Reading Essentials for Biology Glencoe, страница 5

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Review the terms and their definitions in the Mini Glossary above. Write a sentence using atleast two of the terms.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.2. Use the pyramid diagram to help you review what you have read. Arrange the steps used inscientific research in the order that they usually take place. Place the letter next to each stepin the right order in the pyramid.a.

Conduct experiments4.b. Form a hypothesisc. Observe and identify a problem to solve3.d. Study results data to see if hypothesis is supported2.1.3. Choose one of the question headings in the Read to Learn section. Write the question in thespace below. Then, write your answer to that question on the lines that follow.Question:Answer:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Visit the Glencoe Science Web site at to findyour book and learn more about the methods of biology.READING ESSENTIALSChapter 17NameDateClassSection1.3 The Nature of Biology◗ Before You ReadSC.H.2.4.2 The student knows that scientists control conditions in order to obtainevidence, but when that is not possible for practical or ethical reasons, they try toobserve a wide range of natural occurrences to discern patterns.

Also coversSC.H.1.4.1, SC.H.1.4.7, SC.H.2.4.1, SC.H.3.4.3, SC.H.3.4.2, SC.H.3.4.6In this section, you will learn how biologists use scientific research to study the natural world andmake important discoveries. Think of any important discoveries in the field of biology that youalready know about. Give as many examples as you can on the lines below.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________◗ Read to LearnIn Your OwnWords Highlight the mainidea in each paragraph. Stopafter every paragraph and putwhat you just read into yourown words.Scientific information can usually be broken down into twomain types—quantitative or qualitative.

In quantitative research,results are compared by using numbers. Imagine an experimentto see when different materials begin to melt. The temperatureat which wax, iron, and glass each begins to melt is different.Temperatures often are measured in degrees, which are numberson a scale. These temperatures are a type of quantitative data inquantitative research.Qualitative research is based on observation.

It is also calleddescriptive research because it describes scientists’ observationswhen they do their research. If a scientist wanted to figure outhow a beaver builds a dam, numbers would not be very helpful.The scientist would observe the beaver and see how the dam isbuilt. Then the scientist would describe, in detail, all the steps thebeaver takes to build the dam.Science and Society1. What are the twomain types of scientificresearch?________________________________________________8Chapter 1Scientific research often provides society with important information. What we learn from scientific research cannot be definedas good or bad.

Ethics must play a role in deciding how the information will be used. Ethics are the moral principles and valuesheld by humans. Ethics are how we decide what is right or wrong,good or bad. Suppose scientists develop a new vaccine to cure adisease, but they can only produce 1000 doses each year. Ethicshelp society decide who should receive those doses. Society as awhole must take responsibility for making sure that scientific discoveries are used in an ethical way.READING ESSENTIALSCopyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Kinds of InformationNameDateClassSection1.3The Nature of Biology, continuedSome scientific study is done only to learn new things.

Thistype of science is called pure science. Pure science is not done sothat the results can be used for a specific need. The research isfiled away for later use.Science that solves a problem is technology. Technology(tek NAHL uh jee) means using scientific research to meet society’s needs or solve its problems. Technology has helped reducethe amount of manual labor needed to make and raise crops. Ithas also helped cut down on environmental pollution.◗ After You ReadMini Glossaryethics: the moral principles and values heldby societytechnology (tek NAHL uh jee): the applicationof scientific research to society’s needsand problems.1.

Review the terms and their definitions in the Mini Glossary above. Then, write the definitions of both terms in your own words on the lines below.____________________________________________________________________________________Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.____________________________________________________________________________________2. Use the partially completed outline below to help you review what you have read. Fill in theblanks to provide additional information.I. Scientific ResearchA. Quantitative Research1. What is it?2.

Give an example:B. Qualitative Research1. What is it?2. Give an example:3. Give an example of how technology has helped human life and the world around us.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Visit the Glencoe Science Web site at to findyour book and learn more about the nature of biology.READING ESSENTIALSChapter 19NameDateClassSection2.1 Organisms and TheirEnvironmentSC.G.1.4.1 The student knows of the great diversity and interdependence of living things.

SC.G.2.4.4 The studentknows that the world ecosystems are shaped by physical factors that limit their productivity. Also covers SC.D.1.4.3◗ Before You ReadThis section discusses organisms and their environment. All of us come into contact with a varietyof organisms every day. On the lines below, list all of the organisms you can think of that you comeinto contact with during a typical week.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________◗ Read to LearnCreate a Quiz After youhave read this section, createa quiz based on what youhave learned.

After you havewritten the questions, be sureto answer them.1. Describe What animalsshare your world?________________________________________________Every day you share your environment with many organisms.These can be as small as houseflies or mosquitoes. They can bedust mites that you cannot even see. Larger animals include dogs,raccoons, and deer. You need to know about your environment.The reason is simple: Your environment affects you and everyother organism in it.The study of plants and animals, where they live, what they eat,and what eats them, is called natural history.

Natural history tellsus about the health of the world we live in.What is ecology?The branch of biology that developed from natural history isknown as ecology. Ecology is the study of relationships betweenorganisms and their environment.Ecologists use both qualitative and quantitative research. Theygather qualitative information by observing organisms. Theygather quantitative data by making measurements and doingexperiments.

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