Отчёт_неявная_схема (Весенний семестр), страница 2


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Файл "Отчёт_неявная_схема" внутри архива находится в папке "Весенний семестр". Документ из архива "Весенний семестр", который расположен в категории "". Всё это находится в предмете "параллельные методы решения задач" из 10 семестр (2 семестр магистратуры), которые можно найти в файловом архиве МГУ им. Ломоносова. Не смотря на прямую связь этого архива с МГУ им. Ломоносова, его также можно найти и в других разделах. .

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Текст 2 страницы из документа "Отчёт_неявная_схема"

Также нужно отметить, что использование openmp не дало существенного прироста производительности. Это вызвано в первую очередь ограниченностью использования openmp только для составления первоначальных СЛАУ и решения СЛАУ для «глобальной» матрицы, размеры которой невелики. В случае с BG/P наилучшим способом видится использовать режим -VN ( http://hpc.cmc.msu.ru/bgp/jobs/modes ), который позволяет каждому ядру на узле функционировать как полноценный MPI процесс. Это средство поддерживается на аппаратном уровне, кроме того, в рамках MPI процесс выполнения шага по времени распараллеливается полностью, в то время как в openmp область параллельного выполнения весьма ограничена.

  1. Дополнительные материалы.

Верификатор — простая консольная программа, которая сверяет результаты работы либо последовательного и параллельного алгоритмов, либо сверяет работу последовательного алгоритма с файлом, содержащим финальное стабильное состояние области, к которому стремится точное решение.

// Basic inclusions. #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> // No MPI and project inclusions here. // Using directives. using namespace std; // This function reads data from a file void read_file(double* matrix, const int size, const char* file_name) { // Filestream... ifstream read_file; read_file.open(file_name, ios::in); // Read data. for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { read_file >> matrix[i]; } read_file.close(); } // This function calculates the average mistake. It should be close to zero for correct solutions. // Performance doesn't matter at all here, since we run test examples. double calc_corr(double* left_mtrx, double* right_mtrx, int length, int width, int p_size, const int mode) { // Result and operational elements. double result = 0; double left_element = 0; double right_element = 0; // Number of blocks in matrix and global addresses. int side_size = (int)round(sqrt(p_size)); int para_adress = 0; int test_adress = 0; // Local addresses. int l_para_adress = 0; int l_test_adress = 0; if (mode == 1) { // Verify parallel. // Operate each block separately. std::cout << "side:" << side_size << "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < side_size; ++i) { // X axis for (int j = 0; j < side_size; ++j) { // Y axis // Set rank and global address. para_adress = (i * side_size + j) * (length / side_size) * (width / side_size); test_adress = i * side_size * (length / side_size) * (width / side_size) + j * (width / side_size); // Inner cycle - work with elements. for (int p = 0; p < (length / side_size); ++p) { // X axis in outer cycle. for (int q = 0; q < (width / side_size); ++q) { // Y axis in inner cycle. l_para_adress = para_adress + p * (width / side_size) + q; l_test_adress = test_adress + p * width + q; result += pow(abs(left_mtrx[l_test_adress] - right_mtrx[l_para_adress]), 2); } } } } } else { // Verify sequental. for (int i = 0; i <= length * width; ++i) { result += pow(abs(left_mtrx[i] - right_mtrx[i]), 2); } } return sqrt(result / (length * width)); } // Main function :) // This program is very simple. It takes two files as arguments. // Also number of processors used for parallel calculation and // global field size should be passed as parameters. Then the program // calculates difference in sequental and parallel solutions. // It is NOT supposed to run on a supercomputer... it's just a check. void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Field size etc parameters... int p_size = atoi(argv[1]); int global_length = atoi(argv[2]); int global_width = atoi(argv[3]); // Memory for matrices. double* seq_matrix = new double[global_length * global_width]; double* par_matrix = new double[global_length * global_width]; // Here we read data. read_file(seq_matrix, global_length * global_width, argv[4]); read_file(par_matrix, global_length * global_width, argv[5]); // Here we set mode. int mode = atoi(argv[6]); // Now calculate the average mistake. std::cout << calc_corr(seq_matrix, par_matrix, global_length, global_width, p_size, mode); // Free memory. delete seq_matrix; delete par_matrix; }
  1. Приложение 1. Последовательная версия программы.

И последовательная, и параллельная версия программы состоят из трёх файлов — Trans_solver.h , Trans_solver.cpp , Main.cpp . Класс Trans_solver отвечает за вычислительный процесс. Следует обратить внимание, что последовательная версия программы также использует MPI, хотя процессы никак не взаимодействуют между собой. Это — необходимая мера для того, чтобы программу можно было поставить в общую очередь на выполнение на системе Blue Gene / P.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file contains class to solve given transcalency equations. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // MPI inclusions. #include <mpi.h> // Basic inclusions. #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cmath> // Definitions // Material is considered to be stainless steel. #define DEFAULT_LAMBDA 1.0 // Lambda. #define DEFAULT_C 1.0 // C. #define DEFAULT_RO 1.0 // Ro. // Timestep is considered 0.01 second. #define DEFAULT_T_STEP 0.01 // Grid steps are considered M_PI both for x and y axis. #define DEFAULT_X_STEP M_PI #define DEFAULT_Y_STEP M_PI // MPI_Sorter class is used to implement a sorting network to sort array fragments. Only declaration is here. