Шалагинов Денис_RESUME_04052018 (Проблемы имманентизма в нестабильных онтологиях), страница 6

PDF-файл Шалагинов Денис_RESUME_04052018 (Проблемы имманентизма в нестабильных онтологиях), страница 6 Философия (41051): Диссертация - Аспирантура и докторантураШалагинов Денис_RESUME_04052018 (Проблемы имманентизма в нестабильных онтологиях) - PDF, страница 6 (41051) - СтудИзба2019-05-20СтудИзба

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Fanged Noumena. Urbanomic, 2011. 666 pp.53Viveiros de Castro E. Каnnibalskiye metafiziki. Rubezhi poststrukturnoj antropologii. М., 2017. 200 pp.47Giorgio Agamben56 play an important role in clarifying the issues of Becomingand Life in Deleuzian philosophy. Here I should also mention the names of GeraldRaunig57 and Frederic Jameson58. The fourth – and the last – group consists of thetexts by contemporary Russian researchers, whose developments are directlyrelated to the issues of this dissertation. Among them works by: VasilyKuznetsov59, Yakov Svirsky60, Dmitry Kralechkin61, Oleg Aronson62 and YoelRegev63.Theoretical and Methodological Basis.

In accordance with the purpose andtasks of the study, such methods as comparative and immanent analysis of texts, aswell as the historical method, necessary for the reconstruction of contexts whichare important for understanding the above problems, were used.Research Scientific Novelty1.

Research represents the first attempt in the Russian research literature toestablish connections between conceptions of those representatives of unstableontologies, who claim to be immanentist.2. Research constitutes an effort to analyze the virtual/actual conceptual pair and toshow that it is basic for understanding the model of Becoming in the ontology ofabundance, something that has not yet been done in the Russian research literature.                                                                                                                                                                                                54DeLanda M. Deleuze: History and Science.

URL: http://www.univpgri-palembang.ac.id/perpusfkip/Perpustakaan/Filsafat/Postmodernisme/DeLanda%20-%20Deleuze%20-%20History%20and%20Science.pdf; DeLanda M. Vojna v epohu razumnyh mashin. Екaterinburg; Моsкvа, 2014. 338 pp. 55Badiou A. Logics of Worlds: Being and Event II. London, 2009. 640 pp.56Agamben G. Absolute Immanence // Potentialities. Collected Essays in Philosophy.

URL:http://cscs.res.in/dataarchive/textfiles/textfile.2010-11-02.8261782670/file57Raunig G. A Few Fragments on Machines. URL: http://transform.eipcp.net/transversal/1106/raunig/en; Raunig G.Аbstraktnyje mashiny // Logos. 2010. №1 (74). P.

207-215; Raunig G. Iskusstvo i revoljutsija: hudozhestvennyjаktivizm v dolgom dvadtsatom veke. SPb., 2012. 266 pp.58Jameson F. Маrksizm i interpretatsija kultury. Моskva; Еkaterinburg, 2014. 414 pp.59Кuznetsov V. Vzaimosvjaz edinstva mira i edinstva kultury. М., 2013. 240 pp.; Кuznetsov V. Коntseptualjnajagibkostj kak sposob postizhenija uskoljzajuschego edinstva mira // Vestnik RUDN. Serija: FILOSOFIJA. 2017. Т.21.

№ 2. P. 213-221.60Аrshynov V. I., Svirsky Y. I. Etos stanovjaschegosja subjekta. URL: http://iphras.ru/page49614777.htm; Svirsky Y.I. Individuatsiya v slozhnostno-organizovannom mire // Filosofija nauki. Vyp. 18. Filosofija nauki v mire slozhnosti.М., 2013. P. 62-80.61Кralechkin D. Аntiposleslovije perevodchika. Кritika ne v fokuse // Deleuze G., Guattari F. Anti-Oedipus:Kapitalizm i shizofreniya.

Еkaterinburg, 2008. P. 640-660.62Аronson О. Sily lozhnogo. Opyty nepoliticheskoj demokratii. М., 2017. 446 pp.63Regev Y. Nevozmozhnoje i sovpadenije: o revoljutsionnoj situatsii v filosofii. Perm, 2016. 146 pp. 3. Research ventures to clarify the concept of abundance, which has no precedentin the Russian research literature.Research Main Theses:1. The virtual/actual conceptual pair is basic for understanding the functioning ofthe unstable ontologies claiming to be immanentist. This conceptual pair plays acrucial role in the ontologies of abundance.2. The concept of abundance is directly related to the division of two ontologicalregimes – virtual and actual.

