153923 (Совершенствование туристско-экскурсионного обслуживания иностранных туристов в Санкт Петербурге), страница 10


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A number of subsidiary buildings were constructed on the territory of the Peter and Paul fortress: ordnance depot, commandant»s house, mint, guardhouse, engineers» house, jail of the Trubetskoy bastion. Today many buildings accommodate exhibitions about the foundation, construction and history of Saint-Petersburg. An excursion route called the Neva»s gala panorama was arranged on the bastions and curtains of the fortress that overlook the Neva River.

7. Zoological Park (It was established in 1865), Alexandrovskiy Park, 1.

ZOOLOGICAL PARK (until 1952, the Zoological Garden), a cultural, educational and scientific institution, where wild and certain domestic animals are kept, demonstrated and studied. It is situated on Petrogradskaya Side, on the former location of the Alexandrovsky Garden. Its area is about 7.4 ha. The collection of animals consists of approximately 2,000 examples of 408 species (80 are are considered to be internationally endangered species while 42 are endangered in Russia, 15 are protected in the territory of Leningrad Region). The Zoological Park was opened on 1 August 1865; its first owners were Sofia Gebgardt and her husband Julius Gebgardt (died in 1871). After her husband»s death S. Gebgardt married E.A. Rost (1842-1908, who owned the Zoological Garden from 1873. Under Rost the Zoological Garden was supplied with the very latest equipment, and the collection grew to 200 species and 1,200 animals, birds and reptiles. A sewage system and electrical lighting was arranged, a theatre was built for 500 seats. The Zoological Garden had its own brass band and later on a symphony orchestra; the Zoology restaurant was also located at the park. In 1897, Rost departed to Germany and the Zoological Garden had gradually declined. After 1910, the Zoological Garden was practically re-created again under a new lessee, actor and entrepreneur S.N. Novikov (1850-1922): a number of pavilions were built for animals; city-residents could again see lions, hippopotamuses, rhinoceros, elephants and other exotic animals. Three theatres ran in the Zoological Garden, the open air theatre, the restaurant theatre, the shooting gallery and the carrousel. Performing animals acted there, children could ride on ponies or donkeys. A big wooden theatre was predominantly used for performing operettas. In 1918, the Zoological Garden was nationalised, zoologist N.P. Tanasiychuk (1890-1960) was appointed its manager, the general direction was performed by the Scientific Council (abolished in 1924), which included the most eminent zoologists. From 1929, the Young Zoologists Society has been working in the Garden. For the 75th anniversary of the Garden in 1940, 171 ha in the region of the Udelny Park were given to the Zoological Garden; however, military operations rendered the plans for constructing a new zoological garden impossible. During the Siege of 1941-44, workers of the Zoological Garden continued working in difficult circumstances (in memory of their exploits the old name of Leningrad Zoological Garden has been retained). The Zoological Garden was opened to visitors in the summer months, and from 1944 it has been working throughout the year (the animal theatre never ceased working). In 1952, the Zoological Garden was given part of еру garden of the State People»s House, and its territory increased by more then 2.5 times. In the 1950s-60s, many interesting animals were brought to the park where acclimatisation experiments were conducted. The collection and the level of scientific and educational work carried out in the Zoological Garden was the best in the country.

8. (9) Kronverk (The Museum of Artillery, Engineers and signal corps)

Arch. P.Tamanskiy (1849-1860), Alexandrovskiy Park, 7

Displaying an enormous collection of arms and heavy artillery from the Middle Ages to the present day, this museum is located just across a narrow canal from the Peter and Paul Fortress. The museum is a great place to visit with your kids, who will love the open-air exhibition of artillery and missile launchers in the museum»s courtyard. Inside the museum displays a rather old-fashioned collection of military memorabilia, temporary exhibitions, a nice little shop stocked with models of weapons and miniature soldiers and a cafe.

