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Scorsese, Martin (1942—) — a film director whose works include "Taxi Driver", "The Last Temptation of Christ", etc.

Spielberg, Steven (1946—) — a film director who has made many very popular films, including "Jaws", "LT", "Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Star Wars", "Empire of the Sun", etc. His films are well known for being very fast moving and full of exciting action.

Zinneman, Frederick (1907- ) – an American film director, born in Austria, famous for the films such as "High Noon" and "The Day of Jackal".

Wilder Billy (1906-) – a film director whose films include "Sunset Boulevard" and "Some Like It Hot".


"The Birth of the Nation" — a dramatic silent film from 1915 about the American Civil War. "The Birth of the Nation" was directed by D. W. Griffith. The film, based on Thomas Dixon's novel "The Clansman", has been condemned for historical distortion and racial bias, but it became a landmark in the artistic development of motion pictures through its successful introduction of many now-standard film techniques.

"Planet of the Apes " - a film set in about imaginary future where monkeys rule the world.

''Psycho'' — a horror film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It is especially known for a scene in which the character Mario (Janet Leigh) is stabbed in a shower by Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins).

"Rocky" — the first of a group of films (later ones were called "Rocky II", "Rock III", etc.), starring Sylvester Stallone as a determined boxer called Rocky. In each of the films the main character overcomes difficulties and win a fight against a strong opponent. The films are especially popular with young people.

"Star Wars " — a popular science-fiction film about the battle between the hero, Luke Skywalker, and Darth Vader, an evil person who wears a black mask over his face and comes from an evil empire. The film was directed by Steven Spielberg and is remembered for its many new exciting special effects.

"The Terminator" — a film with Arnold Schwarzenegger, set in Los Angeles in the near future in which a lot of people are killed. The film was followed by "Terminator II".

Actors and Actresses.

Astaire, Fred (1899—1987) — a dancer, singer and actor who made many films, often with his dancing partner, Ginger Rogers, and who was known for his stylishness.

Bassinger, Kim (1954—) — a film actress, known especially for playing attractive, sexy women.

Brando, Marlon (1924—) — an actor whose films include "A Streetcar Named Desire", "On the Waterfront", "The Godfather", etc.

Cooper, Gary (1901—1962) — an actor who often played strong, silent heroes, for example in the film "High Noon".

Costner, Kevin (1955—) — an actor and director whose films include "Dances with Wolves", "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves", "JFK", etc.

Cruise, Tom (1962—) — an actor who has played leading film parts since the early 1980s, e.g. in "Top Gun" and "Cocktail". He is especially popular with women.

De Niro, Robert (1945—) — an actor, known especially for his part in the films "Taxi Driver" and "The Deer Hunter".

Dietrich, Marlene (1904—1992) — an American actress and nightclub performer, born in Germany, who usually played the part of an extremely sexually attractive woman. She is best remembered for her part in the film "Blue Angel".

Douglas, Kirk (1916—) — a film actor, known for playing the hero in films such as "Spartacus".

Douglas, Michael (1944—) — a film actor, son of Kirk Douglas, known for his part in the films "Fatal Attraction" and ''Romancing the Stone".

Eastwood, Clint (1930—) — a film actor and director, best known for playing parts as a gunfighter in Westerns and a modern city police officer. His characters almost always have their right on their side, and no fear.

Fonda, Henry (1905-1982) - an actor who made many films including "The Grapes of Wrath", "Twelve Angry Men", "On Golden Pond", etc.

Fonda, Jane (1937—) — an actress, daughter of Henry Fonda, known for her left-wing views, especially her support for Vietnam and her opposition to the American government during the Vietnam War. Her best-known films are "The China Syndrome" and, with her father, "On Golden Pond". She is also known for her interest in active physical exercise.

Fonda, Peter (1939—) — an actor and director, best known for his film "Easy Rider"; son of Henry Fonda.