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Trans_solver { private: // Step parameters. double x_step; double y_step; double exponential_coeff; // Data field parameters. int field_length; // Data field length. int field_width; // Data field width. double* array_data; // A field of dots calculated. double* dub_array; // A field of dots calculated duplicate. // Border parameters. double* upper_border; // Border data :) double* lower_border; // Border data :) double* left_border; // Border data :) double* right_border; // Border data :) double border_value; // Default border value. // Tridiagonal equation system coefficients for horizontal solution step. double* alpha_coeff_y_axis; double* charlie_coeff_y_axis; double* beta_coeff_y_axis; double* alpha_coeff_x_axis; double* charlie_coeff_x_axis; double* beta_coeff_x_axis; // Equation coefficients Ay(i-1) - Cy(i) + By(i+1) = - F double A_coeff_x_axis; double B_coeff_x_axis; double C_coeff_x_axis; double A_coeff_y_axis; double B_coeff_y_axis; double C_coeff_y_axis; double* F_coeff_x_axis; double* F_coeff_y_axis; // This internal function is used to simulate heat generators. double generate_heat(const int iteration_number, const int x_pos, const int y_pos); public: // Constructor. Trans_solver(); void Init(int data_length, int data_width, int p_rank, int p_size); // Initialize solver with processor cart. void Fill_data(const int iter_num); // Fill solver with data. void Iterate(const int iter_num); // Perform a local iteration. void Output(const int mode); // Output data. // Destructor. virtual ~Trans_solver(); }; // Project inclusions. #include "Trans_solver.h" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file contains functions used in trans_solver class // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This internal function is used to simulate heat generators. double Trans_solver::generate_heat(const int iter_num, const int x_pos, const int y_pos) { // This function can give an additional heat source to any cell in the field. // As you can see, it depends on coordinates and iteration number. // So it's basically f(r,t). // For test purposes it's considered a simple given function, nondependant of position // This doesn't change any of calculation principles, since these additional heat sources always provide a known value. // Actual function. //double result = (double)iter_num * DEFAULT_T_STEP + DEFAULT_T_STEP / 2.0; //return 0.2 * cos(((double)result / DEFAULT_T_STEP) / 20.0); // Test variant for checking. return 0.0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Default constructor. Trans_solver::Trans_solver() { } // Initialize solver ( make a cart of processes ). void Trans_solver::Init(int data_length, int data_width, int p_rank, int p_size) { // Calculate field parameters and initialize field data. field_length = data_length; field_width = data_width; array_data = new double[field_length * field_width]; dub_array = new double[field_length * field_width]; // Allocate memory for border fields. // Border values will be set later during data filling. upper_border = new double[field_length]; lower_border = new double[field_length]; left_border = new double[field_width]; right_border = new double[field_width]; // Allocate memory for Tridiagonal coefficients. alpha_coeff_y_axis = new double[field_width]; charlie_coeff_y_axis = new double[field_width]; beta_coeff_y_axis = new double[field_width]; alpha_coeff_x_axis = new double[field_length]; charlie_coeff_x_axis = new double[field_length]; beta_coeff_x_axis = new double[field_length]; // Calculate step sizes. x_step = (2.0 * DEFAULT_X_STEP) / (double)(data_length - 1); y_step = (2.0 * DEFAULT_Y_STEP) / (double)(data_width - 1); // Calculate static equation coefficients. A_coeff_x_axis = DEFAULT_LAMBDA / (x_step * x_step); B_coeff_x_axis = DEFAULT_LAMBDA / (x_step * x_step); C_coeff_x_axis = -2.0 * (DEFAULT_LAMBDA / (x_step * x_step)) - (DEFAULT_RO * DEFAULT_C) / DEFAULT_T_STEP; A_coeff_y_axis = DEFAULT_LAMBDA / (y_step * y_step); B_coeff_y_axis = DEFAULT_LAMBDA / (y_step * y_step); C_coeff_y_axis = -2.0 * (DEFAULT_LAMBDA / (y_step * y_step)) - (DEFAULT_RO * DEFAULT_C) / DEFAULT_T_STEP; // Allocate memory for equation coefficients. F_coeff_x_axis = new double[field_length]; F_coeff_y_axis = new double[field_width]; } // Fill solver with test source data. void Trans_solver::Fill_data(const int iter_num) { // Formula used is sqrt((x - global_length/2)(y - global_width/2)) + sqrt((global_length/2)(global_width/2)) + 1 // X and Y are global coordinates. They're calculated as field_param * process coord + local cell coord. exponential_coeff = pow(M_E, -(iter_num) * DEFAULT_T_STEP); for (int length = 0; length < field_length; ++length) { for (int width = 0; width < field_width; ++width) { array_data[field_width * length + width] = // Build test surface. exponential_coeff * sin((double)(length) * x_step) + +exponential_coeff * sin((double)(width) * y_step); } } } // Perform a single iteration. void Trans_solver::Iterate(const int iter_num) { // Set new border values ( we know a precise solution ). exponential_coeff = pow(M_E, -(iter_num + 1) * DEFAULT_T_STEP); for (int i = 0; i < field_length; ++i) left_border[i] = exponential_coeff * sin(double(i) * x_step); // Left edge for (int i = 0; i < field_length; ++i) right_border[i] = exponential_coeff * sin(double(i) * x_step); // Right edge for (int i = 0; i < field_width; ++i) upper_border[i] = exponential_coeff * sin(double(i) * y_step); // Upper edge for (int i = 0; i < field_width; ++i) lower_border[i] = exponential_coeff * sin(double(i) * y_step); // Lower edge. // This coeddicient is used in string subtraction process. double subtract_coeff_y_axis = 0; // First step is "width solution". // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- for (int i = 0; i < field_length; ++i) { // Solution is done separately for every horizontal line. // Initial action is calculating all coefficients of the tridiagonal equation. Note that A,B,C are same for all equations and only F differs. for (int j = 0; j < field_width; ++j) { // Pass A, B, C coeffs to the tridiagonal equation. alpha_coeff_y_axis[j] = A_coeff_y_axis; charlie_coeff_y_axis[j] = C_coeff_y_axis; beta_coeff_y_axis[j] = B_coeff_y_axis; // Calculate F_coeff. F_coeff_y_axis[j] = - array_data[i * field_width + j] * (DEFAULT_RO * DEFAULT_C / (DEFAULT_T_STEP)) - generate_heat(iter_num, i, j); } // In case our processor is responsible for the edge rectangle, // we can adjust F_coefficient right now according to REAL border values. // This also means that left data buffer will not be actually used. We still keep it, since other processors will be busy with them anyway. F_coeff_y_axis[0] -= A_coeff_y_axis * left_border[i]; alpha_coeff_y_axis[0] = 0; F_coeff_y_axis[field_width - 1] -= B_coeff_y_axis * right_border[i]; beta_coeff_y_axis[field_width - 1] = 0; // Now we have to solve the equation system, which is done in several basic steps. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // At first step, we subtract equation lines top-down; this process makes all alpha coeffs = 0 and adjusts f_coeffs. for (int j = 1; j < field_width; ++j) { // Subtraction coefficient calculation. subtract_coeff_y_axis = alpha_coeff_y_axis[j] / charlie_coeff_y_axis[j - 1]; // Solution vector. F_coeff_y_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_y_axis * F_coeff_y_axis[j - 1]; // Alpha and charlie vectors. Beta vector doesn't change during this step. alpha_coeff_y_axis[j] = 0; // -= subtract_coeff_y_axis * charlie_coeff_y_axis[j - 1]; charlie_coeff_y_axis[j] -= beta_coeff_y_axis[j - 1] * subtract_coeff_y_axis; } // At second step same sequence of operations is done in reversal. for (int j = field_width - 2; j >= 0; --j) { // Subtraction coefficient calculation. subtract_coeff_y_axis = beta_coeff_y_axis[j] / charlie_coeff_y_axis[j + 1]; // Solution vector. F_coeff_y_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_y_axis * F_coeff_y_axis[j + 1]; // Beta vector becomes zero, charlie vector is not affected ( alpha should bezero ). // charlie_coeff_y_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_y_axis * alpha_coeff_y_axis[j + 1]; beta_coeff_y_axis[j] = 0; } // Calculate actual values now. for (int j = field_width - 1; j >= 0; --j) { dub_array[i * field_width + j] = F_coeff_y_axis[j] / charlie_coeff_y_axis[j]; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- // This coeddicient is used in string subtraction process. double subtract_coeff_x_axis = 0; // Second step is "length solution". // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- for (int i = 0; i < field_width; ++i) { // Solution is done separately for every vertical line. // Initial action is calculating all A,B,C,F coefficients of the tridiagonal equation. Note that A,B,C are same for all equations and only F differs. // So we only need to calculate F coefficient. for (int j = 0; j < field_length; ++j) { // Pass A, B, C coeffs to the tridiagonal equation. alpha_coeff_x_axis[j] = A_coeff_x_axis; charlie_coeff_x_axis[j] = C_coeff_x_axis; beta_coeff_x_axis[j] = B_coeff_x_axis; // Calculate F_coeff. F_coeff_x_axis[j] = - dub_array[j * field_length + i] * (DEFAULT_RO * DEFAULT_C / (DEFAULT_T_STEP)) - generate_heat(iter_num, j, i); } // In case our processor is responsible for the edge rectangle, // we can adjust F_coefficient right now according to REAL border values. F_coeff_x_axis[0] -= A_coeff_x_axis * upper_border[i]; alpha_coeff_x_axis[0] = 0; F_coeff_x_axis[field_length - 1] -= B_coeff_x_axis * lower_border[i]; beta_coeff_x_axis[field_length - 1] = 0; // Now we have to solve the equation system, which is done in several basic steps. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // At first step, we subtract equation lines top-down; this process makes all alpha coeffs = 0 and adjusts f_coeffs. However, for (int j = 1; j < field_length; ++j) { // Subtraction coefficient calculation. subtract_coeff_x_axis = alpha_coeff_x_axis[j] / charlie_coeff_x_axis[j - 1]; // Solution vector. F_coeff_x_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_x_axis * F_coeff_x_axis[j - 1]; // Alpha and charlie vectors. Beta vector doesn't change during this step. alpha_coeff_x_axis[j] = 0; // -= subtract_coeff_x_axis * charlie_coeff_x_axis[j - 1]; charlie_coeff_x_axis[j] -= beta_coeff_x_axis[j - 1] * subtract_coeff_x_axis; } // At second step same sequence of operations is done in reversal. for (int j = field_length - 2; j >= 0; --j) { // Subtraction coefficient calculation. subtract_coeff_x_axis = beta_coeff_x_axis[j] / charlie_coeff_x_axis[j + 1]; // Solution vector. F_coeff_x_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_x_axis * F_coeff_x_axis[j + 1]; // Beta vector becomes zero, charlie vector is not affected ( alpha is zero ). // charlie_coeff_x_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_x_axis * alpha_coeff_x_axis[j + 1]; beta_coeff_x_axis[j] = 0; } // Finally, every process locally fills the remaining dub_array cells. for (int j = field_length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { array_data[j * field_length + i] = F_coeff_x_axis[j] / charlie_coeff_x_axis[j]; } } // As horizontal solution is over, we should have fully updated data ready for the next step. That means iteration is over. // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- } // Output results to a file. void Trans_solver::Output(const int mode) { std::fstream out_file; if (mode == 1) { // Use stdout. for (int i = 0; i < field_width; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < field_length; ++j) { std::cout << array_data[i * field_length + j] << " "; } } } else if (mode == 2) { // Use fstream. out_file.open("std_out.txt", std::ios::out); for (int i = 0; i < field_width; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < field_length; ++j) { out_file << array_data[i * field_length + j] << " "; } out_file << "\n"; } out_file.close(); } } // Default destructor. Trans_solver::~Trans_solver(){ // Delete field data. if (array_data != NULL) { delete array_data; } if (dub_array != NULL) { delete dub_array; } // Delete border data. if (upper_border != NULL) { delete upper_border; } if (lower_border != NULL) { delete lower_border; } if (left_border != NULL) { delete left_border; } if (right_border != NULL) { delete right_border; } // Delete coefficients data. if (F_coeff_x_axis != NULL) { delete F_coeff_x_axis; } if (F_coeff_y_axis != NULL) { delete F_coeff_y_axis; } } // Basic inclusions. #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> // Mpi inclusions. #include "mpi.h" // Using directives. using namespace std; // Project inclusions. #include "Trans_solver.cpp" // Main function :) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // MPI rank & size variables. int p_rank, p_size; // Command line arguments. int data_length = atoi(argv[1]); int data_width = atoi(argv[2]); int iter_num = atoi(argv[3]); int calc_mode = atoi(argv[4]); int out_mode = atoi(argv[5]); // Initialize MPI. MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p_rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p_size); // Time parameters. double start_time; double end_time; Trans_solver Eq_solver; // Create a solver. Eq_solver.Init(data_length, data_width, p_rank, p_size); // Initialize solver. Eq_solver.Fill_data(0); // Load test data to solver. start_time = MPI_Wtime(); // Perform as many iterations as needed. if (calc_mode == 0) { // Calculation mode. for (int i = 0; i < iter_num; ++i) { Eq_solver.Iterate(i); } } else if (calc_mode == 1) { // Generate test solution Eq_solver.Fill_data(iter_num); } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); end_time = MPI_Wtime(); double total_time = end_time - start_time; if (out_mode == 0) { // Print time. cout << "Calculation time is : " << total_time << "\n"; } else { // Verify Eq_solver.Output(out_mode); } // Finalize MPI. MPI_Finalize(); // Return :) return 0; }
  1. Приложение 2. Параллельная версия программы.

