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англ предложения из типарей (Предложения из типовых заданий на экзамен)


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Документ из архива "Предложения из типовых заданий на экзамен", который расположен в категории "". Всё это находится в предмете "английский язык" из 2 семестр, которые можно найти в файловом архиве НИУ «МЭИ» . Не смотря на прямую связь этого архива с НИУ «МЭИ» , его также можно найти и в других разделах. .

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Текст из документа "англ предложения из типарей"

Тема 21. Глагольные формы, оканчивающиеся на –ed,

стоящие подряд (ed… ed)


The substances utilized neutralized each other. – Вещества, которые были использованы, нейтрализовали друг друга.
The substances – подлежащее, выраж. существительным во мн. числе;

neutralized - сказуемое, выраженное прав. глаголом в Past Simple;

utilized – Participle 2 (страд. причастие), образованное от правильного глагола с помощью –ed и выполняющее функцию определения (к подлежащему).

A force applied caused a body to move in a straight line.

The amount of electricity produced depended on the quality of a battery.

The gas dissolved changed the properties of a heated substance.

The devices employed improved the efficiency of the machine.

The iron magnetized turned out to be a strong magnet.

The liquids heated expanded much more than it was expected.

The material applied proved to be a good insulator.

The properties described required further investigation.

The research completed presented a new method of solving that problem.

The results achieved demonstrated our success in this field.

The system developed increased the safety and efficiency of a car.

The work completed provided us with the new data.

Тема 22. Условные придаточные предложения первого типа


  1. If the characteristics obtained are not acceptable, I shall repeat the experiment with this filter. – Если полученные характеристики не будут приемлемыми, я повторю этот опыт с фильтром.

  2. Any electrical device will stop operating, if there is no current in the circuit. – Любой электроприбор перестанет работать, если в цепи не будет тока.

If anybody does not like to sleep when the light is on, he will switch it off.

If the air supply stops, the fuel will stop burning.

If the potential difference becomes great enough, the electrons will jump through the air forming an electric spark.

If the temperature of a metal wire becomes higher, its resistance will be higher, too.

If there is fuel shortage, the thermal power station will not be able to generate electricity.

If workers keep electrical safety rules, there will be much less accidents in plants.

If you replace an ammeter with a voltmeter, you will not be able to measure current.

If you study the types of radio waves, you will know them to be long, medium and short.

Тема 23. Условные придаточные предложения 2 типа


  1. If there were no oil, we should not have a lot of modern devices now. – Если бы не было нефти, у нас не было бы многих современных приборов.

  2. If the river were deeper, it would be navigable. – Если бы река была глубже, она была бы судоходной.

If the equipment met our requirements, we should buy it immediately.

If the generator were broken, the power station would not be able to supply electrical power to its consumers.

If the turbine efficiency were higher, we should save fuel and money.

Тема 24. Условные придаточные предложения второго типа с инверсией.


  1. Were the weather better, the air temperature would be higher. – Если бы погода была лучше, температура воздуха была бы выше.

  2. Had they a modern computer, they would be able to process the data. – Если бы у них был современный компьютер, они смогли бы обработать данные.

Could we carry out this experiment on a working power plant, our conclusions would be more reliable.

Could we modify one of the technical components of the installation, its output power would increase sufficiently.

Had thermal power stations fuel of higher quality, their efficiency would be higher.

Had we a modern computer, we should obtain better scientific results.

Should the engineer repair this machine, we would be able to put it into operation.

Were the resistors connected in parallel, the voltage in each branch would be equal.

Тема 25. Условные придаточные предложения 3го типа.


  1. If he had known mathematics better, he would have passed the exam. – Если бы он лучше знал математику, он сдал бы экзамены.

  2. If the calculations had been made accurately, the accident would not have taken place. – Если бы расчеты были выполнены точно, авария бы не произошла.

If they had doubled the number of tools they wanted to buy, we should have given them 2% discount.

If they had repaired the device quickly, they would have renewed their research.

If we had had an ammeter at the last laboratory work, we should have been able to measure current in the circuit as well.

If you had placed a floppy-disk near a magnet, you would have lost your data.

If you had reequipped the shop last year, you would have increased the output of your production.