Fox, Michael (1961-) -- an American actor, born in Canada, who has appeared in such films as "Back to the Future" (parts 1, 2, 3). He is very popular, especially with young girls.

Gable, Clark (1901-1960) - a film actor, best known for his role as Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind". He also appeared in many other Hollywood films, including "Mutiny on the Bounty", "The Misfits", etc.

Garbo, Greta (1905—1990) — an American film actress, born in Sweden. She was celebrated for her classic beauty and her portrayals of moody characters.

Having first attracted notice in the Swedish silent film “The Story of Gosta Berling” (1924), Garbo went to the United States in 1925 and became perhaps the most celebrated motion-picture actress of the time, a provocative, enigmatic embodiment of feminine beauty and mystery. “Flesh and the Devil” was her best-known silent film; among her notable talking pictures were “Anna Christie” and the comedy “Ninotchka”.

Greta Garbo became famous for her with drawn, aloof off-screen personality. In the movie “Grand Hotel”, she made the famous complaint, “I want to be alone.” Garbo retired from the movies in the early 1940s and lived as a recluse ever since.

Garland, Judy (1922-1969) - a film actress and singer who was most famous as the character of Dorothy in the film "The Wizard of Oz".

Gere, Richard (1949—) — an actor, known especially for his part in the films "American Gigolo", "An Officer and a Gentleman" and "Pretty Woman".

Goldberg, Whoopi (1949-) - a film actress who appeared in "The Color Purple" and "Ghost".

Grant, Cary (1904-1986) - an American actor, born in Britain, who is remembered especially for his comic films including ''The Philadelphia Story'' and ''Bringing Up Baby''.

Hoffman, Dustin (1937-) - a film actor, best known for his roles in the films "The Graduate", "Kramer vs. Kramer", "Midnight Cowboy", "The Rain Man", etc.

Kelly, Gene (1912-1996) - a film actor, dancer and director who appeared in many musicals of the 1940s and 1950s, including "Singing in the Rain", in which he sang and danced to a song with the same name.

Kelly, Grace (1928-1982) - a film actress, star of "High Noon" and "High Society" in the 1950s, who became Princess Grace of Monaco when she married Prince Rainier.

Marvin, Lee (1924—1987) — a film actor, known especially for playing strong, violent characters in films such as "The Dirty Dozen" and "Point Blank". He is also remembered for singing the song "I was born under a wandering star" in a very deep voice.

Mathau, Walter (1922—) — an actor in films and theater, known especially for his humorous roles, e.g. in "The Odd Couple".

Monroe, Marilyn (1926—1962) — a film actress whose real name was Norma Jean Baker, who starred in films during the middle of the 20th century and became the leading sex symbol of the 1950s.

Monroe first attracted notice in “The Asphalt Jungle”, thereafter she became a reigning screen siren. Her major films include “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”, “The Seven Year Itch”, “Bus Stop” and “Some Like It Hot”.

While still in her thirties, she died of an overdose of sleeping pills.

To many people, Marilyn Monroe is a tragic symbol of the unhappiness that can accompany fame and glamor.

Murphy, Eddie (1961—) — an actor and comedian who first became known for his work on the television program “Saturday Night Live” but now is known mostly for his films, such as “Trading Places” and “Beverly Hills Cop”.

Newman, Paul (1925—) — an actor and director, lending male star of Hollywood films in the 1900s and 1970s and considered very attractive. His films include “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”, “The Sting”, “The Color of Money”, etc.

Nicholson, Jack (1937—) — an actor who started appearing in films in the l960s, such as “Easy Rider’’ which represented the feelings of young Americans, and has now become a big Hollywood star.

Pacino, Al (1940—) — an actor, known for the films such as “The Godfather” and “Scarface”.

Poitier, Sidney (1927—) — a black Amer ican film star and director, who was one of the first black actors to play serious parts rather than black stereotypes.

Pryor, Richard (1940-) - a comedian who has appeared in films and made several records. He is black and often makes jokes about situations involving black and white people together.

