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О.М.Елина, Н.С.Маринчук - Методическая разработка к фильму The History of Britain - Part 2 (О.М. Елина, Н.С. Маринчук - Методическая разработка к фильму The History of Britain), страница 2

PDF-файл О.М.Елина, Н.С.Маринчук - Методическая разработка к фильму The History of Britain - Part 2 (О.М. Елина, Н.С. Маринчук - Методическая разработка к фильму The History of Britain), страница 2 Английский язык (29923): Книга - 1 семестрО.М.Елина, Н.С.Маринчук - Методическая разработка к фильму The History of Britain - Part 2 (О.М. Елина, Н.С. Маринчук - Методическая разработка к филь2019-04-25СтудИзба

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This is the first ofthe images that will echo through5)_________________art; through Rubens, Goya andPicasso's Guernica, of the 6)______________ war, ofcivilians, of innocence.a) turnedb) victims ofc)to their fated)seeminglye)Europeanf)the most unforgettableII)It would be a long shot, but 1)____________ StamfordBridge perhaps Harold felt he could actually trust his2)______________ luck.

3)____________, William'spublic name-calling - Harold the Perjured, Harold the OathBreaker, Harold the Perfidious - had 4)____________ itpersonal now, a mortal 5)____________. Let the hand ofGod decide the righteous party, who 6)____________prevail.a)madeb)gambler'sc)wouldd)duele)besidesf)afterIII1)1)2)2)3)3)4)4)Segment 5.I. Join the sentence halves:1) You stand on the brow of the hill2) They have the horses3) Behind them the part-timers, the fighting farmers,4) All around you can hear the scraping of metal5) Then came the slow advance of the archers6) If the axeman stood firm against the oncoming horse7) If he missed,8) But William threw back his helmet9) The Bayeux Tapestry is shockingly explicit in10) It seems to me perfectly clear that the words "Harold Rex" occur75)5)6)6)11) What we do know is thata) the extent of the carnage and mutilation.b) around half the nobility of England perished on that battlefield.c) and look down hundreds of yards away at the opposition.d) the sharpening of blades, the mounting of horses.e) he'd still only get one good swing.f) who must have time to find their courage.g) but they have to ride them uphill.h) unloosing their first arrows under a hail of enemy spears.i) he was left open to the slash of the sword from the rider above.j) directly and significantly above the arrow-struck figure.k) to prove he was very much alive.8EPISODE 3.Segment 1.I.Read the following extracts from the film and explain the meaning of the King’sravings1) As King Edward the Confessor lay on his deathbed, he was visited by a strange andterrible dream which he insisted on relating to all who gathered around him.“Two monks came to my deathbed and told me that because of the sins of its people God hadgiven England to evil spirits.

I said, "Will God not have mercy?" And they replied, "Not until agrowing tree, cleft in two by a lightning storm should come together of its own accord and growgreen again.” Only then will there be pardon."2) Harold left London at full speed. He gathered what he could of a new army by an oldgrey apple tree, an ancient blasted tree that stood on a hill at the crossing of the trackleading out of Hastings.

There Harold planted his banner, "The Dragon of Wessex". TheNormans called this place "Senlach", meaning "Lake of Blood".3) William had sworn that should God give him the victory he would build a great abbey ofthanksgiving at the exact spot where Harold had planted his flag, and here it is - astatement, if ever there was one, of pious jubilation.-What pardon does the author speak about?II.Answer the questions:1)2)3)4)5)III.How did William make sure he’d won not a single battle but the war of England?Where was William crowned?What ominous incident occurred during the coronation?Why couldn’t William assimilate himself into Anglo-Saxon England?Which part of England resisted the Normans the most? Why?Read the expressions and underline those which describe the situation shortly afterWilliam’s coronation.Massacre; bumper harvest; plague; mass murder; potential revolt; cheerful smiles;burned without pity; a great famine; starvation; engines of terror; grateful thanks;wealthy families; men, gruesomely butchered; prosperous villages; flourishing yearsWatch the segment and check yourself.9Segment 2.I.

