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N. Kryazheva - The United States and the United Kingdom. Past and Present (pdf), страница 8

PDF-файл N. Kryazheva - The United States and the United Kingdom. Past and Present (pdf), страница 8 Лингвистика (53310): Книга - 7 семестрN. Kryazheva - The United States and the United Kingdom. Past and Present (pdf): Лингвистика - PDF, страница 8 (53310) - СтудИзба2019-09-18СтудИзба

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Read the text carefully. While reading look for the answers to the questions:a. How many basic levels are there at schools?b. How many children of all attend schools?c. What is the care of most elementary schools?d. Is education in the US mainly the responsibility of federal state?e. What are non-academic activities for children?f.

Is there any discrimination at schools ?g. What are the main goals for schooling?h. Is equality of opportunities observed in education in the US ?2. True or False?a. Education in the US is not the responsibility of state, is it?b. Many children upon finishing high school stop their education, don't they?c. The tuition costs are very high in public schools, are not they ?d. Americans have taken steps to improve the school, to develop advanced programmes, have not they?3. Speak about the following statements: "Knowledge is power". "A man is never too old to learn"." It is never late to learn". " Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy and wise"." Losttime is never found again".

" Where there is a will, there is a way".Colledges and UniversitiesEducational institutions in the United States reflect the nation s basic valuesespecially the ideal of equality of opportunity. From elementary school throughcollege Americans believe that everyone deserves an equal opportunity to geta good education Americans view their public school system as an educationalladder, rising from elementary school to high school and finally college undergraduate and graduate programs.Higher education in the USA is the most extensive and versatile system ofmost school education in the world. Now a total of over 10 ml students study atalmost 3 400 American colleges and universities. All of them are quite unique andtheir specific features are caused first of all by structural differences as for theirsizes functions, training programs, financing and administrative bodies.There are two main types of higher education: state (or public) and private.The main difference between the two is a financial one.It is possible to classify institutions of higher education in the United States ofAmerica into four main categories:1.

Technical institutions and "semi-professional" schools offering two-year or three-yearcourses.2. Junior colleges or community colleges which provide two-year courses.3. Liberal arts colleges, state colleges and independent professional institutions.4. Universities, which may award the highest degree. In most of large universities students canstudy all subjects, from humanities to appjigd sciences. Within a university, colleges provideundergraduate courses leading to the first university degree and graduate schools provide coursesleading to higher (postgraduate) degrees.The highest body of a college or university is traditionally the board of directors, whose members comefrom outside the institution and belong to industry or the world of finance.

The president, elected by theboard of trustees, is resporv sible for the adn^nistrativg running of the institution.An access to higher education is based on the high school diploma (primary and secondary schoolleaving certificate) awarded around 18 years of age, after 12 years of primary and secondary studies.Many institutions of higher education select candidates either on results in the high school diploma orthrough an entrance examination. There are two widely used and nationally administered standardizedtests for high school students who wish to attend a college or university. Many universities publish theaverage scores achieved on these tests by students they admit.In universities and colleges the first two-year phase almost always consists of broadly-based studiesin humanities, social sciences, applied and natural sciences, fine arts.

This phase is aimed at providinggeneral education and prepar-,n9 for more specialized studies. The first degree is the Bachelor degree.The second stage of higher education leads, after one or more often, two years study in a university orin some colleges to the Master's degree. Candidates usually have to submit a thesis.The third stage of higher education is reached after two or three years stucj in university or collegeeither in faculties providing traditional teaching (arts, Ц science, etc.) or in specialized schools ofengineering, agriculture, architecture economy, veterinary, medicine, etc. This culminates in the Doctor'sdegree which is the highest university degree.The American academic year usually runs from some time in September to the end с June.

Studentshave three terms with three holidays: Christmas, Easter and summer.At the beginning of each term a list is published showing all the lectures be ing given during the termwithin each faculty and every student can choose whicf lectures he will attend. Attendance at Universitylectures is not compulsory, and nt records of attendance are kept. Apart from lectures a system ofindividual tuition is organized. The advantages of the constant personal contact between teachers antstudents are obvious. Computer laboratories are also often used for science and fo language drill. Ingeneral there is about one teacher to every ten students.Achievements are measured by grades, which are given on papers and tests during the course of thesemester and a final examination at the end of the term Teachers and professors take various means ofevaluation: tests, essay tests quizzes, home-works and assignments.The final grade is based on all the work done for the course.

