43535 (Изучение анафорических выражений), страница 5


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Если референт высоко активирован в рабочей памяти говорящего (и, по, предположению говорящего, в памяти адресата), то используется редуцированное референциальное средство. Если же уровень активации референта невысок, то говорящий должен использовать полную именную группу.

Итак, обоснованное выше исследование мы проводим на материале публицистических текстов. Всего было проанализировано 3 журнала, из которых были взяты 8 статей.

1. семантически полные именные группы:

  • имена собственные:

Two years ago it was Gwen Stefani who showed Madonna how to look. After bringing Sporty Spice punk and Indian chic to the mainstream in 1996, the radiant diva of California’s No Doubt got to sit back and watch how La Ciccone was playing catch up, with her mehndi-dyed arms and rave athletics showing just how profoundly Gwen-ism has changed girl style of the late nineties.

В данном предложении и антецедент, и анафорическое выражение выражены именами собственными, тем не менее, они кореферентны, так как La Ciccone отсылает к имени Madonna.

В следующем предложении антецедент выражен именем нарицательным The candidate, к нему относит анафорическое выражение Bradley. Обе именные группы кореферентны друг другу.

The candidate has arrived about ten minutes ahead of us, so that by the time we disembark, Bradley has positioned himself in front of the tiny Ames airport, his six-foot-five-inch frame sprawled across a green plastic chair, ubiquitous grape soda on the ground beside him.

Следующий фрагмент представляет собой некое вступительное слово к статье. В этом случае также анафорическое выражение Louis Licari – имя собственное, но употреблено оно для эмфазы, дабы заинтриговать читателя.

He is a genius with blondes. He can brighten any brunette. But can he handle an Ironman? Louis Licari outside his salon and the athlete.

  • имена нарицательные:

Even Catherine the Great had never looked her best on the walls of the Hermitage. (When the zarine was painted by an eminent Swedish artist, she complained – quite rightly – that he had made her look “like a Swedish pastry cook.”)

В этом предложении антецедент выражен полной именной группой Catherine the Great, первое анафорическое выражение the zarine – именем нарицательным, а второе she – местоимением 3-го лица. Оба анафорических выражения кореферентны антецеденту.

Следующий фрагмент текста содержит в качестве анафорического выражения полную именную группу these American women, выраженную нарицательным существительным с денотатом, кореферентным антецедентам Stafford, McCarthy, and Hardwick.

Stafford, McCarthy, and Hardwick. What these American women had in common besides being supremely talented and tough and “marriers to the core” is that all came to New York from disparate places to carve out lives for themselves as writers.

It’s a sunny Halloween afternoon in Ames, Iowa, where former Pro-basketball player and US senator Bill Bradley is scheduled to make his fourth campaign stop of the day. The candidate has arrived about ten minutes ahead of us.

Данное предложение является, по сути, классическим примером анафорического отношения: анафорическое выражение The candidate имеет антецедентом именную группу Bill Bradley. В основном, единственным, но очень важным преимуществом употребления референтных именных групп перед анафорой, выраженной местоимениями, является тот факт, что приведенный выше отрывок текста адресат может проинтерпретировать и вне контекста. Сравните со следующим предложением, взятым из того же текста:

His head is thrown back; the candidate is catching some rays.

Вне контекста это предложение вызовет некоторые трудности с пониманием.

В следующих предложениях анафорическое выражение, скорее, - определение имен собственных, с которыми они находятся в отношениях референтности.

But Louis Licari – Madison Avenue ubercolorist – is up… By 6:00 A.M., he’s out the door. ‘The master of blonde’, “the king of color”, “colorist to the stars”, et cetera, et cetera is training for the Ironman.

Then Lupsinka will do a number, some fabulous pastiche from one of her shows. The star of the Mizrahi’s Musicale will be followed by Sara Bernard.

В последнем предложении в анафорическое отношение также вступают антецедент – имя собственное - Diana Vreeland и анафора – имя нарицательное - this woman.

That first, enabling cable was from Diana Vreeland, and I loved this woman for it.

2. редуцированные именные группы:

  • местоимения:

К анафорическим местоимениям мы относим местоимения 3-его лица, возвратные местоимения, притяжательные. В качестве средств выражения анафоры, как правило, чаще всего используются именно местоимения, среди которых, в свою очередь, чаще всего употребляются местоимения 3- его лица:

yet the women in McCarthy circle were what Laskin calls “sexual adventurers”. Indeed, they racked up numerous - and some overlapping – lovers, many of whom were editors and writers for the PR.

Not only did Lowell leave Hardwick for another woman, he doubled the blow by subsequently quoting entire sections of her private, desperate love letters to him in his published poems.

Lowell and the literary men of their generation were all bigamists of a sort and their marriages broke under the weight of their double desires, for the women they married could never play both parts [that of wife and of writer] and hold on to their sanity. Either they drank and cracked up, like Jean Stafford; or they divorced and had affairs, like Mary McCarthy; or they toughed it out for as long as they could stand it, only to be chucked in the end, like Hardwick.”

