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Учебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке, страница 3

PDF-файл Учебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке, страница 3 Менеджмент организации (51851): Книга - 1 семестрУчебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке: Менеджмент организации - PDF, страница 3 (51851) - СтудИзба2019-09-11СтудИзба

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Scientificapproach to management calls for full complex examination of all combination of factors thatinfluence the effectiveness of organization’s performance with following practical appliance of theacquired knowledge. At the same time it must be remembered that any socio-economic system isbeing created for achieving specific aims. That’s why principles, which will guide managers of anorganization, must be selected individually for each separate case according to the aims of its functioning.Management principles are developed, perfected and elaborated with the course of the time.Their evolution happens because of the drastic changes in the management concept which wereadhered to in society in the definite period of time.1.3.

Types of controlling influencesWhile reviewing all levels of management in business systems simultaneously we can separatethe totality of manufacturing, functional and institutional structures (picture 1). Totality of structuresdescribes the reproduction mechanism of management system in the context of wholesomeness of itselements -subjects and interrelations.Basic levels of system’s members interrelations consist of four levels.On the first level of influence the type of interaction can be figuratively called as “subject environment”. On the second level as “subject - environment elements - groups of objects”. On thethird level influences of management subjects are being elaborated, while keeping theirunhomogenious character. The type of influence is “subject - groups of objects considering theirenvironment”.

Specific subject-object interrelations are established on the fourth level and theserelations are characterized by the high degree of management’sobject response on management’s subject influence.1,2,3,..., N – production structures;1,2,3,..., М – functional structures;1,2,3,..., G – institutional structures;- internal connections;- external connections.Picture 1.

Model of subjects’ interrelations inmanagement system9Using offered classification of types of connections and, depending on the aims of subjects’activities, the following types of interrelations can be marked out:- with one-sided influence with subjects that represent external environment from the point of viewof parallel subjects of activity;- with one-sided influence with objects of management;- with double-sided influence with object;- with double-sided influence with environments (other subjects).Особенно сложным является момент управления при построении взаимоотношений сосредой, когда неизвестен субъект управления, но известны функциональные требования.Задачей построения взаимосвязи является поиск отклика внешней среды по установленнымтребованиям к субъекту договорной деятельности.Questions for self-check1. is the difficulty in the definition of the term “management”?Give definitions of “management” as an event and as a process.What are the laws of management?Which laws of management are classified to group of general ones?Characterize the special laws of management.Give definitions of the term “management principle”.2.

EVOLUTION OF MANAGERIAL THOUGHTHistory of appearance and development of management started 7 thousand years ago. This periodcan be divided into several conditions of management development.2.1.Managemental revolutionsToday we can see a custom of outlining five revolution transformations in management. Thesevery transformations provided in the basis of modern “management”.1. First religiously-commercial revolution (2500 - 3000 years B.C.E.). It is traditionally believedthat the birth of writing in ancient Sumer lead to formation of cast of so-called priest-businessmen,who dealt with trade operations.

Appearance of writing exerted drastic influence on development ofthe ancient society and eventually lead to formation of this special cast. Those religious figuresperformed trade operations did business correspondence and business accounting. They became themain political and economical force of reformation of those times.2.

Secular-administrational revolution (1792 - 1750years B.C.E.). Connected with affairs ofBabylon ruler - king Hammurabi, who constituted a corpus of laws for government of a state andregulating all the varieties of social relationship between different social groups of population. Theselaws introduced the secular managerial style and strengthened the control and responsibility forcarrying out works.3.

Manufacturing-construction revolution (605 - 562 years B.C.E.) It is connected to the rule ofNebuchadnezzar II. It was forwarded to connecting governmental methods of management withcontrol over the manufacturing and construction activities.4. Military-commanding revolution (the end of 17 century - the early 18 century). We know itbetter under the name of industrial revolution. It is connected with creation of capitalism andbeginning of industrial advance of the European civilization. The first main revolutionarytransformation of that period was the separation of professional management from ownership, in otherwords management from entrepreneurship. The second was the creation of professional management.5.

Bureaucratic revolution (the end of 19 century - the early 20 century) Theoretical platform fortransformation in the field of management was the bureaucratic concept, which allowed to form largemanagemental structures, divide labour, introduce new norms and standards and establish job duties10and managers’ responsibility.Although we established that organizations themselves appeared a really long time ago, weshould point out that before 19 century very few people bothered to think how to govern operatesystematically.2.2. Stages of managemental thought developmentFour of the following main stages in the history of management development can be marked out:primitive communal stage; slave-owning stage; feudalistic stage; capitalistic stage.1. Primitive communal period. On the initial stage management bore individual and maybe, if theexpression can be tolerated, personalistic character; in other words control over activities of a group ofprimeval people was conducted through one person - a patriarch or tribal leader.2.

Slave-owning period. With development of society and gradual sophistication of functionsperformed by it the objective necessity for dividing “functional differentiation” of managementallabour appears. Functional differentiation implies segregation of different types of managementallabour of according to their functional attribute. The leader of society (chief or king) gets severaldeputies, each of whom execute their own strictly defined functions: military commanders, highpriests, treasurers etc.Finally the process of functional differentiation leads to appearance of first ancient countries thatwere for the most part of slave-owning character. Scientists and researchers place this event on theseventh century before Christian Era although first documental evidence of appearance of statehoodand methods and, consequently, forms of state management are placed on the third century beforeChristian Era.The first attempts to documentation and systematization of the knowledge about management areclassified to the slave-owning period.

Ancient Egyptian manuscript “The Instruction of Ptahhotep”(2000-155years B.C.E.) contains advises and recommendations for practicing the art of management,and those recommendations still have not lost their relevance and significance even in present times.3. Feudal period. Transitional phase that represented the shift from slaveowning to feudal meansof state management can justly be called the social system. That system was practiced by Vikingpeople in the end of 1 century of Christian Era.

The lowest stratum of ancient Northman (ancientViking people) consisted of slaves or serfs. They did the dirtiest of works on their masters’ farms.The following step of social hierarchy contained carls and free farmers, who signed on for workto land-owners or other landlords and sometimes they even had their own small piece of land.Craftsmen, fishermen, shipwrights, small traders and mercenaries are also grouped to this class.Owners of vast agricultural holdings were classified to the top of the society. They were calledjarls or princes. The most ambitious of those chieftains dreamt about the royal crown.

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