Travel (Дополнительное чтение), страница 2

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Do the words end in the sounds /d/, /t/, or /id/?inventedproducedlastedsailedtalkedworkedlifted5 Listen again and practise saying the words.6 Complete the facts below with the past simple of the verbs in the box.photographleadsailhitpilotexplorebring7diefindfly(2)discover1. Louise Boyd (1887-1972) explored and photographed the Arctic Ocean. She also _____ overthe North Pole.2.

Ferdinand Magellan _______ the first expedition that ______ around the Earth, between 1519and 1522.3. Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618) ________ potatoes and tobacco from America to Europe.4. In 1992 Ranulph Fiennes _________ the legendary Lost City of Ubor in the desert of Oman.5. Vasco da Gama _________ in India in 1524. He _________ an ocean route from Portugal tothe East.6. Alan Shepard ________ America’s first manned space mission. He briefly________ into spaceon 5th May 1961. In a later mission he ____________ golf balls on the moon.SpeakingWrite down the dates or years of six important events in your past.

Give your list to a partner.Ask each other questions to find out what the dates represent.Example: 2001 – Did you start primary school then?Extra Grammar and Vocabulary PracticeGrammar1 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box.leadstartstophavebecrossflyruncompleteSir Ranulph Fiennes (1) ________ born in 1944. In the army he (2) __________ severalexpeditions, including a hovercraft expedition on the White Nile and crossing from theNorth to the South Pole. He (3) __________ the Antarctic on foot, but seven years laterillness (4) ___________ his solo trek to the North Pole and in 2003, he (5) ________ heartsurgery to save his life. Only four month after the operation, he (6)__________ sevenmarathons in seven continents in seven days.

He (7) _________ in Santiago, Chile and then(8)_________to the Falkland Islands, Sydney, Singapore, London and Cairo. He (9)_________ the marathons in New York.2 Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, positive or negative.1. It was warm, so I _____________ off my coat. (take)2. The film wasn’t very good. I _______________ it very much. (enjoy)3. I knew Sally was very busy, so I _________________ her. (disturb)4. I was very tired, so I ________________ the party early.

(leave)5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I _______________ very well. (sleep)86. The window was open and a bird _______________ into the room. (fly)7. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It ________________ very much. (cost)8. I was in a hurry, so I _________________ time to phone you. (have)9. It was hard carrying the bags. They _______________ very heavy. (be)3 Work with a partner to talk about:one thing you did last weekendhow you celebrated your last birthdaywhat you learnt in your last English lessonVocabulary1 Match the words in the box with the meaning below.abroad1. holidaygoing to different places _______________in a different country _________________the time spent travelling from one place to another, often over a long distance __________a short journey, often for work _________________where you’re trying to get to ________________a holiday that has a fixed price and includes travel, accommodation, etc.

_____________2 Look at these e-mails and note the different collocations for travel, journey and trip.Jane,Have you made your travel arrangements for the sales conference yet? If you want agood travel agent, I can recommend Atlas World. They specialize in business travel.Their number is 2587996.

They’re very helpful.Rickie.Hi Mel,I’m finally here after an extremely tiring journey! The flight was three hours late, they lostmy luggage, then there were no taxis at the airport. I hope my return journey is better! I’mat the Hotel Rex, room 1305, tel: 987745. Give me a call.Simon9Hi Karen,I know next week is a business trip, but you must do some sightseeing too while you’rehere.

I suggest we take a day trip to Canamuca on the Sunday. It’s about two hours bycar, and we can take a boat trip to the island in the middle of the lake and have lunchthere. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday. Safe journey!DavidJamine,I got some travel brochures with details of camping trips. Want to meet for lunch to lookat them? One of them is in Chile, but it’s a long overnight journey from the capital to getthere, so maybe we should look nearer home? Nice to dream of holidays during work time!Lorna3 Complete each sentence with trip, travel or journey.1.

I’ll get some _____________ brochures today and we can start planning our holiday.2. John is away on a business ____________ all week.3. It’s a rather difficult overnight _____________ to the mountains but it’s well worth it.4. I prefer to arrange my holidays myself rather than use a _______________ agent.5. On Saturday we went on a day _______________ to an interesting old castle.6.

