Leisure Time (Дополнительное чтение), страница 2

PDF-файл Leisure Time (Дополнительное чтение), страница 2 Английский язык (36505): Другое - 2 семестрLeisure Time (Дополнительное чтение) - PDF, страница 2 (36505) - СтудИзба2019-04-28СтудИзба

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Although they had many performing companies, usuallycomposed of Greek and southern Italian slaves, the Romans themselves did notactively participate in the theatre.The Romans were systematic planners and builders. Their towns generallyincluded provisions for baths, open-air theatres, forums for public assemblies,stadiums and sometimes parks and gardens. They developed buildings forgymnastic sport, including conversation areas for philosophers, and colonnades,where games might be held in winter despite bad weather.

Wealthier Romans oftenhad private villas, many with large gardens and hunting preserves.As early as the reign of Emperor Claudius in the first century A.D., therewere 159 public holidays during the year, 93 of which were devoted to games atpublic expense, including many new festivals in honour of national heroes andforeign victories. By A.D. 354, there were 200 public holidays each year, including175 days of games. Even on working days, the labor began at daybreak and endedafter noon during much of the year.As leisure increased and the necessity for military service and other forms ofphysical effort declined for the Roman citizen, entertainment became the centrallife activity of many citizens.

The normal practice was for the citizen to beentertained or to follow a daily routine of exercise, bathing, or eating. Men were nolonger as active in sport as they once had been. Athletes now performed asmembers of a specialized profession with unions, and training schools.*From:http://www.jblearning.com/samples/0763749591/49591_ch03_mclean.pdfAnswer the following questions1. Were the Romans interested in different forms of cultural activity?2. What did their towns include?3. What concept of leisure did the Romans have?6Word listразговорпосвящатьвключатьнехватка, отсутствие чего-тоучаствоватьповседневностьдуховныйутилитарныйценностьразнообразныйconversationto devoteto includelack ofto participateroutinespiritualutilitarianvaluevariousText 5Several Productive Ways to Use Your Free TimeIf you’ve got a big block of free time, the best way to put that to use is torelax, have fun, decompress from a stressful day, or spend time with a loved one.Put those little chunks of time to their most productive use.Everyone works differently, so the best use of your free time really dependson you, your working style, and what’s on your to-do list.

But it’s handy to have alist like this in order to quickly find a way to put that little spare time to workinstantly, without any thought. Use the following list as a way to spark ideas forwhat you can do in a short amount of time.▫Reading file. Clip magazine articles or print out good articles or reports forreading later, and keep them in a folder marked “Reading File”. Take this whereveryou go, and any time you have a little chunk of time.

Keep a reading file on yourcomputer (or in your bookmarks), for quick reading while at your desk (or on theroad if you’ve got a laptop).▫Clear out inbox. Got a meeting in 5 minutes? Use it to get your physical oremail inbox to empty.

If you’ve got a lot in your inbox, you’ll have to workquickly, and you may not get everything done, but reducing your pile can be a bighelp. And having an empty inbox is a wonderful feeling.▫Network. Only have 2 minutes? Send a quick email to a colleague. Even ashort email can do wonders for your working relationship▫Goal time. Take 10 minutes to think about your goals, personal andprofessional.

If you don’t have a list of goals, start on one. If you’ve got a list ofgoals, review them. Write down a list of action steps you can take over the nextcouple of weeks to make these goals a reality. What action step can you do today?The more you focus on these goals, and review them, the more likely they willcome true.7▫Brainstorm ideas. If you just have 5 minutes —you may start abrainstorming list for a project or article. Whatever you’ve got coming up in yourwork or personal life, it can benefit from a brainstorm. And that doesn’t take long.▫Exercise. Never have time to exercise? 10 minutes is enough. Do that 2-3times a day, and you’ve got a fit new you.▫Take a walk.

This is another form of exercise that doesn’t take long, andyou can do it anywhere — but even more important, it’s a good way to stretch yourlegs from sitting at your desk too long.▫Meditate. You don’t need a yoga mat to do this. Just do it at your desk.Focus on your breathing. A quick 5-10 minutes of meditation (or even a nap) canbe tremendously refreshing.▫Be early.

