Шалагинов Денис_RESUME_04052018 (Проблемы имманентизма в нестабильных онтологиях), страница 9

PDF-файл Шалагинов Денис_RESUME_04052018 (Проблемы имманентизма в нестабильных онтологиях), страница 9 Философия (41051): Диссертация - Аспирантура и докторантураШалагинов Денис_RESUME_04052018 (Проблемы имманентизма в нестабильных онтологиях) - PDF, страница 9 (41051) - СтудИзба2019-05-20СтудИзба

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Productivismrefers to a position that reduces production to reproduction.I pointed out that Andrew Culp’s project was not the first attempt of the“negative” interpretation of Deleuze’s work. The very expression “darkDeleuzianism” was introduced by Alexander R. Galloway in 2011 to characterizethe political configuration, in accordance with which the affirmation of positivityand acceptance of the multiple in a variety of forms leads however to the fact thataffirmativism was intended to exclude: a rigid binary division between thetransparent world and the “dark continents”, in other words, a space controlled bystate power, and the invisible areas inhabited by contemporary guerrillas andnetwork terrorists83. Some cross-cutting motives and slogans of Andrew Culp’sproject can be found already in the manifestations of Hostis84. An attempt todevelop Deleuzian ideas in disconnectivist way was taken by Nicolas Thoburn85.Contribution to a “negative” reading of Deleuze has been made by BenjaminNoys86, and Daniel Barber87.So, I analyzed Andrew Culp’s project and pointed to its weaknesses.

Then Ioffered a brief outline of my solution to the problem of the subversive potential ofPostDeleuzian affirmative philosophy of becoming, which, in my opinion, could be                                                            83Galloway A. R. Black Box, Black Bloc // Communization and its Discontents: Contestation, Critique, andContemporary Struggles / Ed. B. Noys. Wivenhoe; New York; Port Watson, 2011. P. 246–249.84Hostis.

5 Theses on the Politics of Cruelty. URL: http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/hostis-theses-on-thepolitics-of-cruelty.pdf85Thoburn N. P. Vacuoles of Noncommunication: Minor Politics, Communist Style and the Multitude // Deleuze andthe Contemporary World / ed. by Ian Buchanan & Adrian Parr. Edinburgh. P. 43.86Noys B.

The Persistence of the Negative: A Critique of Contemporary Continental Thought. Edinburgh, 2010. P.51-79.87Barber D.C. TheCreationofNon-Being//Rhizomes.2016.№29.URL:http://www.rhizomes.net/issue29/pdf/barber.pdfassociated with hyperidentification – specific tactics based on the affirmation, keyfeatures of which are exsessiveness and insincerity.The model of subversive affirmation can easily be discovered in the texts ofDeleuze. Here it is necessary to remember two ways to circumvent the power oflaw: either to reject the law, going back to its principles, or, on the contrary, toundermine the law, referring to its consequences – to obey the law with excessivezeal88.

The first method is associated with irony and inseparable from the ascent tothe principles in order to refute them, while the second – with humor, which refersto the consequences. So understood the humor is the foundation ofhyperidentification.In hyperidentification, or subversive affirmation, as I have shown, it is easyto see the scenario of “double life” outlined by Andrew Culp. The difference lies inthe fact that the proposed by him negative reading of Deleuze claims to break withmetaphysical thinking, but rehabilitates teleology, whereas hyperidentificationdoes not produce any stable image of the future, being a consistent immanentisttactics.In conclusion I summarize the results of the work.The main task of metaphysics, as Whitehead once formulated it, is to clarifythe meaning of a single phrase: “all things change”89.

In a sense, the researchpresented above is focused on this particular problem. However, firstly, the veryproblem of becoming in this work is transferred from the metaphysical register tothe post-metaphysical one, namely: in the context associated with thoseimmanentist approaches in contemporary continental philosophy, which allow tothink of becoming as a nonlinear and unstable process, and, secondly, necessarilycorrelates with attempts to derive political recommendations from speculativeontology. Thus, the task was to clarify the model of becoming, which issupposedly fundamental to the ontology of abundance – the only line of three typesof unstable ontologies, representatives of which claim strict immanentism.                                                            88Deleuze G.

Razlichiye I povtoreniye. SPb., 1998. P. 17-18.“Clarifying the meaning of the phrase «all things change» is the main task of metaphysics” (Whitehead A. Processand reality. URL: http://www.gumer.info/bogoslov_Buks/Philos/uaith_fil/05.php).89In the study, I showed that the conceptual pair virtual/actual is the basic forunderstanding the way of functioning of unstable ontologies, claiming the rejectionof the transcendent. It plays a central role in the ontology of abundance. Theconcept of abundance is directly related to the allocation of two ontologicalregimes – virtual and actual. The first, being fundamentally indefinite, implies anunlimited number of possible actualizations.

Similarly conceptualized beingappears virtually abundant to itself. The model of becoming as actualization isadopted by the representatives of postoperaism to develop the conception ofmultitude. Thus, the purpose of this thesis can be considered achieved.Publications on the thesisOn the topic of the thesis there have been published 10 scientific papers(volume 7,2 p.

s.), 5 of which are published in leading peer-reviewed journalsrecommended by the HAC of the Ministry of education and science of Russia, thevolume of the articles – 4.1 p. s.Works published by the author in the leading peer-reviewed scientificjournals recommended by HAC of the Ministry of education and science ofRussia:1. Shalaginov D. S. Machine liberation // Ideas & Ideals. – 2016. – № 4.

– Т. 2.– P. 25-37 (0,9 p. s.).2. ShalaginovD.S.Modificationversuscommodification //VestnikRossiyskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya: Filosofiya. – 2016. –№ 2. – P. 122-127 (0,4 p. s.).3. Shalaginov D. S. Despite the silent laughter: towards the question ofsubjectivity in unstable ontologies // Gumanitarnyje issledovaniya vVostochnoy Sibiri i na Dalnem Vostoke. – 2015. – № 3. – P. 129-136 (1 p.s.).4. Shalaginov D. S. Ontology of abundance and the problem of precarity //Ideas & Ideals.

– 2015. – V. 1. – № 4. – P. 78-87 (0,8 p. s.).5. Shalaginov D. S. Preodolenije edinstva i ontologicheskaya nestabilnost //Filosofskiye nauki. – 2015. – № 5. – P. 67-79 (1 p. s.).Other publications on the topic of the thesis:6. Kolganov A. V., Shalaginov D. S. Speed for sale // Philosophy. Journal ofthe Higher School of Economics. – 2018. – № 1. – V. 2. – P. 149-155 (0,2 p.s.).7.

Shalaginov D., Serzhan E., Kosyakova V., Prantikova S. Necroleninism: anessay on disfiguration of the future // Siniy divan. – 2017. – № 22. – P. 172190 (0,2 p. s.).8. Shalaginov D. S. Summa contra connexiones: hatred for the world anddouble life // Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics.

–2017. – № 3. – V. 1. – P. 155-169 (1 p. s.).9. Shalaginov D. S. New flesh: towards the question of body modification in“Empire” // Artiсult. Nauchnyj eiektronnyj zhurnal Fakulteta IstoriiIskusstva Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. –2015. – № 4. – P. 22-32 (1,1 p. s.).10. Shalaginov D. S.

Problema prekarnosti v ontologii izbytka // In: Filosofiya.Yazyk. Kultura / V. 6. SPb.: Aleteja, 2015. – P. 254-266 (0,6 p. s.).       .

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