Redford, Robert (1937—) — a film actor and director who was in films such as ''Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid'',“The Sting” and “Out of Africa”. He is popular for his good looks as well as his acting.

Schwarzenegger, Arnold (1947—) — an American actor, born in Austria, whose bodybuilding appearance won him the titles of Mr. Gcrriiaiiy and Mr. Universe. He is best known for his part in the film “The Terminator” in which he plays the hero.

Scott, George C. (1926—) — an actor, best known for his film parts, especially strong-willed characters, such as soldiers. He was the first actor to refuse an Oscar.

Streisand, Barbra (1942—) — a singer and actress who has performed on stage and in many successful film musicals, including “Hello, Dolly”, “The Way We Were”, “A Star is Born”, etc.

Taylor, Elizabeth (1932—) — an American film actress, born in Britain. She began making films at the age of ten, but is perhaps at least as well known for marriages, of which there have been eight (two of them to Richard Burton).

Temple, Shirley (1928—) — a film actress who was the child star of over 20 films in the 1930s, and in later life, as Shirley Temple Black, became a US ambassador. She was very popular when her films first appeared because of her style of singing, dancing and acting and her curly golden hair.

Valentino, Rudolph (1895—I926) — an American film actor, born in Italy. He was famous for playing the part of a lover in silent films, especially in “The Sheikh”. He is sometimes mentioned as a typical example of a good-looking romantic man. Valentino was a ballroom dancer and movie extra before reaching stardom in “Four Horsemen in the Apocalypse” (1921).

Soon he became the American women’s idea of masculinity, and his private life and loves were avidly reported in newspapers and magazines. His physique, his good looks and his physical grace were well exhibited in “The Sheikh” and “Monsieur Beaucaire”. Valentino’s most successful film is “Blood and Sand”, for here he seems able to bring some of his own personality to the portrayal of the matador, an opportunity his other, more stereotyped roles had thwarted. His untimely death created a national furor and reportedly drove some of his fans to suicide.

Wayne, John (1907-1979) - a film actor who often played "tough guys", particularly soldiers and cowboys.

Early in his career Wayne appeared as Hollywood's first singing cowboy. In 1939, in "Stagecoach", he achieved star status. In his 50-year career he appeared in more than 200 motion pictures. Some of his outstanding films are "Red River", "The Quiet Man", "The High and Mighty", "The Searchers", "True Grit", for which he won an Academy Award (1969), and "Shootist".

The characters John Wayne played, especially in Westerns ("Stagecoach", "True Grit"), were often honest, strong, independent and patriotic. Because he played these characters, John Wayne was thought to have those qualities himself and was an example of a good American. His old-fashioned patriotism made him something of a folk hero. In 1979 he was voted a Congressional gold medal; the inscription read, "John Wayne — American".

Williams, Robin (1952—) — an actor and comedian whose films include “Good Morning, Vietnam”, “Dead Poets Society”, etc.

Marilyn Monroe.

I think that the greatest actress not only of the USA, but of the whole world is Marilyn Monroe. So I ‘d like to tell some facts about her life.

Six queens come and go, easily crowned, easily forgotten. Yet Marilyn Monroe’s memory has remained very much alive. Admirers still cut her picture out of public library books, artists still paint her; even the young have become familiar with her name and her face by watching her films on television.

Death has changed the sexy blonde into a myth, a symbol of soft femininity and loveliness. Nowadays she is sometimes mistaken for a saintly martyr, which she certainly was not. But then, what was she? Those who knew her disagree so violently that it is difficult to see the real woman through the conflicting judgments of her friends. A simple little girl to her first husband, producer Mike Todd, she was also been described as the most unappreciated person in the world, the meanest woman in Hollywood, a tart, an enchanting child, an idiot, a wit, a great natural intelligence, a victim, and a clod ‘user’ of people From the very contradiction, one can guess that she was not simple. And obviously she had something special- not talent, perhaps, but a certain spark. It is well known that most of her problems had their roots in an unhappy childhood.

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