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Why we named these problems difficult and decided to study it? As we know, there are two kinds of human memory: long- and short-termed. The day-by-day kind of it is a short-termed one. We often forget almost immediately, what has just been said. As a result, we waste a lot of time on looking through the requirable information in the dictionaries. It is especially harmful when we have to use the simultaneous translation. Short-Term Memory is also an essential part of interpreting, but memory training has long been ignored by professional trainers. From the above analysis, we can conclude that memory skills in interpreting could be acquired by effectively designed exercises. With a well-'trained' short-term memory, interpreters are actually equipped with an effective tool for the encoding and decoding information. It is, therefore, advised that institutions of interpreter training include "memory training" in the design of their courses.

The second part of the problem is that we cannot listen effectively. The problem caused as a result of it is that we are not able to transmit the received information to the other speakers. As a result, the students of foreign languages possess a bad capacity to retell the textual information without mistakes or more or less adequately. That is why so important for the teachers of foreign languages to know the appropriate methodic of listening. Our qualification work might give such an opportunity for the teachers. We gave a number of methods which are suitable and approved by the collective of educators in the USA and Europe.

As a supplementary part to our investigation we included the third chapter where we gave the synchronic light to the Russian influence onto the development of the English language. It helped us to understand some methods used in the theory of translation for translating borrowed words. Vice-versa, it helps us to understand the ways of translation of neologisms borrowed from English in the Russian language. The latter is especially actual for the reason of immediate and constant development of electronic informational technologies and prolonging internationalization of the English language.

One more problem we included into the third chapter is the analysis of teaching the skills of good listening and memory training at schools. It seemed to us actual because of the reason that our qualification work is thought to be applied at schools and colleges previously. In this item we gave the examples of methods used by the American universities.

On the whole, we dare to say that our qualification work will be useful for everyone who is interest in the theory of translation.

2.3. Having analyzed the question studied we could get the following results:

1) The problem of right translation both from receipted and accepted languages can be solved by the applying of the formulae SI=L+M+P.

2) Good listening skills are achieved by means of training exercises.

3) Development of modern informational technologies forces us to pay much attention to studying the problem of listening and memory training.

In conclusion to our work we would like to say that our qualification work can be applied and used by the following:

1) The work can be useful for all the teachers of foreign languages when they teach their students to translate the written sources of information or when the latters are taught to speak and transmit the information in foreign languages.

2) All the students of foreign languages department would be able to use the work for better knowledge of English or when they have practical classes on foreign language.

3) Translators and interpreters might find a lot of useful information for the improvement of their professional activity.

4) The qualification work will be useful for everyone who wants to make perfest in learning foreign languages.


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1 World book Enciclopedia Macmillian Publisher 1996 p143

2 Anderson, J.R., 1983. The Architecture of Cognition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Pp.46-57, 134,139, 212-226

3 . Atkinson, R.L., and Stiffrin, R.M., 1968. Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes, in K.W. Spence and J.T. Spence (eds.), The psychology of learning and motivation. Vol.2. London: Academic Press. Pp. 19, 65, 78-79

4 Atkinson, R.L., et al., 1993. Introduction to psychology(11th ed. (s:l): Ted Bucholz. Pp. 46-58

5 Baddeley, A.D., 1966. "The influence of acoustic and semantic similarity on long term memory for word sequences", in Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18, pp.302-309.

6 Baddeley, AD., 1986. Working memory. Oxford: Oxford University Press pp.l7-18, 332

7 Gile, D, 1992, Basic Theoretical Components in Interpreter and Translator Training, in Dollerup, C and Loddegaard, A (eds), pp.185-194

8 Keppelk, G., and Underwood, B., 1962. "Proactive Inhibition in Short-term Retention of Single Items", in Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behaviour, pp. 153-161.

9 Lambert, S & Moser-Mercer,B, 1994, Bridging the Gap: Empirical Research on Simultaneous Interpreting, Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins pp.511-512

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