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Е.Р. Фонтанова - Self-Study Book in English Grammar for Junior Students of the Humanities, страница 5

PDF-файл Е.Р. Фонтанова - Self-Study Book in English Grammar for Junior Students of the Humanities, страница 5 Английский язык (36572): Книга - 1 семестрЕ.Р. Фонтанова - Self-Study Book in English Grammar for Junior Students of the Humanities: Английский язык - PDF, страница 5 (36572) - СтудИзба2019-04-25СтудИзба

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They are going to start work in July and the pool will probably befinished in September. The Mayor said, “I’m sure the people of the town will welcome the newpool. I hope they will understand the temporary difficulties it will lead to in the centre of town”.The opposition leader feels concerned about the future of the historic center. He is going toorganise a protest and he believes that the majority of the people living in the town will supporthim. will stabilize the situation in the region?What will help us economise considerably on advertisement?What university provides the best education in this country?Who spoke of their desire for improved relations?245. What dates back to medieval times?6.

What is a vital means of intercommunication?7. Who is mainly concerned with real facts?8. Who advertises and markets products in English?9. Who never experienced the slightest difficulty in communication?10. What develops speed (of) over 300 kilometers an hour sometimes?16.1. There isn’t any possibility to learn a foreign language in a month, is there?2. Nothing went wrong, did it?3. The film isn’t meant for children, is it?4. You don’t agree with me, do you?5. That wasn’t Ann on the phone, was it?6. You won’t disseminate this information, will you?7. It didn’t hurt, did it?8.

This isn’t a matter of great concern, is it?9. She isn’t planning to launch a new advertising campaign, is she?10. He won’t be using the car this afternoon, will he?11. You aren’t doing anything tonight, are you?12. Nobody complained, did they?13. You are by no means leaving the town today, are you?17.1. The Smiths have got two cars, haven’t they?2. Bill put the money in the bank, didn’t he?3. He was at a serious disadvantage, wasn’t he?4.

That’s him over there, isn’t it?5. I’m late, aren’t I?6. Prices keep going up, don’t they?7. She often changes her mind, doesn’t she?8. They accepted responsibility for the accident, didn’t they?9. You’ll help me, won’t you?10. That is Jim, isn’t it?11. The scientists will be provided with necessary statistics, won’t they?12. There is a growing concern about the future, isn’t there?13. It led to unexpected results, didn’t it?14. That was Ann on the phone, wasn’t it?18.1. You take sugar in tea, don’t you?2.

Let’s go out tonight, shall we?3. Neither of them offered to help you, did they?4. It never influences his behavior, does it?5. Everybody realized the danger, didn’t they?6. There was a lot of noise, wasn’t there?7. But nobody complained, did they?8. It has a direct influence on his career, doesn’t it?9. He will hardly come here right now, will he?10. He made no efforts to contact them, did he?11.

This money is no longer in use, is it?12. There wasn’t any point in waiting, was there?13. She has changed a lot since I last saw her, hasn’t she?2514. She hasn’t exhibited her paintings in Paris yet, has she?15. You had been there before, hadn’t you?16. They have been rival firms for 5 years, haven’t they?17. Nobody has proved the existence of this fact, have they?18.

So far he has led a life full of variety, hasn’t he?19. These events haven’t forced her to borrow money, have they?20. We’ve found nothing suitable yet, have we?21. Nobody has denied the truth of the statement, have they? your teacher communicate his ideas very clearly?Will they hold a special meeting to launch a new book?Did the prisoner make any effort to escape?Are you concerned to find the best solution to this problem?Do they do their best to launch the program?Is it a matter of great concern for your company?Did these events provide the facts for her first novel?Are these words no longer in everyday use?9. Were these politicians fighting for human rights?10. Is the government spending a lot of money on education these days?11.

Will they be attending a training course in England next month?12. Has the company placed an advertisement for a secretary in the local newspaper?13. Had the house changed hands 3 times before they bought it?14. Have they led a dangerous existence so far?15. Will your brother have read this book by tomorrow morning?16. Has he denied any knowledge of their plans?20.1. Does the vocabulary of Esperanto come mainly from Western European languages orEnglish?2. Is Japanese a difficult or easy language to learn?3. Will inflation rise slowly or rapidly in the last quarter of the year?4.

Do many people give up learning Japanese or English?5. Are there a large number or a small number of exceptions to any rule in English?6. Does the English language have all the benefits for becoming the global language of ourtime or the next century?7. Did the system of education suffer fundamental changes or did it remain the same?8.