At the University level grades are usuallygiven in the form of letters that correspond to numbers 1-5. All students hate "F" and are happy if theirteacher gives them an "A". Students and lecturers must work hard, if they want good marks.At all US universities there is now an exceedingly active life in the way of societies of many kinds.

Ingeneral colleges and universities sponsor a variety of cultural activities including musical concerts, danceand theatre performances, literally readings and films. College and university campuses are often spreadout over the towns in which they are situated. The largest campuses are the University of California, TheCity University of New York, Michigan State University and others.

But the "leading" universities of theUSA are Harvard [1636], Yale University [1701], Berkeley [1868], Stanford [1885], California Institute ofTechnology [1891] and some others. Harvard University is the oldest, famous and respected Universityin the country. Yale is an old and respected US university, too established in 1701 in New Haven,Connecticut.

Yale is one of the IVY League colleges.Words and Phrases:to believe - верить, полагатьto deserve - заслужитьladder - лестницаto culminate - заканчиватьсяterm - семестрattendance- посещаемостьapart from - не говоря уже odegree - степеньtuition - обучениеto submit a thesis - представить научную рабтуversatile - разносторонний, изменчивыйto offer - предлагатьto spread out - зд.: разбрасыватьto award - присваивать звание (степень)board of directors - совет директоровtrustee - попечитель, опекунto be responsible- быть ответственнымexceedingly - чрезвычайно, очень, крайнеobvious - очевидныйto sponsor - финансировать, поддерживатьto belong to - принадлежатьcompulsory- обязательныйto admit - допускатьapplied science - прикладная наука оaccess- доступquiz - проверочный экзаменfeature - характерная черта means of evaluation - виды оценокTasks:1.

Situational practice.a. Imagine that you are going to study at one of the American Universities...b. Imagine that you are talking to the President of the Los Angeles University...c. You want to find out the fee at the University...2. Make up short dialogues about American colleges and universities.3. Agree or disagree with the following statements:a. universities in the US have complete academic freedom;b. the highest body of a college or university is rector's board;c.

access to higher education is based on the results of entrance exams;d. the average scores achieved on the tests by students are kept secret;e. attendance at any university lectures is compulsory.4. Compose an essay using one of these proverbs:" Think today and speak tomorrow". "Two heads are better than one". "You cannot teach old dogs newtricks"." While there is life, there is hope".HOLIDAYS IN THE USAAlthough the United States is young compared to other countries, its culture an, r traditions are richbecause of the contributions made by many groups of peopi ( who have come to its shores over the pasttwo centuries.

Hundreds of regional ho| 5 days have originated from the geography, climate and history ofthe different part ( of the country. Each State holds its own annual fair with local themes and music i andsome celebrate the day on which joined the Union and became state.These are the main holidays in the US:1. New Year's Day [January 1]2. President's Day [traditionally February 22]3. St Valentine's Day [February 14]4. Martin Luther King [the third Monday in January]5. Easter [a Sunday in March or April]6. Mother's Day [ second Sunday in May]7. Memorial Day past Monday in May]8.

Flag Day [June 14]9. Father's Day [ third Sunday in June]10. The Fourth of July - The US Independence Day11. Labor Day [ first Monday in September]12. Halloween [31 st of October]13. Columbus Day [ second Monday in October]14. Thanksgiving [fourth Thursday in November]15. Christmas [ December 25]New Year's Day [January 1]New Year's EveIn the United States, the legal holiday is January first, but Americans begin celebrating it on December31. Sometimes people have masquerade balls, where guests dressed up in costumes and cover theirfaces with masks. According to an old tradition, guests unmask at midnight, and people say "Happy NewYear!" to each other.At New Year's Eve parties are across the United States on December 31.

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