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Учебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке, страница 4

PDF-файл Учебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке, страница 4 Менеджмент организации (51851): Книга - 1 семестрУчебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке: Менеджмент организации - PDF, страница 4 (51851) - СтудИзба2019-09-11СтудИзба

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They canachieve success either by saving enough amount of silver or recruit troops for widening their sphere ofinfluence. Occasionally landowners of every category were gathering in local assemblies. Here theyelected local chieftains, adopted laws and establishments that concerned owning properties, stealingsheep or blood vengeance.More advanced form of society structure can be observed in middle age European states.Here are bond-slaves instead if slaves, who usually occupied and exploited their own pieces offarmland. The very structure of governmental management is more strictly regulated and centralized.Good example of ancient management in work can be Roman empire, existed through hundredsof years.

Roman legions had strict managemental structure and consisted of generals and officers, theirarmies fell into divisions. Because of that and good planning and discipline they were marchingvictoriously through ill-structured European countries and lands of Middle East. Conquered territorieswere bestowed for management upon governors, who in their turn were subjected to Rome.4.

Capitalistic period.The crucial turn in industrial relationship, connected with industrial revolution in the middle ofXVIII century, had lead to drastic changes in theory and practice of management. Since that timedevelopment of economy is being promoted so intensively that in the scope of capitalistic stage ofmanagement development today we already can mark out four fundamentally different stages.The first period is named “industrial capitalism”. It was the whole epoch of industrial11management specialists. Theoreticians and practitioners believed that only unlimited healthycompetition without governmental interference can guarantee normal functioning of economy andprovide society with all necessary resources, goods and services.

Problem of this approach is that thereis not enough attention to financial aspects of business. This problem was eliminated in the course ofthe second period of capitalistic management development period.Second period (1890-1933) is usually marked with the term “financial capitalism”. At that timethe dominating position took one financier, who never took direct part in the industrial process andwas concentrated on managing the financial affairs.The principle of social Darwinism became foundational one and it claimed that the naturalselection in the social sphere is the best means for achieving material wealth for the whole society.Later on the corrupt practices of financial magnates became so abysmal that it took governmentalinterference to eliminate all the antisocial consequences.The third period (1933-1950) is called “national capitalism”.

It is characterized by developmentand implementation of big amount of governmental programs in social and economical field. Thisattribute is characteristic of the modern times too. It is expressed in governmental activities towardsthe regulation of development and functioning of national economy.The fourth, modern period of capitalistic stage of management development (since 1950 till now)is known as “managemental capitalism”. It is characterized by wide spreading of collective leadership.Individual decisions connected with entrepreneurial risk become a rarity. In large corporations all keyquestions are solved with joint efforts of owners (meeting of shareholders) or managers (directorsboard).2.3. Conditions and factors of management appearance and developmentas socio-economic studiesSeveral main conditions and factors of appearance and development of management a socioeconomic study are traditionally marked out.Industrial development (1820-1900 years) is characterized by switching from manual labourtools to machinery and facilities and gives a hard push to intensification of the division of labour andincrease in productivity.In 1832 the book of Charles Babbage named “On the economy of machinery and manufactures”was published.

In this book author continued to develop the idea of labour division and specializations,which was voiced out more than half a century before him by Adam Smith in his famous book “AnInquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations”. He claimed that the division of labour isthe most important principle for all people who perform any kind of work. Moreover, Babbagebelieved that the higher is the qualification necessary for performance on some specific workplace andthe higher the amount of time, during which this very qualification is utilized, the bigger theadvantages of specialization.Andrew Ure was interested in British textile industry. He studied industrial regions very carefullyin 1835 and wrote about them in a book called “The Philosophy of Manufactures, or an Exposition ofthe Scientific, Moral and Commercial Economy of the Factory System of Great Britain”.

In this bookUre censured the prevailing conditions of labour in factories and he claimed that the true reason formany problems was the stream of mechanization. He described general principles on the basis ofwhich material production must be organized with the help of self-performing machinery.At the end XIX and beginning of XX centuries industry achieves moderately higher scale,processes of manufacturing concentration becomes evident, competitive activity gains nationwideimportance, new technologies appear.

Concentration of capital and industry had lead to appearance oflarge enterprises, where small but continuously growing administrative apparatus countered theenormous army of wageworkers, performing hard manual labor.1. New period that was active up until 30s is named epoch of mass-production (1900-1930 years).If before 1900 year the main task of entrepreneurship was the development and improvement ofmechanism of mass-production which significantly lowers the expenditures on manufacturing the unitof production.

And progressively as the market demand saturates the competition appears and demand12for merchandising, before managers stands the problem of balancing of contradictions of massproduction and mass merchandising.As opposed to former industrial orientation the balance of success tilted to the side of marketorientation. The shift to market orientation called for completely different attitude to the managementaltask: they should be considered not from inner side of the form, but from the outside, in the openperspective.

The correspondence of influence of different management groups had changed and thefight for command inside the organization appeared frequently.2. Appearance of joint-stock companies and corporations development (since 1930).Contradictions appear with development of capitalistic way of manufacturing: from one hand the widening of sizes of organizations, from the other hand - the limitation of individual means. Onthis basis of new voluntary structures appeared - joint-stock companies. Joint-stock company is a formof capital centralization, the main organizational form of an enterprise.Further growth of gigantic enterprises leads to the fact that they continued to experience greatneed in rational organization of manufacturing process and labour process, in strict and interconnectedperformance of all subdivisions and services, in managers and performers according to scientificallyexplained principles, norms and standards.

All those aspects stimulate the interest of business and thesociety in the whole to the further development of management as a science.3. Socialization of management and security (since 1950). Enormous investments in research,which were conducted in 1950s, have lead to appearance of new high-technological branches. Withgrowth of social prosperity the very necessity for economic growth as the main instrument of socialprogress becomes questionable. Social preferences shift from “quantity (longevity)” to “quality” oflife. Concentration of industry is viewed as a threat to economic effectiveness (the danger of organization of monopolies) and democracy. Merging of other firms is viewed as questionable practicebecause it is in reality as a threat or an “attempt” on elimination of competition.

The research activitiesare conducted aimed at segmentation of gigantic enterprises.Social approach is based on the supposition that the necessity for management appeared for thefirst time when people started to live and hunt in groups. This supposition is grounded upon thestatement that management practice has social and historical roots and is indissolubly connected withexistence and development of the society.

For instance Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels pointed out: allthe directly social labour, which is conducted on a relatively large scale, experiences the need more orless in management, which establishes the coherence between individual workers and perform generalfunctions.Problems of culture of an organization and innovational management were put in the limelight ofattention of theoreticians and practitioners approximately from the middle of 1980s. And in 1990s aninterest to developing project on leadership appeared again.

Modern organizations nowadays associatetheir future prospects with those projects. Here the attention is on the human or social aspect ofmanagement: management is vectored on a person, on the attempt of making people capable ofconjoined activities, making their efforts more effective. Ethics in business is explained throughgolden rule in management.2.4.Development of management as a scientific disciplineDevelopment of managerial thought is spinning round the third items - tasks, person,management behaviour.An emphasis on one of these items or events listed above was characteristic of the initial stage ofdevelopment of studies on management. Later on, synthetic approach gains grater development withextension of the scope of knowledge and with changing of character of management. This approachcemented these and other events of business into the organic whole.

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