And what about the men these women fall for? They’re more likely to be bartenders, aspiring musicians, or filmmakers than critics, writers, or even McCarthy ‘s famous archetypes of The Man in the Brooks brothers Shirt.

Of course there will be really cute waiters but for once they won’t be more interesting than the guests.

And Steve Sondheim will be there, wearing something black as well, and he’ll either play his favorite song from the new show he’s writing, or he’ll sing us something he wrote when he was 20.

When he finished that afternoon in Ames, the crowd was in his hand. “It will be a national tragedy if he doesn’t get to be president,” said one man. The woman next to him agreed. “He is not like a shampoo, you can’t put a label on him.”

The producers ended up reshooting seventeen minutes of pure Rupert. He’s currently writing a film for himself and Roberts; “I think,” she once said, “a planet is a better place with Rupert on it.”

So many young mothers are spies. They have to be, watching their child covertly, for clues, for signals, for some way to comprehend what is going on in that secret new bundle of nerve ends, tender flesh, brains, and biology that we almost inadvertently create over a long nine months.

I know those children. I know all about them.

What goes around comes around. I remember showing a beautiful-limned big-eyed silent young girl with hair like a polished blade around the Vogue offices in the Graybar Building on Lexington Avenue. Her name is Anna Wintour. She is now Daisy’s editor.

I recently came across an article Daisy had written for a newspaper. She hadn’t bothered to tell me.

“People are so impressed that I work out,” says Licari, pedaling at 65 rpm on a stationary bike at New York Athletic Club (he eventually works up to 100 rpm). “But they don’t know the half of it.”

  • нулевая анафора также явление в дискурсе достаточно частое, если сравнивать с полными именными группами. Мы уже упоминали, что в основном нулевая анафора употребляется во избежание нежелательных повторов.

Of course they didn’t sleep their way into the boy’s club of the PR, but rather were published and listened to because of the quality of their writing and the acuity of their opinions…

So, in the end, Partisans not only serves as a well-researched, unobtrusively written history of a fascinating group of female writers in a prefeminist era but also sheds light on many facets of today’s writing and dating scene.

Of course, there are substantial differences between the PR’s heyday and now: Intellectual culture is probably less vibrant and certainly more diffuse today, and politics doesn’t play as much a role in the writings of our new belletrists off the bedroom.

Although James Brolin will have been invited to another party, Barbara Streisand will be with us, and she’ll do “Taking a Chance on Love” and wear a Fortuny dress – a black one, not a pink one.

Simply put, Stefani helped take America out of the grange age. Mid-decade, her blinding outfits, brash makeup, and campy pouts offered a chirpy punk – Betty Grable alternative to Courtney Love’s Bette Davis.

“…She looked like a doll, with bright-colored dresses and little bindle and cute red lipstick.”

She is super creative and really street at the same time.

She would just sit there and put powder on the whole period.

Then she swung round the corner between the cabinets and stood there burnished and shining in front of me like an Aztec goddess, with that unique stance that Cecil Baton has famously described…

I see her different ages, different sizes, image superimposed on image, growing up in an endless shadow play, always herself in all her different manifestations, one melding into the other , a magma, an archeological dig that only I can turn up.

But Louis Licari – Madison Avenue ubercolorist –is up. He is pulling on his sweat, throwing his Speedos into his leather duffel, and scarfing down his Smart Start.

That, of course, was before he raised as much money as the vice president and began leading him not just in New Hampshire but in New York.

He wants to reform the campaign-finance laws by publicly funding elections, and favors expanding the1964 Civil Rights Act to include homosexuals-a position that he has already alienated many African-Americans, a base he is otherwise actively courting.

He is addicted to hard candy and begins most speeches with a remnant of it in his mouth.

He rubs his eyes, scratches his head, looks off into the middle distance or down at his lap when he is being introduced onstage.

But then a wet blanket comes down in the form of an anecdote that takes up an entire chapter of his memoir Time President, Time Past. It’s about a failed candidate in Montana. It has several characters and is told in two parts.

You have to be able to present people some kind of narrative…so they can see themselves in the midst of all this change and can believe that in some way, they’re going to be part of this prosperity, that they can find some kind of fulfillment.”

First, he lived to go to the public library every Saturday and check out two Westerns he’d read and had reread every week.

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Студ. Изба как крупнейший сборник работ для студентов
Тут дофига бывает всего полезного. Печально, что бывают предметы по которым даже одного бесплатного решения нет, но это скорее вопрос к студентам. В остальном всё здорово.
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Отлично помогает студентам в любой момент для решения трудных и незамедлительных задач
Хотелось бы больше конкретной информации о преподавателях. А так в принципе хороший сайт, всегда им пользуюсь и ни разу не было желания прекратить. Хороший сайт для помощи студентам, удобный и приятный интерфейс. Из недостатков можно выделить только отсутствия небольшого количества файлов.
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