Make sure you know the following expressions:-to be written from the victors perspective-to sketch the starkest contrast between-nauseating chorus of congratulations-a brutal ruthless act of aggression and cruelty-to belong to the conquering class-to mince the words-to grow wealthy with the spoils of England-to convey the traumatic magnitude of-to be wiped out overnight-to command obedience and reverence-to incorporate smth into smth-to pass on whole estates intact to one heir-to launch a campaign for information-to send men into every shire-to owe one’s existence to smth-the monument to the power and strength-the advanced machinery of government-to be collected at lightning speed-to be handed the keys to the kingdom-the handing over of the BookII.Answer the questions:1)2)3)4)5)6)Why are the words of the monk Orderic Vitalis the most valuable?Why does the author say that after 1066 England was a completely new country?What changed in the architecture?Why did the Normans incorporate places into the surnames?What is Domesday Book? What is its historic role?What ceremonies took place on Lammas Day, 1087?10III.Explain why it is so:a) William the Conqueror was the first database king.b) …For the Book ultimately WAS England.Segment 3.I.Answer the questions:1) What does the author call the Norman Conquest?2) What happened to William in 1087?3) What are the stories about Harold’s grave?II.Extend the sentence.

Why is William’s death called a fitting end?So the man who spent his life taking whatever he could by whatever means, was finally robbed ofeverything, even his dignity. Perhaps the hand of God had decided that this was a fitting end.11SUPPLEMENTAlfred the Great – (849 899) – king of Wessex (871-899) the southwestern part of England. Atthis time, the rest of England was mostly controlled by Danes (people from Denmark), andAlfred fought against them to win back English land. He is usually considered to be the first kingof England.The Bayeux Tapestry – a tapestry (a large piece of heavy woven cloth) made in Bayeux,Northern France in the 11th or 12th century, whose pictures tell the story of the Norman Conquestof England in 1066.Canute – Canute the great – King of England (1016 – 1035) – was a Viking king of Denmark,England, Norway and part of Sweden.

Canute was one of the most powerful and wise kings inmedieval Europe but unfortunately he is remembered today as an idiot who tried to hold back thetides But that is not the real story in its entirety. Canute had actually demonstrated and evenstated to his men that the forces of nature are more powerful than any king on earth.Unfortunately, these wise words were lost in oblivion.The Domesday Book – a record of all the lands of England, showing their size, value,ownership etc., made in 1086 on the orders of William the Conqueror.

The Domesday Book hasbeen very valuable in the study of English history.King Harold II (?-1066) the last Anglo-Saxon king of England, who became king at thebeginning of 1066, but later that year died in battle against William the Conqueror at Hastings.He is supposed to have been killed by an arrow that hit him in the eye.Hastings – a town on the southeast coast of England. The Battle at Hastings took place nearthere in 1066, when King Harold II of England was defeated and killed by the French army ofWilliam the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy.

The battle is shown in the Bayeux Tapestry.Lammas Day – the day on which, in Anglo-Saxon times the first fruits were offered.Minster – (now usually part of a name) –a large important church, especially one that formedpart of an Abbey.The Norman Conquest – the period when the Normans, led by William the Conqueror, tookcontrol of England after defeating the previous English King, Harold II, at the Battle of Hastingsin 1066.

Those events had a very great influence on England’s history, culture and language, andFrench became the main language of the ruling class.Northumbria – an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in the North of England and south of Scotland thatwas politically important from the 7th to the 9th centuries. This name is often used unofficially tomean Northumberland.Northumberland - a county in N.E.England, just south of Scotland and on the North Sea coast,known for its hills and forests and for Hadrian’s Wall.The Stamford Bridge – a village in N.England where the English king Harold won a battleagainst the King of Normandy, a shot time before he was killed at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.12Wessex – an ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdom in the south and southwest of England, whichcontinued until England became united in the 19th centuryWilliam the Conqueror – (1027-1087) the king of England from 1066 until his death, alsocalled William I.

William was the Duke of Normandy (in northern France), and became the kingof England by defeating King Harold at the Battle of Hastings in 1066/ His arrival brought greatchanges in English society, and is seen as the end of the Anglo-Saxon period and the beginningof the Middle Ages. He gave a lot of land and power to other Normans, so that French becamethe language of the ruling class, and he built many castles to control the English.13EPISODE 1Segment 100:00:06,270 -->It was the hand of God that decided the outcome of battles, the fate of nations and the life ordeath of kings. Everyone knew that.It was winter, the season of frost and death.A king lay dying. His name was Edward the Confessor.

He was dying childless and it wasn'tobvious who would succeed him. As there was no heir, many thought they should be the nextking, including some foreign princes like Duke William of Normandy.Among those gathered round the bed of the dying Saxon king was the next most powerful man inEngland, Harold Godwineson and he thought the crown would look well on his head. He washoping for a sign that King Edward felt the same way.Then Edward stretched out his hand and touched Harold. But was he giving him a blessing or acurse? Was this the hand of God making Harold king? Nobody knew for sure, but Harold had noqualms.

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