sagexx_demos (Раздаточные материалы)

PDF-файл sagexx_demos (Раздаточные материалы) Модели параллельных вычислений и DVM технология разработки параллельных программ (53472): Другое - 7 семестрsagexx_demos (Раздаточные материалы) - PDF (53472) - СтудИзба2019-09-18СтудИзба

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How to Construct Declarations and New .dep FilesThis document describes how to deal with declarations of objects of various types and how tocreaty a new empty .dep le. The source code can be found in the sage/Sage++/demos/new ledirectory.1 Working with types: building variable and parameter declarations for C and C++ programsTo create a new variable and declare it in a given scope requires three steps. First, a typechain must be created. Second, a symbol of that type is created in the given scope. Third,a declaration statement is generated.In C and C++ variable declarations can be very complicated, because the full type isreally described in the C source text as a combination of type attributes and a referenceexpression.

For example,int & (*x)[10];has part of the declaration that consists of the type name "int" and the rest is given bythe expression& (*x)[10]Sage++ has another way to describe the type of this object that is closer to how theprogrammer views it. In this case, the type of x isa pointer toan array ofreferences tointegers.This is represented in Sage as a chain of type objects of the form:SgPointerType ! SgArrayType ! SgReferenceType ! SgTypeInt.The reference expression, & (*x)[10], in the declaration is represented by Sage++ expressions as a chain of the formSgAddrOp ! SgPntrArrRefExp ! SgDerefOpThe actual dimension list [10] is an expression list of integer values shared by both theSgPntrArrRefExp and the SgArrayType objects.Note that the reference expression is related to the reverse of the type chain, so it ispossible to build the reference expression chain given the type chain.11.1 The SgMakeDeclExp function and related methods in SgSymbol classThe function that will automatically create the correct expression chain from the type chainisSgExpression * SgMakeDeclExp(SgSymbol *x, SgType *type_chain);This is a new function, that has been added in Sage++ version 1.7.

There is also amethod in the SgSymbol class:SgExpression *SgSymbol::makeDeclExpr()(note the subtle dierences in spelling!) that does the same thing; it actually calls theSgMakeDeclExp function; the type is set to the type associated with the symbol of interest.While the user may need to call the SgMakeDeclExp function in some situations, thereare more convenient ways to create a declaration without explicitly doing this.For example, let "fun" be a pointer to s SgFunctHedrStmt object created as inSgFuncHedrStmt *fun = new SgFuncHedrStmt("foo");Then, then to add the local variable declarationint *z; // - a pointer to an int.we1. create the type chain,2.

create the symbol and3. declare it.SgType *p = new SgPointerType(*SgTypeInt());SgSymbol *sym = new SgVariableSymb("z", *p, *fun);sym->declareTheSymbol(*fun);The methodvoid SgSymbol::declareTheSymbol(SgStatement &st)also calls the SgMakeDeclExp function; but, in addition, it takes care of inserting thedeclaration in a proper position determined by the scope specied by the SgStatement &stargument.A more interesting example is the pointer to array of character references described above.char & (*y)[3]; // - a pointer to an array of char refs.The three steps are shown below.

Notice that the type chain is created from the end ofthe chain to the front.2SgType *q = new SgReferenceType(*SgTypeChar());SgArrayType *ar = new SgArrayType(*q);ar->addDimension(&SgValueExp(3));q = new SgPointerType(*ar); // q is the final type chain.sym = new SgVariableSymb("y", *q, *fun);sym->declareTheSymbol(*fun);There are some cases where declareTheSymbol() method is not the best approach. Forexample, it will not work for a declaration with an initializer, as in:int w[] = {1,2};// an initialized array.It is easiest to create the variable declaration statement (SgVarDeclStmt) explicitly andthen add the expression for the initializer. The code for this example is shown below.// create the int w[]; declaration statement.SgArrayType *ar = new SgArrayType(*SgTypeInt());ar->addDimension(NULL);SgSymbol *sym = new SgVariableSymb("w", *ar, *fun);SgVarDeclStmt *decl = sym->makeVarDeclStmt();// create the initializer list.

{1, 2}SgExpression * one = new SgValueExp(1);SgExpression * two = new SgValueExp(2);SgExprListExp * ls = new SgExprListExp(*one);ls->append(*two);SgExpression * in_ls = new SgInitListExp(*ls);decl->setInitialValue(0, *in_ls);// explicitly add the declaration to the function>insertStmtAfter(*decl);The methodSgVarDeclStmt *SgSymbol::makeVarDeclStmt()is related to the other methods described above (it also calls the SgMakeDeclExp function).Another important case involves adding qualiers (like const, long, short, etc.) to variables. For example, consider the followingconst int x;The const qualier must be added as a modier of the type of int. This is accomplishedby using a SgDescriptType object which has a special bit eld for describing the modier.The proper type chain is given by3p = new SgDescriptType(*SgTypeInt(), BIT_CONST);sym = new SgVariableSymb("x", *p, *fun);sym->declareTheSymbol(*fun);Unfortunately, this is not completely general.

In the declarationint * const x;the pointer type is constant but not the integer. We do not use a SgDescriptType nodefor this task. Instead, we set the modier ag in the SgPointerType object as follows.SgPointerType *z = new SgPointerType(*SgTypeInt());z->setModifierFlag(BIT_CONST);sym = new SgVariableSymb("x", *z, *fun);sym->declareTheSymbol(*fun);1.2 Function PrototypesFunction prototypes are another type of variable declaration. The are a bit harder to construct than ordinary variables.

