ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ РАБОТЫ МУЛЬТИМОДАЛЬНОГО ТРАНСПОРТНОГО УЗЛА ПРИ УСЛОВИИ ФУНКЦИОНИРОВАНИЯ ТЕРМИНАЛА «СУХОЙ ПОРТ» (Организация работы мультимодального транспортного узла при условии функционирования терминала сухой порт), страница 14


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Файл "ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ РАБОТЫ МУЛЬТИМОДАЛЬНОГО ТРАНСПОРТНОГО УЗЛА ПРИ УСЛОВИИ ФУНКЦИОНИРОВАНИЯ ТЕРМИНАЛА «СУХОЙ ПОРТ» " внутри архива находится в папке "Организация работы мультимодального транспортного узла при условии функционирования терминала сухой порт". Документ из архива "Организация работы мультимодального транспортного узла при условии функционирования терминала сухой порт", который расположен в категории "". Всё это находится в предмете "дипломы и вкр" из 8 семестр, которые можно найти в файловом архиве ДВГУПС. Не смотря на прямую связь этого архива с ДВГУПС, его также можно найти и в других разделах. .



The cargo turnover of the Russian seaports in 2015 (including the Crimea sea ports) increased by 5.7% compared to 2014 and totaled 623.4 million tons.

However, the positive trend of increasing traffic volume leads to problems associated with the interaction of railway and sea transport. Causes of the low processing capacity of port railway station are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Causes of low processing capacity of port railway station


Factors contributing to the low processing ability

First level

Second level

The lack of infrastructure and technical equipment

Inefficient location of the key facilities at the station

The shortage and insufficient length of the sorting paths

Remoteness of the port berths

Poor performance of vehicles and equipment

Lack of shunting locomotives

Imperfect and old equipment

Lack of processing capacity of the portberths

Insufficient number of mobile repair workshops

Insufficient capacity of warehouses

Insufficient number of berths

A small length of freight fronts

Lack of places for defrosting the cargo

Downtime due to inconsistent approach of courts

Imperfection of technologies of work

Sub-optimal operation of shunting locomotives

Irrational order of wagons at the port berths

A limited number of wagons in filing

Imperfection of technologies of work

Sub-optimal operation of shunting locomotives

Above permitted locomotive idle time waiting for operations

Low level of organizing work

Inadequate technology of customs clearance

Insufficient level of workers’skills

Concomitant use of outdated technologies of unloading wagons

Mismatch of workload to staff

Incoordination of the actions between railway and the port

Uncoordinated supply of wagons and vessels

The absence of a coordinating body

Lack of information about vessels approach

Lack of promotion of freight traffic logistics management principles

Uneven arrival of goods in the wagons at the station

Top applications’ loading , excluding transshipment port capacity

Violation of shipping schedules

Insufficient level of rolling stock usage by capacity and time

A small wagon load

Imperfect wagon design

Obsolete wagons park

Above permitted downtime of wagons on berths

Inability (ban) of wagons owners’ loading

The low proportion of wagons overloaded by the direct variant

Frequent wagon repair at port berths

Long customs clearance

Downtime of frozen wagons with coal because of insufficient capacity for heating devices

Force majeure circumstances

weather conditions

Strong wind

Storm, etc.

Imperfection of the legal framework

No federal law of multimodal transport

The problems identified and systematized in the above Table show that the main causes affecting the handling capacity of the port stations are:

- Lack of infrastructure and technical equipment;

- Imperfection of technology work;

- Lack of coordination between the railway and the port;

- Insufficient use of the rolling stock power and time;

- Force majeure circumstances.

Based on the method of the expert assessments, it has been revealed that the key factors affecting the handling capacity of the port stations are:

- Low processing capacity of the portberths, in particular, the lack of warehouses and small length of the truck fronts;

- Inconsistent supply of wagons and vessels, namely, the absence of a coordinating body, the information about the approach, and the lack of movement of cargo logistics management principles;

- Uneven arrival of cargo in wagons to the station.

Increasing the cargo transshipment as well as the processing ability of the port station is possible in two ways. The first is the construction of additional transhipment facilities. The second way is to promptly remove cargo from the port berths of the port outside the rear terminal (“dry port”), thereby freeing them to new parties and increasing productivity and turnover. Rear terminal acts as a buffer at the junction of the sea and other modes of transport.

Thus, the rear terminal (“dry port”) is a terminal located outside the boundaries of the port area, but linked to a single port cargo handling technology which is provided by the output from the port operations not connected to the transshipment of sea transport.

