Education (Дополнительное чтение), страница 2

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These credits are calculated depending upon theperformance in semester-end examinations, class room preparation, seminar participation,laboratory hours etc. For every course of study students will earn a particular number of creditsper semester. Professors and advisers assist the students in organizing their course schedule fortheir academic year.From: ; http://www.nriol.comNotes1. State-run schools are financed through national taxation, and take pupils free of charge betweenthe ages of 3 and 18. The schools may charge for activities such as swimming, theatre visits andfield trips, provided the charges are voluntary, thus ensuring that those who cannot afford to payare allowed to participate in such events.

Approximately 93% of English schoolchildren attendsuch schools.2. An independent school (also referred to as a private school, or in England as a public school) is aschool that is not financed through the taxation system by local or national government and isinstead funded by private sources, predominantly in the form of tuition charges. Most of thelarger independent schools are either full or partial boarding schools.

Boarding-school traditionsgive a distinctive character to British independent education. Some private schools areparticularly old, such as The King's School (founded 597), Westminster School (1179 if notbefore), Eton College (1440).53. The National Curriculum was introduced into England, Wales and Northern Ireland as anationwide curriculum for primary and secondary state schools following the Education ReformAct 1988. Notwithstanding its name, it does not apply to independent schools, which may settheir own curricula, but it ensures that state schools of all Local Education Authorities have acommon curriculum.4.

The Scottish education system is distinctly different from other parts of the United Kingdom.Traditionally, the Scottish system at secondary school level has emphasized breadth across arange of subjects, while the English, Welsh and Northern Irish systems have emphasized greaterdepth of education over a smaller range of subjects.

Following this, Scottish universities generallyhave courses a year longer (typically 4 years) than their counterparts elsewhere in the UK.5. The Advanced Level General Certificate of Education is commonly referred to as an A-level. Alevels are studied over a two year period and are widely recognized around the world, as well asbeing the standard entry qualification for assessing the suitability of applicants for academiccourses in English, Welsh and Northern Irish universities. There are two components to them,full A-levels and half AS-levels.

Generally A-levels comprise 6 modules, and an AS-level 3modules. Students generally take between two to three A-levels, but depending on their academicability and drive they may take more.6. Vocational education prepares trainees for jobs that are based on manual or practical activities,traditionally non-academic, and is totally related to a specific trade, occupation, or vocation. Asthe labor market becomes more specialized and economies demand higher levels of skill,governments and businesses are increasingly investing in the future of vocational education. Atthe post-secondary level vocational education is typically provided by an institute of technology,or by a local community college.

Vocational education has diversified over the 20th century andnow exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology, cosmetics, as well as inthe traditional crafts.7. A sandwich degree is a four-year undergraduate course in which students undertake a placementyear in industry, normally after the second year at university. They can also be referred asindustrial placements or internships.

Many UK Universities offer sandwich degrees. The studentswill in most cases be on a formal contract in which they are paid for their employment.8. Middle schools are schools that span grades 6 through 8 or 9. Schools that overlap the 9th gradetypically are referred to as "junior high schools". Both are between primary education/elementaryeducation and high school. Upon arrival in middle and/or Junior High School, students begin toenroll in class schedules where they take classes from several teachers in a given day.

The classesare usually a set of four or five core academic classes (English or "language arts," science,mathematics, history or "social studies," and, in some schools, foreign language) with two to fourother classes, either electives or supplementary academic classes. Some students also start takinga foreign language or advanced math and science classes in middle school. High school usuallyruns either from grades 9 to 12 or from grades 10 to 12.

In high school, students obtain muchmore control of their education, and may choose even their core classes.9. A high school graduation examination is a test that students must pass to receive a diploma andgraduate from high school. When any test is directly tied to significant consequences, such asdetermining whether the student may receive a high school diploma, it is called a high-stakes test.Many organizations such as the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) opposehigh-stakes tests in general, with the NCTM saying that "placing too much emphasis on a singletest or on testing can undermine the quality of education and jeopardize equality of opportunity."10. The Test of English as a Foreign Language, or TOEFL, evaluates the ability of an individual touse and understand English in an academic setting.

It sometimes is an admission requirement fornon-native English speakers at many English-speaking colleges and universities. Since itsintroduction in late 2005, the Internet-based Test (iBT) has progressively replaced both thecomputer-based tests (CBT) and paper-based tests (PBT), although paper-based testing is stillused in select areas. The four-hour test consists of four sections, each measuring one of the basiclanguage skills – Reading, Listening, speaking and Writing.11. The SAT Reasoning Test (formerly the Scholastic Aptitude Test or Scholastic Assessment Test)is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States.