Is the course specially meant for economists or linguists?9. Did specialists become concerned about the quality of imported products or domesticproducts?10. Will you provide the detailed or brief explanation at the end of your speech?11. Did he take advantage of their inexperience or ignorance?12. Does Moscow University or St.

Petersburg University provide the best education in ourcountry? does she feel concerned about?How many applications for a job did you write?How will clients save time?How does the human body adjust to changes in temperature?What does the human body quickly adjust to?What will it influence?267. How do means of communication develop?8. Where was Roman influence weaker?9. What will you do today?10. Where are applied sciences substantially developing?11.

How many concerts is the Charity Society putting on this winter?12. When is the Charity Society putting on 12 concerts?13. Where are people using computers these days?14. What is this country developing and promoting now?15. What was he studying when I first met him?16. When was he studying painting?17. Where have you applied for a grant?18. What have you applied to the Council for?19. How long have they been rival firms?20.

What has the owner of the restaurant varied?21. Who had she come across by that time?22. How long has the arrangement remained in force?22.1. borrowingborrowed2. providedproviding3. leadingled4. makingmade5. acceptedaccepting23.1.

Your success was worth efforts made by you.2. The exhibited collection of paintings impressed everybody greatly.3. The company sent me a brochure containing all the information I needed4. The changing climate on the Earth is the result of the Greenhouse Effect.5. The program launched by the competing firm is efficient.6. The firms advertising their goods give information about them in newspapers, on theradio, on TV.27Unit 2ContentPassiveConditional Sentences.Reported Speech•Statements•Questions•Commands and RequestsKey28Unit 2PassiveSimpleстроятPresentamisareобычновсегдакаждыйденьbuiltпостроилиPastвчерав прошломгодукогда?wasContinuousстроится сейчасстроят всё ещёPerfectпостроен в этомгоду(результат)построили ужеamisarehavebeing builtbeen builthasстроили(строился), когда я приехалбыл построен(построили)прежде, чем яприехалwasbuiltbeing builtwereбудет построенhad been builtwereзавтрав будущемгодуFutureВместо отсутствующейформы Future Continuousупотребляется форма FutureSimpleshall/ will bebuiltбудет построен кянварюwill have been builtbe V3be being V3have been V324.

Translate into English.1. Письмапосылают2. Письма послали3. Письмапосылалиежедневно.сейчас.Key:The letters are sent every day.The letters are being sent now.каждую неделю.уже два часа.The letters are sent every week.The letters have been sent for two hours.вчера.сегодня.до того, как выпришли.The letters were sent yesterday.The letters have been sent.The letters had been sent before you came.когда я пришёлThe letters were being sent when I came.294. Письма пошлютзавтра.до того, как выпридёте.The letters will be sent tomorrow.The letters will have been sent before youcome.25.

Translate into English using the Active Vocabulary and passive forms.Ей объяснили, как приспособиться к новым обстоятельствам.Это здание было переоборудовано под школу.Им пришлось изменить планы, т.к. всё было плохо подготовлено.Он не мог смириться с мыслью покинуть город. Слишком многое былосвязано с ним.5. Трудно смириться с мыслью, что наша планета сейчас разрушаетсязагрязнением окружающей среды.adapt1.2.3.4.adjust6. Завтра это оборудование наладят.7. Как регулируется зарплата(wages) рабочих?8. Разве вам не говорили соразмерять свои расходы(expenses) с доходами(income)?9.

Прибором пользоваться нельзя. Его сейчас регулируют.10. Все необходимые изменения были сделаны перед тем, как приехалакомиссия.11. Что-нибудь делается, чтобы сбалансировать экономику и преодолеть(overcome) кризис?assume12. Можно предположить, что картины будут выставлены на показ(exhibit) до конца месяца.13. У нас имеется достаточно оснований предположить, что визит премьерминистра будет отложен (delay).14. Для фирмы было выбрано новое название.15. Он взял на себя ответственность за то, что было сделано вчера.16. Легко можно предположить, что наша теория будет широкоиспользоваться на практике.17.

Допуская, что это верно, мы решили, что эксперимент может бытьпродолжен.depend18. Всё зависит от того, когда будет построен этот дом.19. На конференции была упомянута тесная связь между этими явлениями.20. Взаимозависимость этих экономик объясняется их общей историей.21. Как сказать, возможно, работа будет закончена сегодня вечером.22. Всё зависело от продолжительности (length) экскурсии, которая былазаказана заранее.30differ23. Существует огромная разница между тем, как строили дома впрошлом, и тем, как они строятся теперь.24.

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