Reading Essentials for Biology Glencoe, страница 2

PDF-файл Reading Essentials for Biology Glencoe, страница 2 Английский язык (36570): Книга - 1 семестрReading Essentials for Biology Glencoe: Английский язык - PDF, страница 2 (36570) - СтудИзба2019-04-25СтудИзба

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As youread, aat the end of a paragraph provides a visual clue for answeringthe Reading Check question in the margin.After You Read presents a Mini Glossary featuring the key terms fromthe section and an activity using the terms. Additional activities helpyou organize, summarize, and analyze the content in the Read to Learnsection.Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Finally, this edition of Reading Essentials for Biology is made especially for use in Florida. To help you organize your studies and preparefor the FCAT, the Sunshine State Standards that are covered are listedat the very beginning of each section.

The Sunshine State Standards forScience, Grades 9–12, are listed in full starting on page vii.viThe Sunshine State Standards for Science, Grades 9–12The Nature of MatterEnergyStandard 1:Standard 1:The student understands that all matter has observable, measurable properties. (SC.A.1.4)1.

knows that the electron configuration in atomsdetermines how a substance reacts and howmuch energy is involved in its reactions.2. knows that the vast diversity of the properties ofmaterials is primarily due to variations in theforces that hold molecules together.3. knows that a change from one phase of matter toanother involves a gain or loss of energy.4. experiments and determines that the rates ofreaction among atoms and molecules depend onthe concentration, pressure, and temperatureof the reactants and the presence or absence ofcatalysts.5. knows that connections (bonds) form betweensubstances when outershell electrons are eithertransferred or shared between their atoms,changing the properties of substances.The student recognizes that energy may be changed inform with varying efficiency.

(SC.B.1.4)1. understands how knowledge of energy is fundamental to all the scientific disciplines (e.g., theenergy required for biological processes in livingorganisms and the energy required for the building, erosion, and rebuilding of the Earth).2. understands that there is conservation of massand energy when matter is transformed.3. knows that temperature is a measure of the average translational kinetic energy of motion of themolecules in an object.4. knows that as electrical charges oscillate, theycreate time-varying electric and magnetic fieldsthat propagate away from the source as an electromagnetic wave.5.

knows that each source of energy presentsadvantages and disadvantages to its use in society(e.g.,political and economic implications maydetermine a society’s selection of renewable ornonrenewable energy sources).6. knows that the first law of thermodynamicsrelates the transfer of energy to the work doneand the heat transferred.7.

knows that the total amount of usable energyalways decreases, even though the total amountof energy is conserved in any transfer.Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Standard 2:The student understands the basic principles ofatomic theory. (SC.A.2.4)1. knows that the number and configuration ofelectrons will equal the number of protons in anelectrically neutral atom and when an atom gainsor loses electrons, the charge is unbalanced.2. knows the difference between an element, a molecule, and a compound.3. knows that a number of elements have heavier,unstable nuclei that decay, spontaneously givingoff smaller particles and waves that result in asmall loss of mass and release a large amount ofenergy.4.

knows that nuclear energy is released whensmall, light atoms are fused into heavier ones.5. knows that elements are arranged into groupsand families based on similarities in electronstructure and that their physical and chemicalproperties can be predicted.6. understands that matter may act as a wave, a particle, or something else entirely different with itsown characteristic behavior.Standard 2:The student understands the interaction of matter andenergy. (SC.B.2.4)1. knows that the structure of the universe is theresult of interactions involving fundamental particles (matter) and basic forces (energy) and thatevidence suggests that the universe contains allof the matter and energy that ever existed.Force and MotionStandard 1:The student understands that types of motion may bedescribed, measured, and predicted.

(SC.C.1.4)1. knows that all motion is relative to whateverviiSunshine StateState StandardsStandardsSunshineStandard 2:The student understands that the types of force thatact on an object and the effect of that force can bedescribed, measured, and predicted. (SC.C.2.4)1. knows that acceleration due to gravitationalforce is proportional to mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance betweenthe objects.2.

knows that electrical forces exist between anytwo charged objects.3. describes how magnetic force and electrical forceare two aspects of a single force.4. knows that the forces that hold the nucleus of anatom together are much stronger than electromagnetic force and that this is the reason for thegreat amount of energy released from thenuclear reactions in the sun and other stars.5. knows that most observable forces can betraced to electric forces acting between atoms ormolecules.6. explains that all forces come in pairs commonlycalled action and reaction.Processes that Shape the EarthStandard 1:The student recognizes that processes in the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere interact to shape the Earth.

(SC.D.1.4)1. knows how climatic patterns on Earth resultfrom an interplay of many factors (Earth’s topography, its rotation on its axis, solar radiation, thetransfer of heat energy where the atmosphereinterfaces with lands and oceans, and wind andocean currents).2. knows that the solid crust of Earth consists ofslow-moving, separate plates that float on adenser, molten layer of Earth and that theseplates interact with each other, changing theEarth’s surface in many ways (e.g., formingmountain ranges and rift valleys, causing earthquake and volcanic activity, and forming undersea mountains that can become ocean islands).3.

knows that changes in Earth’s climate, geologicalviiiactivity, and life forms may be traced andcompared.4. knows that Earth’s systems and organisms are theresult of a long, continuous change over time.Standard 2:The student understands the need for protection of thenatural systems on Earth. (SC.D.2.4)1. understands the interconnectedness of the systems on Earth and the quality of life.Earth and SpaceStandard 1:The student understands the interaction and organization in the Solar System and the universe and how thisaffects life on Earth.

(SC.E.1.4)1. understands the relationships between events onEarth and the movements of the Earth, its moon,the other planets, and the sun.2. knows how the characteristics of other planetsand satellites are similar to and different fromthose of the Earth.3. knows the various reasons that Earth is the onlyplanet in our Solar System that appears to becapable of supporting life as we know it.Standard 2:The student recognizes the vastness of the universeand the Earth’s place in it. (SC.E.2.4)1.

knows that the stages in the development ofthree categories of stars are based on mass: starsthat have the approximate mass of our sun, starsthat are two-to-three-stellar masses and developinto neutron stars, and stars that are five-to-sixstellar masses and develop into black holes.2. identifies the arrangement of bodies foundwithin and outside our galaxy.3.

knows astronomical distance and time.4. understands stellar equilibrium.5. knows various scientific theories on how the universe was formed.6. knows the various ways in which scientists collectand generate data about our universe (e.g., X-raytelescopes, computer simulations of gravitationalsystems, nuclear reactions, space probes, andsupercollider simulations).7. knows that mathematical models and computersimulations are used in studying evidence frommany sources to form a scientific account of theuniverse.Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.frame of reference is chosen and that there is noabsolute frame of reference from which toobserve all motion.2. knows that any change in velocity is anacceleration.Sunshine StateState StandardsStandardsSunshineProcesses of LifeStandard 1:The student describes patterns of structure and function in living things.

(SC.F.1.4)1. knows that the body processes involve specificbiochemical reactions governed by biochemicalprinciples.2. knows that body structures are uniquelydesigned and adapted for their function.3. knows that membranes are sites for chemicalsynthesis and essential energy conversions.4. understands that biological systems obey thesame laws of conservation as physical systems.5. knows that complex interactions among the different kinds of molecules in the cell cause distinct cycles of activity governed by proteins.6. knows that separate parts of the body communicate with each other using electrical and/orchemical signals.7.

knows that organisms respond to internal andexternal stimuli.8. knows that cell behavior can be affected by molecules from other parts of the organism or evenfrom other organisms.Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Standard 2:The student understands the process and importanceof genetic diversity. (SC.F.2.4)1.

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