The test is intended to assess astudent's readiness for college. It was first introduced in 1926, and its name and scoring havechanged several times. The current SAT Reasoning Test, introduced in 2005, takes three hoursand forty-five minutes to finish, and costs $49. Possible scores range from 600 to 2400,6combining test results from three 800-point sections (Mathematics, Critical Reading, andWriting).Active Vocabulary1. attend (v) – посещать, присутствовать, оказывать помощь; attend school – посещатьзанятия (в школе), attend a course of lectures – прослушать курс лекций, attend tosomebody – оказать кому-то помощь;attendance (n) – посещаемость; attendance sheet – список присутствующих,classroom attendance – посещаемость занятий, attendance is compulsory – явкаобязательна.2.

apply (v) – обращаться с просьбой, подавать заявление, применять, употреблять;apply for courses - записаться на курсы, apply a rule to – применить правило к, applyfor a visa – запросить визу;application (n) – заявление; application forms - регистрационные анкеты, applicationfor admission to a university - заявление с просьбой о зачислении в университет.3. admit (v) – принимать, признавать; admit to college – принять в колледж, admitmistakes – признавать ошибки;admission (n) – доступ, прием, признание; get admission in – быть принятым в,admission by ticket – вход по билетам, Admission Committee – приемная комиссия,admission requirements – требования к абитуриентам.4.

enter (v) – входить, вступать, поступать, записывать; enter a university – поступить вуниверситет, enter a name in the list – внести фамилию в список, enter intonegotiations – вступить в переговоры;entry (n) – вступление, вход, запись; entry qualification – наличие квалификации(диплом, сертификат) для обучения, entry fee – вступительный взнос, no entry –вход запрещен, vocabulary entry – словарная статья, entry list – список участников;entrance (n) – вход, поступление; entrance test – вступительный экзамен.5.

pursue (v) – следовать, придерживаться; pursue postgraduate studies – учиться васпирантуре, pursue education – продолжить образование, pursue science –заниматься наукой, pursue one's passion for… - развивать своё увлечение чем-то.require (v) – требовать, нуждаться, приказывать; be required of smb – от кого-тотребуется, require good score – требовать высоких результатов (в тесте), requirefurther work – требовать дальнейшей работы, require modifications – требоватьизменений;requirement (n) – требование, необходимое условие; meet requirements –соответствовать требованиям, удовлетворять условиям, key requirement – основноеусловие, entrance requirements – требования на вступительных экзаменах.ExercisesI.

Use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary above to make alogical story in a group. Then turn your story into Russian and address youropponent group for back translation.II. Scan the text to find words or collocations which mean the same as the onessuggested below:1. elementary education2. to choose3.

to continue6. a sphere of academic activity7. specific8. to vary74. to finish doing5. to pay particular attention to9. essential principles10. way to studyIII. Match English word combinations from A with their Russian equivalents from B.Find these phrases in the text and restore the context.A. Publicly-funded state schools; financially self-supported private schools; nurseries;core subjects; mark the end; comprise; depend on academic ability and drive;academically minded; to further education; hands-on experience; charge students;top-notch resources; qualitative education; proficiency; obtain a diploma; a major;tuition; vocational education;B.

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А знаете ли Вы, что из года в год задания практически не меняются? Математика, преподаваемая в учебных заведениях, никак не менялась минимум 30 лет. Найдите нужный учебный материал на СтудИзбе!
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Да! Наши авторы собирают и выкладывают те работы, которые сдаются в Вашем учебном заведении ежегодно и уже проверены преподавателями.
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Вернём деньги! А если быть более точными, то автору даётся немного времени на исправление, а если не исправит или выйдет время, то вернём деньги в полном объёме!
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Студизба ван лав ❤
Очень офигенный сайт для студентов. Много полезных учебных материалов. Пользуюсь студизбой с октября 2021 года. Серьёзных нареканий нет. Хотелось бы, что бы ввели подписочную модель и сделали материалы дешевле 300 рублей в рамках подписки бесплатными.
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Лично меня всё устраивает - и покупка, и продажа; и цены, и возможность предпросмотра куска файла, и обилие бесплатных файлов (в подборках по авторам, читай, ВУЗам и факультетам). Есть определённые баги, но всё решаемо, да и администраторы реагируют в течение суток.
Маленький отзыв о большом помощнике!
Студизба спасает в те моменты, когда сроки горят, а работ накопилось достаточно. Довольно удобный сайт с простой навигацией и огромным количеством материалов.
Студ. Изба как крупнейший сборник работ для студентов
Тут дофига бывает всего полезного. Печально, что бывают предметы по которым даже одного бесплатного решения нет, но это скорее вопрос к студентам. В остальном всё здорово.
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Отличная платформа для распространения работ, востребованных студентами. Хорошо налаженная и качественная работа сайта, огромная база заданий и аудитория.
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