Got some spare time before a meeting? Show up for the meetingearly. Sure, you might feel yourself uncomfortable sitting there alone, but actuallypeople respect those who show up early. It’s better than being late (that’s notappreciated in many circles).*From: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/20-productive-waysto-use-your-free-time.htmlDiscuss the most significant points of the text.1.Have you got some productive spare-time tips of your own? Discuss them inthe class.2.Choose the most practical and interesting tips for you.Word listбыть оцененнымизвлекать выгоду из чего-тоблестящая идеячасть, кусоккруг, группаотойти от чего-тозависеть отпапкапрактичный, удобныйпоявиться (на встрече)чрезвычайноto be appreciatedto benefit frombrainstormchunk ofcircleto decompress fromto depend onfolderhandyto show uptremendously8Supplementary textAmateur radioAmateur radio is a community of people that use radio transmitters andreceivers to communicate with other Amateur radio operators.

The things thatamateur radio operators do with their radios are diverse as the people themselves.Amateur radio operators are often called ham radio operators or simply"hams." (The origin of this nickname is for all practical purposes lost. Amateurradio operators proudly call themselves hams and nobody knows why.) There areabout 600 thousand hams in the United States.Ham radio operators are licensed by the United States GovernmentSpecifically, there are a few things that hams are not allowed to do:1) Hams are not allowed to do anything with their radios that makes them moneyin way.

Ham radio is a hobby, but that doesn't mean it's completely frivolous.2) Ham radio operator cannot “broadcast” to the public. This means that ham radiotransmissions are meant to be received by other ham radio operators. While shortwave radios or scanners will allow you to listen to the ham radio bands, what youwill hear are hams talking to other hams and not music or other radio programs of“general” interest.Things you can do with amateur radio:•Talk around the world - with HF radios hams can talk to other hams in literallyany part of the globe.•Talk around town - with small portable VHF and UHF transceivers hams enjoyextremely reliable communications within their local community.•Slow Scan TV - send pictures around the world for little or no cost.•Contests - You can put your radio operating skills up against other hams andteams of hams.•Satellite communications - hams have their own satellites (Amateurs’ satellites areeasy to use too).•Traffic handling - "ham telegrams" are used to send messages to people aroundthe world at no cost to the sender or the recipient.Ham radio operators use two-way radio stations from their homes, cars,boats and outdoors to make hundreds of friends around town and around the world.They communicate with each other using voice, computers, and Morse code.

Somehams bounce their signals off the upper regions of the atmosphere, so they can talkwith hams on the other side of the world. Other hams use satellites. Many usehand-held radios that fit in their pockets.Hams exchange pictures of each other using television.

Some also like towork on electronic circuits, building their own radios and antennas. There are evenham-astronauts who take radios with them on space shuttle missions and thrillthousands of hams on earth with a call from space!9Using even the simplest of radio setups and antennas, amateurscommunicate with each other for fun, during emergencies, and even in contests.How can one become an Amateur Radio operator?All hams in the United States are licensed by the FCC. Getting a "D" on amultiple-choice test and paying about six dollars is all it takes.There are many ways to go about preparing for and taking your ham radiolicense test.• Local clubs―for those that like a structured approach, many clubsorganize meetings and classes to teach the basic skills of radio operation andprepare people for their ham radio license test. Getting started in Amateur Radiohas never been easier.

First, locate a radio club in your area. Some radio clubs offerham radio licensing classes, or they can find a club volunteer to answer yourquestions. You may even be invited to attend a local radio club meeting.•ARRL publishes popular ham radio license study guides to help you learnthe things you'll need to pass your exam and have fun with Amateur Radio.•The Amateur Radio license examinations are administered by ham radiovolunteers.

When you're ready to take your exam, you'll need to locate an examsession near you. At the end of the classes, a test is given. If you pass it, you’llbecome a ham!*From: http://www.qsl.net/k/kd4sai//intro.htmlFind the English equivalents in the text.1)2)3)4)5)6)найти новых друзей по всему миру;обмениваться фотографиями друг с другом;использовать двустороннюю радиостанцию;общение в пределах местного сообщества;в любой части земного шара;спутниковая связь. the following questions.What is Amateur Radio?What is it used for?What can Amateur Radio Operators do?How can one become an Amateur Radio Operator?10Word listto be administered byapproachto communicatecompletelydiverseemergencypurposereceiversatelliteskillуправлятьсякем-то,чем-то,находиться под контролемподходобщатьсяполностьюразнообразныйчрезвычайная ситуацияцель, намерениеприемник, телефонная трубкаспутникумениеTransla11.

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