10. Baltiyskiy Dom Theatre. Alexandrovskiy Park, 4

The excursion termination № 1 – M. Gorkovskaya

Walking tour № 2. The excursion beginning – M. Vasileostrovskaya

Food places

Sredniy prospekt, h. 26, McDonald`s 6-7 –ya Linia, h.25, restaurant «BLACK-and-WHITE» (European cuisine)Universitetkaya, nab, h. 13, kafe «BELLINI» (Russian cuisine)

Bolshoy prospekt, h. 41, restaurant «SVAGAT» (Indian cuisine)

Universitetkaya, nab, h. 3 restaurant «Russkiy kitch» (Russian cuisine)

Birgevoy per. h. 1, restaurant «AKADEMIA» (Russian cuisine)


Over the years the Neva River has enriched St. Petersburg»s heritage both through its purely practical function as an artery for trade and also as a theme incorporated into outstanding Russian literature. From its source, Lake Ladoga, the Neva flows west seventy-four kilometers to the Gulf of Finland. The city of St. Petersburg has grown up on and around the more than forty islands which form the Neva»s delta. You are currently standing on the eastern tip of one of them, Vasilyevsky (St. Basil»s) Island. At one time this was the focus of Peter the Great»s detailed development scheme for his capital. Since no bridges spanned the Neva in those early days, however, the transportation of construction materials here proved difficult and foiled the plan. Eventually the center of the city was constructed on the side of the Neva where Nevsky Avenue (Prospect) runs.

The spit of land upon which you are now located was formed from stone and sand fill material extending 122 meters (400 ft.) eastward into the Neva from, Vasilyevsky Island. All of the buildings in this area were constructed between 1805-32 to serve the needs of the growing port. In the center of what is now known as the Exchange (Birzhevaya) Square stands the former stock exchange. It currently houses the Central Naval Museum. The architect Jean Thomas de Thomon designed the structure; it was constructed in 1810. On each side of the stock exchange stands a building created by the architect Giovanni Luchini. The port utilized both of them originally as warehouses. Today the structure on the left houses the Zoology Museum. The Soil Science Museum occupies the one to the right.

Flanking the spit, two «rostral columns» rise 32 meters (105 ft.) into the sky. The term conies from the Latin «rostra» meaning «beak.» In ancient times the Romans traditionally decorated triumphal columns with the figure headed prows of defeated ships. In the 19th Century, these columns served as lighthouses for vessels arriving from Lake Ladoga. Now they are used during national festivals. A tire is lit on the top which people can see from all over the river area. At the base of both columns rest sculpted figures which serve as the symbols of four of Russia»s greatest rivers. Viewed from this location, from left to the right, these include the Neva, the Volkhov, the. Volga, and the Dnieper.

St. Peterburg»s prominence as a seaport elates from November of 1703, with the arrival of the first trading ship from Holland. Eager So promote his fledgling port and gain for it further acceptance by the Europeans, Peter the Great rewarded the crew of this first ship with a cash bonus. He promised additional sums for succeeding visitors.

Eventually St. Petersburg became Russia»s most important seaport; the immediate area around the spit became one of the busiest places in the city. One could hear the voices and shouts of numerous foreign languages. Here, before the construction of the elaborate buildings which now front onto the spit, Russian and foreign merchants came So negotiate their deals. Inhabitants of the capital frequently gathered to note the comings and goings of trading vessels from all parts of the world.

1. The Cathedral of Apostle St. Andrew the First Called Arch.

A. Vist (1764-1780), Vasilievskiy Ostrov, 6-ya liniya, 11


Walk down the street which runs along the Senate-Synod ensemble towards the Neva River and cross over to the embankment at the stoplight. Try to find a vantage point which offers you an unobstructed view of the opposite bank, for there are a number of remarkable sites to look at.

Immediately opposite the Senate-Synod ensemble, for instance, lies the Menshikovsky Palace. Alexander Menshikov, a favorite of Peter, built his palace on this site upon being granted ownership of all of Vasilyevsky Island in 1707. Although it now appears rather plain-looking, in the days of Peter the Great, it was one of the most luxurious buildings in all of the city. The czar, who hated official meetings, often arranged for them to be held here.

To the left of Menshikovsky Palace, an extensive stand of trees marks the location of an obelisk, hidden from view, which commemorates a Russian victory over the Turks in a war fought between 1768-74. To the left of this, at the foot of one of the bridges which span the Neva, stands the Academy of Arts. Originally founded in 1757, it has played a crucial role in the training of Russian painters, sculptors, and architects. In our day, it houses not only an art school, but also one of the nation»s oldest art museums.