Historically, seaports were built near the large cities, gradually the city and the port were expanding thereby creating the infrastructural problems - the lack of additional land for terminals and increasing road congestion which serve them. Therefore, it is becoming more difficult for the ports to provide reception, storage, and handling of the growing container trafficat the appropriatelevel. One way to solve this problem is to provide rear terminals “dry ports” to service transportation hub that can provide full range of services (accumulation of ship parties, reception, storage, and cargo handling, etc.).

“Dry ports” are alternate embodiment of expansion of the seaports.

“Dry port” is a terminal having received from the seaports transport and distribution functions, namely:

- Coordination and interaction between different modes of transport;

- Full range of logistics operations with cargoes and containers, including short-term and long-term storage, the formation of ship and car lots, consolidation of packages, the timely implementation of the necessary customs and other procedures, forwarding and reshipping the goods;

- Acting as a distribution logistics center to serve the retailers and industrial enterprises of the city and the region;

The terminal services complex of “dry port” include as follows:

- Development of optimal schemes of cargo under the terms of shippers and consignees;

- Search for the railway wagons and vans and monitoring their progress;
- Preparation for the customs inspection and the weighing of the goods;

- Handling and storage of the cargo in covered warehouses, in open areas, in containers, and customs warehouses;

- Processing and preparation of cars for loading and unloading as well as transhipment of cargoes from the covered wagons to containers, and vice versa;

- Sending laden and empty containers bythe accelerated container trains;

- Organizing transportation of all sorts of goods, including perishable, bulky, lengthy, and heavy;

- Additional services on organizing transportation of goods by rail and by road, including the protection of goods and the tracking of containers online by their status on the supply route.

The possibility of obtaining the necessary documents and performing operations in “dry ports” would be able to reduce the delay of goods in the system “Station-Port” at the border crossings.

Thus, in this part of the Master’s Thesis, the basic problems of interaction between different modes of transport have beenreviewed. They are: lack of coordination between carriers, lack of a unified logistical cargo management system in the transport scheme “railway - station - terminal - terminal – ships”, and various infrastructure facilities. This is primarily due to the insufficient development of the port stations and the territorial restrictions. Reconstruction of the port stations and the terminal port or the construction of additional tracks on the station require large investments and the possibility of such an extension, therefore the best solution to this situation is to create the terminal “dry port”. With the growth of cargo and container traffic, it is required for the ports to be discharged;and the cargo transportation on the territory within the region to perform various operations is required. And the given data only confirm the growth in traffic and transportation of the foreign trade cargoes. And this trend is observed in all the ports of the Pacific basin. The above specified trends have been taken into account in this Master’s Thesis.

1.3 Analysis of the experience in organizing the “dry ports” in Russia and abroad

At present, one of the goals of the EU transport policy (EU) is creating the multi-modal transportation systems of goods that combine the water, land, and air transport by means of its integration on the technical, technological, organizational, commercial, and legal levels. Success in the development of multi-modal transport system of the EU is achieved by complying with the following five principles:

1. The principle of profitability which means maximizing the economic benefits from the exploitation of every logistics system.

2. The principle of competitiveness - creation of such logistic systems which differ in the maximum economic and functional efficiency provided that the negative impacts on the environment reduce.

3. The principle of feasibility, i.e., ensuring the feasibility of innovative projects.

4. The principle of interoperability, namely, to achieve interoperability of the technological processes that are implemented by the facilities and equipment involved in the intermodal transport.

The problems of interaction between different modes of transport, reducing environmental pollution, and improving mobility for today are among the key directions of the transport system development of the European Union. Each year, through the EU ports over 3.5 bln. tons of cargoesare reloaded.

Thus, the Port of Hamburg excludes “bottlenecks” at the port access roads because the port and the surrounding area have a well-developed infrastructure of the terminal which allows storingthe large volumes of traffic. Also, in the port, there is a well-developed dispatch service that tracks the movement of all cars in the port area. It is worth noting that in the European countries, shipping to the port is not made bythe manufacturer but by the authorized freight forwarder that agrees with the shipping and stevedoring companies aboutthe amount anddeliveryschedule.

Arriving at the port the laden series of wagons are disbanded at the main station of the port from where the cars are sent to the district stations taking into account the documents for wagons and the wagons applications from the loading points. According to the cargo documents, the cargoes on some loading terminals are transferred from the cars to the vessels, and the empty wagons are back to the home station. The supply of the wagons for loading is made on the applications submitted by the forwarding companies to the railway companies and enterprises that carry out cargo handling (stevedoring) work. The loaded wagons through the district stations are delivered to the home port station where the railway trains are formed that are sent to country's railways.

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