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Учебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке, страница 2

PDF-файл Учебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке, страница 2 Менеджмент организации (51851): Книга - 1 семестрУчебное пособие по менеджменту на английском языке: Менеджмент организации - PDF, страница 2 (51851) - СтудИзба2019-09-11СтудИзба

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The law of expansion and control According to the law of expansion and control there isspecific dependence between the amount of employees and the ability of controlling their actionsfrom the point of view of the governing person.And, finally, the third group includes the laws, which are not connected to the managementdirectly, but are capable of exerting prominent influence on the results of organization’s activities.Such laws can be marked with the term “special” (table 3)Table 3Special laws of management#Name of the lawContentsSpecial aspects1. The law of synergyThere is a set of elements for According to this law the task of theany organization in which its head of each organization is firstly topotential will always be either find the optimal set of its elementssignificantly bigger than thesimple sum of elements,which are a part of it, orsignificantly lower than statedsum2.

The law of selfpreservationAny material system strives General sum of creative resources mustto preserve itself and uses all exceed composite action of external andits potential for thisinternal destructive forces. If this won’thappen organization will simply ceaseto exist. Practical application of the lawof self-preservation is inextricablyconnected with safeguarding theorganization3. The law of develop- Each material system strives The development of an organization canmentto achieve the highest total be imagined as its life- cycle.

Apotentiallifecycle of any material systemincludes eight successive stages:frustration threshold; implementation;growth; puberty; saturation; decline;collapse; liquidation6The end of table 3#Name of the lawContentsSpecial aspects4.Thelawof The more information on theawareness and order- currentandperspectivelinesscondition of internal andexternalenvironmentorganization owns, the higherthe expectancy of its normalfunctioningThis law calls for creating, developingand supplying the conditions underwhich the normal functioning of aneffective system for acquisition, storingand communication the necessaryinformation for making adequate, balanced managemental decision ispossible5.The law of unity,analysis and synthesisAny material system strives Analysis basically contains the study ofto aquire the most total qualities, properties and characteristicspotentialof the object under consideration withthe help of its arbitrary dividing intoseparate constituent parts.

The synthesisinvolves consolidation of informationabout separate constituents and formingthe total sum of information data on theobject of the research as a whole6.The law of composition and proportionalityAny material system strives Elements of organization combine itsto pertain all the necessary composition and their correlation iselements, which stay in neither more nor less than proportionalcertain correlation, inside itsstructureSpecial laws are official management laws. They are inextricably tied to the specifics oforganization’s activity. However there are some laws among special management laws, which can ormust be implemented in any organization notwithstanding specifics of their activity or legalorganizational form.

Those are economic laws, which regulate the order of execution of anycommercial activity, and juridical laws that regulate the relationship of business entities between eachother and between them and State government body.Principles of managementThe word “principle” is derived from Latin word “principium”, which means the start, basis.Principles generalize all the laws and patterns known to science and empiric experience.Management principles are the governing rules that define the main requirements to the system,structure and organization of management.

Management principles are management foundations,which result from management relationships. They define the standards lodged to system, structureand organization of the process of management.Not only the laws of managements known to modern science and gathered experience influencethe contents of the management principles, means of manufacturing that already exist to this definitemoment, form of ownership of means of production and socio-cultural factors can be assigned tofactors that define the principles of management. The best possible seems to be a classification ofmanagement principles that divides them into three groups:- general management principles have universal character and spread their activity in every sphereof management and economy sectors;1.3.7- particular principles have local character and regulate only separate manage- mental processes,branches, organizations and subdivisions;- special principles of management are classified to managing specific types of activity and regulatethe order and rules of management.Table 4Management principals#The name of principleContentsGeneral management principlesscientific approach to management calls for total complex researchof all the total sum of factors influencing the effectiveness offunctioning of an organization and upcoming usage of the gatheredknowledge in the practice of management1.Principle of scientificvalidation ofmanagement2.Principle of systemapproach3.Principle of managementoptimality4.Regulatory principleall processes, which are taking place in the management system,must be strictly regulated5.Formalization principleestablishes formal fixation of norms and regulations oforganization’s functioning in the shape of orders, instructions andhigher executive orders and also organization departmentregulations and duty regulationssystem approach demands that all the responsible executivesviewed organization as a total of interconnected andinterdependent elements, which are constantly interacting witheach other.

Those elements are: people, structure, tasks andtechnologies, which are oriented on achieving various aimsthere is an order according to which achieving managemental aimsmust consume minimal amount of time and resourcesParticular management principals1.principals of aim prioritypriority of structures above functions in operating companies;subject of management above object of management in evolvingorganization; object of management above subject in operatingcompanies2.principles of compliancecompliance of the set aim with unveiled resources, of managingand subordination; effectiveness of manufacture and economicalefficiency3.principle of effectivenessbest combination of centralization and decentralization ofmanufacturing and management4.principle of constructingthe organization processpreferred targeting on achieving set aim; promoting theobjectiveness of process behaviour; strict regulating of operationsand procedures on every stage of planned stage5.principle of organizingand executingmanagement accountingusing unified measurement units for planning and accounting;forming the system of internal reporting indices; fullness andanalycity, which guarantee exhaustive information aboutmanagement objects; periodicity, which represents manufacturingand commercial cycles in organization, which are established byfinancial policy8The end of table 4#6.The name of principleContentsprinciple of forming priority of workforce management functions; temporary leave ofworkforce management some employees shouldn’t interrupt the process of organization’ssystemfunctioningSpecial management principals1.principles of managingthe investmentscommitment to long-term outlook; objective information on stockmarket status; adequate and timely reaction on changes ininvestment environment2.risk-managementprincipleloyalty to risks; prognozing; insurance; reserving; minimizing thelosses and maximizing the profit3.technology managementprinciplefocus to increasing the effectiveness of using main productionfacilities; optimization of technologic processes4.principle of effectiveorganization structureset-uporganization’s orientation on market demand; creating structuralsubdivisions according to target attribute; minimum of necessarymanagement levels; creation of all the necessary conditions foremployees to display some initiativeThe list of management principles given above is far away from being complete.

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