Параллельная версия программы отличается от последовательной реализацией функции вычисления шага по времени. Нужно обратить внимание на ограниченность использования openmp – использовать openmp в самом внешнем цикле «нехорошо», поскольку внутри цикла происходит взаимодействие узлов через MPI. Из трёх крупных внутренних циклов распараллеливается через openmp только первый, т. к. в остальных двух имеется строго последовательная зависимость по данным. Ещё openmp используется при обработке «глобальной» матрицы.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file contains class to solve given transcalency equations. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // MPI inclusions. #include <mpi.h> #include <omp.h> // Basic inclusions. #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cmath> // Definitions #define default_dims 2 // Material is considered to be stainless steel ( coeffs are added for FAST calc ). #define DEFAULT_LAMBDA 1.0 // Lambda. #define DEFAULT_C 1.0 // C. #define DEFAULT_RO 1.0 // Ro. // Timestep is considered 0.01 second. #define DEFAULT_T_STEP 0.01 // Default grid steps are considered M_PI both for x and y axis. #define DEFAULT_X_STEP M_PI #define DEFAULT_Y_STEP M_PI // MPI_Sorter class is used to implement a sorting network to sort array fragments. Only declaration is here. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Trans_solver { private: // Global data parameters. int global_length; int global_width; // Step parameters. double x_step; double y_step; double exponential_coeff; // MPI_Cart parameters. int p_rank; int n_dims; int* coords; int* dub_coords; int* dim_sizes; int* periods; MPI_Comm cart_comm; // MPI_Cart send_recv parameters. int shift_source, shift_dest; MPI_Status status; // Status of MPI messages received. MPI_Request s_request; // Send request for MPI messages. MPI_Request r_request; // Receive request for MPI messages. // Data field parameters. int field_length; // Data field length. int field_width; // Data field width. double* array_data; // A field of dots calculated. double* dub_array; // A field of dots calculated duplicate. // Border parameters. double* upper_border; // Border data :) double* lower_border; // Border data :) double* left_border; // Border data :) double* right_border; // Border data :) double border_value; // Default border value. // Tridiagonal equation system coefficients for horizontal solution step. double* alpha_coeff_y_axis; double* charlie_coeff_y_axis; double* beta_coeff_y_axis; double* alpha_coeff_x_axis; double* charlie_coeff_x_axis; double* beta_coeff_x_axis; // Auxillary data fields for matrix operations. double* left_data_buffer; double* right_data_buffer; double* up_data_buffer; double* down_data_buffer; // Equation coefficients Ay(i-1) - Cy(i) + By(i+1) = - F double A_coeff_x_axis; double B_coeff_x_axis; double C_coeff_x_axis; double A_coeff_y_axis; double B_coeff_y_axis; double C_coeff_y_axis; double* F_coeff_x_axis; double* F_coeff_y_axis; // Data buffers for upper line in reversal step of the method. double appendix; // Additional value used in forming the global matrix. double auxillary; // Data element from previous process - used in the follower. double* send_buf; double* recv_buf; // Global matrix used in the final step of the method. double* global_x_array; double* global_y_array; double* global_x_mtrx; double* global_y_mtrx; //This internal function solves a simple version of original equaition. void simple_solve(double* global_mtrx, double* global_array, const int length); // This internal function is used to simulate heat generators. double generate_heat(const int iteration_number, const int x_pos, const int y_pos); public: // Constructor. Trans_solver(); void Init(int data_length, int data_width, int p_rank, int p_size); // Initialize solver with processor cart. void Fill_data(const int iter_num); // Fill solver with test source data. void Iterate(const int iter_num); // Perform a local iteration. void Output(const int mode); // Output data. // Destructor. virtual ~Trans_solver(); }; // Project inclusions. #include "Trans_solver.h" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file contains functions used in trans_solver class // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //This internal function solves a simple version of original equaition. void Trans_solver::simple_solve(double* global_mtrx, double* global_array, const int length) { double global_subtract_coeff_1; double global_subtract_coeff_2; int upper = 0; int lower = length - 1; int i = 0; int j = 0; // Straight walk. #pragma omp parallel private(upper, lower) num_threads(2) { if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0) { for (i = 1; i < length / 2; ++i) { global_subtract_coeff_1 = global_mtrx[4 * i] / global_mtrx[4 * (i - 1) + 1]; global_mtrx[4 * i] -= global_mtrx[4 * (i - 1) + 1] * global_subtract_coeff_1; global_mtrx[4 * i + 1] -= global_mtrx[4 * (i - 1) + 2] * global_subtract_coeff_1; global_mtrx[4 * i + 3] -= global_mtrx[4 * (i - 1) + 3] * global_subtract_coeff_1; upper++; } } else { for (j = length - 2; j >= length / 2; --j) { global_subtract_coeff_2 = global_mtrx[4 * j + 2] / global_mtrx[4 * (j + 1) + 1]; global_mtrx[4 * j + 1] -= global_mtrx[4 * (j + 1)] * global_subtract_coeff_2; global_mtrx[4 * j + 2] -= global_mtrx[4 * (j + 1) + 1] * global_subtract_coeff_2; global_mtrx[4 * j + 3] -= global_mtrx[4 * (j + 1) + 3] * global_subtract_coeff_2; lower--; } } } // Synchronise. global_subtract_coeff_1 = global_mtrx[4 * (upper + 1)] / global_mtrx[4 * (upper) + 1]; global_mtrx[4 * (upper + 1)] -= global_mtrx[4 * (upper)+1] * global_subtract_coeff_1; global_mtrx[4 * (upper + 1) + 1] -= global_mtrx[4 * (upper)+2] * global_subtract_coeff_1; global_mtrx[4 * (upper + 1) + 3] -= global_mtrx[4 * (upper)+3] * global_subtract_coeff_1; global_subtract_coeff_2 = global_mtrx[4 * (lower - 1) + 2] / global_mtrx[4 * (lower) + 1]; global_mtrx[4 * (lower - 1) + 1] -= global_mtrx[4 * (lower)] * global_subtract_coeff_2; global_mtrx[4 * (lower - 1) + 2] -= global_mtrx[4 * (lower)+1] * global_subtract_coeff_2; global_mtrx[4 * (lower - 1) + 3] -= global_mtrx[4 * (lower)+3] * global_subtract_coeff_2; #pragma omp parallel num_threads(2) { if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0) { // Reverse walk. for (int p = i + 1; p < length; ++p) { global_subtract_coeff_1 = global_mtrx[4 * p] / global_mtrx[4 * (p - 1) + 1]; global_mtrx[4 * p] -= global_mtrx[4 * (p - 1) + 1] * global_subtract_coeff_1; global_mtrx[4 * p + 1] -= global_mtrx[4 * (p - 1) + 2] * global_subtract_coeff_1; global_mtrx[4 * p + 3] -= global_mtrx[4 * (p - 1) + 3] * global_subtract_coeff_1; } } else { // Reverse walk. for (int q = j - 1; q >= 0; --q) { global_subtract_coeff_2 = global_mtrx[4 * q + 2] / global_mtrx[4 * (q + 1) + 1]; global_mtrx[4 * q + 1] -= global_mtrx[4 * (q + 1)] * global_subtract_coeff_2; global_mtrx[4 * q + 2] -= global_mtrx[4 * (q + 1) + 1] * global_subtract_coeff_2; global_mtrx[4 * q + 3] -= global_mtrx[4 * (q + 1) + 3] * global_subtract_coeff_2; } } } // Solutions, finally !. for (int m = 0; m < length; ++m) { global_array[m] = global_mtrx[4 * m + 3] / global_mtrx[4 * m + 1]; } } // This internal function is used to simulate heat