The virtual, as fundamentally indefinite, implies anunlimited number of possible actualizations. Thus, being [virtually] turns out to beexcessive to itself.3. The political theory of postoperaism adopts the basic model of Deleuzianphilosophy, related to understanding Becoming as actualization, for developmentof the conception of multitude as a contemporary collective labor subject, whosespecific form of unity relates to the shared intellectual and linguistic abilities.Theoretical and practical value of the dissertation. The main provisionsand conclusions of the dissertation can be used in the specialized courses incontemporary philosophy as well as in textbooks on the actual continental theory.The results of the analysis of various conceptions, obtained in dissertation, canserve as a basis for further study of unstable ontologies, immanentism andcontemporary philosophy of Becoming.

The concept of unstable ontologies isalmost unknown in Russian academic community, while it is directly linked to thecurrent developments in the field of continental philosophy and political theory.This significantly increases the relevance of the present work and its importance inthe context of studying new types of ontologies.Approbation of the research results. The main provisions and results ofthe dissertation were presented at the VI all-Russian conference of students,postgraduates and young scientists «Philosophy. Language.

Culture». Report: theproblem of precarity in the ontology of abundance. The faculty of philosophy ofHSE. Moscow. April 29-30, 2015.The structure of the thesis is determined by the purpose and tasks of thestudy. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion anda bibliographic list.THE MAIN CONTENT OF THE WORKThe introduction outlines the contours of the problem field, clarifies themain concepts used, defines the tasks, purpose, object, subject and presents the keytheses of the study.Chapter I. “The problem of the subject in unstable ontologies” isdevoted to the analysis of different conceptions of the subject in unstableontologies.In paragraph 1.

“From the restricted negativity to the generalnegativity” I analyze the conception of Alexander Kojeve, which is basic forunderstanding the ontology of lack, and demonstrate the place given in it to thesubject. Kojeve carries out an anthropological interpretation of Hegel’s philosophy,dividing the world into two opposite poles: negative, referring to human existence,and positive, associated with the natural dimension of being.

In this sense, historyis dialectical, whereas nature has nothing to do with dialectics. Such ontology isdualistic only nominally, since being and nothing are two meanings of being, at theintersection of which there is a dialectics. According to Kojeve, the privilegedstatus of human as a negative being is based on the ability to create history. In thecourse of negation, the human subject goes beyond its limits, and that is the key toits humanity. The lack of self-identity of the subject implies completion; this leadsto teleology, which finds its place in the conceptualization of the end of history: thedialectics of slavery and domination, interpreted as a struggle for recognition, hasan unexpected dimension – full recognition is possible only at the end of history.

Ifa human is a negative being by necessity, the end of history entails hisdisappearance, i. e. signifies the collapse into ontological homogeneity. Thisproblem becomes one of the central for Georges Bataille, whose position I havecompared with a Kojevian one. The task of Bataille is to think over thepreservation of the human after the end of history in the form of some negativeresidue – the unemployed negativity. This assumption is not so much a deliberateattempt to undermine Kojevian position, as uncovering its possible ultimateeffects: assuming that a human, being a negation of the existent and himself,negates all the foundations, one should also assume that the negativity, thusunderstood, in its limit leads to the negation of the humanity of man, i.

e. toelimination of the agent of negation. In this sense, Bataille shifts negativity fromthe register of “restricted economy” into the register of “general economy”. Thus, Idemonstrate that the approach of Georges Bataille occupies an intermediateposition between the ontology of lack and the ontology of abundance, and hence itis consistent with the Noys’s characterization: “protoaffiramtionism”. So, in thephilosophy of Bataille, we are faced with the affirmation of an excess of negativity,directly related to his attempt to bring negation beyond the limits of theanthropological matrix: from the “restricted” economy of negativity – to the“general” one, hence the Bataille’s keen interest in transgression as an experienceof “self-loss”.In paragraph 2. “The death of the subject” I explore one of the basicmotives of theoretical anti-humanism, which appears under the name of “the deathof the subject”.

For this I appeal to the projects of Louis Althusser and MichelFoucault. I reconstruct and comment on the thesis of Althusser, according to whichthe subject is the ideological concept and is produced by social power throughinterpellation, ideological recruitment. The inevitable consequence of thisinterpretation is the need to eliminate the subject from scientific discourse.Foucault carries out the line of anti-humanism further, stating that the existence ofthe subject is completely determined by three parameters: the biology of its body,the system of labor relations and the language.

Transformation of these parameterswill inevitably lead to the disappearance of what is meant by man within theexisting discursive system. These theoretical solutions prepared the ground forfurther study of the problematic of the subject in ontology of abundance ofDeleuze/Guattari.In paragraph 3. “Subject, structure and becoming” I deal with thepost/structuralist conceptualization of the subject, carried out by Deleuze.

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