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Учебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке, страница 5

PDF-файл Учебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке, страница 5 Менеджмент организации (51851): Книга - 1 семестрУчебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке: Менеджмент организации - PDF, страница 5 (51851) - СтудИзба2019-09-11СтудИзба

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According to this point of viewthe following studies can be outlined:- One-dimensional studies. In these studies theoretical pre-requisites and speculations on thetopic of effectiveness of management are constructed in onedimensional space with orientation on anytype of extremer. For instance, top manager can build his behaviour towards his employees eitherthrough attitude to work (one extreme) or through building interpersonal relationships (anotherextreme). Scientific management, early behaviorist studies and organizational theories can be13classified as the most remarkable studies of this group;- Two-dimensional studies.

In these studies theoretical pre-requisites and speculations oneffectiveness of management are constructed in two-dimensional space with the changing of the indexunder consideration on the two parameters simultaneously. For example, effectiveness of leader’sbehaviour towards his employees can be evaluated on the two parameters simultaneously: throughattitude to work or through building interpersonal relationship;- Multi-dimensional studies. In these studies the effectiveness of management is being builtaccording to various parametres. The basis for most of these studies in the most large-scaled scale isthe systematic approach to organization, which sees it as a multi-dimensional event that cements aims,resources and processes in organization or out of it into an organic whole.

Fundamental difference of“multidimensional” studies from “one-dimensional” studies is in the fact that all of them emanate frommulti-dimensional character of an organization and its management, from the necessity for accountingof influences and interconnections of several factors in managemental activities, which reside eitherinside the organization or outside of it, and exert direct or indirect influence on its functioning;- Synthetic studies. These studies unite several theories or scientific theories or conceptions.Situational theories occupy significant place among the row of “synthetic” studies on management.The gist if these theories is in the following: the results of one and the same manageniental influencesin different situations can be absolutely different.

That’s why when managers implement all thenecessary manage- mental influences they should proceed from the situation, which enables them toact that way. Situational theories of management gives recommendations regardless the fact how onemust to exert managemental activities in situations at handEvolution of managerial thought shows that decisions, which was successful in one situationswasn’t always successful in other situations. Managerial thought was constantly developing; more newfresh ideas on how effective management must be executed were put forward.Questions for self-check1. five managemental revolutions.

Expound their essence and specifics.Which scientific approaches to management outstand on the modern stage?The nature of management and historical factors of its development.The conditions and factors of appearance of management.What represents the evolution of management as science?What is the meaning of social approach to studying the history of management?3. SIENTIFIC APPROACHES TO MANAGEMENT3.1. Process approach. Functions of management.Process approach was introduced for the first time by representatives of administrativemanagement school. They tried to describe all managers’ functions. However creators of theadministrative management school believed that these functions is separate one from another. Processapproach, on the contrary, sees these functions as interconnected.Process character in the scope of process approach means continuity of interconnected activities.Management is viewed as a process, because the work on achieving aims, using the labour of others, isnot some one-timed activity, but a series of continuous interdependent activities.

Those activities, eachof which is a process by itself, are pivotal for organization’s success. They are called managementalfunctions. Each managemental function represents a process too, because it consists of sequences ofinterdependent activities. Process of management is a total sum of all the functions.14Henri Fayol outlined the following 5 functions of management:- planning;- organization;- administration;- coordination;- control.Modern process approach outlined big enough amount of managemental functions.

But ingeneral case, while reviewing the process of management, the 4 primary functions must be studied.Picture 2. Interdependence of managemental functionsThose 4 functions of management are united by the following connecting processes:- communications;- decision-making.Leadership is viewed as a separate activity that presuppose the influence on separate workers andgroups of works in such manner, which will mobilize them to work towards the achieving of aims that is pivotal for organization’s success.Functions of managementPlanningPlanning function represents the making a decision about the type of aims that must be perceivedby organization and what must the members of organization do to achieve those aims.

Quintessentiallythe planning function answers three main questions.1.Where are we at the present moment?2.Where do we want to proceed from here?3.How are we going to do that?In modern management practice leaders use the SWOT method of analysis to answer thosequestions - defining the Strong and Weak sides of organization, Opportunities and threats. Answeringthe 1st question, top-managers must evaluate the strong and weak sides of internal environment of anorganization (for example in such fields as manufacture, labour force, finance and marketing).Answering the 2nd question, top managers define and evaluate the environment around theorganization, what must be the aims of organization, as well as the threats for achieving of those aimsPlanning is a stage of management progress.

On this stage the aims of company’s performanceand necessary means are decided upon and most effective methods in the specific circumstances aredeveloped.Executive board provides unified channeling of the efforts of all the members of organizationwith the help of planning.Planning must be conducted continuously because of changes in the environment or errors injudgment as well as changes in the aims of organizations. Therefore, planning - is a continuousprocess of searching new ways and methods for improvement organization’s activity by means ofunraveling opportunities, conditions and factors. Therefore, plans must not bear directive character, butshift according to the specific situation.At present times there are big enough amount of classification of the systems of planning. Butclassification of systems according to the time tag, in other words according to the length of planningperiod, gained the most prevailance:151. On long time intervals (10-15 years) - the system of perspective planning is being practiced.In this system according to methodology the following systems can be outlined:- system of strategic planning;- system of long-term planning.2.

On medium-term time intervals (4-7 years) - the system of current planning is beingpracticed (medium-term, budget planning).3. On short-term time intervals (up until 1 year) - the system of operative planning is practiced.Planning is forwarded towards optimal use of opportunities of an organization, the bestutilization of all types of resources and preventing the erroneous actions. Planning includes:- planning of final and interim targets;- scheduling of the tasks, solving of which is essential for achieving set targets;- planning of funds;- planning of necessary resources and their sources and means for their distribution.Planning ends right before the start activities targeted at implementing of the plan.OrganizationTo organize means to create a certain structure.

There are a lot of elements, which need to bestructured so that the organization could perform its tasks. For example, industrial revolution startedwith realization of the fact, that organization performs in a certain way and it allows employees toachieve a lot more, than they could achieve if they hadn’t been duly organized.

For that reason theorganization of work process was in the limelight of scientific management school.As there are people in organization who perform activities - another aspect of function oforganization is the determination of who exactly should perform the task from vast amount of suchtasks, including the management work itself. Director chooses people for specific tasks; delegate thetasks and authorities or right to use organization’s resources.Under organizational structure of an enterprise must be understood the unification of itsseparate subdivisions, with their interrelations, defined by the aims set before the organizations and itssubdivisions, and allocation of functions among those subdivisions. The main task here is the increaseof management effectiveness.

In organizational structures the requests for improvement ofmanagement systems are described in some specific principles.Organizational structure and its management is not a constant stable system, they changecontinuously, improve according to the shifting conditions.

The most important factors that can causethe necessity for conducting changes in the structure of organization to appear are the following:- accelerated development of the new types of products under the influence of scientific andtechnical progress;- intensive implementation of the most progressive technologies;- systematic implementation of new methods of management organization on the basis of usingcomputer hardware.MotivationMotivation means creation of internal motives to act. These motivated actions are a result of asophisticated complex of constantly changing necessities.The main function of motivation is in the following: members of organization must perform theirduties according to delegated authorities and according to planned tasks.Before process approach had spread itself there was a firm belief that people will always workmore, if they have an opportunity to earn more money for a living.

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