Medical ultrasonography


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Medical ultrasonography

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"Sonography" redirects here. For the tactile alphabet called "sonography", see Night writing.

Medical ultrasonography (sonography) is an ultrasound-based diagnostic imaging technique used to visualize muscles and internal organs, their size, structures and possible pathologies or lesions. Obstetric sonography is commonly used during pregnancy and is widely recognized by the public. There are a plethora of diagnostic and therapeutic applications practiced in medicine.

In physics the term "ultrasound" applies to all acoustic energy with a frequency above human hearing (20,000 hertz or 20 kilohertz). Typical diagnostic sonographic scanners operate in the frequency range of 2 to 18 megahertz, hundreds of times greater than this limit. The choice of frequency is a trade-off between spatial resolution of the image and imaging depth: lower frequencies produce less resolution but image deeper into the body.

A fetus in the womb, viewed in a sonogram

"3D ultrasound" of a developing fetus at 29 weeks



  • 1 Diagnostic applications

  • 2 Therapeutic applications

  • 3 From sound to image

    • 3.1 Producing a sound wave

    • 3.2 Receiving the echoes

    • 3.3 Forming the image

  • 4 Sound in the body

  • 5 Modes of Sonography

  • 6 Doppler sonography

  • 7 Microbubbles

  • 8 Strengths of sonography

  • 9 Weaknesses of ultrasonic imaging

  • 10 Risks and side-effects

    • 10.1 Studies on the safety of ultrasound

  • 11 Regulation

  • 12 History

    • 12.1 United States

    • 12.2 Sweden

    • 12.3 Scotland

  • 13 See also

  • 14 References

  • 15 External links

[edit] Diagnostic applications

Sonography (ultrasonography) is widely used in medicine. It is possible to perform diagnosis or therapeutic procedures with the guidance of sonography (for instance biopsies or drainage of fluid collections). Sonographers are medical professionals who perform scans for diagnostic purposes. Sonographers typically use a hand-held probe (called a transducer) that is placed directly on and moved over the patient. A water-based gel is used to couple the ultrasound between the transducer and patient.

Sonography is effective for imaging soft tissues of the body. Superficial structures such as muscles, tendons, testes, breast and the neonatal brain are imaged at a higher frequency (7-18 MHz), which provides better axial and lateral resolution. Deeper structures such as liver and kidney are imaged at a lower frequency 1-6 MHz with lower axial and lateral resolution but greater penetration.

Medical sonography is used in, for example:

  • Cardiology; see echocardiography

  • Endocrinology

  • Gastroenterology

  • Gynaecology; see gynecologic ultrasonography

  • Obstetrics; see obstetric ultrasonography

  • Ophthalmology; see A-scan ultrasonography, B-scan ultrasonography

  • Urology, to determine, for example, the amount of fluid retained in a patient's bladder.

  • Musculoskeletal, tendons, muscles, and nerves

  • Vascular, arteries and veins

  • Intravascular ultrasound (e.g. ultrasound guided fluid aspiration, fine needle aspiration, guided injections)

  • Intervenional; biopsy, emptying fluids, intrauterine transfusion (Hemolytic disease of the newborn)

  • Contrast-enhanced ultrasound

A general-purpose sonographic machine may be able to be used for most imaging purposes. Usually specialty applications may be served only by use of a specialty transducer. The dynamic nature of many studies generally requires specialized features in a sonographic machine for it to be effective; such as endovaginal, endorectal, or transesophageal transducers.

Sonograph showing the image of a fetal head in the womb

Obstetrical ultrasound is commonly used during pregnancy to check on the development of the fetus.

In a pelvic sonogram, organs of the pelvic region are imaged. This includes the uterus and ovaries or urinary bladder. Men are sometimes given a pelvic sonogram to check on the health of their bladder and prostate. There are two methods of performing a pelvic sonography - externally or internally. The internal pelvic sonogram is performed either transvaginally (in a woman) or transrectally (in a man). Sonographic imaging of the pelvic floor can produce important diagnostic information regarding the precise relationship of abnormal structures with other pelvic organs and it represents a useful hint to treat patients with symptoms related to pelvic prolapse, double incontinence and obstructed defecation.[1]

In abdominal sonography, the solid organs of the abdomen such as the pancreas, aorta, inferior vena cava, liver, gall bladder, bile ducts, kidneys, and spleen are imaged. Sound waves are blocked by gas in the bowel, therefore there are limited diagnostic capabilities in this area. The appendix can sometimes be seen when inflamed eg: appendicitis.