generators. double Trans_solver::generate_heat(const int iter_num, const int x_pos, const int y_pos) { // This function can give an additional heat source to any cell in the field. // As you can see, it depends on coordinates and iteration number. // So it's basically f(r,t). // For test purposes it's considered a simple given function, nondependant of position // This doesn't change any of calculation principles, since these additional heat sources always provide a known value. // Actual function. //double result = (double)iter_num * DEFAULT_T_STEP + DEFAULT_T_STEP / 2.0; //return 0.2 * cos(((double)result / DEFAULT_T_STEP) / 20.0); // Test variant for checking. return 0.0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Default constructor. Trans_solver::Trans_solver() { } // Initialize solver ( make a cart of processes ). void Trans_solver::Init(int data_length, int data_width, int p_rank, int p_size) { // Set up global field parameters. global_length = data_length; global_width = data_width; // Allocate memory for cart parameters. n_dims = default_dims; // Number of dimensions - 2 by default. dim_sizes = new int[n_dims]; periods = new int[n_dims]; coords = new int[n_dims]; dub_coords = new int[n_dims]; // Calculate cart parameters and initialize cart. this->p_rank = p_rank; int cart_size = static_cast<int>(trunc(sqrt(p_size))); // HERE SHOULD BE A CHECK WITH AN EXCEPTION !!! for (int i = 0; i < n_dims; ++i) { dim_sizes[i] = cart_size; periods[i] = 1; // The cart is periodic. } MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, default_dims, dim_sizes, periods, false, &cart_comm); // Calculate field parameters and initialize field data. field_length = ((data_length % cart_size == 0) * data_length + (data_length % cart_size != 0) * (data_length + cart_size - data_length % cart_size)) / cart_size; field_width = ((data_width % cart_size == 0) * data_width + (data_width % cart_size != 0) * (data_width + cart_size - data_width % cart_size)) / cart_size; array_data = new double[field_length * field_width]; dub_array = new double[field_length * field_width]; // Allocate memory for border fields. // Border values will be set later during data filling. upper_border = new double[field_length]; lower_border = new double[field_length]; left_border = new double[field_width]; right_border = new double[field_width]; // Allocate memory for tridiagonal coefficients. alpha_coeff_y_axis = new double[field_width]; charlie_coeff_y_axis = new double[field_width]; beta_coeff_y_axis = new double[field_width]; alpha_coeff_x_axis = new double[field_length]; charlie_coeff_x_axis = new double[field_length]; beta_coeff_x_axis = new double[field_length]; // Allocate memory for auxillary data fields used in matrix operations. left_data_buffer = new double[field_width]; right_data_buffer = new double[field_width]; up_data_buffer = new double[field_length]; down_data_buffer = new double[field_length]; // Calculate step sizes. x_step = (2.0 * DEFAULT_X_STEP) / (double)(data_length - 1); y_step = (2.0 * DEFAULT_Y_STEP) / (double)(data_width - 1); // Calculate static equation coefficients. A_coeff_x_axis = DEFAULT_LAMBDA / (x_step * x_step); B_coeff_x_axis = DEFAULT_LAMBDA / (x_step * x_step); C_coeff_x_axis = -2.0 * (DEFAULT_LAMBDA / (x_step * x_step)) - (DEFAULT_RO * DEFAULT_C) / DEFAULT_T_STEP; A_coeff_y_axis = DEFAULT_LAMBDA / (y_step * y_step); B_coeff_y_axis = DEFAULT_LAMBDA / (y_step * y_step); C_coeff_y_axis = -2.0 * (DEFAULT_LAMBDA / (y_step * y_step)) - (DEFAULT_RO * DEFAULT_C) / DEFAULT_T_STEP; // Allocate memory for equation coefficients. F_coeff_x_axis = new double[field_length]; F_coeff_y_axis = new double[field_width]; // Allocate memory for send and receive buffers. send_buf = new double[4]; recv_buf = new double[4]; // Allocate memory for global matrix. global_x_array = new double[dim_sizes[0]]; global_y_array = new double[dim_sizes[1]]; global_x_mtrx = new double[4 * dim_sizes[0]]; global_y_mtrx = new double[4 * dim_sizes[1]]; } // Fill solver with test source data. void Trans_solver::Fill_data(const int iter_num) { // Cart coordinates are required to set data appropriately. MPI_Cart_coords(cart_comm, p_rank, n_dims, coords); // Global offsets. int x_offset = field_length * coords[0]; int y_offset = field_width * coords[1]; exponential_coeff = pow(M_E, -(iter_num) * DEFAULT_T_STEP); // Formulae used is sqrt((x - global_length/2)(y - global_width/2)) + sqrt((global_length/2)(global_width/2)) + 1 // X and Y are global coordinates. They're calculated as field_param * process coord + local cell coord. #pragma omp parallel for for (int length = 0; length < field_length; ++length) { for (int width = 0; width < field_width; ++width) { array_data[field_width * length + width] = // Build test surface. exponential_coeff * sin((double)(x_offset + length) * x_step) + + exponential_coeff * sin((double)(y_offset + width) * y_step); } } } // Perform a single iteration. void Trans_solver::Iterate(const int iter_num) { // Global offsets. int x_offset = field_length * coords[0]; int y_offset = field_width * coords[1]; //Set borders if process is responsible for the edge rectangle. exponential_coeff = pow(M_E, -(iter_num + 1) * DEFAULT_T_STEP); if (coords[1] == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < field_length; ++i) left_border[i] = exponential_coeff * sin(double(x_offset + i) * x_step); } // Set left edge if (coords[1] == dim_sizes[1] - 1) { for (int i = 0; i < field_length; ++i) right_border[i] = exponential_coeff * sin(double(x_offset + i) * x_step); } // Set right edge if (coords[0] == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < field_width; ++i) upper_border[i] = exponential_coeff * sin(double(y_offset + i) * y_step); } // Set upper edge if (coords[0] == dim_sizes[0] - 1) { for (int i = 0; i < field_width; ++i) lower_border[i] = exponential_coeff * sin(double(y_offset + i) * y_step); } // Set lower edge // This coeddicient is used in string subtraction process. double subtract_coeff_y_axis = 0; // First step is "width" solution // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- for (int i = 0; i < field_length; ++i) { // Solution is done separately for every horizontal line. // Don't forget to reset appendix from previous step. appendix = 0; auxillary = 0; // Initial action is calculating all coefficients of the tridiagonal equation. Note that A,B,C are same for all equations and only F differs. #pragma omp parallel num_threads(4) { #pragma omp for for (int j = 0; j < field_width; ++j) { // Pass A, B, C coeffs to the tridiagonal equation. alpha_coeff_y_axis[j] = A_coeff_y_axis; charlie_coeff_y_axis[j] = C_coeff_y_axis; beta_coeff_y_axis[j] = B_coeff_y_axis; // Calculate F_coeff. F_coeff_y_axis[j] = - array_data[i * field_width + j] * (DEFAULT_RO * DEFAULT_C / (DEFAULT_T_STEP)) - generate_heat(iter_num, i, j); // Left and right data buffers contain only zeros by default. left_data_buffer[j] = 0; right_data_buffer[j] = 0; } } // Prepare left data buffer for storing "defective" lines. left_data_buffer[0] = alpha_coeff_y_axis[0]; // In case our processor is responsible for the edge rectangle, // we can adjust F_coefficient right now according to REAL border values. // This also means that left data buffer will not be actually used. We still keep it, since other processors will be busy with them anyway. if (coords[1] == 0) { F_coeff_y_axis[0] -= A_coeff_y_axis * left_border[i]; alpha_coeff_y_axis[0] = 0; left_data_buffer[0] = 0; } if (coords[1] == dim_sizes[1] - 1) { F_coeff_y_axis[field_width - 1] -= B_coeff_y_axis * right_border[i]; beta_coeff_y_axis[field_width - 1] = 0; } // Now we have to solve the equation system, which is done in several basic steps. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // At first step, we subtract equation lines top-down; this process makes all alpha coeffs = 0 and adjusts f_coeffs. However, // it also causes left data buffers to become non-zero and thus making those "defective" lines. for (int j = 1; j < field_width; ++j) { // Subtraction coefficient calculation. subtract_coeff_y_axis = alpha_coeff_y_axis[j] / charlie_coeff_y_axis[j - 1]; // Solution vector. F_coeff_y_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_y_axis * F_coeff_y_axis[j - 1]; // Alpha and charlie vectors. Beta vector doesn't change during this step. alpha_coeff_y_axis[j] = 0; charlie_coeff_y_axis[j] -= beta_coeff_y_axis[j - 1] * subtract_coeff_y_axis; // Left data buffer gets filled with defective data :( left_data_buffer[j] -= left_data_buffer[j - 1] * subtract_coeff_y_axis; } // At second step same sequence of operations is done in reversal. // This nullifies beta coefficient and fills right data buffers with unnecessary data. // Right data buffer values are initialized here; if (field_width >= 2) { right_data_buffer[field_width - 1] = charlie_coeff_y_axis[field_width - 1]; right_data_buffer[field_width - 2] = beta_coeff_y_axis[field_width - 2]; } // This also changes data in left data buffer !!! for (int j = field_width - 3; j >= 0; --j) { // Subtraction coefficient calculation. subtract_coeff_y_axis = beta_coeff_y_axis[j] / charlie_coeff_y_axis[j + 1]; // Solution vector. F_coeff_y_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_y_axis * F_coeff_y_axis[j + 1]; // Beta vector becomes zero, charlie vector is not affected ( alpha is zero ). beta_coeff_y_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_y_axis * charlie_coeff_y_axis[j + 1]; charlie_coeff_y_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_y_axis * alpha_coeff_y_axis[j + 1]; // Right data buffer is filled with defective data. Left data buffer is adjusted. left_data_buffer[j] -= left_data_buffer[j + 1] * subtract_coeff_y_axis; right_data_buffer[j] -= right_data_buffer[j + 1] * subtract_coeff_y_axis; } // Now the tricky part: we take the upper line, take CHARLIE, LEFT, RIGHT and SOLUTION // values from there and send them to the previous process, if there's one. send_buf[0] = left_data_buffer[0]; send_buf[1] = charlie_coeff_y_axis[0]; send_buf[2] = right_data_buffer[0]; send_buf[3] = F_coeff_y_axis[0]; if (dim_sizes[1] > 1) { // Send only there is somebody to receive. MPI_Cart_shift(cart_comm, 1, -1, &shift_source, &shift_dest); MPI_Sendrecv(send_buf, 4, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_dest, 0, recv_buf, 4, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_source, 0, cart_comm, &status); } else { for (int k = 0; k <= 3; ++k) { recv_buf[k] = send_buf[k]; } } // Then we adjust actual values according to what we received and fill ONE line of a global matrix. if (coords[1] != dim_sizes[1] - 1) { // It's not the "rightest" process. // Calculate subtraction coefficient. subtract_coeff_y_axis = beta_coeff_y_axis[field_width - 1] / recv_buf[1]; // Calculate actual new values. charlie_coeff_y_axis[field_width - 1] -= subtract_coeff_y_axis * recv_buf[0]; beta_coeff_y_axis[field_width - 1] = 0; appendix = -subtract_coeff_y_axis * recv_buf[2]; F_coeff_y_axis[field_width - 1] -= subtract_coeff_y_axis * recv_buf[3]; } // Form a line for the global matrix. send_buf[0] = left_data_buffer[field_width - 1]; send_buf[1] = charlie_coeff_y_axis[field_width - 1]; send_buf[2] = appendix; send_buf[3] = F_coeff_y_axis[field_width - 1]; if (dim_sizes[1] > 1) { // Send only there is somebody to receive. if (coords[1] == 0) { // Now processes with coords[1] == 0 receive data to global matrix. dub_coords[0] = coords[0]; for (int j = 0; j <= 3; ++j) { global_y_mtrx[j] = send_buf[j]; } for (int j = 1; j < dim_sizes[1]; ++j) { dub_coords[1] = j; MPI_Cart_rank(cart_comm, dub_coords, &shift_source); MPI_Recv(&global_y_mtrx[4 * j], 4, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_source, 0, cart_comm, &status); } } else { // And other processes send data to them. dub_coords[0] = coords[0]; dub_coords[1] = 0; MPI_Cart_rank(cart_comm, dub_coords, &shift_dest); MPI_Send(send_buf, 4, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_dest, 0, cart_comm); } } else { for (int k = 0; k <= 3; ++k) { global_y_mtrx[k] = send_buf[k]; } } // Simple version of the method is used for solving the equation with global matrix. simple_solve(global_y_mtrx, global_y_array, dim_sizes[1]); // Results are sent to processes, directly into appopriate locations of their dub_arrays. if (dim_sizes[1] > 1) { // There is somebody to receive. if (coords[1] == 0) { dub_array[i * field_width + (field_width - 1)] = global_y_array[0]; dub_coords[0] = coords[0]; for (int j = 1; j < dim_sizes[1]; ++j) { dub_coords[1] = j; MPI_Cart_rank(cart_comm, dub_coords, &shift_source); MPI_Send(&global_y_array[j], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_source, 0, cart_comm); MPI_Send(&global_y_array[j - 1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_source, 0, cart_comm); } } else { MPI_Recv(&dub_array[i * field_width + (field_width - 1)], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_dest, 0, cart_comm, &status); MPI_Recv(&auxillary, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_dest, 0, cart_comm, &status); } } else { dub_array[i * field_width + (field_width - 1)] = global_y_array[0]; } // Finally, every process locally fills the remaining dub_array cells. for (int j = field_width - 2; j >= 0; --j) { dub_array[i * field_width + j] = (F_coeff_y_axis[j] - left_data_buffer[j] * auxillary - dub_array[i * field_width + (field_width - 1)] * right_data_buffer[j]) / charlie_coeff_y_axis[j]; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- // This coeddicient is used in string subtraction process. double subtract_coeff_x_axis = 0; // Second step is "length" solution // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- for (int i = 0; i < field_width; ++i) { // Solution is done separately for every vertical line. // Don't forget to reset appendix from previous step. appendix = 0; auxillary = 0; // Initial action is calculating all A,B,C,F coefficients of the tridiagonal equation. Note that A,B,C are same for all equations and only F differs. // So we only need to calculate F coefficient. #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp for for (int j = 0; j < field_length; ++j) { // Pass A, B, C coeffs to the tridiagonal equation. alpha_coeff_x_axis[j] = A_coeff_x_axis; charlie_coeff_x_axis[j] = C_coeff_x_axis; beta_coeff_x_axis[j] = B_coeff_x_axis; // Calculate F_coeff. F_coeff_x_axis[j] = - dub_array[j * field_length + i] * (DEFAULT_RO * DEFAULT_C / (DEFAULT_T_STEP)) - generate_heat(iter_num, j, i); // Left and right data buffers contain only zeros by default. up_data_buffer[j] = 0; down_data_buffer[j] = 0; } } // Prepare up data buffer for storing "defective" lines. up_data_buffer[0] = alpha_coeff_x_axis[0]; // In case our processor is responsible for the edge rectangle, // we can adjust F_coefficient right now according to REAL border values. // This also means that up data buffer will not be actually used. We still keep it, since other processors will be busy with them anyway. alpha_coeff_x_axis[0] = 0; if (coords[0] == 0) { F_coeff_x_axis[0] -= A_coeff_x_axis * upper_border[i]; alpha_coeff_x_axis[0] = 0; up_data_buffer[0] = 0; } if (coords[0] == dim_sizes[0] - 1) { F_coeff_x_axis[field_length - 1] -= B_coeff_x_axis * lower_border[i]; beta_coeff_x_axis[field_length - 1] = 0; } // Now we have to solve the equation system, which is done in several basic steps. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // At first step, we subtract equation lines top-down; this process makes all alpha coeffs = 0 and adjusts f_coeffs. However, // It also causes up data buffers to become non-zero and thus making those "defective" lines. for (int j = 1; j < field_length; ++j) { // Subtraction coefficient calculation. subtract_coeff_x_axis = alpha_coeff_x_axis[j] / charlie_coeff_x_axis[j - 1]; // Solution vector. F_coeff_x_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_x_axis * F_coeff_x_axis[j - 1]; // Alpha and charlie vectors. Beta vector doesn't change during this step. alpha_coeff_x_axis[j] = 0; // -= subtract_coeff_x_axis * charlie_coeff_x_axis[j - 1]; charlie_coeff_x_axis[j] -= beta_coeff_x_axis[j - 1] * subtract_coeff_x_axis; // Up data buffer gets filled with defective data :( up_data_buffer[j] -= up_data_buffer[j - 1] * subtract_coeff_x_axis; } // At second step same sequence of operations is done in reversal. // This nullifies beta coefficient and fills down data buffers with unnecessary data. // Down data buffer values are initialized here; if (field_length >= 2) { down_data_buffer[field_length - 1] = charlie_coeff_x_axis[field_length - 1]; down_data_buffer[field_length - 2] = beta_coeff_x_axis[field_length - 2]; } // This also changes data in up data buffer !!! for (int j = field_length - 3; j >= 0; --j) { // Subtraction coefficient calculation. subtract_coeff_x_axis = beta_coeff_x_axis[j] / charlie_coeff_x_axis[j + 1]; // Solution vector. F_coeff_x_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_x_axis * F_coeff_x_axis[j + 1]; // Beta vector becomes zero, charlie vector is not affected ( alpha is zero ). beta_coeff_x_axis[j] -= subtract_coeff_x_axis * charlie_coeff_x_axis[j + 1]; // Down data buffer is filled with defective data. Up data buffer is adjusted. up_data_buffer[j] -= up_data_buffer[j + 1] * subtract_coeff_x_axis; down_data_buffer[j] -= down_data_buffer[j + 1] * subtract_coeff_x_axis; } // Now the tricky part: we take the upper line, take CHARLIE, UP, DOWN and SOLUTION // values from there and send them to the previous process, if there's one. send_buf[0] = up_data_buffer[0]; send_buf[1] = charlie_coeff_x_axis[0]; send_buf[2] = down_data_buffer[0]; send_buf[3] = F_coeff_x_axis[0]; if (dim_sizes[0] > 1) { // There is somebody to receive. MPI_Cart_shift(cart_comm, 0, -1, &shift_source, &shift_dest); MPI_Sendrecv(send_buf, 4, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_dest, 0, recv_buf, 4, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_source, 0, cart_comm, &status); } else { for (int k = 0; k <= 3; ++k) { recv_buf[k] = send_buf[k]; } } // Then we adjust actual values according to what we received and fill ONE line of a global matrix. if (coords[0] != dim_sizes[0] - 1) { // It's not the "lowest" process. // Calculate subtraction coefficient. subtract_coeff_x_axis = beta_coeff_x_axis[field_length - 1] / recv_buf[1]; // Calculate actual new values. charlie_coeff_x_axis[field_length - 1] -= subtract_coeff_x_axis * recv_buf[0]; beta_coeff_x_axis[field_length - 1] = 0; appendix -= subtract_coeff_x_axis * recv_buf[2]; F_coeff_x_axis[field_length - 1] -= subtract_coeff_x_axis * recv_buf[3]; } // Form a line for the global matrix. send_buf[0] = up_data_buffer[field_length - 1]; send_buf[1] = charlie_coeff_x_axis[field_length - 1]; send_buf[2] = appendix; send_buf[3] = F_coeff_x_axis[field_length - 1]; if (dim_sizes[0] > 1) { // Send only there is somebody to receive. if (coords[0] == 0) { // Now processes with coords[0] == 0 receive data to global matrix. dub_coords[1] = coords[1]; for (int j = 0; j <= 3; ++j) { global_x_mtrx[j] = send_buf[j]; } for (int j = 1; j < dim_sizes[0]; ++j) { dub_coords[0] = j; MPI_Cart_rank(cart_comm, dub_coords, &shift_source); MPI_Recv(&global_x_mtrx[4 * j], 4, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_source, 0, cart_comm, &status); } } else { // And other processes send data to them. dub_coords[0] = 0; dub_coords[1] = coords[1]; MPI_Cart_rank(cart_comm, dub_coords, &shift_dest); MPI_Send(send_buf, 4, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_dest, 0, cart_comm); } } else { for (int k = 0; k <= 3; ++k) { global_x_mtrx[k] = send_buf[k]; } } // Simple version of the method is used for solving the equation with global matrix. simple_solve(global_x_mtrx, global_x_array, dim_sizes[0]); // Results are sent to processes, directly into appopriate locations of their dub_arrays. if (dim_sizes[0] > 1) { // There is somebody to receive. if (coords[0] == 0) { array_data[(field_width - 1) * field_length + i] = global_x_array[0]; dub_coords[1] = coords[1]; for (int j = 1; j < dim_sizes[1]; ++j) { dub_coords[0] = j; MPI_Cart_rank(cart_comm, dub_coords, &shift_source); MPI_Send(&global_x_array[j], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_source, 2, cart_comm); MPI_Send(&global_x_array[j - 1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_source, 2, cart_comm); } } else { MPI_Recv(&array_data[(field_width - 1) * field_length + i], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_dest, 2, cart_comm, &status); MPI_Recv(&auxillary, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_dest, 2, cart_comm, &status); } } else { array_data[(field_width - 1) * field_length + i] = global_x_array[0]; } // Finally, every process locally fills the remaining dub_array cells. for (int j = field_length - 2; j >= 0; --j) { array_data[j * field_length + i] = (F_coeff_x_axis[j] - up_data_buffer[j] * auxillary - array_data[(field_width - 1) * field_length + i] * down_data_buffer[j]) / charlie_coeff_x_axis[j]; } } // As horizontal solution is over, we should have fully updated data ready for the next step. That means iteration is over. // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- } // Output results to a file. void Trans_solver::Output(const int mode) { double send_double = 0; double recv_double = 0; // Calculate source process. if (!