If you had sent us the samples in time, we could have started our tests some days ago.

Тема 26. Условные придаточные предложения 3го типа с инверсией.


  1. Had we had an ammeter, we should have been able to measure current. – Если бы у нас был амперметр, мы смогли бы изменить ток.

  2. Had they used alternative technologies, the ecological situation in the region would have been better. - Если бы они пользовались ресурсосберегающими технологиями, экологическая ситуация в регионе была бы лучше.

Could they have seen the machines in operation, then they would have had a better idea of the design.

Had measurement instrumentation been designed better, our results would have been much more reliable.

Had semiconductors been discovered earlier, most modern semiconductor devices would have been more advanced.

Had the devices had a lightning conductor, they would not have been damaged during the thunderstorm.

Had the thermal power station used natural gas instead of coal, air in the city would have been cleaner.

Had there been a potential difference between the two points, there would have been a current flow between them.

Тема 27. Страдательный (пассивный) залог


  1. The experiment was carried out last week. – Эксперимент был выполнен на прошлой неделе.

  2. More bus lines should be built. – Следует построить больше автобусных линий.

All the documents of the contract had been signed before the top manager arrived at the office.

Radio waves can be used to send coded information very fast over long distances including interplanet communication.

The car does not have to be modernized.

The institute was promised financial support.

The laboratory should be given new equipment.

The results of the exam aren’t going to be published.

We have been given all the necessary information.

Тема 28. Страдательный залог и его особенности


  1. He was often laughed at. – Над ним часто смеялись.

  2. Big earthquakes can be followed by decades of inactivity. – За землетрясениями могут следовать десятилетия (сейсмической) активности.

  3. He is said to work much. – Говорят, что он много работает.

  4. It is known that he is a great scientist. – Известно, что он – великий ученый.

All these problems will be dealt with from both theoretical and experimental viewpoints.

Newton’s laws of motion are often referred to.

The invention of a steam engine was followed by the first industrial revolution.

The conductivity of metals is very little influenced by temperature.

The construction of the machine is paid great attention to.

The engineers’ measurements and calculations can be relied on.

The experimental model will be followed by mass production of the mechanisms.

The neutron is not influenced by magnetic field.

This requirement will be much spoken about.

Тема 29. Причастие в функции определения


  1. The word said by the student was not correct. – Слово, сказанное студентом, было неправильным.

  2. The man saying goodbye to his friends is a well-known musician. – Человек, прощающийся с друзьями, хорошо известный музыкант.

A line seen through this crystal looks double.

A man weighed on the Moon finds out that his weight is one-sixth of his weight on the Earth.

An object pushed or pulled by forces changes its position from the state of rest to the state of motion or from motion to rest.

Synthetic plastics used in machine-building instead of metals are very popular nowadays.

The books written by this author are very popular.

Тема 30. Причастие в функции обстоятельства или обстоятельственный (зависимый) причастный оборот


  1. Trying to develop that method, he continued studying the problem. – Пытаясь разработать этот метод, он продолжил изучать проблему.

  2. Reading a book, he used a dictionary. – Читая книгу, он пользовался словарем.

Having designed a car radar, the engineers started complex tests.

Having collected all the material, he was able to write a full report on the work of the commission.

Having graduated from the university, he decided to go to the Far East.

Having stated the laws of gravity, Newton was able to explain the structure of the Universe.

Having studied nuclear reactions, we now turn to the question of how these radiations interact as they go through matter.

Speaking of hydraulic turbines, it is interesting to point out that there has been a great increase in size, capacity and output of Russian turbines.

Using superconductivity in thermonuclear installations, it is possible to make any experiments.

Тема 31. Причастие. Независимый причастный оборот в начале предложения


An object losing its potential energy, that energy is turned into kinetic one.

Когда (так как, если) предмет теряет свою потенциальную энергию, эта энергия переходит в кинетическую.

A gas cooling down, the average speed of its molecules decreases.

The fluid increasing in temperature, its density decreases.

The plant having offered new high tech micromotors, the modern small-sized appliances appeared at the market for selling.

The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit was low at the constant voltage.

There being a lot of spare components at the workshop station, we could fit our car.

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