Was it a tiring _____________ from Seoul to Los Angeles?7. On summer weekends we often used to go on camping _______________ .8. Do you use a special firm to arrange business ______________ for your staff?9. Do you make your own _______________ arrangements or does your secretary do it all?10. I hope your flight is on time tomorrow.

Safe ________________! See you at the airport.Reading1 Work with a partner to discuss the following.1. Make a list of six words you associate with deserts. Compare your list with another pair.2. What might attract people to life in a desert?2 Read the article about the explorer Wilfred Thesiger.

What attracted him to life in a desert?3 Find expressions in the first two paragraphs which tell you: Thesiger was well-known in the 20th century.that his books were popular.that it was difficult to travel in the “Empty Quarter”.who the Bedu were.what kind of relationship Thesiger had with the Bedu.10Wilfred ThesigerExplorer of the “Empty Quarter”Wilfred Thesiger was one of the greatest explorers and travel writers of the 20 th century.

Hedied in 2003. His books, which describe his journeys in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, have wonmany literary prizes. His best known book is Arabian Sands, which is about two journeys throughArabia. People have praised his description in the book of the “Empty Quarter”, a vast, waterlessdesert stretching between Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Oman. He spent five years travelling in the“Empty Quarter”, often accompanied by the Bedu, the fierce tribespeople living in the area.Thesiger fell in love with the desert. He enjoyed the “sense of space, the silence, and the crispclearness of the sand”.

It was a place where he found peace and friendship. He also learned to lovethe Bedu, and they learned to respect him. He shot lions to protect them, and he became acompetent amateur doctor. He chose the “Empty Quarter” for his journeys because it was “one ofthe very few places where I could satisfy an urge to go where others had not been”.3 Read an extract from Arabian Sands. Are these statements true or false? camels began to rest at sunset.Thesiger was happy because he thought the difficult journey was over.The most difficult journey was the one for the next day.When the travellers stopped the first time, they were near Uruq al Shaiba.The Uruq al Shaiba are bigger and higher than the Himalayas.To rest the camels we stopped for four hours in the late afternoon on a long gentle slopewhich stretched down to another salt-flat.

There was no vegetation on it and no saltbushes bordered the plain below us. Al Auf announced that we would go on again atsunset. While we were feeding I said to him cheerfully, “Anyway the worst should be overnow that we are across the Uruq al Shaiba”. He looked at me for a moment and thenanswered, “If we go well tonight we should reach them tomorrow.” I said, “Reach what?”and he replied, “The Uruq al Shaiba.

Did you think what we crossed today was the Uruqal Shaiba? That was only a dune. You will see them tomorrow.’ For a moment I thought hewas joking, and then I realised that he was serious, that the worst of the journey which Ihad thought was behind us was still ahead.It was midnight when at last al Auf said, “Let’s stop here. We will get some sleep and givethe camels a rest. The Uruq al Shaiba are not far away now.” In my dreams that night theytowered above us higher than the Himalayas.4 Find words in the texts that mean the following. good things about something (article)extremely large (article)looking very aggressive or violent (article)have a good opinion of (article)5 Would you like to read Arabian Sands?115. strong wish (article)6. formed the edge of (extract)7.

mountain of sand (extract)Unit 2 “Travel”Part 3Listening1 (Track 1.8) Listen to Alice Harker having an interview. What kind of expedition does shewant to join?2 Listen to the interview again. What things has Alice done? to most continents in the worlddone something for charityclimbed in the Alpsbeen to the Himalayasclimbed to the top of Mount Everestworked for a management consultancy firm3 Pronunciation: weak forms (Track 1.9) Listen to the sentences and underline what thespeaker says. travelled / I’ve travelled up by train yesterday.I stayed / I’ve stayed in a hotel last night.I visited / I’ve visited nearly every continent in the world.I climbed / I’ve climbed extensively in the Alps.You had / You’ve had the right mountaineering experience.I worked / I’ve worked as a consultant last year.4 Listen again and repeat the sentences.Grammar: Present Perfect and Past Simple1 Look at Track 1.8.

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Маленький отзыв о большом помощнике!
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Студ. Изба как крупнейший сборник работ для студентов
Тут дофига бывает всего полезного. Печально, что бывают предметы по которым даже одного бесплатного решения нет, но это скорее вопрос к студентам. В остальном всё здорово.
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Отличный сайт с кучей полезных файлов, позволяющий найти много методичек / учебников / отзывов о вузах и преподователях.
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