((coords[0] == 0) && (coords[1] == 0))) { // Need to receive. dub_coords[0] = coords[0]; dub_coords[1] = coords[1] - 1; if (dub_coords[1] < 0) { dub_coords[1] = dim_sizes[1] - 1; dub_coords[0]--; } MPI_Cart_rank(cart_comm, dub_coords, &shift_source); MPI_Recv(&recv_double, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_source, 5, cart_comm, &status); } std::fstream out_file; // In parallel version processes write into memory one after another. if (mode == 1) { // Use stdout. for (int i = 0; i < field_width; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < field_length; ++j) { std::cout << array_data[i * field_length + j] << " "; } } } // In parallel version processes write into memory one after another. else { // Use fstream. if ((coords[0] == 0) && (coords[1] == 0)) { out_file.open("std_out.txt", std::fstream::out); } else { out_file.open("std_out.txt", std::fstream::in | std::fstream::out | std::fstream::ate); } for (int i = 0; i < field_length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < field_width; ++j) { out_file << array_data[i * field_width + j] << " "; } } out_file.close(); } // Calculate dest_process. if (!((coords[0] == dim_sizes[0] - 1) && (coords[1] == dim_sizes[1] - 1))) { // Need to send. dub_coords[1] = coords[1] + 1; dub_coords[0] = coords[0]; if (dub_coords[1] >= dim_sizes[1]) { dub_coords[1] = 0; dub_coords[0]++; } MPI_Cart_rank(cart_comm, dub_coords, &shift_dest); MPI_Send(&send_double, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, shift_dest, 5, cart_comm); } } // Default destructor. Trans_solver::~Trans_solver(){ // Delete cart data. if (dim_sizes != NULL) { delete dim_sizes; } if (periods != NULL) { delete periods; } if (coords != NULL) { delete coords; } if (dub_coords != NULL) { delete dub_coords; } // Delete field data. if (array_data != NULL) { delete array_data; } if (dub_array != NULL) { delete dub_array; } // Delete auxillary data fields. if (left_data_buffer != NULL) { delete left_data_buffer; } if (right_data_buffer != NULL) { delete right_data_buffer; } // Delete border data. if (upper_border != NULL) { delete upper_border; } if (lower_border != NULL) { delete lower_border; } if (left_border != NULL) { delete left_border; } if (right_border != NULL) { delete right_border; } // Delete tridiagonal coeffs data. if (alpha_coeff_x_axis != NULL) { delete alpha_coeff_x_axis; } if (beta_coeff_x_axis != NULL) { delete beta_coeff_x_axis; } if (charlie_coeff_x_axis != NULL) { delete charlie_coeff_x_axis; } if (alpha_coeff_y_axis != NULL) { delete alpha_coeff_y_axis; } if (beta_coeff_y_axis != NULL) { delete beta_coeff_y_axis; } if (charlie_coeff_y_axis != NULL) { delete charlie_coeff_y_axis; } // Delete coefficients data. if (F_coeff_x_axis != NULL) { delete F_coeff_x_axis; } if (F_coeff_y_axis != NULL) { delete F_coeff_y_axis; } // Delete sendrecv buffers data. if (send_buf != NULL) { delete send_buf; } if (recv_buf != NULL) { delete recv_buf; } // Delete global matrices data. if (global_x_mtrx != NULL) { delete global_x_mtrx; } if (global_y_mtrx != NULL) { delete global_y_mtrx; } // Delete global arrays data. if (global_x_array != NULL) { delete global_x_array; } if (global_y_array != NULL) { delete global_y_array; } } // Basic inclusions. #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> // Mpi inclusions. #include "mpi.h" // Using directives. using namespace std; // Project inclusions. #include "Trans_solver.cpp" // Main function :) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // MPI rank & size variables. int p_rank, p_size; // Command line arguments. int data_length = atoi(argv[1]); int data_width = atoi(argv[2]); int iter_num = atoi(argv[3]); int calc_mode = atoi(argv[4]); int out_mode = atoi(argv[5]); // Initialize MPI. MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p_rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p_size); // Time parameters. double start_time; double end_time; Trans_solver Eq_solver; // Create a solver. Eq_solver.Init(data_length, data_width, p_rank, p_size); // Initialize solver. Eq_solver.Fill_data(0); // Load test data to solver. start_time = MPI_Wtime(); // Perform as many iterations as needed. // Perform as many iterations as needed. if (calc_mode == 0) { // Calculation mode. for (int i = 0; i < iter_num; ++i) { Eq_solver.Iterate(i); } } else if (calc_mode == 1) { // Generate test solution Eq_solver.Fill_data(iter_num); } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); end_time = MPI_Wtime(); double total_time = end_time - start_time; if (out_mode == 0) { // Calculation mode. if (p_rank == 0) { cout << "Calculation time is : " << total_time << "\n"; } } else { // Verify Eq_solver.Output(out_mode); } // Finalize MPI. MPI_Finalize(); // Return :) return 0; }


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Вернём деньги! А если быть более точными, то автору даётся немного времени на исправление, а если не исправит или выйдет время, то вернём деньги в полном объёме!
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Отзывы студентов
Ставлю 10/10
Все нравится, очень удобный сайт, помогает в учебе. Кроме этого, можно заработать самому, выставляя готовые учебные материалы на продажу здесь. Рейтинги и отзывы на преподавателей очень помогают сориентироваться в начале нового семестра. Спасибо за такую функцию. Ставлю максимальную оценку.
Лучшая платформа для успешной сдачи сессии
Познакомился со СтудИзбой благодаря своему другу, очень нравится интерфейс, количество доступных файлов, цена, в общем, все прекрасно. Даже сам продаю какие-то свои работы.
Студизба ван лав ❤
Очень офигенный сайт для студентов. Много полезных учебных материалов. Пользуюсь студизбой с октября 2021 года. Серьёзных нареканий нет. Хотелось бы, что бы ввели подписочную модель и сделали материалы дешевле 300 рублей в рамках подписки бесплатными.
Отличный сайт
Лично меня всё устраивает - и покупка, и продажа; и цены, и возможность предпросмотра куска файла, и обилие бесплатных файлов (в подборках по авторам, читай, ВУЗам и факультетам). Есть определённые баги, но всё решаемо, да и администраторы реагируют в течение суток.
Маленький отзыв о большом помощнике!
Студизба спасает в те моменты, когда сроки горят, а работ накопилось достаточно. Довольно удобный сайт с простой навигацией и огромным количеством материалов.
Студ. Изба как крупнейший сборник работ для студентов
Тут дофига бывает всего полезного. Печально, что бывают предметы по которым даже одного бесплатного решения нет, но это скорее вопрос к студентам. В остальном всё здорово.
Спасательный островок
Если уже не успеваешь разобраться или застрял на каком-то задание поможет тебе быстро и недорого решить твою проблему.
Всё и так отлично
Всё очень удобно. Особенно круто, что есть система бонусов и можно выводить остатки денег. Очень много качественных бесплатных файлов.
Отзыв о системе "Студизба"
Отличная платформа для распространения работ, востребованных студентами. Хорошо налаженная и качественная работа сайта, огромная база заданий и аудитория.
Отличный помощник
Отличный сайт с кучей полезных файлов, позволяющий найти много методичек / учебников / отзывов о вузах и преподователях.
Отлично помогает студентам в любой момент для решения трудных и незамедлительных задач
Хотелось бы больше конкретной информации о преподавателях. А так в принципе хороший сайт, всегда им пользуюсь и ни разу не было желания прекратить. Хороший сайт для помощи студентам, удобный и приятный интерфейс. Из недостатков можно выделить только отсутствия небольшого количества файлов.
Спасибо за шикарный сайт
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