Шалагинов Денис_RESUME_04052018 (Проблемы имманентизма в нестабильных онтологиях), страница 5

PDF-файл Шалагинов Денис_RESUME_04052018 (Проблемы имманентизма в нестабильных онтологиях), страница 5 Философия (41051): Диссертация - Аспирантура и докторантураШалагинов Денис_RESUME_04052018 (Проблемы имманентизма в нестабильных онтологиях) - PDF, страница 5 (41051) - СтудИзба2019-05-20СтудИзба

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Файл "Шалагинов Денис_RESUME_04052018" внутри архива находится в папке "Проблемы имманентизма в нестабильных онтологиях". PDF-файл из архива "Проблемы имманентизма в нестабильных онтологиях", который расположен в категории "". Всё это находится в предмете "философия" из Аспирантура и докторантура, которые можно найти в файловом архиве НИУ ВШЭ. Не смотря на прямую связь этого архива с НИУ ВШЭ, его также можно найти и в других разделах. , а ещё этот архив представляет собой кандидатскую диссертацию, поэтому ещё представлен в разделе всех диссертаций на соискание учёной степени кандидата философских наук.

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My thesis is that the only consistent practiceof resistance in conditions of immanence, i. e. the impossibility of the externalposition, is hyperidentification. The relevance of the given dissertation research isproportional to its contribution to the clarification of the immanentist strategies inthe conditions of re-actualization of the Deleuzian heritage in contemporarycontinental philosophy.There arises a list of problems which are directly related to the immanentistapproach in the framework of the unstable ontologies:– First, while recognizing the impossibility of elimination of the gap between thespeculative Deleuzian ontology, postoperaist political theory and social philosophyof Peter Sloterdijk, it is necessary to demonstrate that the theories of Negri/Hardt,Sloterdijk and others attempt to adaptation Deleuzian ontology to political andsocial philosophy.

Hence, a need to identify the basic “mechanism” underlyingthese theories. I propose that this mechanism refers to a conceptual pair ofvirtual/actual, which allows us to classify these theories as ontologies ofabundance.                                                            39Baudrillard J. K kritike politicheskoj ekonomii znaka. М., 2004. P. 80-81.– Second, I propose that in this context we should refer to the problem of thesubject and to reconstruct the way in which it is conceptualized within thephilosophical approaches that are associated with the “anthropological negativity”in order to match these constructions with the “affirmativist” ideas of theproponents of the ontology of abundance that presumably will clarify the questionof the elimination of the transcendent in their conceptions.– Third, it must be illustrated how, within the ontology of the abundance, thetranscendent is eliminated, and thereby confirm (or refute) the claim for itselimination.

I would argue that this issue is directly related to the specificconceptualization of the substance and rethinking the traditional ontologicalOne/Many problem.– Fourth, what needs to be called into question is not only the critical potential ofPost/Deleuzian philosophy in contemporary conditions, but the very relevance ofcriticism as a way to “resist to the present”.Research Object and SubjectThe object of research are philosophical conceptions of the representativesof the ontology of abundance.The subject of research is a model of becoming, based on the conceptualpair virtual/actual.Research Purpose and TasksThe purpose of this work is to demonstrate that the model of Becoming asactualization is basic for the construction of the immanentist ontologies that areanalyzed in the framework of this research.Achieving the purpose requires solving the following tasks:– To establish similarities and differences in the interpretations of the subject in theontology of lack and different versions of the ontology of abundance;– To address the problem of the One and the Multiple in the ontology of abundanceand to show, how a specific conceptualization of multiplicity allows us toovercome the ontological dualism;– To carry out a critical analysis of affirmativist and accelerationist approaches andto show the place the negativity can take in the Post/Deleuzian philosophy.The degree of development of the problem.

The concept of unstableontologies has not gained wide popularity in philosophical literature. An attempt todeprive this concept of peripheral character and apply it to the study of anextensive list of contemporary continental conceptions was made in the book ofSergei Zherebkin40 – the only current work on unstable ontologies published inRussian.

The book certainly has an important propaedeutic value, and its authordevelops an interesting critical toolkit, but my task is to keep the distance fromrelating to the established forms of “critical theory”, because my argument is thatany critique which forgets about the hypercritical nature of the criticized object(and this is usually late capitalism)41, tends to fall not even in the children illness ofleftism, but in “Manichaeism”. The critique, thus, blocks the access to instability,being realized through simultaneous legitimation of its object and the criticsthemselves42. The problem of immersion strongly encourages a change ofperspective: instead of the non-critical use of critical tools, it is necessary to makea more detailed analysis of ontological models, and that is vital in the case ofunstable ontologies, because the concept was coined in the field of socio-politicaltheory, while the meeting of politics and ontology turns out to be problematic43.Based on this, I would prefer to return the unstable ontologies to their speculative“soil”, referring to the central problem of Deleuzian immanentism – the problem of                                                            40Zherebkin S.

