реферат (Концепция этапного развития станции Комсомольск-сортировочный [), страница 2


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Файл "реферат" внутри архива находится в следующих папках: Концепция этапного развития станции Комсомольск-сортировочный [, ТТ2-Русакова Анна Андреевна. Документ из архива "Концепция этапного развития станции Комсомольск-сортировочный [", который расположен в категории "". Всё это находится в предмете "дипломы и вкр" из 8 семестр, которые можно найти в файловом архиве ДВГУПС. Не смотря на прямую связь этого архива с ДВГУПС, его также можно найти и в других разделах. .

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Текст 2 страницы из документа "реферат"

2) to make the main way to bypass IA Park "A";

3) equipped with a third brake position sorting fleet of modern wagon retarders;

4) to build additional ways to skip projected for 2030 transit traffic of trains.

The second chapter "Analysis of the scope and prospects for development" is devoted to analysis of current and future volumes of the station Komsomolsk-sorting, charting poezdopotokov and considers the prospects for the development of the station.

The thesis compares the two versions of the station:

1) the development of the New World Park with an extension of the existing and laying new paths (option 1);

2) the development of the junction Komsomolsk - on - Amur - 2, located two kilometers from the station of Komsomolsk - Sorting and stacking additional paths in the park administration "B" (Option 2).

In the third chapter of the thesis "Checking adequacy gridiron" calculated the required amount of ways to ensure the long-term transit passes poezdopotoka. Power gridiron parks is determined by taking into account the development of traffic and the estimated size of the maximum capacity of the adjacent spans.

Calculations showed that for the passage and processing perspective poezdopotokov must be designed 6 new routes.

The fourth chapter of the "Project of Komsomolsk-sorting station" provides an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the two options for the reconstruction of the station.

Preliminary calculations have shown that the best option is the development of New World Park. Therefore, to determine the scope of work on the reconstruction was carried out large-scale laying of New World Park. Large-scale project is designed on the basis of surveying the scale of 1: 2000.

In the fifth chapter "Checking bandwidth Station Komsomolsk-sorting" focuses on the calculation of capacity necks on the current and future size of movement, building fragments of daily schedules, as well as the calculation of indicators.

In the sixth chapter of the "Feasibility study of design decisions on the choice of the optimal variant of the station using the method of dynamic programming" addresses the major issues: the definition of capital expenditures to produce mas¬siva initial investment and the matrix of capital expenditures; definition of operating costs on the options of technical condition and age of the settlement period for the operating costs of the matrix. Emphasis in this chapter is to develop the concept of staged development of Komsomolsk-sorting station.

Optimization of the technical condition and technological maintenance of stations and units in time is based on the dynamic programming method. For the first time the term "dynamic programming" appeared in the works of R. Bellman in the mid 50s.

The optimization problem phasing development station based on dynamic programming is as follows. The planned plant is regarded as a physical system S, whose state is characterized by a set of parameters, which are indicators of the status of its technical and technological support.

Each station of the year and corresponds to the operation amount of the annual operating costs, which is part of the efficiency criterion (minimum of reduced expenditures). To move the station from one state to another are required certain capital expenditures constitute the second part of the efficiency criterion.

The discount rate used to estimate the cost-effectiveness of projects requiring large amounts of investment, the construction period more than a year. Discount rate takes into account the time factor. It is intended for the comparison of results and costs at different times by bringing them to the initial period.

The method of dynamic programming is a partition of the computational process into separate steps. Within each step of the calculation is determined by a set of quasi-optimal controls (transitions). After determining the conditional optimal transition to the last step, the best option is the development of the system by passing in the opposite direction on the found conditional optimal transitions. Thus conditionally optimal transitions at each step are determined taking into account all previous steps.

The optimization problem is divided into three parts:

1) step by step calculation of performance criteria and the definition of conditional optimal transitions;

2) the selection of the optimal variant of the technical state of the end of the settlement period;

3) establishment of optimal development.

To find the optimal solution algorithm was used "broom Kiev" - one of the most effective algorithms for solving problems. The algorithm is a multistep process, each step of which is produced "be rejection" of a set of options, which in the course of the algorithm becomes aware that it does not contain the optimal variant.

Thus, for each embodiment of the technical state at each step there is one single quasi-optimal transition that yields the minimum performance criteria.

The second step is optimization of conditionally optimal transitions are determined by summing the minimum criterion of efficiency in the conditionally optimal transitions in the first step, that is taken into account the decision in the previous step, and the increment of the efficiency criterion in the considered step.

The results of calculations for choice of conditionally optimal transitions for clarity, and the subsequent analysis are presented in the form of a transition graph whose nodes are put optimum efficiency criterion values ​​for each phase.

Thus, it defines the concept of staged development of Komsomolsk-sorting stations:

1. In the first year of operation it is advisable to go directly to option 2, in which the need to extend the existing path 16,18,19, which will provide decal planned poezdopotokov to 6 years of operation.

2. By the seventh year you must go to the three variants of reconstruction, that is, to design new ways of 2 20, 22 in the park and build a new world building VET FFP. This technical equipment to cope with the treatment planned poezdopotoka to 8 years of operation.

3. In the final stage, in the year 9 should immediately go to the sixth embodiment of the reconstruction, ie build a second main path in the park a new world and to design another 4 receiving-path 24, 26, 28 and 30.

Such technical equipping of the station to cope with the transfer and handling of perspective poezdopotokov and ensure minimal expenses for reconstruction and operation of the plant. In addition, the savings amount to more than 390 mln. Rubles., Which will be about 10% of the amount necessary to introduce them in one step.

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