[edit] Therapeutic applications

Therapeutic applications use ultrasound to bring heat or agitation into the body. Therefore much higher energies are used than in diagnostic ultrasound. In many cases the range of frequencies used are also very different.

  • Ultrasound may be used to clean teeth in dental hygiene.

  • Ultrasound sources may be used to generate regional heating in biological tissue, e.g. in occupational therapy, physical therapy and cancer treatment.

  • Focused ultrasound may be used to generate highly localized heating to treat cysts and tumors (benign or malignant), This is known as Focused Ultrasound Surgery (FUS) or High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). These procedures generally use lower frequencies than medical diagnostic ultrasound (from 250 kHz to 2000 kHz), but significantly higher energies. HIFU treatment is often guided by MRI.

  • Focused ultrasound may be used to break up kidney stones by lithotripsy.

  • Ultrasound may be used for cataract treatment by phacoemulsification.

  • Additional physiological effects of low-intensity ultrasound have recently been discovered, e.g. its ability to stimulate bone-growth and its potential to disrupt the blood-brain barrier for drug delivery.

[edit] From sound to image

The creation of an image from sound is done in three steps - producing a sound wave, receiving echoes, and interpreting those echoes.

[edit] Producing a sound wave

Medical Sonographic Scanner

A sound wave is typically produced by a piezoelectric transducer encased in a probe. Strong, short electrical pulses from the ultrasound machine make the transducer ring at the desired frequency. The frequencies can be anywhere between 2 and 15 MHz. The sound is focused either by the shape of the transducer, a lens in front of the transducer, or a complex set of control pulses from the ultrasound scanner machine. This focusing produces an arc-shaped sound wave from the face of the transducer. The wave travels into the body and comes into focus at a desired depth.

Older technology transducers focus their beam with physical lenses. Newer technology transducers use phased array techniques to enable the sonographic machine to change the direction and depth of focus. Almost all piezoelectric transducers are made of ceramic.

Materials on the face of the transducer enable the sound to be transmitted efficiently into the body (usually seeming to be a rubbery coating, a form of impedance matching). In addition, a water-based gel is placed between the patient's skin and the probe.

The sound wave is partially reflected from the layers between different tissues. In detail, sound is reflected anywhere there are density changes in the body: e.g. blood cells in blood plasma, small structures in organs, etc. Some of the reflections return to the transducer.

[edit] Receiving the echoes

The return of the sound wave to the transducer results in the same process that it took to send the sound wave, except in reverse. The return sound wave vibrates the transducer, the transducer turns the vibrations into electrical pulses that travel to the ultrasonic scanner where they are processed and transformed into a digital image.

[edit] Forming the image

The sonographic scanner must determine three things from each received echo:

  • The direction of the echo.

  • How strong the echo was.

  • How long it took the echo to be received from when the sound was transmitted.

Once the ultrasonic scanner determines these three things, it can locate which pixel in the image to light up and to what intensity.

Transforming the received signal into a digital image may be explained by using a blank spreadsheet as an analogy. We imagine our transducer is a long, flat transducer at the top of the sheet. We will send pulses down the 'columns' of our spreadsheet (A, B, C, etc.). We listen at each column for any return echoes. When we hear an echo, we note how long it took for the echo to return. The longer the wait, the deeper the row (1,2,3, etc.). The strength of the echo determines the brightness setting for that cell (white for a strong echo, black for a weak echo, and varying shades of grey for everything in between.) When all the echoes are recorded on the sheet, we have a greyscale image.

[edit] Sound in the body

Linear Array Transducer

Ultrasonography (sonography) uses a probe containing one or more acoustic transducers to send pulses of sound into a material. Whenever a sound wave encounters a material with a different density (acoustical impedance), part of the sound wave is reflected back to the probe and is detected as an echo. The time it takes for the echo to travel back to the probe is measured and used to calculate the depth of the tissue interface causing the echo. The greater the difference between acoustic impedances, the larger the echo is. If the pulse hits gases or solids, the density difference is so great that most of the acoustic energy is reflected and it becomes impossible to see deeper.

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