For example, to build the prototypechar f(int);we rst must create a function name symbol whose type is the type of the returned valueof the function. Function symbols are referred to in expressions by SgFunctionRefExp inmuch the same way that regular variables are referred to by SgVarRefExp variable referenceobjects. A SgFunctionRefExp has a pointer to the symbol object for the function and a listof arguments. TheSgExpression * SgFunctionRefExp::AddArg( char *name, SgType &t)method takes as arguments the name of the argument (which can be an empty stringfor prototypes) and the type.

AddArg automatically creates the reference expression for theargument. Once the SgFunctionRefExp expression is generated, then it must be added toan expression list and a declaration statement must be created as shown below.SgFunctionSymb *proto = new SgFunctionSymb(FUNCTION_NAME, "f", *SgTypeChar(),*fun);SgFunctionRefExp *fref = new SgFunctionRefExp(*proto);fref->AddArg("", *SgTypeInt());SgExpression *ls = new SgExprListExp(*fref);SgStatement *prot_st = new SgVarDeclStmt(*ls, *SgTypeChar());fun->insertStmtAfter(*prot_st);41.3 Adding parameters to function headersWhen building a new function, one must often add parameters. The AddArg method described above is used to add formal parameters to function reference expressions. There isanother AddArg method:SgExpression * SgProcHedrStmt::AddArg(char *name, SgType &t)that is used to add formal parameters to function header statements (the class SgFuncHedrStmt is a subclass of SgProcHedrStmt).

For example, given a function "fun"constructed as above withSgFuncHedrStmt *fun = new SgFuncHedrStmt("foo");we can add formal parameters to this by using AddArg. For example, to createint foo( char * x[][10]){}we proceed exactly as with a variable declaration: build the type chain for the parameterand add the parameter with AddArg. In this case the type chain isSgArrayType ! SgPointerType ! SgTypeCharand the code to construct this object and add it as a parameter is given by the following.SgType *q = new SgPointerType(*SgTypeChar());SgArrayType *ar = new SgArrayType(*q);ar->addDimension(NULL);ar->addDimension(&SgValueExp(10));fun->AddArg("x",*ar);Note that AddArg automatically creates the symbol object for the argument and placesit in the correct scope.1.4 Pointers to FunctionsTo create a variable or formal parameter that is a pointer to a function we use the SgFunctionType class. The parameterint & (*f)()is a pointer to a function that returns a reference to an integer and has type chainSgPointer ! SgFunction ! SgReference ! SgTypeIntThe code to generate this object and add it as a parameter to our function foo is given below.5SgType* q = new SgReferenceType(*SgTypeInt());q = new SgFunctionType(*q);q = new SgPointerType(*q);fun->AddArg("f",*q);Finally, consider the case of a pointer to a function with a more complete prototype, that lists the arguments to functions, such asint & (*f)( int &, char *)This object is a pointer to a function that returns a reference to an int and takes areference to an int and a pointer to a char as parameters.

To build this object, we rstcreate the pointer-to-function object and add it as a parameter to our base function "fun".Then we use the fact that the AddArg() function returns the declaration expression. Withthe declaration expression, we can nd the SgFunctionPntrExp node and add the remainingparameters to that object.

The AddArg method used here is:SgExpression * SgFuncPntrExp::AddArg(SgSymbol *f,char *name, SgType &t).It requires an additional parameter.SgType * q = new SgReferenceType(*SgTypeInt());SgType * p = new SgFunctionType(*q);q = new SgPointerType(*p);SgExpression *exp = fun->AddArg("f",*q);// find the function_op (SgFuncPntrExp) node.while(exp && (exp->variant() != FUNCTION_OP)) exp = exp->lhs();SgFuncPntrExp *fptr = isSgFuncPntrExp(exp);// find the symbol generated by AddArge = exp;while(e && !isSgArrayRefExp(e) && !isSgVarRefExp(e)) e = e->lhs();SgSymbol *fname = e->symbol();// now add the arguments to f.q = new SgReferenceType(*SgTypeInt());fptr->AddArg(fname, "", *q);q = new SgPointerType(*SgTypeChar());fptr->AddArg(fname, "", *q);2 Creating a new empty .dep leUsually, the .dep le is created by a parser and a Sage program modies an already existing.dep le.

However, in some situations, there is a need for creating an empty .dep le andthen adding statements to it. In Sage++ version 1.7, a new constructor:6SgFile::SgFile(int Language, char * dep_file_name)has been added. It can be used to create new, empty .dep les. The code fragment belowshows an example of usage:SgProject project("x.proj");SgFile file(CSrc, "y.c"); // create a new fileSgStatement *s = f->firstStatement();SgPointerType *p, *q;SgType *v;if(s == NULL) printf("no first statement\n");SgFuncHedrStmt *mane = new SgFuncHedrStmt("main");mane->AddArg("argc",*SgTypeInt()); // add int argcv = new SgPointerType(*SgTypeChar());q = new SgPointerType(*v);// note: new SgPointerType (*p) will not work,// the reason is that the default copy constructor is calledmane->AddArg("argv", *q); // char ** argvs->insertStmtAfter(*mane);Note that the "empty" le created by the SgFile constructor is not really completelyempty: it contains one statement (the global node).

Also, in order for the above example towork, you need to have x.proj and x.dep les in the same directory.7.

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