedriving, and I can just relax and read my newspaper.Travelling by planeLast week we flew to London.

We took the bus to JFK airport. When wearrived at the terminal we went to the check-in desk for our flight. We showed ourpassports at passport control, and then went through security. We had to wait for awhile in the departure lounge. When our flight was called, we went through thedeparture gate, and got on our plane.

After the plane had landed at Heathrow, wewent to the baggage reclaim to collect our bags, then went through immigrationand customs, and out into the arrivals area.ТЕМА 10. MASS MEDIAЗадание 1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.NewspapersMass media plays an important role in the modern society. We live in the eraof information and can‟t imagine our life without newspapers, radio, television andthe Internet.Newspapers appeared the first of the listed and are still very popular. A lotof people read newspapers when they are travelling to and from work. It‟s good tohave something to read on the train or the bus, and newspapers are easy to carryaround with you. Newspapers don‟t just tell you the news, they also contain a lot ofother interesting information, such as film and music reviews, and gossip aboutfamous people.At the weekend, the papers have lots of different sections, for example aboutnew ways of decorating your home, ideas for holidays, or new recipes.

Many18people like to read the papers while they are having breakfast on Sunday morning,because it is a relaxing thing to do.For many people, especially young people, their main source of news is nowthe Internet. They can read about the latest news online as soon as it happens. Theycan also visit their favourite websites to look for other stories that might interestthem.

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Тут дофига бывает всего полезного. Печально, что бывают предметы по которым даже одного бесплатного решения нет, но это скорее вопрос к студентам. В остальном всё здорово.
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Отлично помогает студентам в любой момент для решения трудных и незамедлительных задач
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