Nestabilnye ontologii v sovremennoj filosofii. SPb., 2013. 350 pp.См.: Land N. A Quick-and-Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism // Jacobite [May 25 2017]. URL:https://jacobitemag.com/2017/05/25/a-quick-and-dirty-introduction-to-accelerationism/; Boltanski L., Chiapello E.Novyj duh kapitalizma. М., 2011. 976 pp.42Avanessian A. Kritika – krizis – akseleratsiya // Logos. 2018. T. 28. # 2. P.

82.43«The politicization of ontology marks a regression to an anthropomorphic myopia; the ontologization of politicsfalters the moment it tries to infer political inscriptions from metaphysical description. <…> An emancipatorypolitics oblivious to epistemology quickly degenerates into metaphysical fantasy, which is to say, a religioussubstitute. The failure to change the world may not be unrelated to the failure to understand it» (Brassier R.Ponyatiya i obyekty // Logos. 2017.

Т. 27. # 3. P. 240-241).41Becoming, but this decision in any case is not equivalent to the “scraping” ofpolitical implications (because it is simply impossible), the decision relates to amore cautious attitude towards them. To work out the conceptions associated withunstable ontologies, in the proposed study I used a wide range of textual sourcesthat can be divided into several groups. First of all, these are the basic[post]structuralist texts of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari44, the postoperaisttexts of Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt45, Paolo Virno46, Maurizio Lazzarato47,and the work of Peter Sloterdijk48, who developed a nontrivial “spherological”model of relational ontology. The second group of sources includes the works byWestern and native commentators and historians of contemporary philosophy49.The third group includes the studies of current continental philosophers, whosedevelopments are directly connected to the ontologies of becoming, immanentism,affirmativism, accelerationism.

A special place among them is given to BenjaminNoys50, the British scholar, the author of the terms “accelerationism” and“affirmativism”, whose works are important in the context of the critique ofacceleration and the affirmative mode of thinking associated with thePost/Deleuzian philosophy. An interesting attempt to inscribe negativity intoDeleuzian philosophy is taken in the book of Andrew Culp51. In the same textblock there should be mentioned nontrivial works of Nick Land52, EduardoViveiros de Castro53 and Manuel DeLanda54. The texts of Alain Badiou55 and                                                            44Deleuze G., Guattari F.

Anti-Oedipus: Kapitalizm i shizofreniya. Еkaterinburg, 2008. 672 pp.; Deleuze G.,Guattari F. Каfka: zа маluyu literaturu. М., 2015. 112 pp.; Deleuze G., Guattari F. Тysjacha plato: Каpitalizm ishyzofreniya. Екаterinburg; М., 2010. 895 pp.; Deleuze G., Guattari F. Chto takoe filosofiya? М., 2009.

261 pp.45Hardt М., Negri А. Imperiya. М., 2004. 440 pp.; Hardt М., Negri А. Мnozhestvo: vojnа i demokratiya v epohuimperii. М., 2006. 559 pp.46Virno P. Grammatika mnozhestva: к аnalizu form sovremennoy zhizni. М., 2013. 176 pp.Lazzarato М. Маrsel Djushan i otkaz truditsa. М., 2017. 96 pp.48Sloterdijk P. Sfery.

Pljuralnaya sferologiya. Т. III. Pena. SPb., 2010. 924 pp.49Descombes V. Sovremennaya frantsuzskaya filosofiya. М., 2000. 337 pp.; Djyakov А. Zhil Deljoz. Filosofiyarazlichiya. SPb., 2013. 504 pp.; Gutting G. Thinking the Impossible. French Philosophy Since 1960. New York,2011. 222 pp.; Gasparyan D. E. Vvedenije v neklassicheskuju filosofiju. М., 2011. 398 pp.; Critchley S.

ContinentalPhilosophy. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, 2001. 148 pp.50Noys B. The Persistence of the Negative: A Critique of Contemporary Continental Thought. Edinburgh, 2010. 225pp.; Noys B. Malign Velocities. Accelerationism & Capitalism. Winchester, UK; Washington, US, 2014. 94 pp.51Culp A. Dark Deleuze. Minneapolis, 2016. URL: https://track5.mixtape.moe/frhirn.pdf52Land N. Teleoplexy: Notes on Acceleration // #ACCELERATE# The Accelerationist Reader. Urbanomic, 2014. P.509-520; Land N.

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