Directly in front of the academy there are steps leading from street-level down to the Neva. Flanking them lie two sphinxes purchased by Russia in the 19th Century. Discovered in 1820, they probably, date from the 15th Century B. C. Archaeologists believe that the features of Pharoah Amenhotep III are carved on their faces. The Russian writer Andrei Muravyov saw the statues while traveling through Egypt. Much impressed, he lobbied for their purchase by his government. Czar Nicholas I granted his permission and a special ship brought the treasures to St. Petersburg in 1832.

Now look up the Neva in the other direction until you catch sight of one of the orange-colored rostral columns you visited earlier. To the left of it stands the former Kunstkammer, a blue and white building crowned with an eight-sided turret and high dome. Here the private collections of Peter the Great were housed and exhibited. This assembly included rare books, valuable minerals, exotic plants and animals, as well as preserved specimens of anatomical variation — some quite hideous. A number of these can still be seen in the Chamber of Curiosities located inside this building in the Museum of Ethnography. Later, the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences used the site.

After the Academy outgrew the facilities of the Kunstkammer, the Academy of Sciences building was constructed next door. Designed by Giacomo Quarenghi and featuring an eight-column portico, it was constructed between 1783-88. In 1934 most of the Academy»s departments were transferred to Moscow. The departments of literature and language remained.

Finally, immediately to the left of the Academy of Sciences stands the red and white building which marks the location of St. Petersburg University. Designed by Domenico Trezzini and built between 1722-41, the complex of twelve adjacent structures housed ministries of the government until the University occupied the site in 1819. From this vantage point, only the short, southernmost end can be seen.

2. The Russian Academy of Arts (The Research Museum of the Russian

Academy of Arts)

Arch. A. Kokorinov, J.-B. Vallin de Lamothe (1764-1788), Universitetskaya naberezhnaya, 17

Many prominent Russian artists graduated from the Russian Academy of Fine Arts and the Repin Institute. The museum»s exhibitions, displayed in the former building of the Academy, feature graduation and study projects completed by students of the Academy, a number of works by the Academy»s teaching staff and various paintings related to the history of the Academy. Although this is hardly the most impressive art collection in town, you will still find some excellent pieces and gain an interesting insight into St. Petersburg»s artistic education of the past. The museum also features temporary exhibitions of works by prominent local artists in the Titian Hall and the annual art exhibition of the Academy, which is now based in Moscow.

3. The Egyptian sphinxes Universitetskaya naberezhnaya, 17

SPHINXES. Mythical creatures with the body of lion and a human head. In the second half of the 18th century, marble sphinxes were installed in the Private Garden in Gatchina and at the Osinovaya Roscha estate. Cast-iron sphinxes were installed in the Stroganov Palace courtyard. Miniature granite sphinxes were placed at the Kushelev-Bezborodko residential landing (end of the 18th century). At the beginning of the 19th century, stylised Egyptian sphinxes were created in the workshop of sculptor P.P. Sokolov. In 1825-1826, a pair of cast-iron sphinxes decorated the Egyptian Bridge across the Fontanka River. It is likely that the two sphinxes situated in the yard at Mozhaiskaya Street were cast according to the same model; in the 1980s they were installed on the new boat landing stage on Kamenny Island. In 1832, original sphinxes were brought from ancient Thebes in Egypt to St. Petersburg (15th century B.C.), and were installed at the landing near the Academy of Fine Arts (1832-1834, architect K.A. Ton). The sphinx image was given an original treatment by artist M. M. Shemyakin in his Monument To Victims of Political Repression on Robespierre Embankment (see Monument to the Victims of Political Repression).

4. Menshikovskiy Palace (The Branch of The State Hermitage)

Arch. D. Fontana, G. Shedel, Universitetskaya naberezhnaya, 15

The Menshikov Palace (Russian: Меншиковский дворец) is a Petrine Baroque edifice in Saint Petersburg, situated on Universitetskaya Embankment of the Bolshaya Neva on Vasilyevsky Island.[1] Since 1981, it has served as a public museum, a branch of the Hermitage Museum.

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