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Учебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке, страница 6

PDF-файл Учебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке, страница 6 Менеджмент организации (51851): Книга - 1 семестрУчебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке: Менеджмент организации - PDF, страница 6 (51851) - СтудИзба2019-09-11СтудИзба

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It was believed that motivation is asimple process and it is narrowed down to offering suitable amount of material reward in exchange forexerted efforts. Research in the field of behavioral sciences has demonstrated the failures in this purelyeconomic approach.Nowadays it is believed that in order to motivate your employees more effective the head oforganization should decide what their real needs are and provide employees with a means to satisfythose needs through working process. Managers must exert constant influence on factors of effectiveperformance of labour collective’s members while implementing this function.

The following factors16are among them in the first rows:- diversity if working activities types ;- growth and advanced professional training of employees;- satisfaction from the results;- increasing the responsibility;- possibility for displaying initiative and for self-control.ControlControl is a process of defining when organization really achieves its targets and aims.Control is a managemental activity. The main task of this activity is quantitative and qualitativeevaluation and accounting of working process results. That’s why the main tools using for performingthis activity are monitoring, control over all the spheres of activity, accounting and analysis.There are three phases of managemental control.1.

The phase for setting standards. In this phase managers must accurately define aims, whichmust be achieved in the specific period of time.2. The phase of evaluating of what was achieved in reality during a specific period of time andcomparison of achieved with expected result.3. The phase of deciding upon the activities (if they are needed) for correction of seriousdivergences from the initial plan.The last activity is a reconsideration of aims in order for them to become more realistic andcomply with the present situation.If first two phases are performed correctly than not only directors’ board knows that there is aproblem in the organization but it also knows the source of the problem.

It is crucial forimplementation of the third phase of managemental control.Control function includes gathering, processing and analysis of information on factual results ofbusiness activity of all organization subdivisions. Controlling activity is viewed not only as a means ofregistration of deviations but also as an analysis of the reasons for those deviations and unraveling thepossible tendencies for development.The most widespread types of control are: financial control and administrative control.Financial control is exercised through acquisition of duly financial data reporting from eacheconomical subdivision.Administrative control is exercised through comparison of the volume of virtual and plannedsales, compilation of the backlog of orders.Control function serves as a main tool of centralization of management from the side of topmanagement of an organization.Connecting processesAll the managemental functions listed above - planning, organization, motivation and control have two characteristics in common: all of them call for making a decision and all of them desperatelyneed communication, in other words information sharing.Decision making is a choosing of one alternative from the set of several alternatives, in otherwords it is a choice of what and how should be planned, motivated and supervised.

All the listed aboveconstitute the scope of activity of a director or top manager. Therefore, the director must make a seriesof proper choices from several alternative possibilities in order for organization to perform accuratelyand precisely.The main condition for making an effective and objective decision and even for understanding ofthe true extent of the problem is availability of adequate and precise information. The only way foracquiring such information is communication process.Communication is a process of sharing information and its semantic meanings between two ormore people. Stability and quality of relationship between people - whether they are friends, familymembers or colleagues - represents mainly the function of how precise and honest became theirinterpersonal relationship.

Organization’s existence depends on the quality of communication foreffective performance, because organization represents the structured and organized type ofrelationship between people. Communication is also a very important constituent part in the controlfunction. Top managers need to have information about what was performed in order to properlyevaluate whether the aims of an organization was achieved or they were not.173.2.System scientific approachThe theory of systems was applied for the first time in the scope of exact sciences and inengineering. Applying the theory of systems at the end of 50s became the most significant contributionof quantitative approach school.Applying the theory of systems to management allowed top managers to understand theirorganization as an entity of constituent parts, which are indissolubly tied to the external world.

Thistheory helped to integrate contributions of different schools, which in their times dominated on thefields of theory and practice of management.System approach is a thinking paradigm in relation to organization and management. Systemapproach is not only oriented on studying the properties of separate elements or parts, but also setsforward the task to itself. The task to discovery and research synergy effects of the system in thewhole.

In other words those effects are connections, which, under certain combined effects ofindependent components of system, provide more effect than the total sum of each of its elements,acting on their own.System is an entity that consists of interconnected elements. Each of these elements contributesits share in characteristics of an entity, and functions in correspondence with specific objectivepatterns, trends and laws, which are characteristic of this complex.All organizations are systems.

They are also called socio-engineering system because people arecomponents of the organization abreast with machinery and equipment, which are used together forsuccessful performance. Organizations consist of 5 main elements:- structure;- tasks;- technologies;- people;- aims.Opened and closed systemsThere are two types of systems: opened and closed. Closed system has strictly fixed margins, itsactivities are relatively independent from the environment, that surrounds the system.Open system is characterized by interaction with external surroundings. Energy, information,materials - these are objects to share with external environment through the transparent borders of thesystem.

Such system has the ability to adapt itself to the changes in the environment and must do so inorder to continue its effective functioning. All organizations are opened systems. Survival oforganization’s members depends on the outside world.Approaches that were being developed by early schools of management could not take all thesituations into account, because they had initial disadvantages. The following was put forward:- organizations are closed systems and therefore representatives of those schools never activelyconsidered external environment as the most important parametre or variable in management;- - organizations centered their attention on the only one important element and never viewedmanagemental effectiveness as response variable, which depends on many different factors.SubsystemLarge constituents of difficult systems are called subsystems, although these large constituentsare also systems by themselves.

Executive management creates subsystems inside the organization onpurpose by dividing the organization into departments. Subsystems in their turn could consist ofsmaller subsystems. As they all are interconnected, wrong performance even of one small subsystemcould influence the whole system a lot.The understanding of the fact that organization represents difficult open circuit system thatconsists of several interconnected subsystems helps to explain why each of management schoolsbecame only partially applicable in practice.

Each schools strived to focus its attention on only onesubsystem of organization. For example the school of behavioral sciences was mostly occupied withsocial subsystem. Schools of scientific management and quantitative approach were mainly occupiedwith technical subsystems. Therefore, they often couldn’t properly define all the main components ofan organization. Neither of these schools seriously thought about the problem of organization’sinfluence of external environment. Now there is a widespread opinion that external forces can be the18main determinants of organization’s success.

These determinants will define which of themanagemental means could be suitable and, probably, successful.Model of organization as an open systemModel represents the simplified scheme of an organization as an open circuit system.InputTransformationsInformationMaterialsCapitalLabour resourcesProcessing andtransformation of input(depends oneffectiveness ofmanagement)OutputProfitSocial responsibilityMarket share.Growth. WorkerssatisfactionOn the input stage organization gathers information, capital, human resources and materials fromPicture 3.

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